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Beiging of white adipose tissue (WAT) has beneficial effects on metabolism. Although it is known that beige adipocytes are active in lipid catabolism and thermogenesis, how they are regulated deserves more explorations. In this study, we demonstrate that stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) in subcutaneous WAT (scWAT) responded to cold stimulation and was able to promote mobilization of triacylglycerol [TAG (triglyceride)]. In vitro studies showed that SCD1 promoted lipolysis in C3H10T1/2 white adipocytes. The lipolytic effect was contributed by one of SCD1’s products, oleic acid (OA). OA upregulated adipose TAG lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase expression. When SCD1 was overexpressed in the scWAT of mice, lipolysis was enhanced, and oxygen consumption and heat generation were increased. These effects were also demonstrated by the SCD1 knockdown experiments in mice. In conclusion, our study suggests that SCD1, known as an enzyme for lipid synthesis, plays a role in upregulating lipid mobilization through its desaturation product, OA.  相似文献   

The objectives of the two experiments were to determine the respective effects and interactions of diet type (grass v. maize diets) and physical activity (grazing v. zero grazing) on lipogenic enzyme activities and adipose cell size in subcutaneous, perirenal and intermuscular adipose tissues and on plasma metabolites and hormones in Charolais steers. After weaning, the steers were assigned to two (Experiment 1, n = 24) or three (Experiment 2, n = 24) groups, with steers in Experiment 1 grazed grass or indoors maize-silage-fed and steers in Experiment 2 grazed grass, indoors cut grass- or indoors maize-silage-fed. Both experiments lasted for 23 months. All grass-fed animals were fed grass silage during the two winter seasons. During the two summer seasons, steers fed on grass were rotationally grazed on a perennial rye-grass pasture while steers fed on cut grass were fed indoors on freshly cut grass alone. Steers fed on maize silage were fed maize silage indoors during the entire experiment. All animals were reared for similar body weight and growth rates and slaughtered at the same age (31 to 32 months). Activities of lipogenic enzymes were significantly lower in the three adipose tissue sites of steers fed cut grass compared with maize silage, although there were less-marked effects in intermuscular adipose tissue. Plasma insulin and glucose concentrations were also lower in steers fed cut grass whereas plasma leptin concentration was similar. As body fat content was not affected by nutritional treatment, it is suggested that the decrease in potential lipogenic activity was associated with the nature of the diet and not to differences in available net energy. In other respects, grazed grass compared with eating cut grass did not affect lipogenic enzyme activities but decreased plasma leptin concentrations in the older steers and increased plasma non-esterified fatty acids and glucose concentrations without affecting adipose tissue weight and adipose cell size.  相似文献   

In response to cold, norepinephrine (NE)-induced triacylglycerol hydrolysis (lipolysis) in adipocytes of brown adipose tissue (BAT) provides fatty acid substrates to mitochondria for heat generation (adaptive thermogenesis). NE-induced lipolysis is mediated by protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation of perilipin, a lipid droplet-associated protein that is the major regulator of lipolysis. We investigated the role of perilipin PKA phosphorylation in BAT NE-stimulated thermogenesis using a novel mouse model in which a mutant form of perilipin, lacking all six PKA phosphorylation sites, is expressed in adipocytes of perilipin knockout (Peri KO) mice. Here, we show that despite a normal mitochondrial respiratory capacity, NE-induced lipolysis is abrogated in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) of these mice. This lipolytic constraint is accompanied by a dramatic blunting ( approximately 70%) of the in vivo thermal response to NE. Thus, in the presence of perilipin, PKA-mediated perilipin phosphorylation is essential for NE-dependent lipolysis and full adaptive thermogenesis in BAT. In IBAT of Peri KO mice, increased basal lipolysis attributable to the absence of perilipin is sufficient to support a rapid NE-stimulated temperature increase ( approximately 3.0 degrees C) comparable to that in wild-type mice. This observation suggests that one or more NE-dependent mechanism downstream of perilipin phosphorylation is required to initiate and/or sustain the IBAT thermal response.  相似文献   

Daidzein, coumestrol and zearalenone - compounds called phytoestrogens, considered as active biological factors affecting many important physiological and biochemical processes appeared to be also significant regulators of adipocyte metabolism. In our experiments the influence of daidzein (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM), coumestrol (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mM), zearalenone (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) and estradiol (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) on basal and insulin-stimulated (1 nM) lipogenesis from glucose and acetate was tested in adipocytes isolated from growing (160 +/- 5 g b.w) male Wistar rats. All tested compounds significantly attenuated glucose conversion to lipids. In the case of daidzein and coumestrol, this effect was probably due to inhibition of glycolysis. Daidzein (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM), coumestrol (0.01 and 0.1 mM) and zearalenone (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) affected also basal and epinephrine-stimulated (1 microM) lipolysis. Daidzein (0.01 and 1 mM) augmented basal glycerides breakdown in adipocytes. The epinephrine-induced lipolysis was dependent on daidzein concentration and its stimulatory (0.1 mM) or inhibitory (1 mM) influence was observed. Zearalenone changed lipolysis only at the concentration of 1 mM and its effect was contradictory in the absence or presence of epinephrine (the stimulatory or inhibitory effect, respectively). Results obtained in experiments with inhibitors (insulin, 1 nM and H-89, 50 microM) and activators (dibutyryl-cAMP, 1 mM and forskolin, 1 microM) of lipolysis allowed us to assume that daidzein augmented basal lipolysis acting on PKA activity. The inhibitory effect of daidzein and zearalenone on epinephrine-induced lipolysis is probably due to restriction of HSL action. The influence of coumestrol on glycerides breakdown was less marked. Estradiol augmented only epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis.  相似文献   

Objective: This study investigated the effect of different sodium content diets on rat adipose tissue carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Methods and Procedures: Male Wistar rats were fed on normal‐ (0.5% Na+; NS), high‐ (3.12% Na+; HS), or low‐sodium (0.06% Na+; LS) diets for 3, 6, and 9 weeks after weaning. Blood pressure (BP) was measured using a computerized tail‐cuff system. An intravenous insulin tolerance test (ivITT) was performed in fasted animals. At the end of each period, rats were killed and blood samples were collected for glucose and insulin determinations. The white adipose tissue (WAT) from abdominal and inguinal subcutaneous (SC) and periepididymal (PE) depots were weighed and processed for adipocyte isolation and measurement of in vitro rates of insulin‐stimulated 2‐deoxy‐d ‐[3H]‐glucose uptake (2DGU) and conversion of ‐[U‐14C]‐glucose into 14CO2. Results: After 6 weeks, HS diet significantly increased the BP, SC and PE WAT masses, PE adipocyte size, and plasma insulin concentration. The sodium dietary content did not influence the whole‐body insulin sensitivity. A higher half‐maximal effective insulin concentration (EC50) from the dose‐response curve of 2DGU and an increase in the insulin‐stimulated glucose oxidation rate were observed in the isolated PE adipocytes from HS rats. Discussion: The chronic salt overload enhanced the adipocyte insulin sensitivity for glucose uptake and the insulin‐induced glucose metabolization, contributing to promote adipocyte hypertrophy and increase the mass of several adipose depots, particularly the PE fat pad.  相似文献   

The role of brown adipose tissue in the regulation of energy balance and maintenance of body weight is well known in rodents. Recently, interest in this tissue has re-emerged due to the realization of active brown-like adipose tissue in adult humans and inducible brown-like adipocytes in white adipose tissue depots in response to appropriate stimuli (“browning process”). Brown-like adipocytes that appear in white fat depots have been called “brite” (from brown-in-white) or “beige” adipocytes and have characteristics similar to brown adipocytes, in particular the capacity for uncoupled respiration. There is controversy as to the origin of these brite/beige adipocytes, but regardless of this, induction of the browning of white fat represents an attractive potential strategy for the management and treatment of obesity and related complications. Here, the different physiological, pharmacological and dietary determinants that have been linked to white-to-brown fat remodeling and the molecular mechanisms involved are reviewed in detail. In the light of available data, interesting therapeutic perspectives can be expected from the use of specific drugs or food compounds able to induce a program of brown fat differentiation including uncoupling protein 1 expression and enhancing oxidative metabolism in white adipose cells. However, additional research is needed, mainly focused on the physiological relevance of browning and its dietary control, where the use of ferrets and other non-rodent animal models with a more similar adipose tissue organization and metabolism to humans could be of much help. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Brown and White Fat: From Signaling to Disease.  相似文献   

Indirect evidence suggests that impaired triglyceride storage in the subcutaneous fat depot contributes to the development of insulin resistance via lipotoxicity. We directly tested this hypothesis by measuring, in vivo, TG synthesis, de novo lipogenesis (DNL), adipocyte proliferation, and insulin suppression of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue of BMI-matched individuals classified as insulin resistant (IR) or insulin sensitive (IS). Nondiabetic, moderately obese subjects with BMI 25–35 kg/m2, classified as IR or IS by the modified insulin suppression test, consumed deuterated water (2H2O) for 4 weeks. Deuterium incorporation into glycerol, palmitate, and DNA indicated TG synthesis, DNL, and adipocyte proliferation, respectively. Net TG synthesis and DNL in adipose cells were significantly lower in IR as compared with IS subjects, whereas adipocyte proliferation did not differ significantly. Plasma FFAs measured during an insulin suppression test were 2.5-fold higher in IR subjects, indicating resistance to insulin suppression of lipolysis. Adipose TG synthesis correlated directly with DNL but not with proliferation. These results provide direct in vivo evidence for impaired TG storage in subcutaneous adipose tissue of IR as compared with IS. Relative inability to store TG in the subcutaneous depot may represent a mechanism contributing to the development of insulin resistance in the setting of obesity.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc deficiency and supplementation on plasma leptin levels were studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. After 6 wk on a zinc-deficient diet containing 0.65 ppm Zn/g, the mean body weight was significantly lower than that of normal or zinc-supplemented rats, which showed no difference among them. The plasma leptin and zinc levels were lowest in zinc-deficient animals and highest in those that received a normal diet and daily intraperitioneal injections of 3 mg Zn/kg. These results indicate that zinc deficiency leads to a significant inhibition in plasma leptin levels, whereas zinc supplementation significantly increases plasma leptin.  相似文献   

Prolactin deficiency, induced by bromocryptine treatment, brought about reciprocal changes in the ability of adipocytes and acini isolated from lactating rats to synthesize lipids. The capacity to synthesize fatty acids and phospholipids decreased in the mammary gland and increased in adipocytes by bromocryptine treatment. In the mammary gland, the maximum potential activity of the pentose shunt as well as the specific activities of the pathway dehydrogenases were significantly reduced by bromocryptine treatment. Simultaneously, adipose tissue increased its lipogenic capacity but neither the maximum potential of the shunt nor the specific activities of the pentose phosphate shunt dehydrogenases were significantly changed with respect to the control lactating rats. Thus, a differential regulatory mechanism(s) of the pentose phosphate shunt activity appears to operate in these two tissues. Adipocytes from lactating rats showed a poor responsiveness to insulin in terms of lipid synthesis from glucose. In contrast, in adipocytes from bromocryptine treated rats insulin was able to increase lipid synthesis (105%). Sheep prolactin administration in vivo partially reversed the effects of bromocryptine. These data suggest that prolactin mediates adipocytes resistance to insulin during lactation. Phospholipid synthesis, as occurred in fatty acid synthesis, is increased in adipose tissue and decreased in mammary gland by bromocryptine treatment. However, -adrenergic stimulation increases phosphatidylinositol turnover to about the same percentages in both mammary gland acini and adipocytes from lactating rats independently of bromocryptine treatment.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific regulation of LPL has been widely studied in rats. Previous studies reported that in vivo administration of adrenaline and acute stress cause an increase in plasma LPL activity coinciding with a decrease in white adipose tissue (WAT) LPL activity. We studied the speed of LPL activity changes during 30 min of stress by immobilization (IMMO) in rats. A first experimental approach in permanently cannulated rats permitted sequential blood sampling in the same animal during IMMO and the obtaining of hemodynamic parameters. In a second experimental approach, animals were euthanized at different times after the start of IMMO to determine LPL activity in tissues. Stress was characterized by rises in blood pressure, heart rate, plasma corticosterone, and available circulating energy substrates. Five min after the start of IMMO, LPL activity fell in retroperitoneal WAT and increased in plasma. These data show the quickest LPL activity change ever described in response to a physiological situation. The speed and simultaneity of these changes suggest that the release from endothelium to the bloodstream may constitute a fast nonexplored mechanism of tissue LPL activity regulation, involved in the lipid energy-substrate redistribution between tissues needed to prepare the "fight-or-flight" response.  相似文献   

To investigate whether dietary fatty acid (FA) composition and energy restriction (ER) interactively influence obese (ob) gene expression, rats consumed diets containing beef tallow, safflower, or fish oil ad libitum (AL) or at 60% AL intake. Circulating leptin concentrations were higher (P < 0.0001) after AL feeding, but were not influenced by dietary fat. ER decreased (P < 0.0001) weight gain and visceral adipose weight, which were positively correlated (r = 0.40 P < 0.001, r = 0.58 P < 0.0001) with circulating leptin levels. Visceral adipose ob mRNA levels were greater in animals fed unsaturated fats, particularly safflower oil, which had the highest ob mRNA levels. Circulating leptin levels did not parallel ob mRNA levels, except for the greater abundance detected in AL adipose in comparison to ER animals. In addition, visceral FA profiles reflected dietary fat source and were influenced by an interaction of dietary fat and energy. These data demonstrate that dietary fat, particularly from a plant or marine source, and ER interactively influence ob mRNA levels; however, alterations in ob mRNA do not confer changes in circulating leptin, with the exception of ER, which is a key determinant. Thus, dietary intake is an important regulator of leptin production; however, the significance of these modest changes in diet-induced obese animals requires further study.  相似文献   

Dietary interventions that reduce accumulation of body fat are of great interest. Consumption of viscous dietary fibers cause well-known positive metabolic effects, such as reductions in the postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations. However, their effect on body composition and fuel utilization has not been previously studied. To examine this, rats were fed a viscous nonfermentable dietary fiber, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), for 6 weeks. Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and fat pad weight. Plasma adipokines, AMP kinase activation, and enzyme and mRNA analysis of key regulators of energetics in liver and soleus muscle were measured. The HPMC diet significantly lowered percent body fat mass and increased percent lean body mass, compared to a cellulose-containing diet (no viscosity). Fasting leptin was reduced 42% and resistin 28% in the HPMC group compared to the cellulose group. Rats fed HPMC had greater activation of AMP kinase in liver and muscle and lower phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) expression in liver. mRNA expression in skeletal muscle was significantly increased for carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B (CPT-1B), PPARγ coactivator 1α, PPARδ and uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3), as was citrate synthase (CS) activity, in the HPMC group relative to the cellulose group. These results indicate that viscous dietary fiber preserves lean body mass and reduces adiposity, possibly by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle, and thus represents a metabolic effect of viscous fiber not previously described. Thus, viscous dietary fiber may be a useful dietary component to assist in reduction of body fat.  相似文献   

Obesity during childhood and beyond may have its origins during fetal or early postnatal life. At present, there are no suitable in vivo experimental models to study factors that modulate or perturb human fetal white adipose tissue (WAT) expansion, remodeling, development, adipogenesis, angiogenesis, or epigenetics. We have developed such a model. It involves the xenotransplantation of midgestation human WAT into the renal subcapsular space of immunocompromised SCID-beige mice. After an initial latency period of approximately 2 weeks, the tissue begins expanding. The xenografts are healthy and show robust expansion and angiogenesis for at least 2 months following transplantation. Data and cell size and gene expression are consistent with active angiogenesis. The xenografts maintain the expression of genes associated with differentiated adipocyte function. In contrast to the fetal tissue, adult human WAT does not engraft. The long-term viability and phenotypic maintenance of fetal adipose tissue following xenotransplantation may be a function of its autonomous high rates of adipogenesis and angiogenesis. Through the manipulation of the host mice, this model system offers the opportunity to study the mechanisms by which nutrients and other environmental factors affect human adipose tissue development and biology.  相似文献   

Preadipocytes (3T3 L1) were used between 7 and 14 days after differentiation; they were incubated with 44 nM 3H-esterone. The medium was supplemented with 1 M recombinant murine leptin, 10 nM recombinant human insulin, or 1 M corticosterone for up to 72 hr. In a second series of experiments, cells were incubated for 48 hr with different concentrations of leptin, insulin or corticosterone, and compared with controls (plain medium). Cells were harvested, washed in buffer and homogenized, and protein was measured. Lipid extracts of cell homogenates were used for HPLC; the label distribution in free and acyl-estrone peaks was measured. Overall uptake of estrone (i.e., the sum of free and acyl-estrone) by cells was not affected by leptin or corticosterone, but strongly reduced by insulin. Leptin and corticosterone increased the synthesis of acyl-esterone in a dose- and time-dependent way. Insulin decreased acyl-estrone synthesis at low concentrations and with little change over time. The results suggest that control of oleoyl-estrone deposition in adipocytes is modulated in at least two distinct steps: (a) estrone uptake, affected by insulin in the physiological range; and (b) synthesis of oleoyl-estrone from cell estrone. The latter may be affected by insulin, but leptin and corticosterone enhance the process.  相似文献   

Conjugation of bile acids (BAs) to the amino acids taurine or glycine increases their solubility and promotes liver BA secretion. Supplementing diets with taurine or glycine modulates BA metabolism and enhances fecal BA excretion in rats. However, it is still unclear whether dietary proteins varying in taurine and glycine contents alter BA metabolism, and thereby modulate the recently discovered systemic effects of BAs. Here we show that rats fed a diet containing saithe fish protein hydrolysate (saithe FPH), rich in taurine and glycine, for 26 days had markedly elevated fasting plasma BA levels relative to rats fed soy protein or casein. Concomitantly, the saithe FPH fed rats had reduced liver lipids and fasting plasma TAG levels. Furthermore, visceral adipose tissue mass was reduced and expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and energy expenditure was induced in perirenal/retroperitoneal adipose tissues of rats fed saithe FPH. Our results provide the first evidence that dietary protein sources with different amino acid compositions can modulate the level of plasma bile acids and our data suggest potential novel mechanisms by which dietary protein sources can affect energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) administration and chronic vitamin A supplementation were reported to inhibit adipose tissue leptin expression in rodents, but the impact of this effect on food intake and its relationship with changes of body adiposity was not analyzed. Here, we have studied the effects of RA administration at three different doses on body weight, adipose tissue mass, food intake, adipose tissue leptin expression and circulating leptin levels in NMRI mice; the effects of chronic vitamin A supplementation with a 40-fold excess retinyl palmitate on the same parameters in NMRI and C57BL/6J mice; and the effects of RA and retinoid receptors agonists on leptin expression in brown and white adipocyte cell model systems. The results show that vitamin A down-regulates leptin expression in white and brown adipose tissue and circulating leptin levels independently of changes of adipose tissue mass and, for the first time to our knowledge, that this effect does not correlate with increased food intake. They also demonstrate a direct inhibitory effect of RA on leptin expression in both white and brown adipocyte cell cultures, and constitute first proof of the involvement of both RA receptors (RARs) and rexinoid receptors (RXRs) in this effect. Reduction of leptin levels by specific nutrients is of potential interest from a clinical point of view.  相似文献   

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