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小尾寒羊高繁殖力候选基因BMP15和GDF 9的研究   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
以控制Belclare和Cambridge绵羊高繁殖力的骨形态发生蛋白 15 (bonemorphogeneticprotein 15 ,BMP15 )基因和生长分化因子 9(growthdifferentiationfactor 9,GDF9)基因为候选基因 ,采用PCR RFLP技术检测BMP15基因和GDF9基因在高繁殖力绵羊品种 (小尾寒羊、湖羊 )以及低繁殖力绵羊品种 (多赛特羊、特克塞尔羊、德国肉用美利奴羊 )中的单核苷酸多态性 ,同时研究这两个基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。结果表明 :在 5个绵羊品种中都没有检测到GDF9基因的G8突变 (C→T) ,也没有检测到BMP15基因的B4突变 (G→T)。高繁殖力的小尾寒羊在BMP15基因编码序列第 718位碱基处发生了与Belclare绵羊和Cambridge绵羊相同的B2突变 (C→T) ,而其余 4个绵羊品种则没有发生这种突变。对于BMP15基因的B2突变 ,在小尾寒羊中检测到AA、AB两种基因型 ,A等位基因频率为 0 734,B等位基因频率为 0 2 6 6。小尾寒羊与其余 4个绵羊品种间B2突变基因型分布差异极显著 (P <0 0 0 1)。突变杂合基因型 (AB)小尾寒羊平均产羔数比野生纯合基因型 (AA)多 0 6 2只 (P <0 0 1)。研究结果表明 ,BMP15B2突变对小尾寒羊高繁殖力影响作用十分明显 ,同时排除了GDF9G8突变和BMP15B4突变影响小尾寒羊高繁殖力的可能性  相似文献   

绵羊存在影响多胎性状的不同主效基因,选择影响Romney Hanna绵羊和Cambridge绵羊高繁殖力的骨形态发生蛋白15 (bone morphogenetic protein 15, BMP15)为候选基因,采用PCR-SSCP的方法检测BMP15基因外显子Ⅱ第747位点(T747→C)和755位点(T755→C)在蒙古羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、小尾寒羊三种绵羊母羊中的多态性,同时还研究了上述两处突变对三种绵羊产羔数的影响。表明:(1)一共检测到野生纯合型AA、突变杂合型AB (T747→C)、AC (T755→C)三种不同的基因型,AA为优势基因型,A为优势等位基因;(2)三种基因型在甘肃高山细毛羊中均被检测到,而蒙古羊和小尾寒羊中未检测出AB基因型;(3)突变杂合型蒙古羊(AC)比野生纯合型(AA)的平均产羔数多0.27只(p<0.05)。(4)AC的基因型频率,双羔母羊和多羔母羊均高于单羔母羊。根据以上实验推测,BMP15第755位点发生的T→C突变(AC型)对蒙古羊一胎产双羔影响十分显著,甘肃高山细毛羊中AC基因型的绵羊其产羔数有比AA基因型和AB基因型多的趋势,因此该位点可能是一个影响绵羊高繁殖力潜在的DNA标记。  相似文献   

绵羊GDF9基因PCR-SSCP分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
生长分化因子9(GDF9)是由卵母细胞分泌的一种生长因子,它对早期卵泡的生长和分化起重要的调节作用。采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了GDF9基因在小尾寒羊、湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊4个绵羊品种的多态性。结果表明:GDF9基因在两对引物扩增片段中均存在PCR-SSCP多态性。对于引物1扩增片段,4个绵羊品种均检测到AA基因型,AB基因型只出现在湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊中,仅在萨福克羊中检测到BB基因型;在4个绵羊品种中,A等位基因频率明显高于B等位基因频率。对于引物2扩增片段,4个绵羊品种均检测到AA基因型,AB基因型只出现在湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊中,4个绵羊品种均没有检测到BB基因型;在4个绵羊品种中,AA基因型频率最高,A等位基因频率明显高于B等位基因频率。引物1的多态性片段测序分析表明:位于GDF9基因cDNA第152处发生了单碱基的改变(A→G),并导致了氨基酸的改变(天冬酰胺→天冬氨酸)。  相似文献   

BMPR-IB和BMP15基因作为小尾寒羊多胎性能候选基因的研究   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
以控制BooroolaMerino羊多胎性能的BMPR IB基因 ,以及影响Invedale和Hanna羊排卵数的BMP15基因作为候选基因 ,从分子水平上对小尾寒羊的多胎机制进行研究 ,分析突变位点的特性 ,并通过大规模的群体检测统计推断其遗传效应。实验结果表明 :多胎品种小尾寒羊在BMPR IB基因的相应位置上发生了与BooroolaMerino羊相同的突变 (A74 6G) ,该基因的BB基因型在小尾寒羊群体内为优势基因型 ,且小尾寒羊初产和经产母羊的BB基因型比 ++基因型分别多产 0 97羔 (P <0 0 5 )和 1 5羔 (P <0 0 1) ,推测BMPR IB基因与控制小尾寒羊多胎性能的主效基因存在紧密的遗传连锁。而BMP15基因在小尾寒羊中不存在V31D或Q2 3Ter突变 ,说明小尾寒羊的多胎遗传机制与Romney羊不同 ,因此排除了BMP15突变影响小尾寒羊排卵数的可能性。  相似文献   

根据斑马鱼骨形态发生蛋白15(bone morphogenetic protein,BMP15)基因的保守区序列设计引物,采用RT-PCR法扩增出异育银鲫BMP15基因的部分序列,该片段长811 bp,编码270个氨基酸。经过BLAST比对,该氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、欧洲海鲈及人等动物BMP15基因的同源性分别为80%、38%及29%。本试验结果为进一步研究该基因的结构与功能提供了资料。  相似文献   

利用PCR、克隆测序、序列拼接获得山羊(Capra hircus)BMP15基因全长。利用F-CSGE技术分析两个外显子,发现山羊BMP15编码序列的第901处发生了A→G单碱基突变,该突变使得第301位氨基酸(成熟蛋白质第32位氨基酸)由丝氨酸变为甘氨酸。利用LDR技术对济宁青山羊、鲁北白山羊和沂蒙黑山羊进行突变检测,并进行其与产羔数的关联分析。结果表明,该突变对济宁青山羊产羔数没有显著影响,但对鲁北白山羊及沂蒙黑山羊产羔数均有显著影响(P0.05)。GG型和AG型的鲁北白山羊产羔数分别比AA型多0.34只(P0.01)和0.31只(P0.01)。AG型沂蒙黑山羊的产羔数比AA型多0.13只(P0.01)。初步表明,BMP15是控制鲁北白山羊和沂蒙黑山羊多胎性状的一个主效基因或是与之存在紧密遗传连锁的分子标记。  相似文献   

Wang JQ  Cao WG 《遗传》2011,33(9):953-961
绵羊存在影响多胎性状的主效基因。BMPR-IB的突变体FecB对排卵数的增加具有增强效应,GDF-9的突变体FecGH和FecI及BMP-15的突变体FecXI、FecXH、FecXG、FecXB、FecXL和FecXR均为纯合子不育,杂合子增加排卵数,而GDF-9的突变体FecGE只有纯合子增加排卵数。Woodlands和Lacaune是遗传方式已知的多胎主效基因。Woodlands是与X染色体连锁的母系印迹基因,Lacaune与FecB类似对排卵数的增加具有增强效应。主效基因突变体单拷贝增加排卵数的效应具有差异性,FecB和FecXL的效应最高可增加1.5个,Woodlands最低可增加0.4个。研究绵羊多胎性状主效基因不仅有助于家畜的选种选育,提高绵羊繁殖力,而且为研究哺乳动物的繁殖机制开拓了新的方向。文章综述了绵羊多胎主效基因的来源、定位、表型、作用机制以及我国绵羊品种多胎主效基因的研究现状,旨在为深入研究绵羊多胎主效基因的作用机制及为绵羊多胎品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

针对由于急、慢性呼吸道引起的生产性能降低甚至死亡,选择与该病相关的基因TLR9为研究对象,分析群体中该基因的遗传多态性及变异特征,为进一步揭示舍饲绵羊的遗传特性和生产利用提供基础数据。采用PCR-SSCP检测427只表型正常和58只患呼吸道疾病的舍饲绵羊TLR9基因的多态性,测序群体内变异的各等位基因数列,并构建系统发育树以明确舍饲绵羊TLR9基因等位基因之间的遗传关系。结果显示,甘肃地区绵羊在TLR9基因中发现了4个等位基因,共7个核苷酸多态位点,这些位点多是由点突变形成,其中转换4个(占57.14%),颠换3个(占42.86%)。甘肃地区绵羊TLR9基因具有较丰富的多态性;TLR9基因多态性与绵羊呼吸道疾病有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

我国是家猪养殖和消费大国,提高母猪的繁殖力对于促进我国生猪产业的发展具有重要的作用。排卵率和产仔数是影响家畜繁殖力的关键因素,其中BMP15 (bone morphogenetic protein 15)基因已被鉴定是控制绵羊排卵数和多胎性状的一个主效基因,然而目前在家猪BMP15基因中尚未发现类似绵羊多胎品系的天然突变。基于高等哺乳动物基因功能的保守性和CRISPR/Cas9(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9)等基因组编辑技术对动物基因组定点修饰的高效性,应用CRISPR/Cas9技术对家猪BMP15基因进行精确的遗传修饰,使家猪获得类似多胎绵羊的天然突变,对于研究该基因对家猪繁殖力的影响以及培育高繁殖力家猪新品系具有重要的意义。本研究通过CRISPR/Cas9对长白猪胎儿成纤维(porcine embryonic fibroblasts, PEF)细胞中BMP15基因进行打靶,T7E1分析显示打靶效率仅有5%。随后通过共转染RGS双荧光替代性报告载体(RFP-GFP surrogate reporter),并应用流式细胞术分选出双荧光细胞,富集到基因组被CRISPR/Cas9修饰的细胞,使基因打靶效率提高至18%。本研究结果表明,应用RGS双荧光替代性报告载体可以有效提高CRISPR/Cas9在PEF细胞中对BMP15基因的打靶效率,为今后通过体细胞核移植技术培育BMP15基因编辑猪进行了有效的探索。  相似文献   

为研究绵羊繁殖力与绵羊BMP-15 (bone morphogenetic protein 15)基因的多态位点关系,并寻找调控绵羊繁殖力的分子标记,以甘肃高山细毛羊、蒙古羊、小尾寒羊三种绵羊为研究对象,采用PCR-SSCP技术与DNA碱基测序相结合的方法,检测该基因第一外显子67、92两个位点在上述三个不同品种绵羊中是否存在FecX^H (Q23→Ter)和FecX^I (V31→D)突变,同时根据检测结果与其繁殖力做相关性分析。结果表明,在三种绵羊中既未检测出与Inverdale绵羊相同的FecX^I突变,也未检测出与Romney绵羊相同的FecX^H突变,因此推测BMP-15基因中影响Romney与Inverdale绵羊高繁殖力的突变位点对以上三种绵羊均无显著影响。  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) are secreted by the mammalian oocyte and are essential for ovarian follicular development, ovulation, and fertility. However, the secreted forms of the BMP15 and GDF9 proteins and the nature of cooperative molecular interactions between BMP15 and GDF9 previously reported have not been fully characterized. In this study, we found that recombinant mouse BMP15 and GDF9 are secreted as cleaved mature and proregion proteins, with BMP15 also secreted as uncleaved promature protein. Noncovalent interactions were identified between the mature and proregion proteins of each growth factor. Moreover, GDF9 mature protein was found to coimmunoprecipitate with the BMP15 proregion, suggestive of a heteromeric association between BMP15 and GDF9. Mouse GDF9 was found to exist mostly as a dimer of mature protein, in both the presence and absence of BMP15. In contrast, BMP15 formed mostly multimers of proregion and mature protein when combined with GDF9, providing further evidence for heteromeric interaction. Mouse BMP15 was found to act cooperatively with GDF9 in a rat granulosa cell thymidine incorporation bioassay and to signal through the BMPR2 and ACVR1B/TGFBR1/ACVR1C receptor-mediated pathways. Immunoneutralization experiments using GDF9 mature protein antibody indicated that these cooperative interactions are species specific. Additionally, immunoneutralization with proregion antibodies highlighted the involvement of the BMP15 proregion in BMP15/GDF9 cooperative interactions. Taken together, these findings support a novel hypothesis where the extracellular cooperative interactions of recombinant mouse BMP15 and GDF9 are multimeric, involving the proregion of BMP15, and may well be species specific.  相似文献   

Goats form the backbone of rural livelihood and financial security systems in India but their population is showing decreasing trend. Improvement of reproductive traits such as prolificacy offers a solution to stabilize the decreasing goat population and to meet the nutritional needs of growing human population. In the present study, six novel SNPs in three candidate genes for prolificacy (BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9) were genotyped in seven breeds of Indian goats to evaluate their association with litter size. Tetra primer ARMS-PCR and PCR-RFLP based protocols were developed for genotyping six novel SNPs, namely, T(-242)C in BMPR1B; G735A and C808G in BMP15; and C818T, A959C, and G1189A in GDF9 gene. The effect of breed was highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) on litter size but the effect of genotype was nonsignificant. The effect of parity on litter size was also significant in the prolific Black Bengal breed. The litter size differences observed between breeds are attributed to breed differences. Novel mutations observed at different loci in GDF9, BMP15, and BMPR1B genes do not contribute to the reproductive capability of the investigated breeds. Further studies with more number of breeds and animals exploring association of these novel SNPs with reproductive traits may be fruitful.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the likely origin of three mutations with large effects on ovulation rate identified in the Belclare and Cambridge sheep breeds; two in the BMP15 gene (FecXG and FecXB) and the third (FecGH) in GDF9. All three mutations segregate in Belclare sheep while one, FecXB, has not been found in the Cambridge. Both Belclare and Cambridge breeds are relatively recently developed composites that have common ancestry through the use of genetic material from the Finnish Landrace and Lleyn breeds. The development of both composites also involved major contributions from exceptionally prolific ewes screened from flocks in Ireland (Belclare) and Britain (Cambridge) during the 1960s. The objective of the current study was to establish the likely origin of the mutations (FecXG, FecXB and FecGH) through analysis of DNA from Finnish Landrace and Lleyn sheep, and Galway and Texel breeds which contributed to the development of the Belclare breed. Ewes with exceptionally high prolificacy (hyper-prolific ewes) in current flocks on Irish farms were identified to simulate the screening of ewes from Irish flocks in the 1960s. DNA was obtained from: prolific ewes in extant flocks of Lleyn sheep (n = 44) on the Lleyn peninsula in Wales; hyper-prolific ewes (n = 41); prolific Galway (n = 41) ewes; Finnish Landrace (n = 124) and Texel (n = 19) ewes. The FecXG mutation was identified in Lleyn but not in Finnish Landrace, Galway or Texel sheep; FecXB was only found among the hyper-prolific ewes. The FecGH mutation was identified in the sample of Lleyn sheep. It was concluded from these findings that the Lleyn breed was the most likely source of the FecXG and FecGH mutations in Belclare and Cambridge sheep and that the FecXB mutation came from the High Fertility line that was developed using prolific ewes selected from commercial flocks in Ireland in the 1960′s and subsequently used in the genesis of the Belclare.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the genetic structure at BMPR 1B, BMP15 and GDF9 prolificacy genes in five sheep breeds reared in Tunisia: Barbarine, Queue Fine de L’Ouest, Noire de Thibar, Sicilo-Sarde and D’man. Genomic DNA of 204 sheep was investigated for the FecBB (BMPR 1B), FecXR, FecXH, FecXI, FecXL, FecXG, FecXB (BMP15) and FecGH (GDF9) mutations. The sequence variability of the different DNA fragments utilised for genotyping was further investigated by Single Stranded Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing. All the above-mentioned mutations were absent in the five sheep breeds examined. SSCP analysis and sequencing allowed the detection of two nucleotide variations. A non-functional mutation (T/C transition at nt 747 of BMP15 cDNA known as B3) was found at the BMP15 gene, in the Noire de Thibar breed; this mutation was first detected in the Belclare sheep. A new nucleotide change G/A at nt 1159 of BMP15 cDNA, causing the amino acid change A119T in the mature peptide, was detected in the Barbarine breed for the first time. The highly prolific D’man ewes were monomorphic for the absence of all the known prolificacy alleles.  相似文献   



It has been reported that calf oocytes are less developmentally competent than oocytes obtained from adult cows. Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) play critical roles in folliculogenesis, follicular development and ovulation in mammalian ovaries. In the present study, we attempted to compare the expression patterns of BMP15 and GDF9 in the cells of calf and cow ovaries to determine a relationship between the level of these genes and the low developmental competence of calf oocytes.  相似文献   

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