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APOBEC3G is a retroviral restriction factor that can inhibit the replication of human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) in the absence of the viral infectivity factor (Vif) protein. Virion-encapsidated APOBEC3G can deaminate cytosine to uracil in viral (−)DNA, which leads to hypermutation and inactivation of the provirus. APOBEC3G catalyzes these deaminations processively on single-stranded DNA using sliding and jumping movements. Vif is thought to primarily overcome APOBEC3G through an interaction that mediates APOBEC3G ubiquitination and results in its proteasomal degradation. However, Vif may also inhibit APOBEC3G mRNA translation, virion encapsidation, and deamination activity. Here we investigated the molecular mechanism of VifIIIB- and VifHXB2-mediated inhibition of APOBEC3G deamination activity. Biochemical assays using a model HIV-1 replication assay and synthetic single-stranded or partially double-stranded DNA substrates demonstrated that APOBEC3G has an altered processive mechanism in the presence of Vif. Specifically, VifHXB2 inhibited the jumping and VifIIIB inhibited the sliding movements of APOBEC3G. The absence of such an effect by Vif on degradation-resistant APOBEC3G D128K indicates that a Vif-APOBEC3G interaction mediates this effect. That the partially processive APOBEC3G was less effective at inducing mutagenesis in a model HIV-1 replication assay suggests that Vif co-encapsidation with APOBEC3G can promote sublethal mutagenesis of HIV-1 proviral DNA.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) has evolved a cunning mechanism to circumvent the antiviral activity of the APOBEC3 family of host cell enzymes. HIV-1 Vif [viral (also called virion) infectivity factor], one of several HIV accessory proteins, targets APOBEC3 proteins for proteasomal degradation and downregulates their expression at the mRNA level. Despite the importance of Vif for HIV-1 infection, there is little conformational data on Vif alone or in complex with other cellular factors due to incompatibilities with many structural techniques and difficulties in producing suitable quantities of the protein for biophysical analysis. As an alternative, we have turned to hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS), a conformational analysis method that is well suited for proteins that are difficult to study using X-ray crystallography and/or NMR. HX MS was used to probe the solution conformation of recombinant full-length HIV-1 Vif. Vif specifically interacted with the previously identified binding partner Hck and was able to cause kinase activation, suggesting that the Vif studied by HX MS retained a biochemically competent conformation relevant to Hck interaction. HX MS analysis of Vif alone revealed low deuteration levels in the N-terminal portion, indicating that this region contained structured or otherwise protected elements. In contrast, high deuteration levels in the C-terminal portion of Vif indicated that this region was likely unstructured in the absence of cellular interacting proteins. Several regions within Vif displayed conformational heterogeneity in solution, including the APOBEC3G/F binding site and the HCCH zinc finger. Taken together, these HX MS results provide new insights into the solution conformation of Vif.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The mechanisms for the protection of the human body from viral or bacterial agents are extremely diverse. In one such mechanism, an important role belongs to the cytidine...  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(F12) (HIV-1(F12)) interferes with the replication of other strains of HIV. Its accessory protein, Nef, is sufficient for this phenotype, where the production and infectivity of HIV are impaired significantly. The analysis of three rare mutations in this Nef protein revealed that these effects could be separated genetically. Moreover, the defect in virus production correlated with the lack of processing of the p55(Gag) precursor in the presence of Nef from HIV-1(F12). Importantly, the introduction of one of these mutations (E177G) into Nef from HIV-1(NL4-3) also created a dominant-negative Nef protein. Effects of Nef from HIV-1(F12) on virus production and Gag processing correlated with its altered subcellular distribution. Moreover, the association with two new cellular proteins with molecular masses of 74 and 75 kDa, which do not interact with other Nef proteins, correlated with the decreased virion infectivity. The identification of a dominant-negative protein for the production and infectivity of HIV suggests that Nef plays an active role at this stage of the viral replicative cycle.  相似文献   

病毒感染因子(virion infectivity factor, Vif)是人免疫缺陷病毒(human im_mu_n_o_de_fi_cien_cy virus, HIV)的6个辅助蛋白之一, 是病毒进行有效复制所必需的.由于Vif功能的复杂性以及对相应复合物体系的不了解, 一直以来, 对Vif的研究进展缓慢.直到2002年发现载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化多肽样蛋白3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3G, APOBEC3G)是存在于细胞内的一种天然抗病毒因子后, Vif的功能才被逐步阐明.APOBEC3G主要通过嘧啶脱氨基活性使HIV-1的负链DNA在逆转录过程中发生致死性超突变, 从而起到抗病毒作用.HIV-1基因编码Vif来拮抗APOBEC3G, 二者在宿主细胞内达到动态平衡.Vif通过介导APOBEC3G降解、减少在胞内的表达、阻碍其向病毒粒子的包装以及促使其装配成无活性的高分子质量复合体等多种途径起到中和作用.对Vif/APOBEC3G相互作用及其调节机制的进一步研究, 将为新型抗HIV-1病毒药物的研制与开发提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The nef gene of primate immunodeficiency viruses is essential for high-titer virus replication and AIDS pathogenesis in vivo. In tissue culture, Nef is not required for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but enhances viral infectivity. We and others have shown that Nef is incorporated into HIV-1 particles and cleaved by the viral proteinase. To determine the signal for Nef incorporation and to analyze whether virion-associated Nef is responsible for enhancement of infectivity, we generated a panel of nef mutants and analyzed them for virion incorporation of Nef and for their relative infectivities. We report that N-terminal truncations of Nef abolished its incorporation into HIV particles. Incorporation was reconstituted by targeting the respective proteins to the plasma membrane by using a heterologous signal. Mutational analysis revealed that both myristoylation and an N-terminal cluster of basic amino acids were required for virion incorporation and for plasma membrane targeting of Nef. Grafting the N-terminal anchor domain of Nef onto the green fluorescent protein led to membrane targeting and virion incorporation of the resulting fusion protein. These results indicate that Nef incorporation into HIV-1 particles is mediated by plasma membrane targeting via an N-terminal bipartite signal which is reminiscent of a Src homology region 4. Virion incorporation of Nef correlated with enhanced infectivity of the respective viruses in a single-round replication assay. However, the phenotypes of HIV mutants with reduced Nef incorporation only partly correlated with their ability to replicate in primary lymphocytes, indicating that additional or different mechanisms may be involved in this system.  相似文献   

The envelope protein (Env) from the CasBrE murine leukemia virus (MLV) can cause acute spongiform neurodegeneration analogous to that induced by prions. Upon central nervous system (CNS) infection, Env is expressed as multiple isoforms owing to differential asparagine (N)-linked glycosylation. Because N-glycosylation can affect protein folding, stability, and quality control, we explored whether unique CasBrE Env glycosylation features could influence neurovirulence. CasBrE Env possesses 6/8 consensus MLV glycosylation sites (gs) but is missing gs3 and gs5 and contains a putative site (gs*). Twenty-nine mutants were generated by modifying these three sites, individually or in combination, to mimic the amino acid sequence in the nonneurovirulent Friend 57 MLV. Three basic viral phenotypes were observed: replication defective (dead; titer < 1 focus-forming unit [FFU]/ml), replication compromised (RC) (titer = 102 to 105 FFU/ml); and wild-type-like (WTL) (titer > 105 FFU/ml). Env protein was undetectable in dead mutants, while RC and WTL mutants showed variations in Env expression, processing, virus incorporation, virus entry, and virus spread. The newly introduced gs3 and gs5 sites were glycosylated, whereas gs* was not. Six WTL mutants tested in mice showed no clear attenuation in disease onset or severity versus controls. Furthermore, three RC viruses tested by neural stem cell (NSC)-mediated brainstem dissemination also induced acute spongiosis. Thus, while unique N-glycosylation affected structural features of Env involved in protein stability, proteolytic processing, and virus assembly and entry, these changes had minimal impact on CasBrE Env neurotoxicity. These findings suggest that the Env protein domains responsible for spongiogenesis represent highly stable elements upon which the more variable viral functional domains have evolved.  相似文献   

REV1 is an evolutionarily conserved translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerase and an assembly factor key for the recruitment of other TLS polymerases to DNA damage sites. REV1-mediated recognition of ubiquitin in the proliferative cell nuclear antigen is thought to be the trigger for TLS activation. Here we report the solution NMR structure of a 108-residue fragment of human REV1 encompassing the two putative ubiquitin-binding motifs UBM1 and UBM2 in complex with ubiquitin. While in mammals UBM1 and UBM2 are both required for optimal association of REV1 with replication factories after DNA damage, we show that only REV1 UBM2 binds ubiquitin. Structure-guided mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae further highlights the importance of UBM2 for REV1-mediated mutagenesis and DNA damage tolerance.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is an important cytokine that suppresses carcinogenesis and excludes infectious pathogens to maintain homeostasis. TNF activates its two receptors [TNF receptor (TNFR) 1 and TNFR2], but the contribution of each receptor to various host defense functions and immunologic surveillance is not yet clear. Here, we used phage display techniques to generate receptor-selective TNF mutants that activate only one TNFR. These TNF mutants will be useful in the functional analysis of TNFR.Six amino acids in the receptor binding interface (near TNF residues 30, 80, and 140) were randomly mutated by polymerase chain reaction. Two phage libraries comprising over 5 million TNF mutants were constructed. By selecting the mutants without affinity for TNFR1 or TNFR2, we successfully isolated 4 TNFR2-selective candidates and 16 TNFR1-selective candidates, respectively. The TNFR1-selective candidates were highly mutated near residue 30, whereas TNFR2-selective candidates were highly mutated near residue 140, although both had conserved sequences near residues 140 and 30, respectively. This finding suggested that the phage display technique was suitable for identifying important regions for the TNF interaction with TNFR1 and TNFR2. Purified clone R1-6, a TNFR1-selective candidate, remained fully bioactive and had full affinity for TNFR1 without activating TNFR2, indicating the usefulness of the R1-6 TNF mutant in analyzing TNFR1 receptor function.To further elucidate the receptor selectivity of R1-6, we examined the structure of R1-6 by X-ray crystallography. The results suggested that R31A and R32G mutations strongly influenced electrostatic interaction with TNFR2, and that L29K mutation contributed to the binding of R1-6 to TNFR1. This phage display technique can be used to efficiently construct functional mutants for analysis of the TNF structure-function relationship, which might facilitate in silico drug design based on receptor selectivity.  相似文献   

The degradation of proteins by the 26S proteasome is initiated by protein polyubiquitination mediated by a three-step cascade. The specific ubiquitination of different target proteins is mediated by different classes of E3 ubiquitin ligases, among which the best known are Skp1-Cullin-F-box complexes. Whereas protists, fungi and some vertebrates have a single SKP1 gene, many animal and plant species possess multiple SKP1 homologues. In this paper, we report on the structure, phylogeny and expression of the complete set of rice SKP1 genes (OSKs, Oryza sativa SKP1-like genes). Our analyses indicated that OSK1 and OSK20 belong to a class of SKP1 genes that contain one intron at a conserved position and are highly expressed. In addition, our yeast two-hybrid results revealed that OSK proteins display a differing ability to interact with F-box proteins. However, OSK1 and OSK20 seemed to interact with most of the nine F-box proteins tested. We suggest that rice OSK1 and OSK20 are likely to have functions similar to the Arabidopsis ASK1 and ASK2 genes.  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ligands, the ephrins, have been implicated in regulating cell adhesion and migration during development by mediating cell-to-cell signaling events. The transmembrane ephrinB1 protein is a bidirectional signaling molecule that signals through its cytoplasmic domain to promote cellular movements into the eye field, whereas activation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) represses these movements and retinal fate. In Xenopus embryos, ephrinB1 plays a role in retinal progenitor cell movement into the eye field through an interaction with the scaffold protein Dishevelled (Dsh). However, the mechanism by which the FGFR may regulate this cell movement is unknown. Here, we present evidence that FGFR-induced repression of retinal fate is dependent upon phosphorylation within the intracellular domain of ephrinB1. We demonstrate that phosphorylation of tyrosines 324 and 325 disrupts the ephrinB1/Dsh interaction, thus modulating retinal progenitor movement that is dependent on the planar cell polarity pathway. These results provide mechanistic insight into how fibroblast growth factor signaling modulates ephrinB1 control of retinal progenitor movement within the eye field.  相似文献   

HIV-1 buds as an immature, noninfectious virion. Proteolysis of its main structural component, Gag, is required for morphological maturation and infectivity and leads to release of four functional domains and the spacer peptides SP1 and SP2. The N-terminal cleavages of Gag and the separation of SP1 from CA are all essential for viral infectivity, while the roles of the two C-terminal cleavages and the role of SP2, separating the NC and p6 domains, are less well defined. We have analyzed HIV-1 variants with defective cleavage at either or both sites flanking SP2, or largely lacking SP2, regarding virus production, infectivity, and structural maturation. Neither the presence nor the proteolytic processing of SP2 was required for particle release. Viral infectivity was almost abolished when both cleavage sites were defective and severely reduced when the fast cleavage site between SP2 and p6 was defective. This correlated with an increased proportion of irregular core structures observed by cryo-electron tomography, although processing of CA was unaffected. Mutation of the slow cleavage site between NC and SP2 or deletion of most of SP2 had only a minor effect on infectivity and did not induce major alterations in mature core morphology. We speculate that not only separation of NC and p6 but also the processing kinetics in this region are essential for successful maturation, while SP2 itself is dispensable.  相似文献   

Structural and Functional Analysis of Viral siRNAs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large amount of short interfering RNA (vsiRNA) is generated from plant viruses during infection, but the function, structure and biogenesis of these is not understood. We profiled vsiRNAs using two different high-throughput sequencing platforms and also developed a hybridisation based array approach. The profiles obtained through the Solexa platform and by hybridisation were very similar to each other but different from the 454 profile. Both deep sequencing techniques revealed a strong bias in vsiRNAs for the positive strand of the virus and identified regions on the viral genome that produced vsiRNA in much higher abundance than other regions. The hybridisation approach also showed that the position of highly abundant vsiRNAs was the same in different plant species and in the absence of RDR6. We used the Terminator 5′-Phosphate-Dependent Exonuclease to study the 5′ end of vsiRNAs and showed that a perfect control duplex was not digested by the enzyme without denaturation and that the efficiency of the Terminator was strongly affected by the concentration of the substrate. We found that most vsiRNAs have 5′ monophosphates, which was also confirmed by profiling short RNA libraries following either direct ligation of adapters to the 5′ end of short RNAs or after replacing any potential 5′ ends with monophosphates. The Terminator experiments also showed that vsiRNAs were not perfect duplexes. Using a sensor construct we also found that regions from the viral genome that were complementary to non-abundant vsiRNAs were targeted in planta just as efficiently as regions recognised by abundant vsiRNAs. Different high-throughput sequencing techniques have different reproducible sequence bias and generate different profiles of short RNAs. The Terminator exonuclease does not process double stranded RNA, and because short RNAs can quickly re-anneal at high concentration, this assay can be misleading if the substrate is not denatured and not analysed in a dilution series. The sequence profiles and Terminator digests suggest that CymRSV siRNAs are produced from the structured positive strand rather than from perfect double stranded RNA or by RNA dependent RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic mRNA 3′ poly(A) tail and its associated poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1p) are important regulators of gene expression. One role for this complex in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is in translation initiation through an interaction with a 115-amino-acid region of the translation initiation factor eIF4G. The eIF4G-interacting domain of Pab1p was mapped to its second RNA recognition motif (RRM2) in an in vitro binding assay. Moreover, RRM2 of Pab1p was required for poly(A) tail-dependent translation in yeast extracts. An analysis of a site-directed Pab1p mutation which bound to eIF4G but did not stimulate translation of uncapped, polyadenylated mRNA suggested additional Pab1p-dependent events during translation initiation. These results support the model that the association of RRM2 of yeast Pab1p with eIF4G is a prerequisite for the poly(A) tail to stimulate the translation of mRNA in vitro.  相似文献   

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