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The sperm nuclei of Aulacomya ater, family Mitylidae, contain three proteins (X, Aa5 and Aa6) which are specific to this cell type coexisting with a set of five somatic-type histones. Information about the chromatin structure resulting from this kind of association is scarce. Therefore, we have probed the structure of this sperm chromatin through digestion with micrococcal nuclease in combination with salt fractionation. The data obtained have allowed us to propose a nucleosomal arrangement for this chromatin. However, two types of nucleosomes would be present in agreement with their protein components.  相似文献   

《Cell differentiation》1980,9(5):261-268
The spacing of nucleosomes in chromatin from the macronucleus of the protozoan, Oxytricha fallax, was examined by staphylococcal nuclease digestion and gel electrophoresis. Macronuclear chromatin is ofmparticular interest because macronuclear DNA is not organized into chromosomes but instead exists as small molecules a few thousand base pairs long. When macronuclear chromatin is partially digested with staphylococcal nuclease the resulting fragments form a series of sizes which are multiples of 198 base pairs. Further digestion produces a ‘core’ DNA fragment 139 base pairs long. When chromatin from metabolically inactive cysts was examined it also showed a nucleosomal organization, with spacing identical to that in active vegetative cell chromatin. The spacing of nucleosomes in chromatin containing rRNA genes was examined also. DNA from staphylococcal nuclease digested macronuclear chromatin was electrophoresed in agarose gels, transferred to nitrocellulose and hybridized to I125 labeled rRNA.The hybridization showed a series of rDNA fragments whose sizes were identical to the sizes of total DNA fragments. In the macronucleus of O. fallax, differences in chromatin function or activity do not seem to be reflected in differences in nucleosome spacing.  相似文献   

Most of the DNA in the sperm of the bivalve mollusc. Spisula solidissima, is found to be associated with a specific high-molecular-mass, protamine-like component, sharing features common both to protamines and to histones. We have found that this component coexists, in the mature sperm nucleus, with a complete set of histones, including an H1-like histone. Such histones account for approximately 20% of the whole protein content in the sperm chromatin, the overall protein/DNA ratio (w/w) being 0.87. These data, together with micrococcal nuclease digestions in combination with salt fractionation, have allowed us to propose a structural model for this chromatin in which short nucleosomal domains are interspersed in a highly saturated protamine-DNA complex.  相似文献   

The chromatin in sea urchin embryo nuclei and that in sperm heads are both organized in nucleosomes but show marked differences when analyzed by endonuclease digestion. Sperm chromatin DNA appears to be totally organized in nucleosomes that are highly resistant to nuclease hydrolysis. The kinetics of formation of acid-soluble oligonucleotides is slow and concerns only about 50% of the total DNA. In contrast, the DNA of embryo chromatin does not appear to be totally organized in nucleosomes since 5 to 10% is rapidly and preferentially hydrolysed into acid-soluble oligonucleotides without any appreciable fragmentation of the remaining parts. Futher digestion causes the formation of the usual pattern of DNA bands, as detected by gel electrophoresis. The length of the DNA segment associated with the embryo nucleosomes appears to be shorter than that of the DNA segment associated with the sperm nucleosomes. The kinetics of formation of acid-soluble oligonucleotides upon digestion of embryo chromatin is much faster than that of sperm chromatin and concerns almost all the chromatin DNA.  相似文献   

The structure of rabbit, fowl, and Xenopus laevis sperm chromatin was explored by study of the reaction of their decondensed nuclei with DNase 1 and micrococcal nuclease. Those of rabbit and fowl were readily digested by DNase 1, and the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles of DNAs extracted from the digests were similar, each being polydisperse with a single discrete band of DNA smaller than 72 base pairs. There were differences, however, between the sperm chromatins in the course of their digestion by micrococcal nuclease. A limit digest at about 45% acid solubility was obtained with Xenopus sperm chromatin, while 90% of fowl sperm DNA was rendered acidsoluble by the enzyme. The gel profiles of the limit digests were polydisperse, but only those of rabbit and fowl sperm chromatins possessed a discrete band of DNA smaller than 72 base pairs. Bleomycin did not react with DNA of rabbit, fowl, or Xenopus spermatozoa. Since bleomycin reacts with somatic cell chromatin, and the course of DNase 1 or micrococcal nuclease digestion of sperm chromatin was different from that found for somatic cell chromatin, it would appear that sperm chromatin does not have the repeating nucleosometype structure of somatic cell chromatin. The nuclease digestion studies further suggest that the organization of rabbit and fowl sperm chromatins is similar, and is different from that of Xenopus sperm chromatin. The dependence of the structure of sperm chromatin on the composition of its basic proteins, and a possible structure for a protamine-type sperm chromatin, are discussed.  相似文献   

The basic chromosomal proteins (SCP) of human, mouse, rabbit and guinea pig sperm nuclei were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis. Spermatozoa were decapitated with 1% SDS and the nuclei recovered by density gradient centrifugation. Examination by Nomarski and electron microscopy revealed the nuclei to be intact and 99% pure. The basic proteins were extracted from nuclei, aminoethylated and purified by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography.The SCP of human, rabbit and guinea pig gave single protein bands with similar mobilities when subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In contrast, aminoethylated mouse SCP consisted of two proteins, SCP·AE1 and SCP·AE2, which had different electrophoretic mobilities. The SCP of these mammalian species were characteristically rich in arginine (47–54.4%) and cysteine (7.7–12.2%). Major differences existed in the amino acid compositions of these proteins. Mouse and human SCP were rich in histidine (12.2 and 7.7%, respectively) and guinea pig was high in tyrosine (11.7%) and phenylalanine (3.5%). Valine was detected only in rabbit SCP and proline in human and guinea pig. Aspartic acid, methionine and tryptophan were not detected in all four species. Studies on the incorporation of [3H]arginine into mouse SCP demonstrated that these basic proteins are synthesized during the terminal stages of spermatogenesis and are subsequently conserved.  相似文献   

Chromatin within swollen or lysed isolated sperm nuclei of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, was examined by electron microscopy. Spread preparations of lysed sperm nuclei demonstrated dense aggregates of nondispersed material and beaded filaments radiating from these aggregates. These beaded fibers are similar in size and appearance to the “beads-on-a-string” seen as characteristic of chromatin spreads from numerous interphase nuclei. The beads are nucleosomes that have an average diameter of 130 Å. The interconnecting string is 40 Å indiameter and corresponds to the spacer DNA. In thin sections of swollen nuclei the sperm chromatin appears to be composed of 400 Å superbeads that are closely apposed to form 400 Å fibers. As the chromatin disperses, the superbeads are seen to be attached to one another by chromatin fibers of 110 Å diameter. In thin sections, the 400 Å superbeads appear to disperse directly into the 110 Å fibers with no intervening structures. This work demonstrates that the heterochromatin in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm nuclei is composed of nucleosomes that form 100 Å filaments that are compacted into 400 Å superbeads. The superbeads coalesce to give the morphological appearance of 400 Å fibers.  相似文献   

Compact sperm chromatin was obtained from mature trout sperm nuclei resistant to sonication and detergent treatments. 0.5 to 2 M NaCl caused a gradual decondensation of this chromatin and the dependence of the percentage of dissociated proteins on the salt concentration indicated cooperativity of the dissociation process. Urea alone was insufficient to decondense the nuclei. The only proteins dissociated from the sperm nuclei by NaCl alone or combined with urea were protamines. Besides protamines, tightly bound nonprotamine proteins resisting high salt-urea extraction were detected in the sperm nucleus. Part of them could be solubilized by 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and displayed the characteristics of the core histones: they were soluble in 0.25 N H2SO4, their electrophoretic mobilities were similar to those of trout liver core histones, and they shared common antigenic determinants with the latter. The rest of the tightly bound proteins resisted 1% SDS treatment and could be obtained after an extensive digestion of DNA with DNase I. These were nonhistone proteins similar in mobility to the protein triplet characteristic of the lamina-pore complex and an additional high molecular weight protein.  相似文献   

Protamine-like proteins constitute a group of sperm nuclear basic proteins that have been shown to be related to somatic linker histones (histone H1 family). Like protamines, they usually replace the chromatin somatic histone complement during spermiogenesis; hence their name. Several of these proteins have been characterized to date in invertebrate organisms, but information about their occurrence and characterization in vertebrates is still lacking. In this sense, the genus Mullus is unique, as it is the only known vertebrate that has its sperm chromatin organized by virtually only protamine-like proteins. We show that the sperm chromatin of this organism is organized by two type I protamine-like proteins (PL-I), and we characterize the major protamine-like component of the fish Mullus surmuletus (striped red mullet). The native chromatin structure resulting from the association of these proteins with DNA was studied by micrococcal nuclease digestion as well as electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is shown that the PL-I proteins organize chromatin in parallel DNA bundles of different thickness in a quite distinct arrangement that is reminiscent of the chromatin organization of those organisms that contain protamines (but not histones) in their sperm.  相似文献   

Earlier, the interphase chromatin structures could not be visualized due to the stickiness of the nuclear material. We have reduced stickiness by the reversal of permeabilization allowing the isolation and microscopic imaging of interphase chromatin structures. By using a high resolution of synchronization, collecting 36 elutriation fractions, we show that major intermediates of chromatin condensation include: (a) decondensed veillike chromatin at the unset of the S phase (2.0-2.2 C-value), (b) polarization of veiled chromatin (2.2-2.6 C), (c) fibrous chromatin (2.6-3.0 C), chromatin bodies (3.0-3.3 C), early precondensed chromosomes (3.3-3.6). The compaction of Drosophila chromosomes did not reach that of the mammalian cells in the final stage of condensation (3.6-4.0 C). Drosophila chromosomes consist of smaller units called rodlets. Results demonstrate that nucleosomal chromatin ("beads on string") does not form a solenoid structure; rather, the topological arrangement consists of meandering and plectonemic loops.  相似文献   

Protamine HP4 is a minor protein which was purified from human sperm nuclei. It was characterized by its amino acid composition, peptide mapping after digestion with highly specific endoproteinases and finally by its amino acid sequence. Protamine HP4 contains high amounts of arginine, cysteine and histidine. The primary structure of the protein was established by sequence analysis of intact protamine and of its fragments. HP4 is a P2-type protamine of 58 residues (Mr 7783) structurally related to human protamines HP2 and HP3 from which it only differs by an amino-terminal extension of one and four residues, respectively. These three protamines exhibit a close structural relationship with mouse protamine mP2. The heterogeneity of protamines in human sperm nuclei is discussed.  相似文献   

The chromatin of the spermatozoa from the bivalve molluscProtothaca thaca, has a peculiar composition in which coexist core histones with sperm-specific proteins H1 and Pt1, the latter being a protein exhibiting features intermediate between histones and protamines. In this paper, we report an analysis of chromatin organization using micrococcal nuclease digestion, salt fractionation of soluble chromatin derived from nuclease digestion and crosslinking experiments. The results obtained indicate that it is possible to obtain two types of chromatin, one which is soluble, more accessible to micrococcal nuclease action and which does not contain Pt1, and another insoluble type, more resistant to micrococcal nuclease and enriched in protein Pt1. The crosslinking experiments show that the protein Pt1 interacts with itself and with core histones but not with sperm-specific H1. These results have led us to propose a special structural arrangement for this chromatin. Based in the data reported here we propose the coexstence in the genome ofP. thaca of two interspersed chromatin domains, one nucleosomal and the other nonnucleosomal containing protein Pt1.  相似文献   

Nuclei isolated from rat liver, incubated in the presence of liposomes of different phospholipids, undergo typical modifications: chromatin dispersion and reduction of the interchromatin granules in nuclei incubated with negatively charged liposomes and increase of the chromatin density and of the number and size of the interchromatin granules in nuclei incubated with neutral liposomes. The possibility that the observed modifications are caused by an impairment of the transport and translocation of ribonucleoproteins belonging to the inner nuclear matrix, is suggested by the results obtained by radiotracer techniques on the release of RNA from liposome-incubated nuclei.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(18):3973-3983.e4
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Nuclei of pteridium sperm have been dispersed by turbulence in natural or slightly alkaline buffer after stripping off the cytoplasm with nonionic detergent. The nuclei tended to break up into fragments arranged in a linear order. These fragments fluoresced brightly with acridine orange as did intact nuclei. Grounds are given for identifying the smaller fragments with chromosomes. It is proposed that the sperm nucleus of British Pteridium, possibly an autotetrapolid, consists of a sequence of paired homologues.  相似文献   

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