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Land managers require landscape-scale information on where exotic plant species have successfully established, to better guide research, control, and restoration efforts. We evaluated the vulnerability of various habitats to invasion by exotic plant species in a 100,000 ha area in the southeast corner of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. For the 97 0.1-ha plots in 11 vegetation types, exotic species richness (log10) was strongly negatively correlated to the cover of cryptobiotic soil crusts (r = −0.47, P < 0.001), and positively correlated to native species richness (r = 0.22, P < 0.03), native species cover (r = 0.23, P < 0.05), and total nitrogen in the soil (r = 0.40, P < 0.001). Exotic species cover was strongly positively correlated to exotic species richness (r = 0.68, P < 0.001). Only 6 of 97 plots did not contain at least one exotic species. Exotic species richness was particularly high in locally rare, mesic vegetation types and nitrogen rich soils. Dry, upland plots (n = 51) had less than half of the exotic species richness and cover compared to plots (n = 45) in washes and lowland depressions that collect water intermittently. Plots dominated by trees had significantly greater native and exotic species richness compared to plots dominated by shrubs. For the 97 plots combined, 33% of the variance in exotic species richness could be explained by a positive relationship with total plant cover, and negative relationships with the cover of cryptobiotic crusts and bare ground. There are several reasons for concern: (1) Exotic plant species are invading hot spots of native plant diversity and rare/unique habitats. (2) The foliar cover of exotic species was greatest in habitats that had been invaded by several exotic species.(3) Continued disturbance of fragile cryptobiotic crusts by livestock, people, and vehicles may facilitate the further invasion of exotic plant species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many natural processes in the riparian cottonwood (Populus deltoides) forest of the Middle Rio Grande (MRG) in the southwestern United States have been disrupted or altered, allowing non‐native plants such as saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) to establish. We investigated reptilian responses to restoration efforts by sampling communities of lizards at 12 study sites invaded by non‐native plants along the MRG in New Mexico for 7 years (2000–2006). Sites within three regions were randomly assigned to one of the three treatments to remove non‐native plants and woody debris, or as untreated controls. We used pitfall and funnel traps to capture, mark, and release lizards from June to September. Principal components analysis of 15 vegetation variables identified five factors that best explained variation among sites before and after removal of non‐native plants. Relative abundances for four of six common species of lizards were associated with vegetation characteristics that significantly changed after plant removal. Species were either positively associated with the more open, park‐like understory found in treated sites or negatively associated with debris heaps and thickets of non‐native plants found in untreated sites. Eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus consobrinus) and New Mexico whiptails (Aspidoscelis neomexicana) increased in relative abundance after non‐native plants were removed. Overall, removal of non‐native plants seems beneficial, or at least is non‐damaging, to lizard communities of the MRG forest. Providing information on habitat associations of lizard communities will help land managers balance management objectives with other considerations, such as providing important wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

为了探究水鸟栖息对土壤磷和植物群落特征的影响,分别在广东顺德水鸟天堂、广东星湖湿地及江门小鸟天堂3地的水鸟栖息区(水鸟区)和非水鸟栖息区(对照区)进行了植物群落调查和土壤理化性质检测。结果表明,水鸟活动提高了各栖息地土壤的总磷、有效磷和无机磷,而在顺德、星湖两地水鸟区土壤有机磷含量亦显著高于对照区。各栖息地植物物种丰富度和shannon多样性指数均显著小于对照区。土壤pH、容重、有机质和有效磷4种环境因子对植物群落变异影响的总解释率为46% (P<0.05),其中有效磷是最大影响因子。这说明水鸟活动显著提高了土壤中各种磷组分的含量,降低了植物的多样性。  相似文献   

Disturbed natural areas frequently experience invasion by introduced plant species that can reduce native biodiversity. Biological control can suppress these introduced species, but without restoration another introduced species can invade. Integration of biological control with concurrent revegetation can both aid in weed reduction via interspecific plant competition and establish a restored native plant community. This 3‐year study investigated an integrated approach to controlling the introduced annual Mile‐a‐minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata [L.] H. Gross [Polygonaceae]) using the biocontrol weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and restoration planting using a native seed mix. A fully factorial design tested weevils and seeding, separately and together, using insecticide to eliminate weevils. The weevils together with the native seed mix reduced P. perfoliata percent cover in 2009 and 2010, and peak seed cluster production in 2010, compared to the insecticide ? no seed control treatment. Persicaria perfoliata final dry biomass was reduced by 75% in 2010 and by 57% in 2011 in the weevils plus seed treatment compared to the control, with weevils having the greatest effect in 2010 and the seed treatment having the greatest impact in 2011. Results suggest an additive effect of biocontrol and seeding in suppressing P. perfoliata. Seeded treatments also developed the highest native plant species richness and diversity, comprised of spontaneous recolonization in addition to species from the seed mix. Results support the use of integrated management of this invasive weed, with suppression through biological control and native revegetation together helping prevent reinvasion while restoring native plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Preventing invasion by exotic species is one of the key goals of restoration, and community assembly theory provides testable predictions about native community attributes that will best resist invasion. For instance, resource availability and biotic interactions may represent “filters” that limit the success of potential invaders. Communities are predicted to resist invasion when they contain native species that are functionally similar to potential invaders; where phenology may be a key functional trait. Nutrient reduction is another common strategy for reducing invasion following native species restoration, because soil nitrogen (N) enrichment often facilitates invasion. Here, we focus on restoring the herbaceous community associated with coastal sage scrub vegetation in Southern California; these communities are often highly invaded, especially by exotic annual grasses that are notoriously challenging for restoration. We created experimental plant communities composed of the same 20 native species, but manipulated functional group abundance (according to growth form, phenology, and N‐fixation capacity) and soil N availability. We fertilized to increase N, and added carbon to reduce N via microbial N immobilization. We found that N reduction decreased exotic cover, and the most successful seed mix for reducing exotic abundance varied depending on the invader functional type. For instance, exotic annual grasses were least abundant when the native community was dominated by early active forbs, which matched the phenology of the exotic annual grasses. Our findings show that nutrient availability and the timing of biotic interactions are key filters that can be manipulated in restoration to prevent invasion and maximize native species recovery.  相似文献   

To better understand the effect of species traits on plant invasion, we collected comparative data on 20 reproductive and dispersal traits of 93 herbaceous alien species in the Czech Republic, central Europe, introduced after 1500 A. D. We explain plant invasion success, expressed by two measures: invasiveness, i.e. whether the species is naturalized but non-invasive, or invasive; and dominance in plant communities expressed as the mean cover in vegetation plots. We also tested how important reproductive and dispersal traits are in models including other characteristics generally known to predict invasion outcome, such as plant height, life history and residence time. By using regression/classification trees we show that the biological traits affect invasion success at all life stages, from reproduction (seed production) to dispersal (propagule properties), and the ability to compete with resident species (height). By including species traits information not usually available in multispecies analyses, we provide evidence that traits do play important role in determining the outcome of invasion and can be used to distinguish between alien species that reach the final stage of the invasion process and dominate the local communities from those that do not. No effect of taxonomy ascertained in regression and classification trees indicates that the role of traits in invasiveness should be assessed primarily at the species level.  相似文献   

The first symposium on Alien Plant Invasions in Chile was held in southern Chile in November of 2002. Chile represents an interesting setting to study biological invasions because of its long history of introductions, and its high rate of endemisms that makes it more prone to invasions. However, little is known about plant invasions in Chile and the country lacks a clear policy on alien species. The speakers at the symposium discussed their research on several aspects of alien plant invasions in southern Chile and Argentina. They also elaborated a list of future challenges of plant invasion ecology for the area. The package of recommendations may be useful for other developing countries with similar state of knowledge of their flora and similar environmental and economic issues. We expect that this type of meeting will help to stimulate the scientific debate about invasion ecology and the development of coordinated research to answer local questions, while contributing to find generalities in plant invasion patterns and processes.  相似文献   

城市绿地乡土树种对大气污染的适应性响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究华南乡土树种对东莞市不同绿地类型的适应性,将14种华南乡土树种分别栽植于四种绿地类型:工业绿地、道路绿地、城市公园和植物园,研究乡土树种的生理生态变化。各类型绿地的大气监测结果表明,道路绿地的各项大气污染指标明显高于其他绿地;工业区绿地的总悬浮颗粒物和氮氧化物浓度比植物园高;城市公园的总悬浮颗粒物浓度明显高于植物园。14个树种的生理生态研究结果表明,不同植物在各种绿地环境中适应策略各异,且随着污染强度的增加,多数植物净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs)之间的相关系数降低,且Pn与Gs之间的相关系数变化不一致。14种华南乡土树种中,深山含笑、樟树、山杜英、黄栀子、胡氏青冈、九节、格木、黄果厚壳桂和华润楠等9个树种在不同污染环境下均表现出不同程度的敏感性,红鳞蒲桃和越南山龙眼对各种环境污染都不敏感,红叶石楠、假鹰爪和枫香在不同的污染环境中表现各异。  相似文献   

Fig trees (Ficus) are often ecologically significant keystone species because they sustain populations of the many seed-dispersing animals that feed on their fruits. They are prominent components of riparian zones where they may also contribute to bank stability as well as supporting associated animals. The diversity and distributions of riparian fig trees in deciduous and evergreen forests in Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand were investigated in 2010–2012. To record the diversity and abundance of riparian fig trees, we (1) calculated stem density, species richness, and diversity indices in 20×50 m randomly selected quadrats along four streams and (2) measured the distances of individual trees from four streams to determine if species exhibit distinct distribution patterns within riparian zones. A total of 1169 individuals (from c. 4 ha) were recorded in the quadrats, representing 33 Ficus species (13 monoecious and 20 dioecious) from six sub-genera and about 70% of all the species recorded from northern Thailand. All 33 species had at least some stems in close proximity to the streams, but they varied in their typical proximity, with F. squamosa Roxb. and F. ischnopoda Miq the most strictly stream-side species. The riparian forests in Northern Thailand support a rich diversity and high density of Ficus species and our results emphasise the importance of fig tree within the broader priorities of riparian area conservation. Plans to maintain or restore properly functioning riparian forests need to take into account their significance.  相似文献   

香溪河流域河岸带植物群落物种丰富度格局   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:37  
通过不同海拔高度的样带调查来研究香溪河流域河岸植物群落物种丰富度格局,并探讨河岸带中生物多样性维持的生态学机制。结果表明:河岸植物群落总的物种丰富度、乔木层物种丰富度和草本层物种丰富度沿海拔梯度均表现出相似的格局特征,利用抛物线方程进行拟合,物种丰富度与海拔之间有显著的相关性。灌木层物种丰富度和藤本植物物种丰富度格局特征不明显,且物种丰富度与坡度相关,在流域尺度上,海拔对物种丰富度有着重要的控制作用;在局部尺度上,季节性洪水干扰导致的空间异质性和小地形对群落的生物多样性有着重要的影响,研究结果支在于总的物种多样性在原始河流的中间河段将达到最大值的预测。  相似文献   

Many fish, including the fighting fish Betta splendens , perform a display in which the opercula are extended away from the head and gills. Previous work has shown that opercular display rates by male B. splendens decrease under conditions of reduced dissolved oxygen (hypoxia). We tested the hypothesis that the ability to maintain opercular display rates under hypoxic conditions is related to body condition in male B. splendens . We also tested the hypothesis that females would show a greater preference for males performing this display under hypoxic conditions, when the display should be a more reliable indicator of male phenotypic quality. We found no evidence to support either hypothesis. Male opercular display rate in hypoxic conditions was unrelated to natural or experimentally induced variation in body condition. Female B. splendens showed no differential preference for the opercular display, assessed through the use of computer animated male stimuli, in either acute or chronic hypoxia. We conclude that the presence of an air-breathing organ in this species makes the opercular display an unreliable signal of male quality as measured by body condition.  相似文献   

以上海市杨浦区原废弃地(新江湾地区)半自然群落的主要优势树种为对象,测定不同生活型植株在夏季不同生境下叶片的光合特性,从光合生理生态角度分析低干扰条件下上海城市废弃地的植物群落次生演替过程的特点,并结合环境因子分析并预测植物群落结构的动态变化。结果表明:(1)冠层树种光合作用日变化曲线呈双峰型,林窗树种呈单峰型,而林下树种呈不规则变化,体现出亚热带地区植物在夏季典型气候下的"光合午休"现象,而生境特点同时也影响植物光利用对策。(2)冠层成年树以落叶树种刺槐和朴树的日均净光合速率最高,且具有较高的光饱和点;在林下生境中,以强耐阴灌木植物胡颓子的日均净光合速率最高,其次为常绿树种香樟和女贞的幼树和幼苗,而林下落叶树种日均净光合速率均较低。(3)影响冠层树种的净光合速率因子中,生态因子是第一主成分,而对于林窗树种,第一主成分则是生理因子。(4)由于阳性落叶树种具有更高效的光合效率,能迅速占领上层空间,新江湾区域人为低干扰植物群落的演替早期均以扩散能力较强的先锋性树种为主;乔木群落形成后,林下更新苗则以光适应范围较宽的香樟、女贞为主,同时,上层落叶树种大规模自然衰退使得香樟和女贞逐步替代落叶树种。  相似文献   



T cells have been attributed an important role in modulating repair responses following vascular injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of different T cell subsets in this context.

Methods and Results

A non-obstructive collar was introduced to inflict carotid artery injury in mice and subsequent activation of immune cells in draining lymph nodes and spleen were studied by flow cytometry. Carotid artery injury of wild type mice was associated with mobilization of both Th1 type CD4+IFNγ+ and regulatory CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T cells in draining lymph nodes. Studies using FoxP3-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic C57/Bl6 mice demonstrated scattered presence of regulatory T cells in the adventitial tissue of injured arteries as well as a massive emigration of regulatory T cells from the spleen in response to carotid injury. However, deletion of antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells (H20 mice), as well as deletion of regulatory T cells (through treatment with blocking anti-CD25 antibodies), did not affect neointima formation. Also deletion of antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells (Tap10 mice) was without effect on carotid collar-induced neointima formation.


The results demonstrate that carotid artery injury is associated with mobilization of regulatory T cells. Depletion of regulatory T cells does not, however, influence the subsequent repair processes leading to the formation of a neointima. The results also demonstrate that lack of CD8+ T cells does not influence neointima formation in presence of functional CD4+ T cells and B cells.  相似文献   

Primates are among the most important seed dispersers in the habitats they occupy. Understanding the extent of, and gaps in, our knowledge of seed dispersal by Asian primates is essential, because many of these primates are extremely vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance. In this review, I show how initial studies focused on the role of individual species in seed dispersal have expanded more recently to consider their role in the wider frugivore community. There are five functional groups of primate seed dispersers in Asia; most of our information comes from the (usually) highly frugivorous macaques and gibbons, while our understanding of the roles played by orangutans and, especially, colobines and lorises remains rudimentary. Preliminary community-wide studies suggest a pivotal role for gibbons and macaques in frugivore communities, with higher dispersal overlap with other mammals than with birds. The gaps in our knowledge are plentiful, however, including understanding fruit selection in detail, determining how seed dispersal roles might change across different habitats, evaluating the balance between mutualisms and antagonisms in orangutans and macaques, describing postdispersal processes, and documenting how habitats are impacted by changes in primate abundance and behavior.  相似文献   



Since 2004, treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease, or Buruli ulcer, has shifted from surgery to daily treatment with streptomycin (STR) + rifampin (RIF) for 8 weeks. For shortening treatment duration, we tested the potential of daily rifapentine (RPT), a long-acting rifamycin derivative, as a substitute for RIF.

Methodology/Principal Findings

BALB/c mice were infected with M. ulcerans in the right hind footpad and treated either daily (7/7) with STR+RIF or five days/week (5/7) with STR+RIF or STR+RPT for 4 weeks, beginning 28 days after infection when CFU counts were 4.88±0.51.The relative efficacy of the drug treatments was compared by footpad CFU counts during treatment and median time to footpad swelling after treatment cessation as measure of sterilizing activity. All drug treatments were bactericidal. After 1 week of treatment, the decline in CFU counts was significantly greater in treated mice but not different between the three treated groups. After 2 weeks of treatment, the decline in CFU was greater in mice treated with STR+RPT 5/7 than in mice treated with STR+RIF 7/7 and STR+RIF 5/7. After 3 and 4 weeks of treatment, CFU counts were nil in mice treated with STR+RPT and reduced by more than 3 and 4 logs in mice treated with STR+RIF 5/7 and STR+RIF 7/7, respectively. In sharp contrast to the bactericidal activity, the sterilizing activity was not different between all drug regimens although it was in proportion to the treatment duration.


The better bactericidal activity of daily STR+RIF and especially of STR+RPT did not translate into better prevention of relapse, possibly because relapse-freecure after treatment of Buruli ulcer is more related to the reversal of mycolactone-induced local immunodeficiency by drug treatment rather than to the bactericidal potency of drugs.  相似文献   

采用典型样地法,以金马河流域温江段河岸带草本植物为研究对象,经实地踏查,根据采沙运沙干扰程度及样地具体使用情况,将样地划分为河滩地(未受采沙行为干扰,但后期受人类其他活动影响较大)、砾石地(采沙后经河水水位变化形成)、芦苇地[经运沙的车辆碾压形成,后长满芦苇(Phragmites australis)]、斑茅地[采沙后不再受水位影响的高地部分,后长满斑茅(Saccharum arundinaceum)]、沙坑(采沙后直接形成)5个生境类型,以探究不同生境对河岸带草本植物物种多样性和构件生物量的影响。结果表明:(1)在5个生境类型样地中共记录草本植物113种,隶属32科80属,其中沙坑生境草本植物物种数最多,共计59种,隶属21科46属,物种丰富度高,菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)植物在各样地中均较多。(2)斑茅地、芦苇地物种多样性指数较小,优势度指数较大,均匀度指数较小,群落物种分布极不均匀,集中度与均匀度较差,群落存在极大的不稳定性。(3)河滩地植物构件生物总量最少,斑茅地最多且根、茎干重与其他生境存在显著差异。(4)与其它生境类型相比,沙坑物种多样性丰富,分布均匀,构件生物量较多,其环境有利于河岸带植物生长。  相似文献   

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