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人胚胎干细胞向神经上皮祖细胞的诱导分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人胚胎干细胞具有自我更新和多向分化潜能,是研究早期胚胎发育和细胞替代治疗的重要细胞来源.采用一种与小鼠成纤维细胞共培养的方法进行人胚胎干细胞的神经诱导,可产生高纯度的神经上皮祖细胞,其神经上皮特异性基因的表达有一定的时空性;诱导生成的神经上皮祖细胞具有增殖潜能并可分化为神经元和星型胶质细胞,是潜在的神经干细胞.人胚胎干细胞来源的神经上皮祖细胞为研究神经发育和神经诱导提供了新材料,也为神经系统疾病的细胞替代治疗提供了新的细胞来源.  相似文献   

血管的发生和发育不仅对胚胎形成中各器官的发育分化十分重要,并且对成体的创伤修复和生殖功能也具有重要意义.血管内皮细胞是形成心血管封闭管道系统的形态基础,体外多种细胞可经诱导分化产生出内皮祖/内皮细胞(endothelial progenitor/endothelial cells,EPCs/ECs),但是存在一些不足.鉴于人类胚胎干细胞(human embryonic stem cells,hESCs)诱导分化的全能性和长期增殖能力,为EPCs/ECs提供了新的来源.现有文献报道,hESCs诱导分化为EPCs/ECs的比例较低,为了提高该诱导分化效率,我们使用分阶段的二维诱导方法,首先将细胞接种在超纯层纤连蛋白(Matrigel)上,之后通过在不同阶段添加不同的因子,最终获得CD31+KDR+细胞的比例可以达到16%.进一步内皮诱导分化的结果显示,获得的EPCs/ECs的比例可以达到约32%,这些细胞具有在Matrigel上形成血管样结构的能力,可结合植物凝集素.实时定量PCR的结果显示,诱导分化所得的细胞表达众多内皮相关基因,并且免疫荧光的结果也表明部分细胞表达内皮细胞特异性表面标志CD31.  相似文献   

We studied the development of stem/progenitor cells of the human brain transplanted in the adult rat brain after expansion in an in vitrotissue culture. It was preliminarily shown by the immunological methods that the stem cells grown in a medium with growth factors formed neurospheres, which were heterogenous and contained both stem and progenitor cells of the human brain. The cells were implanted in the hippocampus, striatum, or lateral ventricle of the rat brain as a suspension or aggregates (neurospheres) and their behavior and differentiation were studies within 10, 20, and 30 days using the morphological and immunochemical methods. The cultured cells of the human brain continued their development in the rat brain, migrated, and formed neurons and astrocytes. The white mater fibers, lateral ventricle wall, and perivascular spaces served as the main pathways of migration. The neuronal differentiation was shown by staining with antibodies to -tubulin III, neurofilaments-70, and calbindin. Some growing nerve cells had long processes with growth cones. At the same time, some transplanted cells retained the undifferentiated state within one month after the implantation, as shown by the vimentin expression.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have great potential for studying human embryonic development, for modeling human diseases in the dish and as a source of transplantable cells for regenerative applications after disease or accidents. Neural crest (NC) cells are the precursors for a large variety of adult somatic cells, such as cells from the peripheral nervous system and glia, melanocytes and mesenchymal cells. They are a valuable source of cells to study aspects of human embryonic development, including cell fate specification and migration. Further differentiation of NC progenitor cells into terminally differentiated cell types offers the possibility to model human diseases in vitro, investigate disease mechanisms and generate cells for regenerative medicine. This article presents the adaptation of a currently available in vitro differentiation protocol for the derivation of NC cells from hPSCs. This new protocol requires 18 days of differentiation, is feeder-free, easily scalable and highly reproducible among human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines as well as human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines. Both old and new protocols yield NC cells of equal identity.  相似文献   

The derivation of hepatic progenitor cells from human embryonic stem (hES) cells is of value both in the study of early human liver organogenesis and in the creation of an unlimited source of donor cells for hepatocyte transplantation therapy. Here, we report for the first time the generation of hepatic progenitor cells derived from hES cells. Hepatic endoderm cells were generated by activating FGF and BMP pathways and were then purified by fluorescence activated cell sorting using a newly identified surface marker, N-cadherin. After co-culture with STO feeder cells, these purified hepatic endoderm cells yielded hepatic progenitor colonies, which possessed the proliferation potential to be cultured for an extended period of more than 100 days. With extensive expansion, they co-expressed the hepatic marker AFP and the biliary lineage marker KRT7 and maintained bipotential differentiation capacity. They were able to differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, which expressed ALB and AAT, and into cholangiocyte-like cells, which formed duct-like cyst structures, expressed KRT19 and KRT7, and acquired epithelial polarity. In conclusion, this is the first report of the generation of proliferative and bipotential hepatic progenitor cells from hES cells. These hES cell–derived hepatic progenitor cells could be effectively used as an in vitro model for studying the mechanisms of hepatic stem/progenitor cell origin, self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   

Adult-derived human liver stem/progenitor cells (ADHLSC) are obtained after primary culture of the liver parenchymal fraction. The cells are of fibroblastic morphology and exhibit a hepato-mesenchymal phenotype. Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) derived from the liver non-parenchymal fraction, present a comparable morphology as ADHLSC. Because both ADHLSC and HSC are described as liver stem/progenitor cells, we strived to extensively compare both cell populations at different levels and to propose tools demonstrating their singularity.ADHLSC and HSC were isolated from the liver of four different donors, expanded in vitro and followed from passage 5 until passage 11. Cell characterization was performed using immunocytochemistry, western blotting, flow cytometry, and gene microarray analyses. The secretion profile of the cells was evaluated using Elisa and multiplex Luminex assays.Both cell types expressed α-smooth muscle actin, vimentin, fibronectin, CD73 and CD90 in accordance with their mesenchymal origin. Microarray analysis revealed significant differences in gene expression profiles. HSC present high expression levels of neuronal markers as well as cytokeratins. Such differences were confirmed using immunocytochemistry and western blotting assays. Furthermore, both cell types displayed distinct secretion profiles as ADHLSC highly secreted cytokines of therapeutic and immuno-modulatory importance, like HGF, interferon-γ and IL-10.Our study demonstrates that ADHLSC and HSC are distinct liver fibroblastic cell populations exhibiting significant different expression and secretion profiles.  相似文献   

The total cell expansion of human umbilical cord blood (CB) and adult bone marrow (BM) CD34+-enriched cells cultured in supplemented serum-free media, either over irradiated human feeder layers or in stroma-free systems, were characterized by a simple kinetic model using only two parameters: the specific cell expansion rate, mu, and the death rate constant, k(k). Both CB and BM cells can expand at approximately the same rate (0.21 day(-1)) in this culture system however, cell death depends on the presence of stroma and the environment in which the cells are cultured.  相似文献   

Leukemic stem cells (LSCs) reside within bone marrow niches that maintain their relatively quiescent state and convey resistance to conventional treatment. Many of the microenvironmental signals converge on RAC GTPases. Although it has become clear that RAC proteins fulfill important roles in the hematopoietic compartment, little has been revealed about the downstream effectors and molecular mechanisms. We observed that in BCR-ABL-transduced human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) depletion of RAC2 but not RAC1 induced a marked and immediate decrease in proliferation, progenitor frequency, cobblestone formation and replating capacity, indicative for reduced self-renewal. Cell cycle analyses showed reduced cell cycle activity in RAC2-depleted BCR-ABL leukemic cobblestones coinciding with an increased apoptosis. Moreover, a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential was observed upon RAC2 downregulation, paralleled by severe mitochondrial ultrastructural malformations as determined by automated electron microscopy. Proteome analysis revealed that RAC2 specifically interacted with a set of mitochondrial proteins including mitochondrial transport proteins SAM50 and Metaxin 1, and interactions were confirmed in independent co-immunoprecipitation studies. Downregulation of SAM50 also impaired the proliferation and replating capacity of BCR-ABL-expressing cells, again associated with a decreased mitochondrial membrane potential. Taken together, these data suggest an important role for RAC2 in maintaining mitochondrial integrity.  相似文献   

We present evidence suggesting that gap-junctional hemichannels (GJH) may be involved in acute ischemic injury of human renal proximal tubule cells (hPT cells). Two GJH, from neighboring cells, join to form an intercellular gap junction channel (GJC). Undocked GJH are permeable to hydrophilic molecules up to 1 kDa, and their opening can significantly alter cell homeostasis. Both GJC and GJH formed by connexin 43 (Cx43) are activated by dephosphorylation. Hence, we tested whether GJH activation during ATP depletion contributes to cell damage in renal ischemia. We found that hPT cells in primary culture express Cx43 (RT-PCR and Western-blot analysis) at the plasma membrane region (immunofluorescence). Divalent-cation removal or pharmacological ATP depletion increased cell loading with the hydrophilic dye 5/6 carboxy-fluorescein (CF, 376 Da) but not with fluorescein-labeled dextran (>1500 Da). Endocytosis and activation of P2X channels were experimentally ruled out. Several GJC blockers inhibited the loading elicited by PKC inhibition. Double labeling (CF and propidium iodide) showed that both Ca(2+) removal and ATP depletion increase the percentage of necrotic cells. Gadolinium reduced both the loading and the degree of necrosis during divalent-cation removal or ATP depletion. In conclusion, GJH activation may play an important role in the damage of human renal proximal tubule cells during ATP depletion. These studies are the first to provide evidence supporting a role of GJH in causing injury in epithelial cells in general and in renal-tubule cells in particular.  相似文献   



Cancer stem cells exhibit close resemblance to normal stem cells in phenotype as well as function. Hence, studying normal stem cell behavior is important in understanding cancer pathogenesis. It has recently been shown that human breast stem cells can be enriched in suspension cultures as mammospheres. However, little is known about the behavior of these cells in long-term cultures. Since extensive self-renewal potential is the hallmark of stem cells, we undertook a detailed phenotypic and functional characterization of human mammospheres over long-term passages.


Single cell suspensions derived from human breast ‘organoids’ were seeded in ultra low attachment plates in serum free media. Resulting primary mammospheres after a week (termed T1 mammospheres) were subjected to passaging every 7th day leading to the generation of T2, T3, and T4 mammospheres.

Principal Findings

We show that primary mammospheres contain a distinct side-population (SP) that displays a CD24low/CD44low phenotype, but fails to generate mammospheres. Instead, the mammosphere-initiating potential rests within the CD44high/CD24low cells, in keeping with the phenotype of breast cancer-initiating cells. In serial sphere formation assays we find that even though primary (T1) mammospheres show telomerase activity and fourth passage T4 spheres contain label-retaining cells, they fail to initiate new mammospheres beyond T5. With increasing passages, mammospheres showed an increase in smaller sized spheres, reduction in proliferation potential and sphere forming efficiency, and increased differentiation towards the myoepithelial lineage. Significantly, staining for senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity revealed a dramatic increase in the number of senescent cells with passage, which might in part explain the inability to continuously generate mammospheres in culture.


Thus, the self-renewal potential of human breast stem cells is exhausted within five in vitro passages of mammospheres, suggesting the need for further improvisation in culture conditions for their long-term maintenance.  相似文献   

The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a small New World primate that has been used as a non-human primate model for various biomedical studies. We previously demonstrated that transplantation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NS/PCs) derived from mouse and human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) promote functional locomotor recovery of mouse spinal cord injury models. However, for the clinical application of such a therapeutic approach, we need to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pluripotent stem cell-derived NS/PCs not only by xenotransplantation, but also allotransplantation using non-human primate models to assess immunological rejection and tumorigenicity. In the present study, we established a culture method to efficiently derive NS/PCs as neurospheres from common marmoset ESCs. Marmoset ESC-derived neurospheres could be passaged repeatedly and showed sequential generation of neurons and astrocytes, similar to that of mouse ESC-derived NS/PCs, and gave rise to functional neurons as indicated by calcium imaging. Although marmoset ESC-derived NS/PCs could not differentiate into oligodendrocytes under default culture conditions, these cells could abundantly generate oligodendrocytes by incorporating additional signals that recapitulate in vivo neural development. Moreover, principal component analysis of microarray data demonstrated that marmoset ESC-derived NS/PCs acquired similar gene expression profiles to those of fetal brain-derived NS/PCs by repeated passaging. Therefore, marmoset ESC-derived NS/PCs may be useful not only for accurate evaluation by allotransplantation of NS/PCs into non-human primate models, but are also applicable to analysis of iPSCs established from transgenic disease model marmosets.  相似文献   

Transplantation of human neural stem/progenitor cells (hNSCs) as a regenerative cell replacement therapy holds great promise. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We, here, focused on the interaction between hNSCs and allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in a co-culture model. We found that hNSCs significantly decrease the CD3+ and CD8+ T cells, reduce the gamma delta T cells and increase the regulatory T cells, along with reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased anti-inflammatory cytokines after co-culture. We also found that PBMCs, in turn, significantly promote the proliferation and differentiation of hNSCs. Our data suggest that hNSCs cross-talk with immune cells.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are undifferentiated cells, which self-renew over a long period of time and give rise to committed hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) containing the capability to replenish the whole blood system. Since both uncontrolled expansion as well as loss of HSC would be fatal, the decision of self-renewal versus differentiation needs to be tightly controlled. There is good evidence that both HSC niches as well as asymmetric cell divisions are involved in controlling whether HSC self-renew or become committed to differentiate. In this context, we recently identified four proteins which frequently segregate asymmetrically in dividing HSC/HPC. Remarkably, three of these proteins, the tetraspanins CD53 and CD63, and the transferrin receptor are endosome-associated proteins. Here, we highlight these observations in conjunction with recent findings in model organisms which show that components of the endosomal machinery are involved in cell-fate specification processes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨体外培养脐带血单个核细胞定向诱导分化为不同阶段红系祖细胞的动力学变化情况。方法:用0.5%甲基纤维素沉降脐带血红细胞及人淋巴细胞分离液密度梯度离心法得到单个核细胞,在含EPO、SCF、IGF-1等细胞因子的无血清培养体系中诱导其定向分化为红系祖细胞,观察细胞增殖、存活率、细胞集落形成情况,并检测不同阶段细胞红系特异性表面标志CD71和CD235a的表达。结果:随着培养时间的延长,细胞数逐渐增多,14 d细胞可扩增140倍左右,收集诱导后的细胞进行瑞氏吉姆萨染色,可见大量红系祖细胞,诱导后的细胞集落形成能力强,形成的克隆大部分为红系集落。诱导过程中,14 d前CD71、CD235a的表达逐渐增高。按细胞表面标志表达的不同可将诱导的细胞分为4群,分别对应红系祖细胞的不同阶段;随着诱导天数的增加,各时间点细胞对应的早期红系祖细胞群(P2、P3)比例逐渐下降,中晚期红系祖细胞群(P4、P5)的比例逐渐上升。结论:无血清培养基添加细胞因子组合的红系诱导培养体系可较好地诱导扩增红系祖细胞,流式分选可获得相对均一而处于不同分化阶段的红系祖细胞群体。获得了红系祖细胞体外分化的动力学数据,为今后进一步优化红系诱导分化体系获得均一的红系祖细胞奠定了基础,并对未来利用干细胞制备均一的红系祖细胞应用于临床治疗有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, it has become apparent that genomic instability is tightly related to many developmental disorders, cancers, and aging. Given that stem cells are responsible for ensuring tissue homeostasis and repair throughout life, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the stem cell population is critical for preserving genomic integrity of tissues. Therefore, significant interest has arisen in assessing the impact of endogenous and environmental factors on genomic integrity in stem cells and their progeny, aiming to understand the etiology of stem-cell based diseases.LacI transgenic mice carry a recoverable λ phage vector encoding the LacI reporter system, in which the LacI gene serves as the mutation reporter. The result of a mutated LacI gene is the production of β-galactosidase that cleaves a chromogenic substrate, turning it blue. The LacI reporter system is carried in all cells, including stem/progenitor cells and can easily be recovered and used to subsequently infect E. coli. After incubating infected E. coli on agarose that contains the correct substrate, plaques can be scored; blue plaques indicate a mutant LacI gene, while clear plaques harbor wild-type. The frequency of blue (among clear) plaques indicates the mutant frequency in the original cell population the DNA was extracted from. Sequencing the mutant LacI gene will show the location of the mutations in the gene and the type of mutation.The LacI transgenic mouse model is well-established as an in vivo mutagenesis assay. Moreover, the mice and the reagents for the assay are commercially available. Here we describe in detail how this model can be adapted to measure the frequency of spontaneously occurring DNA mutants in stem cell-enriched Lin-IL7R-Sca-1+cKit++(LSK) cells and other subpopulations of the hematopoietic system.  相似文献   

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