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The distribution of LH-RH-positive nerve fibers in the median eminence was demonstrated in the 1970s and 1980s. A few LH-RH fibers have been reported to be present in the adjacent pars tuberalis of the pituitary, but their functional significance has not been clarified and still remains enigmatic. Adult male Wistar-Imamichi rats were separated into two groups: one for immunohistochemistry of LH-RH and S-100 protein (for the identification of folliculo-stellate cells) and the other for electron microscopy. For both immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy, the specimens obtained contained the pituitary gland connected with the hypothalamus. Numerous LH-RH-positive fibers were observed as tiny lines with several varicosities both on the primary vascular plexus and in the hypothalamus corresponding to the posterior half of the portal vein area. LH-RH-positive fibers were also noted around S-100-positive cells in the pars tuberalis. Weakly reactive S-100 cells were scattered in the pars tuberalis in the midsagittal plane, while clusters of strong reactive elements occurred 100–300 m from the center. Similar observations were made using fluorescence immunohistochemistry for LH-RH and S-100, and at the electron-microscopic level. At the posterior portion of the portal vein system, bundles of the LH-RH-immunoreactive fibers invaded the pars tuberalis and terminated on agranular cells. Gap junctions were clearly seen among agranular cells corresponding to folliculo-stellate cells. It is postulated that the LH-RH message might be transmitted not only by the established hypophyseal portal vein system but also via the folliculo-stellate cells in the pars tuberalis to aid in the modulation of LH release.  相似文献   

The distribution of the S-100 protein cell (folliculo-stellate cell) is very important to our understanding of the regulation of the anterior pituitary. In this study, 10 intact 60-day-old male Wistar-Imamichi rats, were separated equally into two groups. One was used for immunohistochemical study, and the other for electron microscopic analysis. Immunostained pituitary sections with S-100 protein antibody were photographed using a CCD camera equipped with a computer. The S-100 protein cells were then measured using NIH image software, and the three-dimensional distribution of the cells was analyzed. The distribution of the cells observed in each serial section showed that S-100 protein cells were dense at the basal zone of the gland and at the "transitional zone" where the pars tuberalis adjoined the anterior and intermediate lobes, where they represented over 50% of the total cell population. They then decreased in number with distance from this region to mid-way towards the sagittal axis before increasing again in the tail of the gland. The population of cells also decreased with increasing distance from the "transitional zone" to the wing and with distance from the basal zone. Portal vessels entered the anterior lobe through the "transitional zone" as thick capillaries, ran through the basal surface and penetrated into the central area of the anterior lobe. In all planes, S-100 protein cells encircled the capillaries. Ultrastructural observations confirmed the light microscopic findings indicating that clusters of agranular cells were densely located at the "transitional zone" and in the pars tuberalis. The distribution pattern of the folliculo-stellate cells and the capillaries showed good agreement and the spatial relationship between these two is detailed so as to better understand hypophyseal histophysiology.  相似文献   

Since Farquhar [1957. "Corticotrophs" of the rat adenohypophysis as revealed by electron microscopy. Anat. Rec. 127, 291] was the first to report the presence of agranular folliculo-stellate cells as corticotrophs in the anterior pituitary gland, there were no reports about electro-physiological characteristics of the folliculo-stellate cells because of its no hormonal activity and the chaotic distribution of the parenchyma cells. Male Wistar rats, aged 7 weeks with weighing 250--300 g, were separated into two groups. One group was used for immunohistochemical and light microscopical studies to detect S-100 protein and connexin 43. The other group was used for the electro-physiological study and then for the electron microscopical study to know the fine structural character of folliculo-stellate cells after the electro-physiological experiment. Clusters of S-100 protein cells (agranulated folliculo-stellate cells) and numerous connexin 43 positive sites on S-100 protein cells were clear in the "transitional zone" at which the pituitary tissue made the transition from the pars tuberalis to the proximal part of the anterior lobe. Penetration of electrodes to the cells distributed in the transitional zone showed stable membrane potential ranged between--27 and--67mV with no spontaneous activity. Random penetration of electrode showed that larger populations of cell ( approximately 80%) had membrane potentials with -55.6+/-5.1 mV, and less than 20% of cells had the resting membrane potential with -36.0+/-4.4 mV. There were two types of cell couplings; one major group for the recordings from cells with similar deep resting membrane potentials and the other for the recordings from cells with different resting membrane potentials. The former indicated that two cells were electrically coupled while the latter no electrical couples were observed. Carbenoxolone depolarized the membrane by 12.3+/-5.5 mV and reduced the amplitude of electrotonic potentials, and the response recovered by removal of carbenoxolone by the superfusate. The transitional zones of the pituitary glands examined the electrical coupling were observed by an electron microscopy. Almost cytological profiles were observed as intact. The results clearly indicated that the folliculo-stellate cell system deeply participated in the regulation of the anterior pituitary parallel with the portal vessel system, which was the main regulatory system for pituitary hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the pars tuberalis was studied in the rat fetus from 13 days of gestation to 6 weeks after birth. After the closure of Rathke's pouch, the pars tuberalis anlage is clearly distinguishable from the anlagen of the partes intermedia and distalis. It comprises the entire basal portion of the adenohypophysial anlage; the limit between the anlagen of the pars tuberalis and the pars distalis is defined by Atwell's recess, i.e. the pathway taken by the hypophysial vessels coming from the vascular plexus of the median eminence.At 14 days the pars tuberalis cells are characterized by the presence of glycogen which persists in the adult. Their secretory differentiation (elaboration of granules with a diameter of 100–120 nm) is obvious at 15 days of gestation. It therefore, clearly precedes that of the other hypophysial cell types. Its functional differentiation takes place well before its adhesion to the primary vascular plexus of the portal system. Cystic formations appear just before birth in the pars tuberalis, much later than those of the pars distalis.These observations on the development of the pars tuberalis, together with previous observations on the adult PT in various species, showing that the specific glandular cells of the pars tuberalis are cytologically different from all known adenohypophysial cell types, seem to indicate a specific endocrine function of this lobe.  相似文献   

Summary Nervous elements in the periodontal ligament and dental pulp of rat incisors were investigated by means of immunohistochemistry for neurofilament protein (NFP) and glia-specific S-100 protein. The periodontal ligament in the incisors was densely innervated by NFP-immunoreactive nerve fibers; the distribution of the nerve fibers and their terminations differed markedly from those in molars. NFP-positive, thick nerve bundles entered the lingual periodontal ligament through slits located in the mid-region of the alveolar socket, and immediately formed numerous Ruffini-like corpuscles. In the labial periodontal ligament, all of the NFP-immunoreactive nerve fibers terminated in free endings. The restricted location of the stretch receptor, Ruffini-like corpuscle, in the lingual periodontal ligament appears to be an essential element, because this region is regularly extended during mastication. The nervous elements were restricted to the alveolar half of the periodontal ligament in every region; they avoided the dental half of the periodontal ligament, which presumably moves continuously with the tooth. Pulpal nerve fibers in incisors also showed a characteristic distribution different from those in molars; individual nerve fibers with beaded structures ran in the center of the pulp toward the incisai edge, and did not form the subodontoblastic nerve plexus of Raschkow.Immunostaining for S-100 protein revealed a distribution pattern of nervous elements similar to that for NFP, suggesting that the nerves supplying the periodontal ligament and dental pulp were mostly covered by a Schwann sheath.  相似文献   

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