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We studied the interaction between the ant Goniomma kugleri and Cistaceae in a Cistus ladanifer -dominated scrubland, in southwestern Spain. We monitored seed harvesting, and studied ant preferences among Cistaceae seeds and their capture efficiencies for preferred seeds. For the stand of C. ladanifer , we estimated seed losses due to the ants. Harvesting was restricted to two seasons: mid-autumn to late winter, and late spring. Ant diet relied on Cistaceae seeds: during autumn and winter 90% of seeds returned to nests were of C. ladanifer , and the remaining fraction also comprised Cistaceae seeds. At this time, the ants harvested seeds directly from the plants. In late spring, the ant diet consisted of Tuberaria guttata s.l. seeds. Goniomma kugleri selectively collected Cistaceae seeds. For preferred species, seed removal rates at the colony level and seed capture times invested by individual workers were correlated with seed size. Because of shorter capture time and higher success frequency, capture efficiency in terms of number of seeds captured per unit time was higher for small-seeded species. Although each ant colony collected large numbers (up to 105) of C. ladanifer seeds over the autumn–winter season, the impact of ant removal on the annual seed output was moderate, at around 20%. It is likely that, in C. ladanifer , the staggered seed release period, and the pulsed exposure of seed clumps in capsules through progressive locule dehiscence, effectively minimise seed losses to the ants.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are dispersed primarily by frugivorous birds and have highly aggregated distributions at multiple scales. Mistletoe specialist frugivores have been found to intensify infections within infected hosts and stands, and this is considered the most likely mechanism underlying clumped mistletoe distributions at these scales. How these patchy infections first develop and whether seed dispersers also contribute to aggregated mistletoe distributions at landscape and regional scales have not been evaluated. Here we predict the mistletoe seed shadow of a dietary generalist (spiny‐cheeked honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Aves: Meliphagidae), by combining our observations of movements via radio telemetry with previous data on gut passage times to estimate seed dispersal curves for individual birds. There was considerable variation in movements and inferred seed dispersal between individuals, with non‐breeding birds predicted to regularly transport Amyema quandang (Santalales: Loranthaceae) seeds up to 700 m; well beyond the boundaries of an existing mistletoe infection. As the first work to consider explicitly the distance component of mistletoe seed dispersal by dietary generalists, this study poses further questions about the relative seed dispersal roles of dietary generalists and mistletoe specialists. Moreover, our findings highlight considerable intraspecific variation in movement and foraging behaviour, suggesting gender and reproductive status of birds should be considered explicitly when quantifying seed dispersal services.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry, using propidium iodide and 4',6-diamidano-2-phenylindole staining, was used to estimate the nuclear DNA content (2C) and the proportion of A-T base pairs in 16 species of the Mediterranean genus Cistus. Genome sizes were shown to be constant within species, since no significant intraspecific variation in 2C DNA content was detected. At the genus level, up to about 1.5-fold differences in absolute DNA amounts were observed, ranging from 3.92 pg in C. crispus to 5.88 pg in C. monspeliensis. The (AT) : (GC) ratio was close to 1, and was similar for all species examined, ranging from 47.87% A-T content in C clusii, to 50.67% in C. populifolius. Pink-flowered species (subgenus Cistus) had lower DNA amounts than white-flowered species (subgenera Leucocistus and Halimioides). However, the distribution of DNA amounts in Cistus appeared to be continuous and did not permit a clear separation of infra-generic ranks in the genus.  相似文献   


Two types of glandular hairs have been found in Cistus laurifolius L. (Cistaceae). Both types present a great degree of morphological and histochemical variability, not only at population level but even within a single plant. This fact excludes that the hairs of C. laurifolius could be given a diagnostic value. The two hair types have a mixed hydrophilous and lipophilous secretion in which we have identified, especially in one type of them, cathecolic tannins. The powerful antimycotic activity of such tannins, makes the hairs particularly interesting for the possible ecological implications.  相似文献   

Aim There are few biogeographical and evolutionary studies that address plant colonization and lineage origins in the Mediterranean. Cistus serves as an excellent model with which to study diaspore dispersal and distribution patterns of plants exhibiting no special long‐distance dispersal mechanisms. Here we analyse the pattern of genetic variation and divergence times to infer whether the African–European disjunction of C. ladanifer L. is the result of long‐distance dispersal or of vicariance events. Location Principally the Western Mediterranean region, with a focus on the Strait of Gibraltar. Methods We used DNA sequence phylogenetic approaches, based on plastid (rbcL/trnK‐matK) and nuclear (ITS) sequence data sets, and the penalized likelihood method, to date the diversification of the 21 species of Cistus. Phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographical patterns in 47 populations of C. ladanifer were also analysed using two plastid DNA regions (trnS‐trnG, trnK‐matK). These sequence data were analysed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian inference and statistical parsimony. Results Dating estimates indicated divergence dates of the C. ladanifer lineage in the Pleistocene. Eight nucleotide‐substitution haplotypes distributed on the European (four haplotypes) and African (five haplotypes) sides of the Strait of Gibraltar were revealed from C. ladanifer sequences. Both the haplotype network and the phylogenetic analyses depicted two main Cistus lineages distributed in both Europe and North Africa. An Iberian haplotype forms part of the North African lineage, and another haplotype distributed on both continents is related to the European lineage. Haplotype relationships with respect to outgroup sequences supported the hypothesis that the centre of genetic diversity is in northern Africa. Main conclusions Based on lineage divergence‐time estimates and disassociation between geographical and lineage haplotype distributions, we inferred at least two intercontinental colonization events of C. ladanifer post‐dating the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar (c. 5 Ma). This result supports a hypothesis of long‐distance dispersal rather than a hypothesis of vicariance. We argue that, despite limited dispersal abilities, preference for disturbed habitats was integral to historical colonization after the advent of the Mediterranean climate (c. 3.2 Ma), when Cistus species diverged and became established as a dominant element in the Mediterranean scrub.  相似文献   

Scale and macroecological patterns in seed dispersal mutualisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although some studies of seed dispersal mutualisms have documented adaptive relationships between fruits and frugivores, others have shown that adaptive patterns are constrained by phylogenetic, historical or climatic effects. Variable results among studies have thwarted attempts to find a paradigm to unite the field and direct research. Two recent studies in Global Ecology and Biogeography exemplify this dichotomy. One paper reported adaptive relationships between abundances of birds and fruits, while the other study found that bird‐fruit abundance patterns were constrained by climatic effects. Almost paradoxically, both studies were conducted at the same locale. However, they focused on different spatio‐temporal scales. These results are surprisingly consistent with several other recent studies that have taken a macroecological approach. They also indicate that mutualistic relationships between fruits and frugivores are scale dependent. When viewed together, recent work suggests that the conflicting results of previous studies may result from spatio‐temporal variability of mutualistic relationships. This paper briefly reviews the emerging field of seed dispersal macroecology. A growing appreciation for scale appears to be leading the field in a new direction.  相似文献   

Question: We explored the functional significance of seasonal aerial seed banks in two coexisting, heterocarpic annual Asteraceae with dormant (Chrysanthemum coronarium) and non‐dormant (Anacyclus radiatus) achenes. We hypothesised that the plant achene pool is a significant component of total seed reserves, and that within‐season seedling emergence timing is shaped by achene release patterns. Location: SW Spain. Methods: In an observational study, we established temporal achene release patterns. We also quantified the aerial and soil achene pools throughout the release season, and assessed seedling emergence timing. Sowing experiments were used to explore the influence of achene release dynamics on emergence timing, and to establish achene morph‐specific patterns of between‐year distribution of germination. Results: Achene release extended from late spring to late autumn (Chrysanthemum), or from early autumn to early winter (Anacyclus). Within species, achene morphs differed in release timing. Only in Chrysanthemum, a small achene fraction seemed to persist in the soil, and between‐year germination distribution differed among morphs. In coexisting populations, the Anacyclus plant achene pool was an order of magnitude higher than the soil pool throughout the release season, whereas in Chrysanthemum both pools were of the same magnitude during autumn. Within‐year seedling emergence was significantly staggered beneath parent plants compared with the pattern resulting solely from the germination response in soil, with the exception of Chrysanthemum in one of the two study years. Conclusions: Results suggest that seasonal aerial seed banks are effective within‐season, risk‐reducing traits in ruderal Mediterranean habitats characteristic of the study species.  相似文献   

Data collected during a 12-month field investigation of mixed species troops of Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis in the Amazon Basin of north-eastern Peru indicate that callitrichid primates play an important role in tropical forest seed dispersal. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins were observed to ingest seeds from a variety of tree and liana species and pass them unharmed. These seeds tended to be large and heavy, and passed through the tamarin digestive tract in one to three hours. Experimental plantings of defecated seeds yielded a germination success rate of 70%. The specific gravity of these seeds (weight/volume) was inversely correlated with passage time and apparently had an indirect influence on the distance that seeds were dispersed from the parent tree. In the case of three preferred fruiting species, Leonia glycycarpa, Pourouma sp., and Hippocrateaceae #283, the present distribution of adult trees closely resembled the pattern of the seed shadow created by Saguinus. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins appeared to be reliable and high-quality dispersal agents for a number of tree and liana species. In this role, they are likely to exert an important influence on the composition, distribution, and regeneration patterns of Amazonian rain forest.  相似文献   

胡杨种子散布的时空分布格局   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
以额济纳胡杨为研究对象,对种子雨的散布时间、强度、散布距离以及种子雨和空气湿度、风之间的关系进行了研究。胡杨种子雨可以分为初始期、高峰期和消退期3个阶段,大部分的种子集中在高峰期落下。种子的散布主要受湿度和风的影响。湿度对种子雨的强度起主要作用,在一天之中,种子在湿度较低的中午和下午集中散落。应用一元线性回归模型对种子雨强度和相对湿度进行分析后表明二者之间存在显著的负相关关系。对种子的散播距离进行研究后发现,大部分种子落在母树附近,少部分种子能够进行长距离传播。风对种子的传播的方向和距离起决定性的作用,不同方向上的种子传播距离和强度相差很大。在顺风方向上,种子的传播距离最远,所有的长距离传播现象几乎都发生在这一方向上;而在主风向的垂直方向和逆风方向上,种子的散布距离较小,很少有种子能够进行长距离传播。对风的观测表明中午后和下午初的风力较强,而此时种子雨强度又最大,有利风力条件和高种子雨强度出现的同步性可能是促进胡杨种子进行长距离传播最有效的生物控制机制。由于胡杨种子在自然条件下的存活时间非常短暂,所以研究中不同胡杨母树林间种子散播时间的差异可能是胡杨种群内部为适应不同洪水期所表现出的风险分摊机制所造成的。  相似文献   

杂草种子传播研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李儒海  强胜 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5361-5370
种子传播将母株生殖周期的末端与它们后代种群的建立连结了起来,广泛认为,其对植被结构具有深刻的影响。种子传播的整个过程称为种子传播循环。研究表明,杂草种子传播的因子多种多样,包括仅依赖自身来完成的主动传播,以及依赖风、水、动物、人类等外界媒介的被动传播。其中,人类传播杂草种子是影响最广泛的一种,对现代植物的分布格局产生了深刻的影响。杂草种子的传播,对杂草种子库的数量和空间动态影响很大。研究种子传播的主要方法有荧光染料标记法、放射性同位素标记法、稳定同位素分析、分子遗传标记等。结合近几年国内外的研究进展,作者就杂草种子传播对种子库数量和空间动态影响的精确直接研究、杂草种子传播的过程及传播后的命运、杂草种子适应传播的机理、生态控草措施研究、外来杂草入侵蔓延与其种子传播的关系等方面提出了展望。  相似文献   

Pollination and seed dispersal determine the spatial pattern of gene flow in plant populations and, for those species relying on pollinators and frugivores as dispersal vectors, animal activity plays a key role in determining this spatial pattern. For these plant species, reported dispersal patterns are dominated by short-distance movements with a significant amount of immigration. However, the contribution of seed and pollen to the overall contemporary gene immigration is still poorly documented for most plant populations. In this study we investigated pollination and seed dispersal at two spatial scales in a local population of Prunus mahaleb (L.), a species pollinated by insects and dispersed by frugivorous vertebrates. First, we dissected the relative contribution of pollen and seed dispersal to gene immigration from other parts of the metapopulation. We found high levels of gene immigration (18.50%), due to frequent long distance seed dispersal events. Second, we assessed the distance and directionality for pollen and seed dispersal events within the local population. Pollen and seed movement patterns were non-random, with skewed distance distributions: pollen tended moved up to 548 m along an axis approaching the N-S direction, and seeds were dispersed up to 990 m, frequently along the SW and SE axes. Animal-mediated dispersal contributed significantly towards gene immigration into the local population and had a markedly nonrandom pattern within the local population. Our data suggest that animals can impose distinct spatial signatures in contemporary gene flow, with the potential to induce significant genetic structure at a local level.  相似文献   

鸟类取食中国沙棘果实的方式及其对种子的传播作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2003年9月~2004年3月,定期观察取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类及其取食方式。共记录取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类18种,其取食果实的方式主要有:1)直接在树冠上吞食果实,有时候在吞食后将种子呕出;2)将果实从树上衔走后,在栖息处吞食或啄食;3)将果实啄落至地面,然后取食果肉和种子,留下果皮;4)啄破果皮,吸食果肉,留下果皮及种子;5)从顶端将果皮啄破后,仅取食里面的种子。不同的取食方式决定了它们对沙棘种子的传播作用不同。收集鸟粪便中的种子与完整的干果实及人工剥离果肉和内果皮的种子做萌发对比实验,结果表明,鸟类消化道过程对种子的萌发有一定影响,但萌发率仍较高。沙棘为多种鸟类提供食物,而鸟类则为沙棘传播种子,它们之间形成一种互利关系。  相似文献   

动物对松属植物种子的传播作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁长虎 《生态学杂志》2006,25(5):557-562
松属植物约110种,根据种子传播方式可分为风传播松和动物传播松。风传播松占绝大多数,种子多具有适应风力的翅。动物传播松大约23种,都具有大、可食用、无翅或短翅的种子,无法借助风力传播。动物传播松的分布生境多为贫瘠的山地,而且多位于高海拔地区。目前已知9种松树的动物传播种类,其余14种可推测为动物传播。动物传播者包括鸦科鸟类和啮齿类动物,动物将获得的种子分散贮藏,未被重取的种子可能萌发,完成传播。动物传播是定向传播,微生境多适合种子萌发。啮齿类的传播距离可达数10 m,而鸦科鸟类的传播距离可达数公里。动物传播的松树会出现树丛和多树干现象,一般由同一贮点内贮藏的多粒种子萌发造成的。动物贮藏的种子大部分被重取,称传播后取食。一些具有大种子的风传播松在种子落地后,啮齿类和鸟类会再次埋藏而形成二次传播,可看做是一个单独的传播类型,即风-动物传播松。动物传播者与依赖传播松树之间可看作是互利共生关系。  相似文献   

Abstract. Seed germination characteristics were investigated in the most common Cistus species in Greece, namely C. incanus ssp. creticus and C. salvifolius. In addition to the soft seed subpopulation, both species produce a large fraction of hardcoated, water-impermeable seeds which can be softened and, thus, promoted to germinate by mechanical scarification and thermal pretreatment. Temperature and light control of seed germination are unimportant. In the ecological context of the Mediterranean ecosystems, the eventually advantageous, opportunistic strategy of germination is based on: (a) seed heterospermy (which allows the smaller, softcoated fraction to germinate promptly each year while the majority of the seeds, the hard ones, accumulate in the soil); (b) the seed population heterogeneity in relation to coat hardness (so that any heat conditions produced by fire induce the softening and germination of a certain seed fraction); (c) the notably low germination rate (which suppresses premature germination); (d) the wide, Mediterranean-type (relatively cool), temperature range of germination (while higher temperatures simply inhibit but do not induce any dormancy); and (c) the apparent lack of photo-sensitivity (enabling germination under every light regime). In non-fire years, the temporal distribution of field germination and seedling appearance might be partly determined by the seed dispersal strategy of the individual Cistus species. Nevertheless, the post-fire regeneration response is manifested in the form of a huge wave of germination (of practically all seeds softened by the fire heat), shortly after the onset of the rainy season.  相似文献   

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