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Summary A simple statistical model is constructed, describing the transition from disorder to order in a population of mutually catalytic molecules undergoing random mutations. The consequences of the model are calculated, and its possible relevance to the problem of the origin of life is discussed. The main conclusion of the analysis is that the model allows populations of several thousand molecular units to make the transition from disorder to order with reasonable probability.  相似文献   

A possible circular RNA at the origin of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing volume of sequenced genomes and the recent techniques for performing in vitro molecular evolution have rekindled the interest for questions on the origin of life. Nevertheless, a gap continues to exist between the research on prebiotic chemistry and molecule generation, on one hand, and the study of molecular fossils preserved in genomes, on the other. Here we attempt to fill this gap by using some assumptions about the prebiotic scenario (including a strong stereochemical basis for the genetic code) to determine the RNA sequences more likely to appear and subsist. A set of minimal RNA rings is exhaustively determined; a subset of them is then selected through stability arguments, and a particular ring ("AL ring") is finally singled out as the most likely winner of this prebiotic game. The rings happen to have several structural and statistical properties of modern genes: a repeated AUG codon appears spontaneously (and is thus made available for becoming a start signal), the form AUG/STOP emerges, and frequency patterns resemble those of present genes. The whole set of rings was also compared to a database of tRNAs, considering the conserved positions (located in the free parts of the molecule, essentially the loops); the ring that most closely matched tRNA sequences-and matched, in fact, the consensus of tRNA at all the aligned positions-was AL, the same ring independently selected before. The unselected emergence of gene-like features through two simple selection steps and the close similarity between the finally selected ring and tRNA (including some remarkable features of the resulting alignment) suggest a possible link between the prebiotic world and the first biological molecules, which is amenable for experimental testing. Even if our scenario is partially wrong, the unlikely coincidences should provide useful hints for other efforts.  相似文献   

Recombination is the exchange of groups of subunits between two entities. It is argued here that this process was central to the origin of life, because it allowed for the creation of useful information from a random pool of linear polymers. The length distribution of such a pool could be broadened if these polymers, such as RNA strands, have the capability of interacting and performing a cross-strand nucleophilic attack of a hydroxy group on a phosphate. Both the formation of stable secondary structures such as stem-loops and selection for self-replication can operate to push the equilibrium length distribution of the pool to longer and more catalytically proficient oligomers. There is empirical and theoretical support for these operations. Finally, in a collection of recombining linear oligomers, the advent of short recognition sequences that favor certain interactions over others, the property of a genotypic 'self' could develop, which later can shed its collective nature and be subject to Darwinian evolution. This could have given rise to true replicase enzymes, for example.  相似文献   

The possibilities of pseudo-peptide-DNA mimics like PNA (peptide nucleic acid) having a role for the prebiotic origin of life prior to an RNA world is discussed on the basis of literature data showing that this type of molecules might have formed on the primitive earth (or other places in the universe), as well as data indicating the possibilities of template-directed PNA chemical replication and ligation. In particular, the merits of an achiral prebiotic genetic material is discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility of a high-temperature origin of life has gained support based on indirect evidence of a hot, early Earth and on the basal position of hyperthermophilic organisms in rRNA-based phylogenies. However, although the availability of more than 80 completely sequenced cellular genomes has led to the identification of hyperthermophilic-specific traits, such as a trend towards smaller genomes, reduced protein-encoding gene sizes, and glutamic-acid-rich simple sequences, none of these characteristics are in themselves an indication of primitiveness. There is no geological evidence for the physical setting in which life arose, but current models suggest that the Earth's surface cooled down rapidly. Moreover, at 100 °C the half-lives of several organic compounds, including ribose, nucleobases, and amino acids, which are generally thought to have been essential for the emergence of the first living systems, are too short to allow for their accumulation in the prebiotic environment. Accordingly, if hyperthermophily is not truly primordial, then heat-loving lifestyles may be relics of a secondary adaptation that evolved after the origin of life, and before or soon after separation of the major lineages.  相似文献   

I propose a hypothesis on the origin of chiral homogeneity of bio-molecules based on chiral catalysis. The first chiral active centre may have formed on the surface of complexes comprising metal ions, amino acids, other coenzymes and oligomers (short RNAs). The complexes must have been dominated by short RNAs capable of self-reproduction with ligation. Most of the first complexes may have catalysed the production of nucleotides. A basic assumption is that such complexes can be assembled from their components almost freely, in a huge variety of combinations. This assumption implies that “a few” components can constitute “a huge” number of active centre types. Moreover, an experiment is proposed to test the performance of such complexes in vitro.If the complexes were built up freely from their elements, then Darwinian evolution would operate on the assembly mechanism of complexes. For the production of complexes, first their parts had to appear by forming a proper three-dimensional structure. Three possible re-building mechanisms of the proper geometric structure of complexes are proposed. First, the integration of RNA parts of complexes was assisted presumably by a pre-intron. Second, the binding of RNA parts of a complex may give rise to a “polluted” RNA world. Third, the pairing of short RNA parts and their geometric conformation may have been supported by a pre-genetic code.Finally, an evolutionary step-by-step scenario of the origin of homochirality and a “polluted” RNA world is also introduced based on the proposed combinatorial complex chemistry. Homochirality is evolved by Darwinian selection whenever the efficiency of the reflexive autocatalysis of a dynamical combinatorial library increases with the homochirality of the active centres of reactions cascades and the homochirality of the elements of the dynamical combinatorial library. Moreover, the potential importance of phospholipid membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

An explanation is given as to why membrane-spanning peptides must have been the first “information-rich” molecules in the development of life. These peptides are stabilised in a lipid bilayer membrane environment and they are preferentially made from the simplest, and likewise oldest, of the amino acids1 that survive today. Transmembrane peptides can exercise functions that are essential for biological systems such as signal transduction and material transport across membranes. More complex peptides possessing catalytic properties could later develop on either side of the membrane as independently folding functional units formed by extension of the protruding ends of the transmembrane peptides within an aqueous environment and thereby give rise to more of the functions that are necessary for life. But the membrane was the cradle for the development of the first information-rich biomolecules.  相似文献   

The issues we attempt to tackle here are what the first peptides did look like when they emerged on the primitive earth, and what simple catalytic activities they fulfilled. We conjecture that the early functional peptides were short (3-8 amino acids long), were made of those amino acids, Gly, Ala, Val and Asp, that are abundantly produced in many prebiotic synthesis experiments and observed in meteorites, and that the neutralization of Asp's negative charge is achieved by metal ions. We further assume that some traces of these prebiotic peptides still exist, in the form of active sites in present-day proteins. Searching these proteins for prebiotic peptide candidates led us to identify three main classes of motifs, bound mainly to Mg2+ ions: D(F/Y)DGD corresponding to the active site in RNA polymerases, DGD(G/A)D present in some kinds of mutases, and DAKVGDGD in dihydroxyacetone kinase. All three motifs contain a DGD submotif, which is suggested to be the common ancestor of all active peptides. Moreover, all three manipulate phosphate groups, which was probably a very important biological function in the very first stages of life. The statistical significance of our results is supported by the frequency of these motifs in today's proteins, which is three times higher than expected by chance, with a P-value of 3×10−2. The implications of our findings in the context of the appearance of life and the possibility of an experimental validation are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is more and more evidence suggested the existence of an RNA World during the origin of life, the scenario concerning the origin of the RNA World remains blurry. Usually it is speculated that it originated from a prebiotic nucleotide pool, during which a self-replicating RNA synthesis ribozyme may have emerged as the first ribozyme – the RNA replicase. However, there is yet no ersuasive supposition for the mechanism for the self-favouring feature of the replicase, thus the speculation remains unconvincing. Here we suggest that intramolecular catalysis is a possible solution. Two RNA synthesis ribozymes may be integrated into one RNA molecule, as two functional domains which could catalyze the copy of each other. Thus the RNA molecule could self-replicate and be referred to as “intramolecular replicase“ here. Computational simulation to get insight into the dynamic mechanism of emergence of the intramolecular replicase from a nucleotide pool is valuable and would be included in a following work of our group.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid synthesis is precisely controlled in living organisms by highly evolved protein enzymes. The remarkable fidelity of information transfer realized between template and product strands is the result of both the spatial selectivity of the polymerase active site for Watson-Crick base pairs at the point of nucleotide coupling and subsequent proof-reading mechanisms. In the absence of naturally derived polymerases, in vitro template-directed synthesis by means of chemically activated mononucleotides has proven remarkably inefficient and error-prone. Nevertheless, the spontaneous emergence of RNA polymers and their protein-free replication is frequently taken as a prerequisite for the hypothetical 'RNA world'. We present two specific difficulties that face the de novo synthesis of RNA-like polymers in a prebiotic (enzyme-free) environment: nucleoside base selection and intramolecular strand cyclization. These two problems are inherent to the assumption that RNA formed de novo from pre-existing, chemically-activated mononucleotides in solution. As a possible resolution to these problems, we present arguments and experimental support for our hypothesis that small molecules (referred to as 'molecular midwives') and alternative backbone linkages (under equilibrium control) facilitated the emergence of the first RNA-like polymers of life.  相似文献   

How life emerged from simple non-life chemicals on the ancient Earth is one of the greatest mysteries in biology. The gene expression system of extant life is based on the interdependence between multiple molecular species (DNA, RNA, and proteins). While DNA is mainly used as genetic material and proteins as functional molecules in modern biology, RNA serves as both genetic material and enzymes (ribozymes). Thus, the evolution of life may have begun with the birth of a ribozyme that replicated itself (the RNA world hypothesis), and proteins and DNA joined later. However, the complete self-replication of ribozymes from monomeric substrates has not yet been demonstrated experimentally, due to their limited activity and stability. In contrast, peptides are more chemically stable and are considered to have existed on the ancient Earth, leading to the hypothesis of RNA–peptide co-evolution from the very beginning. Our group and collaborators recently demonstrated that (1) peptides with both hydrophobic and cationic moieties (e.g., KKVVVVVV) form β-amyloid aggregates that adsorb RNA and enhance RNA synthesis by an artificial RNA polymerase ribozyme and (2) a simple peptide with only seven amino acid types (especially rich in valine and lysine) can fold into the ancient β-barrel conserved in various enzymes, including the core of cellular RNA polymerases. These findings, together with recent reports from other groups, suggest that simple prebiotic peptides could have supported the ancient RNA-based replication system, gradually folded into RNA-binding proteins, and eventually evolved into complex proteins like RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

A series of compounds (DAP-AA) composed of an amino acid (AA) and a dialkyl phosphoryl group (DAP) is the basic elements of life chemistry. Self-catalysis of DAP-AA gives the self-assembly oligopeptides, even in aqueous medium at 38°C. The oligo-nucleotides could also be assembled from nucleosides' phosphorylation by DAP-AA. DAP-AA acts as the energy source as well as the phosphoryl donor for the synthesis of nuclic Acids and protein. A general expression for the self assembly system is proposed.  相似文献   

Tamura K 《Bio Systems》2008,92(1):91-98
The origin of homochirality of l-amino acids has long been a mystery. Aminoacylation of tRNA might have provided chiral selectivity, since it is the first process encountered by amino acids and RNA. An RNA minihelix (progenitor of the modern tRNA) was aminoacylated by an aminoacyl phosphate oligonucleotide that exhibited a clear preference for l- as opposed to d-amino acids. A mirror-image RNA system with l-ribose exhibited the opposite selectivity, i.e., it exhibited an apparent preference for the d-amino acid. The selectivity for l-amino acids is based on the stereochemistry of RNA. The side chain of d-amino acids is located much closer to the terminal adenosine of the minihelix, causing them collide and interfere during the amino acid-transfer step. These results suggest that the putative RNA world that preceded the protein theatre determined the homochirality of l-amino acids through tRNA aminoacylation.  相似文献   

This article hypothesizes that the origin of the first microbial cell(s) occurred as a series of increasing levels of organization within a prebiotic gel attached to a mineral surface, which made the transition to a biofilm composed of the first cell(s) capable of growth and division. A gel microenvironment attached to a surface for the origin of life, and subsequent living cells offers numerous advantages. These include acting as a water and nutrient trap on a surface, physical protection as well as protection from UV radiation. The prebiotic gel and the living biofilm contained the necessary water, does not impede diffusion of molecules including gases, provides a structured gel microscopic location for biochemical interactions and polymerisation reactions, where the necessary molecules for life need to be present and not limiting. The composition of the first gel environment may have been an oily-water mixture (or the interface between an oily-water mixture) of microscopic dimensions, but large enough for the organization of the first cell(s). The living biofilm then made the evolutionary transition to a microbial mat.  相似文献   

Summary A theory is described for the origin of a simple chemical system named an autogen, consisting of two short oligonucleotide sequences coding for two simple catalytic peptides. If the theory is valid, under appropriate conditions the autogen would be capable of self-reproduction in a truly genetic process involving both replication and translation. Limited catalytic ability, short oligomer sequences, and low selectivities leading to sloppy information transfer processes are shown to be adequate for the origin of the autogen from random background oligomers. A series of discrete steps, each highly probable if certain minimum requirements and boundary conditions are satisfied, lead to exponential increase in population of all components in the system due to autocatalysis and hypercyclic organization. Nucleation of the components and exponential increase to macroscopic amounts could occur in times on the order of weeks. The feasibility of the theory depends on a number of factors, including the capability of simple protoenzymes to provide moderate enhancements of the accuracies of replication and translation and the likelihood of finding an environment where all of the required processes can occur simultaneously. Regardless of whether or not the specific form proposed for the autogen proves to be feasible, the theory suggests that the first self-replicating chemical systems may have been extremely simple, and that the period of time required for chemical evolution prior to Darwinian natural selection may have been far shorter than generally assumed. Due to the short time required, this theory, unlike others on the origin of genetic processes, is potentially capable of direct experimental verification. A number of prerequisites leading up to such an experiment are suggested, and some have been fulfilled. If successful, such an experiment would be the first laboratory demonstration of the spontaneous emergence by natural selection of a genetic, self-replicating, and evolving molecular system, and might represent the first step in the prebiotic environment of true Darwinian evolution toward a living cell.  相似文献   

A sudden transition in a system from an inanimate state to the living state—defined on the basis of present day living organisms—would constitute a highly unlikely event hardly predictable from physical laws. From this uncontroversial idea, a self-consistent representation of the origin of life process is built up, which is based on the possibility of a series of intermediate stages. This approach requires a particular kind of stability for these stages—dynamic kinetic stability (DKS)—which is not usually observed in regular chemistry, and which is reflected in the persistence of entities capable of self-reproduction. The necessary connection of this kinetic behaviour with far-from-equilibrium thermodynamic conditions is emphasized and this leads to an evolutionary view for the origin of life in which multiplying entities must be associated with the dissipation of free energy. Any kind of entity involved in this process has to pay the energetic cost of irreversibility, but, by doing so, the contingent emergence of new functions is made feasible. The consequences of these views on the studies of processes by which life can emerge are inferred.  相似文献   

The discovery of catalytic RNA has revolutionised modern molecular biology and bears important implications for the origin of Life research. Catalytic RNA, in particular self-replicating RNA, prompted the hypothesis of an early “RNA world” where RNA molecules played all major roles such information storage and catalysis. The actual role of RNA as primary actor in the origin of life has been under debate for a long time, with a particular emphasis on possible pathways to the prebiotic synthesis of mononucleotides; their polymerization and the possibility of spontaneous emergence of catalytic RNAs synthesised under plausible prebiotic conditions. However, little emphasis has been put on the chemical reality of an RNA world; in particular concerning the chemical constrains that such scenario should have met to be feasible. This paper intends to address those concerns with regard to the achievement of high local RNA molecules concentration and the aetiology of unique sequence under plausible prebiotic conditions. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

One of the most unsettled problems of prebiotic evolution and the origin of life is the explanation why one enantiomeric form of biomolecules prevailed. In the experiments presented in this paper, the influence of L-histidine on the peptide formation in the Salt-Induced Peptide Formation (SIPF) reaction of the enantiomeric forms of valine, proline, serine, lysine, and tryptophan, and the catalytic effects in this first step toward the first building blocks of proteins on the primordial earth were investigated. In the majority of the produced dipeptides, a remarkable increase of yields was shown, and the preference of the L-amino acids in the peptide formation in most cases cannot be denied. In summary, our data provide further experimental evidence for the plausibility of the SIPF reaction and point at a possible important role of L-histidine in the chemical evolution on the primordial Earth.  相似文献   

Summary A model is presented for the evolution of metabolism and protein synthesis in a primitive, acellular RNA world. It has been argued previously that the ability to perform metabolic functions logically must have preceded the evolution of a message-dependent protein synthetic machinery and that considerable metabolic complexity was achieved by ribo-organisms (i.e., organisms in which both genome and enzymes are comprised of RNA). The model proposed here offers a mechanism to account for the gradual development of sophisticated metabolic activities by ribo-organisms and explains how such metabolic complexity would lead subsequently to the synthesis of genetically encoded polypeptides. RNA structures ancestral to modern ribosomes, here termed metabolosomes, are proposed to have functioned as organizing centers that coordinated, using base-pairing interactions, the order and nature of adaptor-mounted substrate/catalyst interactions in primitive metabolic pathways. In this way an ancient genetic code for metabolism is envisaged to have predated the specialized modern genetic code for protein synthesis. Thus, encoded amino acids initially would have been used, in conjunction with other encoded metabolites, as building blocks for biosynthetic pathways, a role that they retain in the metabolism of contemporary organisms. At a later stage the encoded amino acids would have been condensed together on similar RNA metabolosome structures to form the first genetically determined, and therefore biologically meaningful, polypeptides. On the basis of codon distributions in the modern genetic code it is argued that the first proteins to have been synthesized and used by ribo-organisms were predominantly hydrophobic and likely to have performed membrane-related functions (such as forming simple pore structures), activities essential for the evolution of membrane-enclosed cells.  相似文献   

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