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Solanaceae is a large cosmopolitan family of angiosperms that includes some 92–100 genera and 2300–2500 species. It has been the object of a great deal of attention because of its economic importance as a food source (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers), because it includes tobacco, and is source of drugs (alkaloids). However its fossil history has been elusive with relatively few seemingly reliable reports throughout Tertiary times and no solid bases for molecular dating models to pinpoint important events in its diversification and evolution. While the great diversity found within the family makes it difficult to find morphological characters that define it, in general, the flowers have an overall distinctive morphology with some diagnostic morphological characters. Thus, as is often the case, flowers are potentially the most reliable indicators of the family in the fossil record. There have been a number of reports of flowers representing Solanaceae in the Tertiary. Yet, we report here that upon reinvestigation only one taxon remains as a plausible representative of the family while one of the most notable and frequently cited fossil Solanaceae from the Tertiary of North America is clearly a member of the family Rhamnaceae consistent with the fossil leaf record.  相似文献   

A new species of scorpion is described based on a rare entire adult male preserved in a cloudy amber from Miocene rocks in the Chiapas Highlands, south of Mexico. The amber-bearing beds in Chiapas constitute a Conservation Lagerstätte with outstanding organic preservation inside plant resin. The new species is diagnosed as having putative characters that largely correspond with the genus Tityus Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Accordingly, it is now referred to as Tityus apozonalli sp. nov. Its previously unclear phylogenetic relationship among fossil taxa of the family Buthidae from both Dominican and Mexican amber is also examined herein. Preliminarily results indicate a basal condition of T. apozonalli regarding to Tityus geratus Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1988, Tityus (Brazilotityus) hartkorni Lourenço, 2009, and Tityus azari Lourenço, 2013 from Dominican amber, as was Tityus (Brazilotityus) knodeli Lourenço, 2014 from Mexican amber. Its close relationships with extant Neotropic Tityus-like subclades such as ‘Tityus clathratus’ and the subgenus Tityus (Archaeotityus) are also discussed. This new taxon adds to the knowledge of New World scorpions from the Miocene that are rarely found trapped in amber.  相似文献   

Full reliefs of Cruziana furcifera from the Lower-Middle Ordovician quartzite sandstone beds (Pochico Formation, southern Spain) points to deep, infaunal burrowing of trilobites. Some specimens show an unusual vertical extension with a wider lower part and a narrower upper part in cross section. They are referred to trilobites, which burrowed deeply in the sediment and were oriented obliquely head down and tail up. Deep burrowing seems to be common for other members of the Cruziana rugosa group, foremost C. rugosa and C. furcifera, less for C. goldfussi. The deep burrowing recorded in the discussed trace fossils can be referred to the earliest common infaunalization caused by trilobites and other arthropods during the Ordovician, probably in a response to a food competition on the sea floor, which promoted a behavioral plasticity within the same taxon or closely related taxa of trilobites.  相似文献   

The origins of the Hox gene clusters and their coordinated activities during development have long been of considerable interest to biologists. In a recent paper in Current Biology, the Hox-like genes of two cnidarians are interpreted as evidence that the 'Hox system', sensu stricto, originated after the split from the lineage leading to bilaterian animals and that it was not requisite for complex axial patterning.  相似文献   

Madagascar is well known for its diverse fauna and flora, being home to many species not found anywhere else in the world. However, its biodiversity in the recent past included a range of extinct enigmatic fauna, such as elephant birds, giant lemurs and dwarfed hippopotami. The ‘Malagasy aardvark’ (Plesiorycteropus) has remained one of Madagascar’s least well-understood extinct species since its discovery in the 19th century. Initially considered a close relative of the aardvark (Orycteropus) within the order Tubulidentata, more recent morphological analyses challenged this placement on the grounds that the identifiably derived traits supporting this allocation were adaptations to digging rather than shared ancestry. Because the skeletal evidence showed many morphological traits diagnostic of different eutherian mammal orders, they could not be used to resolve its closest relatives. As a result, the genus was tentatively assigned its own taxonomic order ‘Bibymalagasia’, yet how this order relates to other eutherian mammal orders remains unclear despite numerous morphological investigations. This research presents the first known molecular sequence data for Plesiorycteropus, obtained from the bone protein collagen (I), which places the ‘Malagasy aardvark’ as more closely related to tenrecs than aardvarks. More specifically, Plesiorycteropus was recovered within the order Tenrecoidea (golden moles and tenrecs) within Afrotheria, suggesting that the taxonomic order ‘Bibymalagasia’ is obsolete. This research highlights the potential for collagen sequencing in investigating the phylogeny of extinct species as a viable alternative to ancient DNA (aDNA) sequencing, particularly in cases where aDNA cannot be recovered.  相似文献   

We discuss the possible links between the fossil record of marine biodiversity, nutrient availability and primary productivity. The parallelism of the fossil records of marine phytoplankton and faunal biodiversity implicates the quantity (primary productivity) and quality (stoichiometry) of phytoplankton as being critical to the diversification of the marine biosphere through the Phanerozoic. The relatively subdued marine biodiversity of the Palaeozoic corresponds to a time of relatively low macronutrient availability and poor food quality of the phytoplankton as opposed to the diversification of the Modern Fauna through the Mesozoic–Cenozoic. Increasing nutrient runoff to the oceans through the Phanerozoic resulted from orogeny, the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), the evolution of deep-rooting forests and the appearance of more easily decomposable terrestrial organic matter that enhanced weathering. Positive feedback by bioturbation of an expanding benthos played a critical role in evolving biogeochemical cycles by linking the oxidation of dead organic matter and the recycling of nutrients back to the water column where they could be re-utilized. We assess our conclusions against a recently published biogeochemical model for geological time-scales. Major peaks of marine diversity often occur near rising or peak fluxes of silica, phosphorus and dissolved reactive oceanic phosphorus; either major or minor 87Sr/86Sr peaks; and frequently in the vicinity of major (Circum-Atlantic Magmatic Province) and minor volcanic events, some of which are associated with Oceanic Anoxic Events. These processes appear to be scale-dependent in that they lie on a continuum between biodiversification on macroevolutionary scales of geological time and mass extinction.  相似文献   

One of the most important issues in molecular dating studies concerns the incorporation of reliable fossil taxa into the phylogenies reconstructed from DNA sequence variation in extant taxa. Lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae and/or cyanobacteria. Several lichen fossils have been used as minimum age constraints in recent studies concerning the diversification of the Ascomycota. Recent evolutionary studies of Lecanoromycetes, an almost exclusively lichen-forming class in the Ascomycota, have utilized the Eocene amber inclusion Alectoria succinic as a minimum age constraint. However, a re-investigation of the type material revealed that this inclusion in fact represents poorly preserved plant remains, most probably of a root. Consequently, this fossil cannot be used as evidence of the presence of the genus Alectoria (Parmeliaceae, Lecanorales) or any other lichens in the Paleogene. However, newly discovered inclusions from Paleogene Baltic and Bitterfeld amber verify that alectorioid morphologies in lichens were in existence by the Paleogene. The new fossils represent either a lineage within the alectorioid group or belong to the genus Oropogon.  相似文献   

Modern sloths are among the more characteristic mammals of South and Central American faunas. Recent discovery in four Paleogene, 22 Neogene, and dozens of Pleistocene fossiliferous localities in the tropics has revealed an unexpected paleobioversity constituted by some 81 fossil sloth species. Probably originating in southern South America near the Eocene/Oligocene transition, sloths were represented in the tropics during the late Oligocene by Pseudoglyptodon, Mylodontidae, and Megalonychidae. The latter occupied the West Indies between at least the late early Miocene and late Pleistocene, and two mylodontid clades, Octodontobradyinae and Urumacotheriinae, were characteristic of Amazonian localities from the Colhuehuapian and the Laventan periods, respectively, until the end of the Miocene. Megatheriinae and Nothrotheriidae appeared during the middle Miocene, colonizing the tropics and then North America, where Mylodontidae and Megalonychidae had already been present since the early late Miocene. Nothrotheriids are more abundant and diversified during the late Miocene in the tropics than in southern South America. Remains closely related to either of the modern sloths are absent from the fossil record, including those in the tropics. The characteristic suspensory posture of Bradypus and Choloepus appeared independently and likely after the Miocene epoch, and thus well after the hypothesized split suggested by molecular studies of the respective clades of these genera. Given their current widespread distribution in and reliance on the tropics, prospecting efforts for the direct fossil kin of suspensory sloths should concentrate on deposits in the Amazonian region, as this area has shown promise in producing fossil sloths.  相似文献   


From experiments using novel prey signals to avoid innate reactions to traditional signals, Alatalo & Mappes (1996, Nature, 382, 708-710) concluded that gregariousness would have selected for warning coloration as it originated for the first time, whereas a solitary prey distribution would not. We have investigated this suggestion in experiments using the same novel prey and background symbols and wild-caught great tit, Parus major, predators. We compared the attack rate on cryptic unpalatable and aposematic unpalatable prey in either a solitary or an aggregated treatment. In the aggregated treatment we found no difference in attack rate on cryptic and aposematic prey. In the solitary treatment the attack rate on aposematic prey was significantly lower after one attack and at the end of the experiment. Thus, we conclude that, in so far as these experiments mimic an original predator-prey relationship, they do not give support to the idea that aggregation would have favoured the evolution of warning coloration in unpalatable prey. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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