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Through the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and photosynthesis, marine diazotrophs play a critical role inthe global cycling of nitrogen and carbon. Crocosphaera watsonii is a recently described unicellular diazotroph that may significantly contribute to marine nitrogen fixation in tropical environments. One of the many factors that can constrain the growth and nitrogen fixation rates of marine diazotrophs is phosphorus bioavailability. Using genomic and physiological approaches, we examined phosphorus scavenging mechanisms in strains of C. watsonii from both the Atlantic and the Pacific. Observations from the C. watsonii WH8501 genome suggest that this organism has the capacity for high-affinity phosphate transport (e.g., homologs of pstSCAB) in low-phosphate, oligotrophic systems. The pstS gene (high-affinity phosphate binding) is present in strains isolated from both the Atlantic and the Pacific, and its expression was regulated by the exogenous phosphate supply in strain WH8501. Genomic observation also indicated a broad capacity for phosphomonoester hydrolysis (e.g., a putative alkaline phosphatase). In contrast, no clear homologs of genes for phosphonate transport and hydrolysis could be identified. Consistent with these genomic observations, C. watsonii WH8501 is able to grow on phosphomonoesters as a sole source of added phosphorus but not on the phosphonates tested to date. Taken together these data suggest that C. watsonii has a robust capacity for scavenging phosphorus in oligotrophic systems, although this capacity differs from that of other marine cyanobacterial genera, such as Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and Trichodesmium.  相似文献   

The hydrogen (H2) cycle associated with the dinitrogen (N2) fixation process was studied in laboratory cultures of the marine cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii. The rates of H2 production and acetylene (C2H2) reduction were continuously measured over the diel cycle with simultaneous measurements of fast repetition rate fluorometry and dissolved oxygen. The maximum rate of H2 production was coincident with the maximum rates of C2H2 reduction. Theoretical stoichiometry for N2 fixation predicts an equimolar ratio of H2 produced to N2 fixed. However, the maximum rate of net H2 production observed was 0.09 nmol H2 μg chlorophyll a (chl a)−1 h−1 compared to the N2 fixation rate of 5.5 nmol N2 μg chl a−1 h−1, with an H2 production/N2 fixation ratio of 0.02. The 50-fold discrepancy between expected and observed rates of H2 production was hypothesized to be a result of H2 reassimilation by uptake hydrogenase. This was confirmed by the addition of carbon monoxide (CO), a potent inhibitor of hydrogenase, which increased net H2 production rates ∼40-fold to a maximum rate of 3.5 nmol H2 μg chl a−1 h−1. We conclude that the reassimilation of H2 by C. watsonii is highly efficient (>98%) and hypothesize that the tight coupling between H2 production and consumption is a consequence of fixing N2 at nighttime using a finite pool of respiratory carbon and electrons acquired from daytime solar energy capture. The H2 cycle provides unique insight into N2 fixation and associated metabolic processes in C. watsonii.The biological production of hydrogen (H2) can occur as a by-product of photosynthesis, fermentation, and N2 fixation (22). Of these three metabolic pathways, N2 fixation remains a particularly enigmatic process, and to date there is no clear explanation for why H2 evolves during the reduction of N2 (11). The unfavorable energy cost of N2 fixation can be mitigated by reassimilating the released H2 via uptake hydrogenase enzyme activity (30). The coupled production and consumption of H2 during cellular nitrogenase activity creates a H2 cycle that can be hidden from measurements of ambient environmental H2 concentrations and fluxes, depending upon the overall efficiency of H2 assimilation (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.H2 is formed during N2 fixation by the binding of a N2 molecule to the molybdenum-iron protein of the nitrogenase enzyme complex, prior to the reduction of N2 to ammonia (11, 15). The most energetically favorable theoretical in vivo stoichiometry predicts that one mole of H2 is produced for every mole of N2 reduced: N2 + 8H+ + 8e + 16ATP → 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi. The production of H2 consumes 25% of the electron flux through nitrogenase and diazotrophs mitigate this loss of potential energy by reassimilating the H2 via uptake hydrogenase (21, 30). The electrons produced by uptake hydrogenase either generate reductant or ATP with simultaneous consumption of O2 (3). (Adapted from reference 32a.)For most cultures of phototrophic marine diazotrophs grown under optimal conditions, complete reassimilation of H2 is not achieved, and the excess H2 is lost to the surrounding environment. This excess H2 equates to the net production of H2 and is expressed as the ratio of H2 formed to N2 fixed or the H2/N2 ratio. To date, H2/N2 ratios have mainly been measured on filamentous, colony-forming diazotrophs such as Anabaena spp. and Trichodesmium spp. with H2 production rates of up to 20 nmol H2 μg chlorophyll a (chl a)−1 h−1 and H2/N2 ratios ranging from 0.01 to 0.48 (3, 20, 24). H2 production has also been quantified in unicellular diazotrophs (12, 16, 17, 32), although the H2 measurements have rarely been performed in conjunction with rates of N2 fixation. However, recent H2 measurements of two N2-fixing unicellular cyanobacteria species reached a maximum of 1.38 nmol H2 μg chl a−1 h−1, with H2/N2 ratios ranging from 0.003 to 0.05, indicating an effective reassimilation of H2 can occur under certain conditions (34).H2 cycling in marine diazotrophs has important ecological implications both for the cell and for the marine H2 cycle. Surface waters of low-latitude oceans are typically 200 to 300% supersaturated in dissolved H2 with respect to atmospheric concentrations (25), implying a sustained localized production of H2. The source of the dissolved H2 is thought to be biological N2 fixation (7); however, the relative contributions of diverse diazotrophic communities and in situ controls on H2/N2 ratios are not well constrained. N2 fixation is performed by a suite of diazotrophs typically identified by their nitrogenase gene (nifH) sequences amplified directly from oceanic water samples (35). The importance of unicellular diazotrophs, including Crocosphaera spp., in marine N2 fixation has recently become widely recognized (36). Size-fractionated rates of N2 fixation indicate that in the oligotrophic ocean, <10-μm microorganisms, which include the unicellular cyanobacteria, make a substantial contribution to the daily N2 fixation (9, 18). Correlating the species-specific production of H2 with the activity and biomass of diazotrophs will help elucidate dissolved H2 cycling in the upper ocean.We examined the cycling of H2 in cultures of Crocosphaera watsonii strain WH8501, a marine unicellular diazotroph, and correlated it with other metabolic parameters, including N2 fixation measured via acetylene (C2H2) reduction, O2 production and consumption, and photosynthetic efficiency. Carbon monoxide (CO) was used as an inhibitor of intracellular H2 reassimilation to reveal the H2 cycling that can occur in conjunction with nitrogenase activity. H2 reassimilation by C. watsonii was shown to be very efficient in our laboratory experiments, which is considered to be a consequence of the temporal separation between daytime photosynthetic activity and nighttime N2 fixation. Therefore, the present study not only reveals the cell''s H2 cycle but also provides insight into the metabolism of nitrogenase in C. watsonii.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of elevated pCO2 on cultures of the unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501. Using CO2-enriched air, cultures grown in batch mode under high light intensity were exposed to initial conditions approximating current atmospheric CO2 concentrations (∼400 ppm) as well as CO2 levels corresponding to low- and high-end predictions for the year 2100 (∼750 and 1000 ppm). Following acclimation to CO2 levels, the concentrations of particulate carbon (PC), particulate nitrogen (PN), and cells were measured over the diurnal cycle for a six-day period spanning exponential and early stationary growth phases. High rates of photosynthesis and respiration resulted in biologically induced pCO2 fluctuations in all treatments. Despite this observed pCO2 variability, and consistent with previous experiments conducted under stable pCO2 conditions, we observed that elevated mean pCO2 enhanced rates of PC production, PN production, and growth. During exponential growth phase, rates of PC and PN production increased by ∼1.2- and ∼1.5-fold in the mid- and high-CO2 treatments, respectively, when compared to the low-CO2 treatment. Elevated pCO2 also enhanced PC and PN production rates during early stationary growth phase. In all treatments, PC and PN cellular content displayed a strong diurnal rhythm, with particulate C:N molar ratios reaching a high of 22∶1 in the light and a low of 5.5∶1 in the dark. The pCO2 enhancement of metabolic rates persisted despite pCO2 variability, suggesting a consistent positive response of Crocosphaera to elevated and fluctuating pCO2 conditions.  相似文献   

Through the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and photosynthesis, marine diazotrophs play a critical role in the global cycling of nitrogen and carbon. Crocosphaera watsonii is a recently described unicellular diazotroph that may significantly contribute to marine nitrogen fixation in tropical environments. One of the many factors that can constrain the growth and nitrogen fixation rates of marine diazotrophs is phosphorus bioavailability. Using genomic and physiological approaches, we examined phosphorus scavenging mechanisms in strains of C. watsonii from both the Atlantic and the Pacific. Observations from the C. watsonii WH8501 genome suggest that this organism has the capacity for high-affinity phosphate transport (e.g., homologs of pstSCAB) in low-phosphate, oligotrophic systems. The pstS gene (high-affinity phosphate binding) is present in strains isolated from both the Atlantic and the Pacific, and its expression was regulated by the exogenous phosphate supply in strain WH8501. Genomic observation also indicated a broad capacity for phosphomonoester hydrolysis (e.g., a putative alkaline phosphatase). In contrast, no clear homologs of genes for phosphonate transport and hydrolysis could be identified. Consistent with these genomic observations, C. watsonii WH8501 is able to grow on phosphomonoesters as a sole source of added phosphorus but not on the phosphonates tested to date. Taken together these data suggest that C. watsonii has a robust capacity for scavenging phosphorus in oligotrophic systems, although this capacity differs from that of other marine cyanobacterial genera, such as Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and Trichodesmium.  相似文献   

Biological N2 fixation is the dominant supply of new nitrogen (N) to the oceans, but is often inhibited in the presence of fixed N sources such as nitrate (NO3 ). Anthropogenic fixed N inputs to the ocean are increasing, but their effect on marine N2 fixation is uncertain. Thus, global estimates of new oceanic N depend on a fundamental understanding of factors that modulate N source preferences by N2-fixing cyanobacteria. We examined the unicellular diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii (strain WH0003) to determine how the light-limited growth rate influences the inhibitory effects of fixed N on N2 fixation. When growth (µ) was limited by low light (µ = 0.23 d−1), short-term experiments indicated that 0.4 µM NH4 + reduced N2-fixation by ∼90% relative to controls without added NH4 +. In fast-growing, high-light-acclimated cultures (µ = 0.68 d−1), 2.0 µM NH4 + was needed to achieve the same effect. In long-term exposures to NO3 , inhibition of N2 fixation also varied with growth rate. In high-light-acclimated, fast-growing cultures, NO3 did not inhibit N2-fixation rates in comparison with cultures growing on N2 alone. Instead NO3 supported even faster growth, indicating that the cellular assimilation rate of N2 alone (i.e. dinitrogen reduction) could not support the light-specific maximum growth rate of Crocosphaera. When growth was severely light-limited, NO3 did not support faster growth rates but instead inhibited N2-fixation rates by 55% relative to controls. These data rest on the basic tenet that light energy is the driver of photoautotrophic growth while various nutrient substrates serve as supports. Our findings provide a novel conceptual framework to examine interactions between N source preferences and predict degrees of inhibition of N2 fixation by fixed N sources based on the growth rate as controlled by light.  相似文献   

Crocosphaera watsonii, a unicellular nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacterium found in oligotrophic oceans, is important in marine carbon and nitrogen cycles. Isolates of C. watsonii can be separated into at least two phenotypes with environmentally important differences, indicating possibly distinct ecological roles and niches. To better understand the evolutionary history and variation in metabolic capabilities among strains and phenotypes, this study compared the genomes of six C. watsonii strains, three from each phenotypic group, which had been isolated over several decades from multiple ocean basins. While a substantial portion of each genome was nearly identical to sequences in the other strains, a few regions were identified as specific to each strain and phenotype, some of which help explain observed phenotypic features. Overall, the small‐cell type strains had smaller genomes and a relative loss of genetic capabilities, while the large‐cell type strains were characterized by larger genomes, some genetic redundancy, and potentially increased adaptations to iron and phosphorus limitation. As such, strains with shared phenotypes were evolutionarily more closely related than those with the opposite phenotype, regardless of isolation location or date. Unexpectedly, the genome of the type‐strain for the species, C. watsonii WH8501, was quite unusual even among strains with a shared phenotype, indicating it may not be an ideal representative of the species. The genome sequences and analyses reported in this study will be important for future investigations of the proposed differences in adaptation of the two phenotypes to nutrient limitation, and to identify phenotype‐specific distributions in natural Crocosphaera populations.  相似文献   

Cyanothece sp. strain PCC 7822 is a unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium that can produce large quantities of H2 when grown diazotrophically. This strain is also capable of genetic manipulations and can represent a good model for improving H2 production from cyanobacteria. To this end, a knockout mutation was made in the hupL gene (ΔhupL), and we determined how this would affect the amount of H2 produced. The ΔhupL mutant demonstrated virtually no nitrogenase activity or H2 production when grown under N2-fixing conditions. To ensure that this mutation only affected the hupL gene, a complementation strain was constructed readily with wild-type properties; this indicated that the original insertion was only in hupL. The mutant had no uptake hydrogenase activity but had increased bidirectional hydrogenase (Hox) activity. Western blotting and immunocytochemistry under the electron microscope indicated that the mutant had neither HupL nor NifHDK, although the nif genes were transcribed. Interestingly, biochemical analysis demonstrated that both HupL and NifH could be membrane associated. The results indicated that the nif genes were transcribed but that NifHDK was either not translated or was translated but rapidly degraded. We hypothesized that the Nif proteins were made but were unusually susceptible to O2 damage. Thus, we grew the mutant cells under anaerobic conditions and found that they grew well under N2-fixing conditions. We conclude that in unicellular diazotrophs, like Cyanothece sp. strain PCC 7822, the HupLS complex helps remove oxygen from the nitrogenase, and that this is a more important function than merely oxidizing the H2 produced by the nitrogenase.  相似文献   

The unicellular Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142, grown under alternating 12-h light/12-h dark conditions, temporally separated N2 fixation from photosynthesis. The regulation of photosynthesis was studied using fluorescence spectra and kinetics to determine changes in state transitions and photosystem organization. The redox poise of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool appeared to be central to this regulation. Respiration supported N2 fixation by oxidizing carbohydrate granules, but reduced the PQ pool. This induced state 2 photosystem II monomers and lowered the capacity for O2 evolution. State 2 favored photosystem I trimers and cyclic electron transport, which could stimulate N2 fixation; the stimulation suggested an ATP limitation to N2 and CO2 fixation. The exhaustion of carbohydrate granules at around 6 h in the dark resulted in reduced respiratory electron flow, which led to a more oxidized PQ pool and produced a sharp transition from state 2 to state 1. This transient state 1 returned to state 2 in the remaining hours of darkness. In the light phase, photosystem II dimerization correlated with increased phycobilisome coupling to photosystem II (state 1) and increased rates of O2 evolution. However, dark adaptation did not guarantee state 2 and left photosystem I centers in a mostly monomeric state at certain times.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria blooms caused by species such as Microcystis have become commonplace in many freshwater ecosystems. Although phosphorus (P) typically limits the growth of freshwater phytoplankton populations, little is known regarding the molecular response of Microcystis to variation in P concentrations and sources. For this study, we examined genes involved in P acquisition in Microcystis including two high-affinity phosphate-binding proteins (pstS and sphX) and a putative alkaline phosphatase (phoX). Sequence analyses among ten clones of Microcystis aeruginosa and one clone of Microcystis wesenbergii indicates that these genes are present and conserved within the species, but perhaps not the genus, as phoX was not identified in M. wesenbergii. Experiments with clones of M. aeruginosa indicated that expression of these three genes was strongly upregulated (50- to 400-fold) under low inorganic P conditions and that the expression of phoX was correlated with alkaline phosphatase activity (p < 0.005). In contrast, cultures grown exclusively on high levels of organic phosphorus sources (adenosine 5′-monophosphate, β-glycerol phosphate, and d-glucose-6-phosphate) or under nitrogen-limited conditions displayed neither high levels of gene expression nor alkaline phosphatase activity. Since Microcystis dominates phytoplankton assemblages in summer when levels of inorganic P (Pi) are often low and/or dominate lakes with low Pi and high organic P, our findings suggest this cyanobacterium may rely on pstS, sphX, and phoX to efficiently transport Pi and exploit organic sources of P to form blooms.  相似文献   

Insertion sequences (ISs) are mobile elements that are commonly found in bacterial genomes. Here, the structural and functional diversity of these mobile elements in the genome of the cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 is analyzed. The number, distribution, and diversity of nucleotide and amino acid stretches with similarity to the transposase gene of this IS family suggested that this genome harbors many functional as well as truncated IS fragments. The selection pressure acting on full-length transposase open reading frames of these ISs suggested (i) the occurrence of positive selection and (ii) the presence of one or more positively selected codons. These results were obtained using three data sets of transposase genes from the same IS family that were collected based on the level of amino acid similarity, the presence of an inverted repeat, and the number of sequences in the data sets. Neither recombination nor ribosomal frameshifting, which may interfere with the selection analyses, appeared to be important forces in the transposase gene family. Some positively selected codons were located in a conserved domain, suggesting that these residues are functionally important. The finding that this type of selection acts on IS-carried genes is intriguing, because although ISs have been associated with the adaptation of the bacterial host to new environments, this has typically been attributed to transposition or transformation, thus involving different genomic locations. Intragenic adaptation of IS-carried genes identified here may constitute a novel mechanism associated with bacterial diversification and adaptation.  相似文献   

We present data on the genetic diversity and phylogenetic affinities of N2-fixing unicellular cyanobacteria in the plankton of the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Our dinitrogenase gene (nifH) sequences grouped together with a group of cyanobacteria from the subtropical North Pacific; another subtropical North Pacific group was only distantly related. Most of the 16S ribosomal DNA sequences from our tropical North Atlantic samples were closely allied with sequences from a symbiont of the diatom Climacodium frauenfeldianum. These findings suggest a complex pattern of evolutionary and ecological divergence among unicellular cyanobacteria within and between ocean basins.  相似文献   

The phosphorus contents of acid-soluble pools, lipid, ribonucleic acid, and acid-insoluble polyphosphate were lowered in Synechococcus in proportion to the reduction in growth rate in phosphate-limited but not in nitrate-limited continuous culture. Phosphorus in these cell fractions was lost proportionately during progressive phosphate starvation of batch cultures. Acid-insoluble polyphosphate was always present in all cultural conditions to about 10% of total cell phosphorus and did not turn over during balanced exponential growth. Extensive polyphosphate formation occurred transiently when phosphate was given to cells which had been phosphate limited. This material was broken down after 8 h even in the presence of excess external orthophosphate, and its phosphorus was transferred into other cell fractions, notably ribonucleic acid. Phosphate uptake kinetics indicated an invariant apparent K(m) of about 0.5 muM, but V(max) was 40 to 50 times greater in cells from phosphate-limited cultures than in cells from nitrate-limited or balanced batch cultures. Over 90% of the phosphate taken up within the first 30 s at 15 degrees C was recovered as orthophosphate. The uptake process is highly specific, since neither phosphate entry nor growth was affected by a 100-fold excess of arsenate. The activity of polyphosphate synthetase in cell extracts increased at least 20-fold during phosphate starvation or in phosphate-restricted growth, but polyphosphatase activity was little changed by different growth conditions. The findings suggest that derepression of the phosphate transport and polyphosphate-synthesizing systems as well as alkaline phosphatase occurs in phosphate shortage, but that the breakdown of polyphosphate in this organism is regulated by modulation of existing enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria such as Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 (henceforth Cyanothece), temporally separate the oxygen sensitive nitrogen fixation from oxygen evolving photosynthesis not only under diurnal cycles (LD) but also in continuous light (LL). However, recent reports demonstrate that the oscillations in LL occur with a shorter cycle time of ~11 h. We find that indeed, majority of the genes oscillate in LL with this cycle time. Genes that are upregulated at a particular time of day under diurnal cycle also get upregulated at an equivalent metabolic phase under LL suggesting tight coupling of various cellular events with each other and with the cell’s metabolic status. A number of metabolic processes get upregulated in a coordinated fashion during the respiratory phase under LL including glycogen degradation, glycolysis, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and tricarboxylic acid cycle. These precede nitrogen fixation apparently to ensure sufficient energy and anoxic environment needed for the nitrogenase enzyme. Photosynthetic phase sees upregulation of photosystem II, carbonate transport, carbon concentrating mechanism, RuBisCO, glycogen synthesis and light harvesting antenna pigment biosynthesis. In Synechococcus elongates PCC 7942, a non-nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, expression of a relatively smaller fraction of genes oscillates under LL condition with the major periodicity being 24 h. In contrast, the entire cellular machinery of Cyanothece orchestrates coordinated oscillation in anticipation of the ensuing metabolic phase in both LD and LL. These results may have important implications in understanding the timing of various cellular events and in engineering cyanobacteria for biofuel production.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):845-850
Oxidative stress responses were tested in the unicellular cyanobacterium synechococcus PCC 7942 (R-2). Cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and high light intensities. The extent and time course of oxidative stress were related to the activities of ascorbate peroxidase and catalase. Ascorbate peroxidase was found to be the major enzyme involved in the removal of hydrogen peroxide under the tested oxidative stresse. Catalase activity was inhibited in cells, treated with high H2O2 concentrations, and was not induced under photooxidative stress. Catalase was specifically induced in cells treated with cumene hydroperoxide.

Superoxide dismutase activity increased under conditions generating superoxide, such as high light intensities. The induction of the antioxidative enzymes was light dependent and was inhibited by chloramphenicol.  相似文献   

This study provides with original data sets on the physiology of the unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501, maintained in continuous culture in conditions of obligate diazotrophy. Cultures were exposed to a 12:12 light-dark regime, representative of what they experience in nature and where growth is expected to be balanced. Nitrogen and carbon metabolism were monitored at high frequency and their dynamics was compared with the cell cycle. Results reveal a daily cycle in the physiological and biochemical parameters, tightly constrained by the timely decoupled processes of N(2) fixation and carbon acquisition. The cell division rate increased concomitantly to carbon accumulation and peaked 6 h into the light. The carbon content reached a maximum at the end of the light phase. N(2) fixation occurred mostly during the dark period and peaked between 9 and 10 h into the night, while DNA synthesis, reflected by DNA fluorescence, increased until the end of the night. Consequently, cells in G1- and S-phases present a marked decrease in their C:N ratio. Nitrogen acquisition through N(2) fixation exceeded 1.3- to 3-fold the nitrogen requirements for growth, suggesting that important amounts of nitrogen are excreted even under conditions supposed to favour balanced, carbon and nitrogen acquisitions.  相似文献   

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