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Abstract: Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests with Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) are associated with higher bird abundance and diversity than are ponderosa pine forests lacking Gambel oak. Little is known, however, about specific structural characteristics of Gambel oak trees, clumps, and stands that may be important to birds in ponderosa pine-Gambel oak (hereafter pine-oak) forests. We examined associations among breeding birds and structural characteristics of Gambel oak at a scale similar in size to individual bird territories in pine-oak forests in northern Arizona and western New Mexico, USA. Avian species richness and occurrence of some bird species were associated with specific growth forms of Gambel oak. Estimated probability of Virginia's warblers (Vermivora virginiae), black-headed grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus), and red-faced warblers (Cardellina rubrifrons) occurring at points increased with increasing density of pole-sized Gambel oak 7–15 cm in diameter at breast height. We also found evidence that large Gambel oak trees (≥23 cm dbh) were associated with increased occurrence of yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) at points. Some avian associations with oak were influenced by characteristics of ponderosa pines. For example, bird species richness was positively associated with the abundance of large Gambel oak when density of large pine trees ≥23 cm in diameter at breast height was low. Because large oak trees are rare and their numbers are thought to be declining, efforts should be made to retain and promote growth of additional oaks in this size class. Forest management practices that maintain forest openings, such as prescribed burning, could promote growth of pole-sized Gambel oak, which appears important to some bird species in pine-oak forests.  相似文献   

Modeling Ecological Restoration Effects on Ponderosa Pine Forest Structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
FIRESUM, an ecological process model incorporating surface fire disturbance, was modified for use in southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems. The model was used to determine changes in forest structure over time and then applied to simulate changes in aboveground biomass and nitrogen storage since exclusion of the natural frequent fire regime in an unharvested Arizona forest. Dendroecological reconstruction of forest structure in 1876, prior to Euro‐American settlement, was used to initialize the model; projections were validated with forest measurements in 1992. Biomass allocations shifted from herbaceous plants to trees, and nitrogen was increasingly retained in living and dead tree biomass over the 116‐year period (1876–1992). Forest conditions in 1992 were substantially degraded compared to reference presettlement conditions: old‐growth trees were dying at accelerated rates, herbaceous production was reduced nearly 90%, and the entire stand was highly susceptible to high‐intensity wildfire. Following an experiment initiated in 1993 to test ecological restoration treatments, future changes were modeled for the next century. Future forest structure remained within the natural presettlement range of variability under the full restoration treatment, in which forest biomass structure was thinned to emulate presettlement conditions and repeated low‐intensity fire was reintroduced. Simulation of the control treatment indicated continuation of exceptionally high tree density, probably culminating in stand‐replacing ecosystem change through high‐intensity wildfire or tree mortality from pathogens. Intermediate results were observed in the partial restoration treatment (tree thinning only); the open forest structure and high herbaceous productivity found immediately after treatment were gradually degraded as dense tree cover reestablished in the absence of fire. Modeling results support comprehensive restorative management as a long‐term approach to conservation of key indigenous ecosystem characteristics.  相似文献   

Over the past century, ponderosa pine–dominated landscapes of the southwestern United States have been altered by human activities such as grazing, timber harvest, road building, and fire exclusion. Most forested areas within these landscapes now show increased susceptibility to stand‐replacing fires, insect outbreaks, and drought‐related mortality. Recent large wildfires in the region have spurred public interest in large‐scale fuel reduction and restoration programs, which create perceived and real conflicts with the conservation of biodiversity. Conservation concerns include the potential for larger road networks, soil and understory disturbance, exotic plant invasion, and the removal of large trees in treated areas. Pursuing prescribed burning, thinning, or other treatments on the broad scale that many scientists and managers envision requires the reconciliation of ecological restoration with biodiversity conservation. This study presents recommendations from a workshop for integrating the principles and practices of restoration ecology and conservation biology, toward the objective of restoring the composition, structure, and function of dry ponderosa pine forests. Planning on the scale of hundreds of thousands of hectares offers opportunities to achieve multiple objectives (e.g., rare species protection and restoration of ecological structures and processes) that cannot easily be addressed on a site‐by‐site basis. However, restoration must be coordinated with conservation planning to achieve mutual objectives and should include strict guidelines for protection of rare, declining, and sensitive habitats and species.  相似文献   

A restoration project is considered a success when the initial target is met, but many targets are plausible. We evaluated the success of a restoration project in its 11th year since treatment in a southwestern ponderosa pine–bunchgrass community and the appropriateness of several targets. We measured the responses of (1) total standing crop; (2) standing crop of five functional groups (C3 and C4 graminoids, leguminous forbs, and nonleguminous perennial and annual forbs); (3) graminoid community composition; and (4) standing crop of five common graminoid species (Festuca arizonica, Muhlenbergia montana, Elymus elymoides, Carex geophila, and Poa fendleriana). Targets were quantified in remnant grass patches, which provided the standards for these targets, and were assessed in three other forest patch types (pre‐settlement tree patches, post‐settlement tree patches, and patches where all post‐settlement trees were removed). Patches where all post‐settlement trees were removed reached target levels for total standing crop, C3 and C4 graminoid standing crop, graminoid community composition, and M. montana, E. elymoides, and C. geophila standing crops. Standing crop of legumes and of F. arizonica did not increase over time in any patch type. Targets were not met in pre‐settlement patches or in patches where some post‐settlement trees were left standing, suggesting that it is unrealistic to expect equal responses across all patch types. If increasing herbaceous standing crop is a major goal, practitioners should create gaps within the pine forest canopy.  相似文献   

The fire regime of ponderosa pine forests in the southwestern United States has shifted over the past century from historically frequent, low-intensity surface fires to infrequent, stand-replacing crown fires. We quantified plant and soil carbon (C) responses to this new fire regime and assessed interactions between changes in fire regime and changes in precipitation regime predicted by some climate models (specifically, an earlier monsoon rain season). We hypothesized that soil C pools and carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux rates would decrease initially following stand-replacing fires (due to low plant C inputs and the loss of the soil surficial organic (O) horizon), but then increase with time-after-fire (as plant C inputs increase). Water availability often limits soil biological activity in these forests, but we predicted that low soil C availability following fire would constrain soil CO2 efflux responses to precipitation. In a series of sites with histories of stand-replacing fires that burned between 2 and 34?years prior to sampling, burned patches had lower soil C pools and fluxes than adjacent unburned patches, but there was no evidence of a trend with time-after-fire. Burned forests had 7,500?g C m?2 less live plant biomass C (P?<?0.001), 1,600?g C m?2 less soil total C (P?<?0.001) and 90?g C m?2 less soil labile C (P?<?0.001) than unburned forests. Lower soil labile C in burned patches was due to both a loss of O horizon mass with fire and lower labile C concentrations (g labile C kg?1 soil total C) in the mineral soil. During the annual drought that precedes summer monsoon rains, both burned and unburned patches had soil CO2 efflux rates ranging from 0.9 to 1.1?g CO2-C m?2 day?1. During the monsoon season, soil CO2 efflux in unburned patches increased to approximately 4.8?g CO2-C m?2 day?1 and rates in paired burned patches (3.4?g CO2-C m?2 day?1) were lower (P?<?0.001). We also used field irrigation to experimentally create an earlier and longer monsoon season, and soil CO2 efflux rates at both burned and unburned plots increased initially in response to watering, but decreased to below control (plots without irrigation) rates within weeks. Watering did not significantly change cumulative growing season soil CO2 efflux, supporting our prediction that C availability constrains soil CO2 efflux responses to precipitation. This research advances our understanding of interactions among climate, fire, and C in southwestern forests, suggesting that climate-induced shifts toward more stand-replacing fires will decrease soil C for decades, such that a single fire can constrain future soil biological responses to precipitation regime changes.  相似文献   

Restoration of ponderosa pine ecosystems results in altered stand structure, potentially affecting microclimatic conditions and habitat quality for forest organisms. This research focuses on microclimatic changes resulting from forest and landscape structural alterations caused by restoration treatments in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Three microclimate variables—light intensity, air temperature, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD)—were monitored over two field seasons. Differences in microclimate between the treated forest and the surrounding untreated forest were measured, and microclimatic gradients across the structural edge between these two forest types were quantified. Restoration treatments increased sunlight penetration to the forest floor but did not significantly impact ambient air temperature or VPD. Mean values for air temperature and VPD did not differ significantly between treatments, although temperature and vapor pressure deficit did exhibit a trend in the morning; both variables were higher at the structural edge and in the treated forest during morning hours. Significant edge gradients were detected for air temperature and VPD in the morning and evening, increasing from the structural edge into the untreated forest. Our results show that microclimatic effects of these restoration treatments are generally modest, but the changes are more prominent at specific locations and during certain times of day. Because even modest changes in microclimate have the potential to impact a range of key ecological processes, microclimatic effects should be considered when forest restoration treatments at the landscape scale are being planned and implemented.  相似文献   

A network of permanent plots established between 1909 and 1913 (the Woolsey plots) contains the oldest measured data in northern Arizona ponderosa pine forests. These forest inventory data offer a unique opportunity to reconstruct pre-settlement reference conditions, as well as detect and quantify changes in southwestern forest structure and composition. However, the selection of plot locations in the early 1900s followed a subjective nonrandom approach. To assess the applicability, or inference space, of results obtained from these historical plots, we compared their environmental characteristics (terrestrial ecosystem unit [TEU, based on a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) ecological classification system], site index, elevation, insolation index, and soil parent material) as well as contemporary forest structure (trees per hectare, basal area, and quadratic mean diameter) with two large inventory samples: USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FSFIA) and Arizona State Land Department Continuous Forest Inventory (AZCFI). Analytical methods included multivariate permutation tests, ratios of variance, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample tests. Results indicated that the Woolsey plots (1) were neither historically nor contemporarily representative of the entire study area because of environmental and current forest structural differences with respect to the FSFIA and AZCFI and (2) may be considered historically representative of their corresponding TEUs. Our study supports the use of TEUs for defining the applicability of information obtained from the Woolsey plots.  相似文献   

Restoration treatments have been widely advocated to address declining conditions in Pinus ponderosa forests throughout the western United States. However, few studies have examined treatment effects on individual plant species or whether responses differ for common species and uncommon species (those with low abundance in the community)—information that may be critical in managing for long‐term biodiversity. We investigated understory species responses to restoration treatments in ponderosa pine/Douglas‐fir forests using a randomized block experimental design with three blocks and four treatments (control, burn‐only, thin‐only, and thin‐burn). Understory vegetation was sampled before treatment and for three consecutive years after treatment. We used richness and an index of uniqueness to compare responses of common and uncommon native understory species among treatments, and indicator species analysis to identify individual species that responded to each treatment. Treatments that included thinning had significantly more unique species assemblages than the control. The thin‐only treatment increased common native species richness, whereas all active treatments significantly increased uncommon native species richness over the control, especially the thin‐burn. Generally, life‐forms did not explain the responses of individual species, though in the final sampling year several graminoids were exclusively indicative of treatments that included thinning. Very few species had reduced abundance in the thinning and burning treatments by the final sample year, whereas many uncommon and short‐lived species benefited from active treatments, especially the combined thin‐burn treatment. Active restoration treatments in these forests may foster plant diversity by minimally impacting common species while significantly benefiting disturbance‐dependent native species.  相似文献   

Chronic human activities may result in new and permanent successional trajectories in certain ecosystems. The invasion of longleaf pine ecosystems by sand pine in the Florida Panhandle is one such change in the landscape. This study examined the spatial pattern of sand pine expansion and explored the natural and anthropogenic disturbances that fostered this invasion. Aerial photographs (1949, 1994) and Geographic Information Systems analyses confirmed sand pine expansion at Eglin Air Force Base. In 1949, there were 8,982 ha of sand pine in the southern portion of the study area near riparian and coastal lowland forests. By 1994, sand pine had expanded further upland and inland, for a total of 17,147 ha in the study area. Sand pine age data showed that this expansion had started by 1920 but increased rapidly in the 1940s. Historical accounts and structural data from stands suggest that land-use activities associated with the extraction of turpentine promoted the invasion by sand pine. Fires were suppressed in longleaf pine forests to protect turpentine trees, resulting in increased vegetation cover and decreased regeneration of longleaf pine. In addition, stands were typically harvested after turpentining, and there was little or no advanced regeneration of longleaf pine. Sand pine age histograms showed that the onset of high establishment rates (1940s) coincided with changes in land ownership and widespread fire suppression. Sand pine is likely to persist in these ecosystems due to its abundant regeneration. Received 17 March 1999; accepted 28 January 2000.  相似文献   

Forest structural reference conditions are widely used to understand how ecosystems have been altered and guide restoration and management objectives. We used six stem‐mapped permanent plots established in the early twentieth century to provide precise structural reference conditions for ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona prior to Euro‐American settlement. Reference conditions for these plots in 1873–1874 included the following historical attributes: tree densities of 45–127 trees/ha, mean tree diameter at breast height (dbh) of 43.8 cm with a corresponding quadratic mean diameter range of 41.5–51.3 cm, and a stand basal area of 9.2–18.0 m2/ha. The reconstructed diameter distributions (for live ponderosa pine trees with dbh ≥9.14 cm) prior to fire exclusion varied in shape but generally displayed an irregular unimodal distribution. We suggest that management objectives for the structural restoration of ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona emphasize: (1) conservation and retention of all pre‐settlement (>130 years) trees; (2) reduction of tree densities with a restoration objective ranging between 50 and 150 trees/ha having a large‐tree component between 25 and 50% of the total trees per hectare, respectively; (3) manipulation of the diameter distribution to achieve a unimodal or irregular, uneven‐aged shape (possibly targeting a balanced, uneven‐aged shape on cinder soil types) through the use of harvest and thinning practices that mimic gap disturbances (i.e., individual tree selection system); and (4) retention of 3–11 snags and logs per hectare resulting from natural mortality.  相似文献   

Disturbance regimes within temperate forests can significantly impact carbon cycling. Additionally, projected climate change in combination with multiple, interacting disturbance effects may disrupt the capacity of forests to act as carbon sinks at large spatial and temporal scales. We used a spatially explicit forest succession and disturbance model, LANDIS-II, to model the effects of climate change, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) defoliation, and wildfire on the C dynamics of the forests of the New Jersey Pine Barrens over the next century. Climate scenarios were simulated using current climate conditions (baseline), as well as a high emissions scenario (HadCM3 A2 emissions scenario). Our results suggest that long-term changes in C cycling will be driven more by climate change than by fire or gypsy moths over the next century. We also found that simulated disturbances will affect species composition more than tree growth or C sequestration rates at the landscape level. Projected changes in tree species biomass indicate a potential increase in oaks with climate change and gypsy moth defoliation over the course of the 100-year simulation, exacerbating current successional trends towards increased oak abundance. Our research suggests that defoliation under climate change may play a critical role in increasing the variability of tree growth rates and in determining landscape species composition over the next 100 years.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) seedlings were exposed to near ambient or elevated CO2 (average concentrations during the last growing season 446 versus 699 mol mol–1), combined with low or elevated O3 for three seasons. Ozone exposure during the last growing season (accumulated dose above threshold 0.06 mol mol–1) was 0.05 versus 26.13 mol mol–1 h. Needles of the youngest age class were harvested after the dormancy period. Ozone exposure decreased needle contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and ascorbate, and resulted in a more oxidized total ascorbate and a more de-epoxidized xanthophyll cycle pool irrespective of the CO2 level. Trees under elevated CO2 had a more oxidized glutathione pool and lower chlorophyll a content. Contents of glutathione, tocopherol, and carotenoids were not affected by the CO2 or O3 treatments. There were no interactive effects between elevated CO2 and elevated O3 on any of the parameters measured. The results suggest that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration does not compensate for ozone stress by increasing antioxidative capacity in ponderosa pine.  相似文献   

The current unprecedented outbreak of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests of western Canada has resulted in a landscape consisting of a mosaic of forest stands at different stages of mortality. Within forest stands, understory communities are the reservoir of the majority of plant species diversity and influence the composition of future forests in response to disturbance. Although changes to stand composition following beetle outbreaks are well documented, information on immediate responses of forest understory plant communities is limited. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of D. ponderosae-induced tree mortality on initial changes in diversity and productivity of understory plant communities. We established a total of 110 1-m2 plots across eleven mature lodgepole pine forests to measure changes in understory diversity and productivity as a function of tree mortality and below ground resource availability across multiple years. Overall, understory community diversity and productivity increased across the gradient of increased tree mortality. Richness of herbaceous perennials increased with tree mortality as well as soil moisture and nutrient levels. In contrast, the diversity of woody perennials did not change across the gradient of tree mortality. Understory vegetation, namely herbaceous perennials, showed an immediate response to improved growing conditions caused by increases in tree mortality. How this increased pulse in understory richness and productivity affects future forest trajectories in a novel system is unknown.  相似文献   

The relationship between herbivores, plants and nutrient dynamics, has been investigated in many systems; however, how these relationships are influenced by changing climate has had much less attention. In the northeastern USA, both moose populations and winter climate have been changing. Moose, once extirpated from the region, have made a comeback; while locally, snow depth and duration of snow cover have declined. There is considerable uncertainty in how these changes will interact to influence forested systems. We used small experimental plots and transects along with snow removal (to elicit soil freezing and expose potential forage plants), mechanical browsing, and fecal additions (labeled with 15N) to examine ecosystem responses. We found that snow removal changed moose browsing behavior, with balsam fir more heavily browsed than sugar maple or Viburnum under low snow conditions. Soil freezing alone did not significantly alter N dynamics or selected plant responses, but there were significant interactions with moose activity. The combined effects of moose fecal additions, mechanical browsing, and soil freezing resulted in higher levels of NO3 ? leaching under fir and maple, whereas Viburnum had essentially no response to these multiple factors. Our results suggest that declines in snow depth can initiate a cascade of ecosystem responses, beginning with exposure of plants to increased browsing that then triggers a series of responses that can lead to higher N losses, precipitated by decreased N demand in plants compromised by soil freezing damage. Balsam fir may be particularly susceptible to this cascade of multiple stresses.  相似文献   

We determined the quantity and metabolic status of bacteria and fungi in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soil from microcosms containing ponderosa pine seedlings. Rhizosphere soil was sampled adjacent to coarse, fine, or young roots. The biovolume and metabolic status of bacterial and fungal cells was determined microscopically and converted to total and active biomass values. Cells were considered active if they possessed the ability to reduce the artificial electron acceptor 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride (INT) to visible intracellular deposits of INT formazan. A colorimetric assay of INT formazan production was also used to assess dehydrogenase activity. INT-active microorganisms made up 44 to 55% of the microbial biomass in the soils studied. The proportion of fungal biomass that exhibited INT-reducing activity (40 to 50%) was higher than previous estimates of the active proportion of soil fungi determined by using fluorescein diacetate. Comparison between soils from different root zones revealed that the highest total and INT-active fungal biomass was adjacent to fine mycorrhizal roots, whereas the highest total and active bacterial biomass was adjacent to the young growing root tips. These observations suggest that fungi are enhanced adjacent to the fine roots compared with the nonrhizosphere soil, whereas bacteria are more responsive than fungi to labile carbon inputs in the young root zone. Colorimetric dehydrogenase assays detected gross differences between bulk and rhizosphere soil activity but were unable to detect more subtle differences due to root types. Determination of total and INT-active biomass has increased our understanding of the role of spatial compartmentalization of bacteria and fungi in rhizosphere carbon flow.  相似文献   

Plant allocation patterns may affect soil C and N storage due to differences in litter quality and the depth of plant C and N inputs into the soil. We studied the dynamics of dual-labeled (13C/15N) Pinus ponderosa needles and fine roots placed at two soil depths (O and A horizon) in a temperate conifer forest soil during 2 y. Input of C as fine roots resulted in much more C retained in soil (70.5 ± 2.2% of applied) compared with needle C (42.9 ± 1.3% of applied) after 1.5 y. Needles showed faster mass loss, rates of soil 13CO2 efflux, and more 15N immobilized into microbial biomass than did fine roots. The larger proportion of labile C compounds initially present in needles (17% more needle C was water soluble than in fine roots) likely contributed to its shorter C residence time and greater degree of transformation in the soil. A double exponential decay function best described the rate of 13C loss, with a smaller initial pulse of C loss from fine roots (S1k1) and a slower decay rate of the recalcitrant C pool for fine roots (0.03 y−1) compared with (0.19 y−1) for needles. Soil 13C respiration, representing heterotrophic respiration of litter C, was much more seasonal from the O horizon than from the A. However, offsetting seasonal patterns in 13C dynamics in the O horizon resulted in no net effect of soil depth on total 13C retention in the soil after 1.5 y for either litter. Almost 90% of applied litter N was retained in the soil after 1.5 y, independent of litter quality or soil depth. Very small amounts of 13C or 15N (<3% of applied) moved to the horizon above or below the placement depth (i.e., O to A or A to O). Our results suggest that plant allocation belowground to fine roots results in more C retained and less N mineralized compared with allocation aboveground to needles, primarily due to litter quality differences.  相似文献   

Long-term (10 years) growth responses of residual trees to prescribed fire and thinning were evaluated using standard dendrochronological protocols to understand the broader effects of the treatments on mixed-oak forest ecosystems in southern Ohio. Analysis of 696 increment cores (348 trees ≥ 25 cm DBH; five species) from 80 0.1 ha permanent plots distributed evenly across four treatments (control, thin, thin + burn, burn) indicated substantial increase in tree basal area increment (BAI) following the treatment. Post-treatment mean BAI of trees from the three active treatments ranged from 20.52 to 23.55 cm2 y?1 compared with pre-treatment values of 16.86–17.07 cm2 y?1. BAI rates (averaging 15.13 and 16.33 cm2 y?1, respectively, for pre- and post-treatments) in the control plots did not change much over time. Mechanical treatments were more effective than prescribed fire at enhancing BAI of trees. However, basal area growth depended to some degree on the severity of prescribed fire. Analysis of percent BAI change revealed an interesting temporal trend with moderate to major growth releases during the first 5-year post-treatment period, and a slight attenuation thereafter, suggesting the need for periodic application of treatments to sustain growth over a longer timescale. Growth responses varied greatly among species, with yellow-poplar and hickories exhibiting the highest and lowest post-treatment BAI rates of 31.11 and 15.71 cm2 y?1, respectively. Given their variable growth responses, integrating residual trees into current monitoring programs may help in elucidating the consequences of prescribed fire and thinning on forest dynamics and development.  相似文献   

I investigated the ecological consequences of disturbances (anthropogenic and natural) on the scuttle fly communities in four large Pine Forests in Poland. I used data on 17,547 male individuals representing 183 species. Communities found in pine plantations (established in clear-cut areas) and in differently treated post-windstorm (with windthrow logs being left or removed) were less diverse than those found in old-growth forest. The communities recorded in the same habitat types in different forest complexes (ca. 300 km apart) were found to display greater similarity than those recorded on adjacent plots in a given forest (ca. 1 km apart), but covering different habitats. The species-specific preference for habitats after disturbances (clear-cuts and post-windstorm areas) was highly correlated between the forests. The abundance of the species with saprophagous larvae was distinctly higher in the disturbed areas than in the old-growth stands. Also, the body length of the scuttle flies was significantly related to their preference for disturbed or undisturbed habitats: smaller species preferred clear-cuts and post-windstorm areas, whereas larger species were related to intact stands.  相似文献   

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