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An antigen-binding fragment (Fab) from a murine monoclonal antibody (4-4-20) with high affinity for fluorescein was cocrystallized with ligand in polyethylene glycol (PEG) and 2-methl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) in forms suitable for X-ray analyses. In MPD the affinity of the intact antibody for fluorescein was 300 times lower than the value (3.4 × 1010 M?1) obtained in aqueous buffers. This decreased affinity was manifested by the partial release of bound fluorescein when MPD was added to solutions of liganded Feb during crystallization trials, In PEG, the ligand remained firmly bound to the protein. The liganded Feb crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 in PEG, with a = 58.6, b = 97.2, c = 44.5 Å and β = 95.2°. In MPD the space group was triclinic P1, with a = 58.3, b = 43.4, c = 42.3 Å, α = 83.9°, β = 87.6°, and γ = 84.5°. X-ray diffraction data were collected for both forms to 2.5-Å resolution. Surprisingly, the triclinic form of the liganed antifluorescyl Feb had the same space group, closely similar cell dimensions, and practically the same orientation in the unit cell as an unliganded Fab (BV04-01) with activity against single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Immune sera are a mixture of different groups of antibodies belonging to the same class of immunoglobulins, but differing in their affinity. The graphic analysis and numerical methods permit the determination of the size and affinity of each group of antibodies. Differences in affinity are manifested as differences in antigen-binding capacity. The antigen-binding capacity index, calculated as the product of the association constant multiplied by the concentration of the active centers of antibodies, is proposed.  相似文献   

A novel peptide was designed which possesses nanomolar affinity of less than 20 nM for streptavidin. Therefore it was termed Nano-tag and has been used as an affinity tag for recombinant proteins. The minimized version of the wild type Nano-tag is a seven-amino acid peptide with the sequence fMDVEAWL. The three-dimensional structure of wild type streptavidin in complex with the minimized Nano-tag was analyzed at atomic resolution of 1.15 A and the details of the binding motif were investigated. The peptide recognizes the same pocket of streptavidin where the natural ligand biotin is bound, but the peptide requires significantly more space than biotin. Therefore the binding loop adopts an "open" conformation in order to release additional space for the peptide. The conformation of the bound Nano-tag corresponds to a 3(10) helix. However, the analysis of the intermolecular interactions of the Nano-tag with residues of the binding pocket of streptavidin reveals astonishing similarities to the biotin binding motif. In principle the three-dimensional conformation of the Nano-tag mimics the binding mode of biotin. Our results explain why the use of the Nano-tag in fusion with recombinant proteins is restricted to their N-terminus and we describe the special significance of the fMet residue for the high affinity binding mode.  相似文献   

Previous crystallographic studies of high affinity anti-fluorescein monoclonal antibody 4-4-20 (Ka = 1.7 x 10(10) M-1) complexed with fluorescyl ligand resolved active site contact residues involved in binding. For better definition of the relative roles of three light chain antigen contact residues (L27dhis, L32tyr and L34arg), four site-specific mutations (L27dhis to L27lys, L32tyr to L32phe, and L34arg to L34lys and L34his) were generated and expressed in single-chain antigen binding derivatives of monoclonal antibody 4-4-20 containing two different polypeptide linkers (SCA 4-4-20/205c, 25 amino acids and SCA 4-4-20/212, 14 amino acids). Results showed that L27dhis and L32tyr were necessary for wild type binding affinities, however, were not required for near-wild type Qmax values (where Qmax is the maximum fluoroscein fluorescence quenching expressed as percent). Tyrosine L32 which hydrogen bonds with ligand was also characterized at the haptenic level through the use of 9-hydroxyphenylfluoron which lacks the carboxyl group to which L32 tyrosine forms a hydrogen bond. Results demonstrated that wild type SCA and mutant L32phe possessed similar HPF binding characteristics. Active site contact residue L34arg was important for fluorescein quenching maxima and binding affinity (L34his mutant), however, substitution of lysine for arginine at L34 did not have a significant effect on observed Qmax value. In addition, substitutions had no effect on structural and topological characteristics, since all mutants retained similar idiotypic and metatypic properties. Finally, two linkers were comparatively examined to determine relative contributions to mutant binding properties and stability. No linker effects were observed. Collectively, these results verified the importance of these light chain fluorescein contact residues in the binding pocket of monoclonal antibody 4-4-20.  相似文献   

PA-IIL is a fucose-binding lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that is closely related to the virulence factors of the bacterium. Previous structural studies have revealed a new carbohydrate-binding mode with direct involvement of two calcium ions (Mitchell E, Houles C, Sudakevitz D, Wimmerova M, Gautier C, Perez S, Wu AM, Gilboa-Garber N, Imberty A. Structural basis for selective recognition of oligosaccharides from cystic fibrosis patients by the lectin PA-IIL of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nat Struct Biol 2002;9:918-921). A combination of thermodynamic, structural, and computational methods has been used to study the basis of the high affinity for the monosaccharide ligand. A titration microcalorimetry study indicated that the high affinity is enthalpy driven. The crystal structure of the tetrameric PA-IIL in complex with fucose and calcium was refined to 1.0 A resolution and, in combination with modeling, allowed a proposal to be made for the hydrogen-bond network in the binding site. Calculations of partial charges using ab initio computational chemistry methods indicated that extensive delocalization of charges between the calcium ions, the side chains of the protein-binding site and the carbohydrate ligand is responsible for the high enthalpy of binding and therefore for the unusually high affinity observed for this unique mode of carbohydrate recognition.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of bovine mitochondrial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in complex with GDP has been determined at a resolution of 1. 94 A. The structure is similar to that of EF-Tu:GDP from Escherichia coli and Thermus aquaticus, but the orientation of the GDP-binding domain 1 is changed relative to domains 2 and 3. Sixteen conserved water molecules common to EF-Tu and other G-proteins in the GDP-binding site are described. These water molecules create a network linking separated parts of the binding pocket. Mitochondrial EF-Tu binds nucleotides less tightly than prokaryotic EF-Tu possibly due to an increased mobility in regions close to the GDP-binding site. The C-terminal extension of mitochondrial EF-Tu has structural similarities with DNA recognising zinc fingers suggesting that the extension may be involved in recognition of RNA.  相似文献   

During homologous recombination, genetic information is physically exchanged between parental DNAs via crossing single strands of the same polarity within a four-way DNA junction called a Holliday structure. This process is terminated by the endonucleolytic activity of resolvases, which convert the four-way DNA back to two double strands. To achieve productive resolution, the two subunits of the dimeric enzymes introduce two single-strand cuts positioned symmetrically in opposite strands across the DNA junction. Covalently linked dimers of endonuclease VII from phage T4, whether a homodimer with two or a heterodimer with only one functional catalytic centre, reacted with a synthetic cruciform DNA to form a DNA-enzyme complex immediately after addition of the enzyme. Analysis of the complexes from both reactions revealed that the bound junction contained one nick. While the active homodimer processed this nicked junction consecutively to duplex DNAs by making the second cut, the complex with the heterodimer stayed stable for the whole reaction time. Thus the high affinity of endonuclease VII for the junction containing one nick is part of the mechanism to ensure productive resolution of Holliday structures, by giving the enzyme time to make the second cut, whereupon the complex dissociates into the two duplex DNAs and the free enzyme.  相似文献   

The PI-SceI protein is an intein-encoded homing endonuclease that initiates the mobility of its gene by making a double strand break at a single site in the yeast genome. The PI-SceI protein splicing and endonucleolytic active sites are separately located in each of two domains in the PI-SceI structure. To determine the spatial relationship between bases in the PI-SceI recognition sequence and selected PI-SceI amino acids, the PI-SceI-DNA complex was probed by photocross-linking and affinity cleavage methods. Unique solvent-accessible cysteine residues were introduced into the two PI-SceI domains at positions 91, 97, 170, 230, 376, and 378, and the mutant proteins were modified with either 4-azidophenacyl bromide or iron (S)-1-(p-bromoacetamidobenzyl)-ethylenediaminetetraacetate (FeBABE). The phenyl azide-coupled proteins cross-linked to the PI-SceI target sequence, and the FeBABE-modified proteins cleaved the DNA proximal to the derivatized amino acid. The results suggest that an extended beta-hairpin loop in the endonuclease domain that contains residues 376 and 378 contacts the major groove near the PI-SceI cleavage site. Conversely, residues 91, 97, and 170 in the protein splicing domain are in close proximity to a distant region of the substrate. To interpret our results, we used a new PI-SceI structure that is ordered in regions of the protein that bind DNA. The data strongly support a model of the PI-SceI-DNA complex derived from this structure.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa soluble lytic transglycosylase (Slt70) from Escherichia coli is an exo-muramidase, that catalyses the cleavage of the glycosidic bonds between N -acetylmuramic acid and N -acetylglucosamine residues in peptidoglycan, the main structural component of the bacterial cell wall. This cleavage is accompanied by the formation of a 1,6-anhydro bond between the C1 and O6 atoms in the N -acetylmuramic acid residue (anhMurNAc). Crystallographic studies at medium resolution revealed that Slt70 is a multi-domain protein consisting of a large ring-shaped alpha-superhelix with on top a catalytic domain, which resembles the fold of goose-type lysozyme. Here we report the crystal structures of native Slt70 and of its complex with a 1,6-anhydromuropeptide solved at nominal resolutions of 1.65 A and 1.90 A, respectively. The high resolution native structure reveals the details on the hydrogen bonds, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions that stabilise the catalytic domain and the alpha-superhelix. The building-block of the alpha-superhelix is an "up-down-up-down" four-alpha-helix bundle involving both parallel and antiparallel helix pairs. Stabilisation of the fold is provided through an extensive packing of apolar atoms, mostly from leucine and alanine residues. It lacks, however, an internal consensus sequence that characterises other super-secondary helical folds like the beta-helix in pectate lyase or the (beta-alpha)-helix in the ribonuclease inhibitor. The 1, 6-anhydromuropeptide product binds in a shallow groove adjacent to the peptidoglycan-binding groove of the catalytic domain. The groove is formed by conserved residues at the interface of the catalytic domain and the alpha-superhelix. The structure of the Slt70-1, 6-anhydromuropeptide complex confirms the presence of a specific binding-site for the peptide moieties of the peptidoglycan and it substantiates the notion that Slt70 starts the cleavage reaction at the anhMurNAc end of the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

The oligopeptide-binding protein OppA provides a useful model system for studying the physical chemistry underlying noncovalent interactions since it binds a variety of readily synthesized ligands. We have studied the binding of eight closely related tripeptides of the type Lysine-X-Lysine, where X is an abnormal amino acid, by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and X-ray crystallography. The tripeptides fall into three series of ligands, which have been designed to examine the effects of small changes to the central side chain. Three ligands have a primary amine as the second side chain, two have a straight alkane chain, and three have ring systems. The results have revealed a definite preference for the binding of hydrophobic residues over the positively charged side chains, the latter binding only weakly due to unfavorable enthalpic effects. Within the series of positively charged groups, a point of lowest affinity has been identified and this is proposed to arise from unfavorable electrostatic interactions in the pocket, including the disruption of a key salt bridge. Marked entropy-enthalpy compensation is found across the series, and some of the difficulties in designing tightly binding ligands have been highlighted.  相似文献   

In mice, the major urinary proteins (MUP) play a key role in pheromonal communication by binding and transporting semiochemicals. MUP‐IV is the only isoform known to be expressed in the vomeronasal mucosa. In comparison with the MUP isoforms that are abundantly excreted in the urine, MUP‐IV is highly specific for the male mouse pheromone 2‐sec‐butyl‐4,5‐dihydrothiazole (SBT). To examine the structural basis of this ligand preference, we determined the X‐ray crystal structure of MUP‐IV bound to three mouse pheromones: SBT, 2,5‐dimethylpyrazine, and 2‐heptanone. We also obtained the structure of MUP‐IV with 2‐ethylhexanol bound in the cavity. These four structures show that relative to the major excreted MUP isoforms, three amino acid substitutions within the binding calyx impact ligand coordination. The F103 for A along with F54 for L result in a smaller cavity, potentially creating a more closely packed environment for the ligand. The E118 for G substitution introduces a charged group into a hydrophobic environment. The sidechain of E118 is observed to hydrogen bond to polar groups on all four ligands with nearly the same geometry as seen for the water‐mediated hydrogen bond network in the MUP‐I and MUP‐II crystal structures. These differences in cavity size and interactions between the protein and ligand are likely to contribute to the observed specificity of MUP‐IV.  相似文献   

Huber SK  Scheidig AJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(13):2821-2829
The Ras-related human GTPase Rab4a is involved in the regulation of endocytosis through the sorting and recycling of early endosomes. Towards further insight, we have determined the three-dimensional crystal structure of human Rab4a in its GppNHp-bound state to 1.6 Angstroms resolution and in its GDP-bound state to 1.8 Angstroms resolution, respectively. Despite the similarity of the overall structure with other Rab proteins, Rab4a displays significant differences. The structures are discussed with respect to the recently determined structure of human Rab5a and its complex with the Rab5-binding domain of the bivalent effector Rabaptin-5. The Rab4 specific residue His39 modulates the nucleotide binding pocket giving rise to a reduced rate for nucleotide hydrolysis and exchange. In comparison to Rab5, Rab4a has a different GDP-bound conformation within switch 1 region and displays shifts in position and orientation of the hydrophobic triad. The observed differences at the S2-L3-S3 region represent a new example of structural plasticity among Rab proteins and may provide a structural basis to understand the differential binding of similar effector proteins.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the antigen-binding fragment of a monoclonal antibody to human interleukin-2 was determined in two crystal forms by the X-ray method of molecular replacement at 2.2 and 2.9 Å resolutions. The spatial structure of the protein and the stereochemistry of its antigen-binding site were analyzed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Camelid serum contains a large fraction of functional heavy-chain antibodies - homodimers of heavy chains without light chains. The variable domains of these heavy-chain antibodies (VHH) have a long complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) loop that compensates for the absence of the antigen-binding loops of the variable light chains (VL). In the case of the VHH fragment cAb-Lys3, part of the 24 amino acid long CDR3 loop protrudes from the antigen-binding surface and inserts into the active-site cleft of its antigen, rendering cAb-Lys3 a competitive enzyme inhibitor. RESULTS: A dromedary VHH with specificity for bovine RNase A, cAb-RN05, has a short CDR3 loop of 12 amino acids and is not a competitive enzyme inhibitor. The structure of the cAb-RN05-RNase A complex has been solved at 2.8 A. The VHH scaffold architecture is close to that of a human VH (variable heavy chain). The structure of the antigen-binding hypervariable 1 loop (H1) of both cAb-RN05 and cAb-Lys3 differ from the known canonical structures; in addition these H1 loops resemble each other. The CDR3 provides an antigen-binding surface and shields the face of the domain that interacts with VL in conventional antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: VHHs adopt the common immunoglobulin fold of variable domains, but the antigen-binding loops deviate from the predicted canonical structure. We define a new canonical structure for the H1 loop of immunoglobulins, with cAb-RN05 and cAb-Lys3 as reference structures. This new loop structure might also occur in human or mouse VH domains. Surprisingly, only two loops are involved in antigen recognition; the CDR2 does not participate. Nevertheless, the antigen binding occurs with nanomolar affinities because of a preferential usage of mainchain atoms for antigen interaction.  相似文献   

The recently determined crystal structure of an FGF-receptor complex reveals a surprising architecture and a novel mode of receptor dimerization. The structure also elucidates the role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in receptor activation, showing significant differences from previously proposed models.  相似文献   

The structure of alpha-lytic protease, a serine protease produced by the bacterium Lysobacter enzymogenes, has been refined at 1.7 A resolution. The conventional R-factor is 0.131 for the 14,996 reflections between 8 and 1.7 A resolution with I greater than or equal to 2 sigma (I). The model consists of 1391 protein atoms, two sulfate ions and 156 water molecules. The overall root-meansquare error is estimated to be about 0.14 A. The refined structure was compared with homologous enzymes alpha-chymotrypsin and Streptomyces griseus protease A and B. A new sequence numbering was derived based on the alignment of these structures. The comparison showed that the greatest structural homology is around the active site residues Asp102, His57 and Ser195, and that basic folding pathways are maintained despite chemical changes in the hydrophobic cores. The hydrogen bonds in the structure were tabulated and the distances and angles of interaction are similar to those found in small molecules. The analysis also revealed the presence of close intraresidue interactions. There are only a few direct intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Most intermolecular interactions involve bridging solvent molecules. The structural importance of hydrogen bonds involving the side-chain of Asx residues is discussed. All the negatively charged groups have a counterion nearby, while the excess positively charged groups are exposed to the solvent. One of the sulfate ions is located near the active site, whereas the other is close to the N terminus. Of the 156 water molecules, only seven are not involved in a hydrogen bond. Six of these have polar groups nearby, while the remaining one is in very weak density. There are nine internal water molecules, consisting of two monomers, two dimers and one trimer. No significant second shell of solvent is observed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure analysis of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase has been extended to 2.4 Å resolution. From the corresponding electron density map of the apoenzyme we have determined the positions of the 374 amino acids in the polypeptide chain of each subunit.The coenzyme binding domain of the subunit comprises residues 176 to 318. 45% of these residues are helical and 32% are in the central six-stranded pleated sheet structure. The positions and orientations of the helices with respect to the pleated sheet indicate a possible folding mechanism for this part of the subunit structure. The coenzyme analogue ADP-ribose binds to this domain in a position and orientation very similar to coenzyme binding to lactate dehydrogenase. The adenine part binds in a hydrophobic pocket, the adenosine ribose is hydrogen-bonded to the side chain of Asp223, the pyrophosphate is positioned by interaction with Arg47 and the nicotinamide ribose is 6Å away from the catalytic zinc atom.The catalytic domain is mainly built up from three distinct antiparallel pleated-sheet regions. Residues within this domain provide ligands to the catalytic zinc atom; Cys46, His67 and Cys174. An approximate tetrahedral coordination of this zinc is completed by a water molecule or hydroxyl ion depending on the pH. Residues 95 to 113 form a lobe that binds the second zinc atom of the subunit. This zinc is liganded in a distorted tetrahedral arrangement by four sulphur atoms from the cysteine residues 97, 100, 103 and 111. The lobe forms one side of a significant cleft in the enzyme surface suggesting that this region might constitute a second catalytic centre of unknown function.The two domains of the subunit are separated by a crevice that contains a wide and deep hydrophobic pocket. The catalytic zinc atom is at the bottom of this pocket, with the zinc-bound water molecule projecting out into the pocket. This water molecule is hydrogen-bonded to the side chain of Ser48 which in turn is hydrogen-bonded to His51. The pocket which in all probability is the binding site for the substrate and the nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme, is lined almost exclusively with hydrophobic side chains. Both subunits contribute residues to each of the two substrate binding pockets of the molecule. The only accessible polar groups in the vicinity of the catalytic centre are Ser48 and Thr178 apart from zinc and the zinc-bound water molecule.  相似文献   

The Mapkap kinases 2 and 3 (MK2 and MK3) have been implicated in intracellular signaling pathways leading to the production of the pro‐inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha. MK2 has been pursued by the biopharmaceutical industry for many years for the development of a small molecule anti‐inflammatory treatment and drug‐like inhibitors have been described. The development of some of these compounds, however, has been slowed by the absence of a high‐resolution crystal structure of MK2. Herein we present a high‐resolution (1.9 Å) crystal structure of the highly homologous MK3 in complex with a pharmaceutical lead compound. While all of the canonical features of Ser/Thr kinases in general and MK2 in particular are recapitulated in MK3, the detailed analysis of the binding interaction of the drug‐like ligand within the adenine binding pocket allows relevant conclusions to be drawn for the further design of potent and selective drug candidates.  相似文献   

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