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Receptors for Fc epsilon and Fc gamma are linked on mouse chromosome 1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recently isolated cDNA clones for the high affinity Fc epsilon receptors on mast cells and basophils (Fc epsilon RI alpha) and Fc gamma receptors on macrophages and lymphocytes (Fc gamma 2b/gamma 1R) are homologous members of the Ig supergene family. Analysis of the segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphism in crosses of inbred mice now establish that the structural genes encoding both Fc epsilon RI alpha and Fc gamma 2b/gamma 1R are indeed discrete genes and are linked at the distal end of mouse chromosome 1. This finding raises the possibility that a family of Fc receptors could be found in a region that is known to contain immunologically important markers of lymphocyte surface Ag and autoimmune defects.  相似文献   

Murine low-affinity Fc receptors for IgG (FcγRIIbl, FcγRIIb2, and FcγRIII) bind the same IgG subclasses and are not distinguished by available anti-FcγRII/III mAbs (2.4G2). They trigger various biological activities, among which are the internalization of soluble and particulate immune complexes, cell activation, and its regulation. To determine the biological properties of the three murine receptors, each was expressed by stable transfection of corresponding cDNAs in two model cells: the murine lymphoma B cell IIA1.6 and the rat basophilic leukemia cell RBL-2H3. Biological activities of recombinant receptors were triggered with soluble immune complexes or 2.4G2 IgG in IIA1.6 cells, which express no FcγR, and with 2.4G2 Fab or F(ab′)2, cross-linked with mouse anti-rat F(ab′)2 in RBL, which express rat FcγR. Conditions for studying cell activation and endocytosis in both cell models are described, as are conditions for studying phagocytosis in RBL cells and antigen presentation or regulation of cell activation in IIA1.6 cells. Internalization of immune complexes was triggered by FcγRIIb2 and FcγRIII, but not by FcγRIIb1. Intracytoplasmic sequences required for phagocytosis and endocytosis could be distinguished in FcγRIIb2, but not in FcγRIII. Cell activation was restricted to FcγRIII. FcγRIII-mediated endocytosis, phagocytosis, and cell activation involved the consensus tyrosine-containing activation motif found in the intracytoplasmic domain of the γ subunit. Regulation of cell activation was induced by both FcγRII isoforms and depended on the same sequence as endocytosis. As a consequence, a single motif can determine more than one biological response of the cell, and a given response may be triggered by several motifs, borne by different FcγR.  相似文献   

Jon Mallatt 《Acta zoologica》1997,78(4):279-294
This study provides a new classification of shark pharyngeal muscles, leading to a re-interpretation of the evolutionary history of these muscles. It begins with Edgeworth's developmental classification but also incorporates phylogenetic and functional information. The two basic groups of pharyngeal muscles are (1) branchial (including deep interbranchials and superficial constrictors) and (2) spinal (including epaxial and hypobranchial muscles). Most of the branchial muscles are also present anteriorly in the mandibular and hyoid segments, indicating that these were once typical branchial segments. The extrabranchial cartilages and gill septa are used as landmarks for dividing the interbranchials from the superficial constrictors. These landmarks reveal that the most important expiratory muscles in the anterior pharynx (most parts of "constrictor hyoideus", interhyoideus, levator palatoquadrati, spiracularis, and intermandibularis) are actually enlarged interbranchial muscles that have taken on a surface location. "Shrinking" these enlarged interbranchials and returning them to a deep location produces a simple, metameric reconstruction of the pre-gnathostome pharynx that fits what is known about thelodonts and other fossil agnatha related to gnathostomes. Finally, the pharyngeal muscles of bony fishes are considered, and concluded to have evolved from a sharklike condition through an acanthodian-like intermediate. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate central nervous system, glycinergic neurotransmission is regulated by the action of the glycine transporters 1 and 2 (GlyT1 and GlyT2)—members of the solute carrier family 6 (SLC6). Several invertebrate deuterostomes have two paralogous glycine carrier genes, with one gene in the pair having greater sequence identity and higher alignment scores with respect to GlyT1 and the other paralog showing greater similarity to GlyT2. In phylogenetic trees, GlyT2-like sequences from invertebrate deuterostomes form a monophyletic subclade with vertebrate GlyT2, while invertebrate GlyT1-like proteins constitute an outgroup to both the GlyT2-like proteins and to vertebrate GlyT1 sequences. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that vertebrate GlyT1 and GlyT2 are, respectively, derived from GlyT1- and GlyT2-like genes in invertebrate deuterostomes. This implies that the gene duplication which gave rise to these paralogs occurred prior to the origin of vertebrates. GlyT2 subsequently diverged significantly from its invertebrate orthologs (i.e., through the acquisition of a unique N-terminus) as a consequence of functional specialization, being expressed principally in the lower CNS; while GlyT1 has activity in both the lower CNS and several regions of the forebrain.  相似文献   

Vertebrates share common mechanisms in the control of development and in the maintenance of neural and retinal function. The secreted factor Noggin, a BMP inhibitor, plays a crucial role in neural induction during embryonic development. Moreover, we have shown its involvement in retinal differentiation of pluripotent cells. Here we show Noggin expression in the adult retina in three vertebrate species. Four Noggin genes are present in zebrafish (Danio rerio; ZbNog1, 2, 3, 5), three in frog (Xenopus laevis; XenNog1, 2 and 4), and one in mouse (Mus musculus; mNog). Quantitative RT-PCR experiments show the presence of ZbNog3 and ZbNog5 mRNAs, but not ZbNog1 and ZbNog2, in the adult zebrafish retina. All three genes are expressed in the frog retina, and mNog in the mouse. Immunohistochemistry data show that Noggin proteins are predominantly localized in the Golgi apparatus of photoreceptors and in the fibers of the outer plexiform layer. Lower expression levels are also found in inner plexiform layer fibers, in ganglion cells, in the ciliary marginal zone, and in retinal pigmented epithelium. Our results show that Noggin has a specific cellular and sub-cellular expression in the adult vertebrate retina, which is conserved during evolution. In addition to its established role during embryonic development, we postulate that Noggin also exerts a functional role in the adult retina.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Vertebrates frequently rely on intramuscular glycolysisas the major source of ATP utilized during bouts of intenseexercise. This is often followed by extended periods of markedsystemic pH fluctuation. Such a pattern of activity physiologyis unique among the Metazoa and probably dates back to the veryearliest vertebrates. The origin of bone may have been necessitated by requirementfor a skeletal matrix with chemical stability over the broadrange of tissue pH associated with vertebrate exercise physiology.  相似文献   

神经营养因子对神经系统的发育和维持起着至关重要的作用。它们不但能够促进神经元的分化和存活 ,而且抑制与神经系统退行性疾病、神经损伤和神经毒相关的神经元的退化。最近被确认的GDNF家族是TGF β家族成员的远亲。GDNF作为该家族的第一个成员 ,发现于 1 993年 ,由Lin等人[1] 由大鼠胶质细胞株B49中提纯到 ,发现它能促进胚胎中脑多巴胺能神经元的存活和形态分化 ,以及提高它们对高亲和性多巴胺的摄取。最近的研究发现 ,与其它神经营养因子相比 ,GDNF对多巴胺能神经元和去甲状腺能神经元有更强的促活能力[2 ] ,并且对…  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels underlie action potential generation in excitable tissue. To establish the evolutionary mechanisms that shaped the vertebrate sodium channel α-subunit (SCNA) gene family and their encoded Nav1 proteins, we identified all SCNA genes in several teleost species. Molecular cloning revealed that teleosts have eight SCNA genes, compared to ten in another vertebrate lineage, mammals. Prior phylogenetic analyses have indicated that the genomes of both teleosts and tetrapods contain four monophyletic groups of SCNA genes, and that tandem duplications expanded the number of genes in two of the four mammalian groups. However, the number of genes in each group varies between teleosts and tetrapods, suggesting different evolutionary histories in the two vertebrate lineages. Our findings from phylogenetic analysis and chromosomal mapping of Danio rerio genes indicate that tandem duplications are an unlikely mechanism for generation of the extant teleost SCNA genes. Instead, analyses of other closely mapped genes in D. rerio as well as of SCNA genes from several teleost species all support the hypothesis that a whole-genome duplication was involved in expansion of the SCNA gene family in teleosts. Interestingly, despite their different evolutionary histories, mRNA analyses demonstrated a conservation of expression patterns for SCNA orthologues in teleosts and tetrapods, suggesting functional conservation. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer]  相似文献   

The Vertebrate Body Axis: Evolution and Mechanical Function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The body axis of vertebrates is an integrated cylinder of bones,connective tissue, and muscle. These structures vary among livingand extinct vertebrates in their orientation, composition, andfunction in ways that render useless simplistic models of theselective pressures that may have driven the evolution of theaxis. Instead, recent experimental work indicates that the vertebrateaxis serves multiple mechanical functions simultaneously: bendingthe body, storing elastic energy, transmitting forces from limbs,and ventilating the lungs. On the biochemical level, researchon human intervertebral discs has shown that collagens resisttension and torsion while proteoglycans bind water to resistcompression. This molecular behavior predicts mechanical behaviorof the entire joint, which, in turn helps determine the mechanicalbehavior of the vertebral column. The axial skeleton, in turn,is reconfigured by axial muscles that work by way of three-dimensionalconnective tissues that derive mechanical advantage for themuscle force by using the skin to increase leverage. Modelsmay eventually help determine which evolutionary changes inthe vertebrate body axis have had important functional and possiblyadaptational consequences. Current reconstruction of the hypotheticalstem lineage of early chordates and vertebrates suggests thatthe gradual mineralization of the vertebral elements, appearanceof fin rays and new median fins, and transverse and then horizontalsegmentation of the axial musculature are all features correlatedwith increases in swimming speed, maneuverability, and bodysize.  相似文献   

过氧化体增殖剂激活的受体(PPARs)是1990年发现的核激素受体家族的一个新成员.其三种亚型α、β、γ具有配体特异性和组织分布的特异性.PPARs在控制炎症反应、脂质代谢、细胞增生和分化等方面发挥重要作用,研究表明PPARs与一些慢性疾病如癌症、动脉粥样硬化等有密切关系.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. New information about molecular mechanisms of developmentcan be combined with existing knowledge about embryology, anatomyand paleontology to allow for an increased understanding ofevolutionary biology. The tetrapod limb is appropriate for suchan approach since much is known about both its structural variationand development. To this end we are investigating molecularregulatory mechanisms in urodele limb development and regeneration.Urodeles have unique patterns of limb development compared toother tetrapods. In addition they are able to regenerate theirlimbs as adults, thus providing the opportunity to conduct comparativestudies of the molecular mechanisms involved in developmentand regeneration in an identical genetic background. We haveinvestigated the role of several homeobox-containing genes inthe control of growth and pattern formation during limb developmentand regeneration, and have found that although there can beconsiderable variation in the ways in which expression of thesegenes is regulated in tune and space, their expression patternsrelative to morphological landmarks is conserved. These resultssuggest that the function of these genes is a deeply conservedfeature of all tetrapods, and may be the molecular manifestationof the homology between different limb types. These conservedsimilarities are overlaid with changes in the time at whichgenes are expressed and the sequence in which structures differentiate.It is these latter features that are most likely responsiblefor the wide variety of morphologies observed among tetrapodlimbs.  相似文献   

Among the primary contributions of phylogenetic systematicsto the synthesis of developmental biology and evolution arephylogenetic hypotheses. Phylogenetic hypotheses are criticalin interpreting the patterns of evolution of developmental genesand processes, as are morphological data. Using a robust phylogeny,the evolutionary history of individual morphological or developmentalfeatures can be traced and ancestral conditions inferred. Multiplecharacters (e.g., morphological and developmental) can be mappedtogether on the phylogeny, and patterns of character associationcan be quantified and tested for correlation. Using the vertebrate forelimb as an example, I show that bymapping accurate morphological data (homologous skeletal elementsof the vertebrate forelimb) onto a phylogeny, an alternativeinterpretation of Hox gene expression emerges. Teleost fishesand tetrapods may share no homologous skeletal elements in theirforelimbs, and thus similarities and differences in Hox patternsduring limb development must be reinterpreted. Specifically,the presence of the phase III Hox pattern in tetrapods may notbe correlated with digits but rather may simply be the normalexpression pattern of a metapterygium in fishes. This exampleillustrates the rigorous hypotheses that can be developed usingmorphological data and phylogenetic methods. "Creating a general reference system and investigating the relationsthat extend from it to all other possible and necessary systemsin biology is the task of systematics." (Hennig, 1966, p.7)  相似文献   

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