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A. G. Manganaris F. H. Alston 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1988,76(3):449-454
Summary Independent dimeric genes GOT-2 and GOT-4 determining activity for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (E.C.; GOT) in zones GOT-II and GOT-IV respectively were identified. Three alleles were found for GOT-2 and two for GOT-4, including a null allele for GOT-2 which produced detectable heterodimeric bands but not homodimeric bands. Linkage studies with leucine aminopeptidase (E.C.; LAP) genes suggested linkage of GOT-2 with LAP-2 (r=0.13±0.23) and GOT-4 with LAP-1 (r=0.10±0.40).The results reported in this paper are part of a London University PhD thesis by the first author 相似文献
A. G. Manganaris F. H. Alston 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1987,74(1):154-161
Summary Four zones of enzymatic activity for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) were found in apple tissue. A dimeric gene, GOT-1, determining the fastest migrating zone, was identified. Six alleles were found, including a near null allelle which produced detectable heterodimeric bands but not homodimeric bands. A marked deficit or absence of certain geno-types in all backcrosses and in some crosses between unrelated varieties was attributed to the close linkage (r=0.02±0.005) of GOT-1 with the incompatibility S locus. GOT-1 was also closely linked with the isocitrate dehydrogenase locus IDH-1 (0.03±0.01). Proposed incompatibility genotypes for four cultivars, and the linked GOT-1 alleles are Cox: S
d, Idared: S
c, Fiesta: S
d and Kent: S
b.The results reported in this paper are part of a PhD Thesis by the first author 相似文献
Genetics of leucine aminopeptidase in apple 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. G. Manganaris F. H. Alston 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,83(3):345-352
Summary Six zones of LAP activity were detected in apples, some of them tissue specific. Genetic studies in four of them revealed the presence of four genes LAP-1, LAP-2, LAP-3 and LAP-4 with 4, 5, 4 and 4 alleles respectively including two null alleles. There were no big differences in allelic frequency within cultivars, selections, rootstocks and Malus species. Close linkage was found between LAP-2 and resistance to mildew derived from White Angel. 相似文献
M. Rovira N. Aletà E. Germain P. Arús 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1993,86(2-3):322-328
Summary The inheritance of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), malate dehydrogenase (MHD), aconitase (ACO), phosphoglucomutase (PGM), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI), and glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT) polymorphic isozymes was studied in leaf extracts of nine hazelnut progenies using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Evidence of Mendelian inheritance was obtained for ten loci: 6-Pgd-2, Mdh-1, Aco-1, Aco-2, Pgm-1, Pgm-2, Pgm-3, Pgi-2, Pgi-3, and Got-2, which permitted the analysis of 28 alleles (2.8 per locus). The presence of null alleles was detected in Pgm-1 and Pgm-3. Joint segregation analysis of pairs of isozymes revealed four linkages: Mdh-1-Pgi-2, Aco-2-Pgm-2, Pgm-1-Pgm-3, and 6Pdg-2-Pgm-2. 相似文献
In two day-light phytotron rooms young apple trees were exposed to either 15 or 25°C in three successive periods of six weeks (Periods I, II and III) starting in the beginning of the growing season. A control group was kept outside throughout. Exposure to 15°C in either period had little effect on sylleptic growth; there was also hardly any difference with the outside treatment. At 25°C total sylleptic growth was greatly favoured especially when that temperature was applied in all three periods. However, 25°C given continuously did not affect sylleptic shoot number in Period II and III, but applied only in Period II or III greatly enhanced it. In a few cases there was a positive carry-over effect of 25°C given in Period I or II on sylleptic growth in the next period. No such carry-over effect was found for shoot number. Although temperature did influence growth of the parent shoot, that influence was much smaller than for sylleptic growth. The outgrowth of sylleptic shoots mainly occurred in periods when growth vigour of the parent shoot was highest. The distribution of sylleptic shoots along the parent shoot was greatly affected by the period in which the temperature of 25°C was applied suggesting that buds are only able to respond to outgrowth-inducing factors in a certain stage of development. 相似文献
H. Hartings H. J. W. Wijsman 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1985,69(4):349-351
Summary The structural geneprxD inPetunia codes for a slow moving anodic peroxidase whose activity is sensitive to high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The PRXd enzyme could be found in mature and old leaf and stem tissue of full-grown flowering plants. PRXd was found to be absent in tissues from flower corolla and root. The geneprxD is the fourth gene that codes for peroxidases in leaf and stem. Two mobility variants of the PRXd enzyme have been found among our inbred lines using starch gel system II electrophoresis. The geneprxD could be located on chromosome III by a four-point-cross involving the genesprxA, prxD, Mf1 andHt1. The order of the genes established is:Ht1 — Mf1 — prxD — prxA. 相似文献
B. M. van den Berg T. Hendriks H. J. W. Wijsman 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1982,64(1):75-81
Summary By starch gel electrophoresis three mobility variants of a cathodic moving doublet of bands, encoded by the structural gene prxC, were detected in all organs of flowering petunias. In root tissue two of the variants showed a lower electrophoretic mobility than in other organs. During development of flower buds the PRXc enzymes showed an increase in mobility. The gene prxC was located on chromosome IV by showing linkage to the genes An3 and Dw1, by trisomic segregation, and by the construction of triply heterozygous trisomics IV. The gene order on chromosome IV is B1-An3/Dw1-prxC. It was concluded that the temporal programming difference in the expression of the alleles prxC2 and prxC3 is caused by internal site mutation. Analysis of progeny obtained by crossing of lines to the trisomic IV with genotype prxC1/C1/C2 showed differential expression of the two prxC1 alleles of the trisomic IV. 相似文献
Examination by scanning electron microscopy showed abaxial stomata on in vitro cultured apple (Malus pumila Mill.) leaves. With leaf ontogeny, most of these stomata appeared to lose their regulatory ability while developing wide vestibules of up to 20 m in diameter. It is proposed that these deformed stomata may be a possible cause for the excessive transpirational water loss and consequent dehydration associated with transferring plants regenerated in vitro from culture. 相似文献
A. Vezvaei T. W. Hancock L. C. Giles G. R. Clarke J. F. Jackson 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,91(3):432-438
The segregation of seven isozyme marker genes was investigated using eight controlled crosses in almond. The cultivar Nonpareil was the maternal parent in all crosses. Pollination was achieved using eight different cultivars, and a total of 3200 individual kernels were assessed. For each isozyme the goodness-of-fit test was used to test for departure from the expected frequencies assuming Mendelian inheritance. Given a higher than expected number of significant results for individual isozymes, independent segregation between pairs of isozymes was tested using the chi-square statistic on the resulting two-way contingency tables. In all crosses a highly significant association (P value< 0.001) was observed between (1) the AAT- 1 and IDH isozymes loci and (2) the LAP-1 and PGM-2 isozymes loci, which leads to the conclusion that the respective isozyme pairs are linked.In addition, a significant association (P value < 0.001) was observed between LAP-1 and GPI-2 when the pollen sources were Fritz, Mission, or Price, but this could not be tested for the remaining five pollen sources, Carmel, Grant, Keane, Ne plus Ultra, Peerless, because they are homozygous at these loci. If LAP-1 is linked with GPI-2 and PGM-2, it might be expected that we should find evidence of linkage between GPI-2 and PGM-2. The lack of a significant association between these two isozymes suggests that LAP-1 is located centrally on the chromosome. These three pairs of linked loci are the first to be reported in almond. 相似文献
A. G. Manganaris F. H. Alston 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,83(4):467-475
Summary Three main zones of esterase activity (EST-I, EST-III, EST-IV) identified in leaf extracts of cultivated apple and Malus species were determined by the genes EST-1, EST-3 and EST-4, respectively. In addition to earlier reported alleles of EST-1 (a, b) three further bands c, d and f were identified in the EST-I zone of which c was found to be determined by an allele, c. Two alleles, a, b, and a null allele were found for both the genes EST-3 and EST-4. Differences in allelic frequency were observed between cultivars, rootstocks and Malus species. Allele EST-1a was rare amongst the rootstocks. The examination of Malus species and derivatives showed a geographical relationship. Allele EST-1c was confined to species of Asian origin, and EST-1d was confined to American species. 相似文献
S. H. Mahmoud J. A. Gatehouse D. Boulter 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1984,68(6):559-566
Summary Three isoenzyme systems (amylase, esterase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) were examined in seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and shown to give clear variation in their band patterns on gel electrophoresis between different lines. The inheritance of these isoenzyme systems, and the location of their genes on the pea genome was investigated. Reciprocal crosses were made between lines, F2 seeds were analysed for segregation in the band patterns of the isoenzymes, and F2 plants were investigated to find linkage between the genes for these isoenzymes and genes for selected morphological markers. The results obtained showed that each of the investigated isoenzyme systems is genetically controlled by co-dominant alleles at a single locus. The gene for amylase was found to be on chromosome 2, linked to the loci k and wb (wb ... 9 ... k ... 25 ... Amy). The gene for esterase was found to be linked with the gene Br (chromosome 4) but the exact location is uncertain because of the lack of the morphological markers involved in the cross. The gene for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was found to be on chromosome 1 and linked with the loci a and d (a... 24... Got... 41 ... d). 相似文献
The root systems of apple trees from five orchards ranging in age from 1.5-y to 14-y were sampled to depths of between one and two metres using soil cores. Although trees came from orchards which differed in soil-type, tree spacings and management, consistent patterns were found in root systems. In orchards of 4-y and older, roots of adjacent trees met so that soil volumes within the planting grids (i.e, tree spacings of approximately 5 m inter-row×4 m intra-row distances) were completely explored, although not completely occupied by roots. Mean root-length densities declined with depth for these orchards. In the 1.5-y orchard, roots from adjacent trees did not meet and root-length densities declined with radial distance from the stem as well as with depth.Root-length densities in the top 1 m ranged from zero to about 1.0 cm.cm–3 in all orchards and were highly variable. The proportions of core samples having zero values for root-length density were used to subdivide the root zone into volumes in which all samples contained roots, and volumes in which some samples had no roots.Results suggest that roots in an average tree penetrate to at least one metre depth in all but very young orchards so that soil in this volume is fully explored. Volumes filled by roots and volumes occupied at any particular root-length density appear to reach a maximum at about 4 years. Volumes of soil occupied at any particular root-length density were equal in all orchards older than 4 years. This suggests that root growth was balanced by root death. In contrast woody roots continue to accumulate with time. 相似文献
Maurizio Lambardi Carla Benelli Andrea Fabbri 《In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant》1997,33(1):70-74
Summary Ethylene effect on in vitro shoot proliferation of two apple rootstocks, MM111 and M9, was studied. Ethylene biosynthesis was proportionally stimulated
by increasing concentrations of the precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). When 25 μM or more ACC was applied without any control of the headspace of culture vessels, shoot proliferation of both rootstocks was
negatively affected. However, when shoot cultures were transferred to ACC-supplemented medium after the second week of culture,
ACC had no effect. Supplementing the medium with aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, together
with the application of gas traps inside the flasks, significantly enhanced axillary shoot formation and elongation. Steady
and high exogenous concentrations of ethylene in the culture flasks had negative effects on shoot proliferation. MM111 appeared
to be more sensitive to ethylene than M9. For AVG a threshold dose was noticed, beyond which phytotoxic effects were induced. 相似文献
B. M. van den Berg H. Hartings F. Bianchi H. J. W. Wijsman 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1984,68(3):265-268
Summary Antibodies were raised against the peroxidases encoded by the allele prxA1 to determine the specific activities of the peroxidases encoded by the alleles prxA1, prxA2, prxA3, and prxA5. The results from double diffusion experiments indicated that all peroxidases encoded by the four alleles are antigenically identical. By rocket immuno electrophoresis it was shown that the peroxidases encoded by the alleles prxA1, prxA2, prxA3, and prxA5 have different specific activities. The results presented are discussed in relation to differential expression of the alleles involved. 相似文献
The use of the isoenzymic marker gene Got-1 in the recognition of incompatibility S alleles in apple
I. Batlle F. H. Alston K. M. Evans 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,90(2):303-306
The S incompatibility system of apple was confirmed through the application of the gene Got-1 for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase as a marker for the S locus. The 11S alleles proposed by Kobel et al. (1939) were confirmed through anomalous segregations for Got-1 observed in 14 semi-compatible crosses and regular segregations observed in 2 fully compatible crosses. The S allele genotypes of Idared (S
7), Cox (S
9) and Fiesta (S
5) were determined and found to fall within the original series. By associating parental incompatibility genotypes with the segregation of Got-1 alleles, we were able to deduce the coupling of S and Got-1 alleles in 9 varieties. 相似文献
Exploration and exploitation of soil by apple,kiwifruit, peach,Asian pear and grape roots 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Measurements of root-length density (RLD) in a range of 31 apple, kiwifruit, peach, Asian pear and grape orchards were used to derive indices to describe the exploration and exploitation of rooting volumes. Orchards were of various ages and located on a range of soil types, geographic regions, management systems etc. Data were obtained from core samples of volume 1.66×10-4 m3 randomly taken within a standard volume, determined by average planting grids, of 2 m radius centred on tree stems, and 1 m depth. Root systems were described using an exploitation index, E(), and an exploration index, E(0). E() is defined as the proportion of the soil volume which contains roots at RLD greater than or equal to some specified value, . E(0) is defined as the proportion of the soil volume which contains roots at any RLD greater than zero. These indices are dependent on sample size, as are all volumetric or soil-coring data.Estimates of E(0) for each orchard were obtained as the proportions of cores containing any RLD>O and assessed for dependence on species. Peach trees had a significantly higher value of E(0), equal to almost 1.0, compared to the other four species where E(0) was approximately 0.8 (p0.01) or less. There was also some variation with age. E(0) was lower for very young plants which had not fully occupied the sampled soil volume. Exploration indices for woody roots increased with rootstock age but otherwise did not explain large differences in E() between species for given values.For example at =0.05×104 m.m-3, E() was approximately 0.45 for peach and kiwifruit, and 0.05 for apple, Asian pear and grape, whereas at =0.5×104 m.m-3 the corresponding values were 0.1 and almost zero. Negative exponential curves relating E(), scaled by dividing by E(0), to were fitted for each of the 31 orchards. Exponents for these curves, k, were significantly smaller for kiwifruit and peaches than apples, grapes and Asian pears (p0.05), and smaller for apples than grapes and Asian pears (p0.05). A larger k implies a rapid fall-off in E() as increases. Although all five species contained zero and low RLD samples, only kiwifruit and peaches contained higher RLD values and consequently have higher mean RLD. This trend was consistent across all soils, regions, sampling dates, and plant ages.The analyses demonstrate that core sampling can give useful insights into macro-scale root-system distribution, such as the proportion of a soil volume explored and how it is exploited. If positions of core samples are noted during sampling using angular direction, depth and radial distance as spatial coordinates the method can be used to describe root-system structures. 相似文献
Peroxidase activity (EC towards phenolic substrates, i.e. pyrogallol, syringaldazine and guaiacol, and ascorbate peroxidase activity (EC were analyzed in embryo axes of Lupinus luteus L. cv. Polo cultured on Heller medium for 96h after inoculation with the necrotrophic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Schlecht lupini. Four variants were compared: inoculated embryo axes cultured with 60mM sucrose (+Si) or without it (-Si), and non-inoculated embryo axes cultured with 60mM sucrose (+Sn) or without it (-Sn). Between 0 and 96h of culture, peroxidase activity towards the phenolic substrates increased in all variants except -Si, where a decrease was noted in peroxidase activity towards syringaldazine and guaiacol, but not towards pyrogallol. In +Si tissues, a considerable increase in enzyme activity towards these substrates was recorded starting from 72h of culture. Lignin content of +Si tissues increased already at the first stage of infection, i.e. 24h after inoculation. Additionally, in +Sn tissues, high ascorbate peroxidase activity was observed during the culture. Its activity increased in +Si tissues, beginning at 72h after inoculation. However, this was lower than in +Sn tissues. At 72h after inoculation, a considerably stronger development of the infection was observed in -Si than in +Si tissues during our earlier research [Morkunas, I. et al., 2005. Sucrose-stimulated accumulation of isoflavonoids as a defense response of lupine to Fusarium oxysporum. Plant Physiol Biochem 2005; 43: 363-73]. Both peroxidases assayed towards phenolic substrates and ascorbate peroxidase was less active in -Si tissues than in -Sn tissues. Hydrogen peroxide concentration was much higher in -Si than in +Si tissues. These results indicate that peroxidases may be some of the elements of the defense system that are stimulated by sucrose in yellow lupine embryo axes in response to infection caused by F. oxysporum. 相似文献
Walter J. Tabachnick 《Biochemical genetics》1978,16(5-6):571-575
Four regions of hexokinase activity are detected by starch gel electrophoresis of adult Aedes aegypti. Three of the regions, Hk-2, Hk-3, and Hk-4, are produced by three tightly linked loci, located on the third chromosome 7.25 map units from the locus fuzzy. The three loci show developmental differences as well as differences in substrate specificity.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, AI 05118-02 and AI 12016. 相似文献
One-year-old apple cuttings (Malus pumila var.domestica cv. M26) were grown for 6 months in pot culture with and without inoculum of the VA-mycorrhizal fungus (VAMF)Glomus macrocarpum in soil from a long-term fertilizer field experiment with different P availability (20, 210, and 280 mg CAL-extractable P
kg−1). The indigenous VAMF propagule density was reduced by 0.5 Mrad X-irradiation. At harvest, non-inoculated and inoculated
plants had similar proportions of root length bearing vesicles. Net dry weight of tree cuttings was significantly increased
by inoculation only at 20 mg P kg−1 (+62%). Increasing P availability from 210 to 280 mg P kg−1 led to a 4-week depression of shoot elongation rate only in the inoculated plants. Uptake of P was significantly enhanced
by inoculation at 20 and 210 mg P kg−1 (+64 and +12%, respectively). On average, inoculated plants had significantly higher concentrations of Zn in leaves and in
roots (+16 and +14%, respectively) and of copper in stems and in roots (+13 and +126%, respectively). Proportion of vesicle
bearing root length was significantly correlated with root caloric content. A lipid content of 0.9–4.5% in the root dry matter
was attributed to the presence of vesicles corresponding to 1.6–8.2% of total root caloric content.
As the control plants were also infected, the beneficial effect of VA-mycorrhiza on nutrient uptake and growth of apple cuttings
was underestimated at all P levels. Furthermore, VAM-potential at the lowest P level was not fully exploited as onset of infection
was most certainly delayed because of a decreased photosynthetic rate due to P deficiency. Energy drain by VAMF-infection
was most probably underestimated considerably, due to, among others, loss of infected root cortex during root growth, sampling
and staining.
It is concluded that apple cuttings rely on VA-mycorrhizal P-uptake at least in low P soils. In high P soils, apple cuttings
may profit predominantly from the uptake of Zn and Cu by the fungal symbionts. 相似文献
E. Smed J. P. C. Van Geyt M. Oleo 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1989,78(1):97-104
Summary Five isozyme systems were genetically investigated. The different separation techniques, the developmental expression and the use as marker system in sugar beet genetics and breeding is discussed. Isocitrate dehydrogenase was controlled by two genes. The gene products form inter- as well as intralocus dimers, even with the gene products of the Icd gene in B. procumbens and B. patellaris. Adenylate kinase was controlled by one gene. Three different allelic forms were detected, which were active as monomeric proteins. Glucose phosphate isomerase showed two zones of activity. One zone was polymorphic. Three allelic variants, active as dimers, were found. Phosphoglucomutase also showed two major zones of activity. One zone was polymorphic and coded for monomeric enzymes. Two allelic forms were found in the accessions studied. The cathodal peroxidase system was controlled by two independent genes, of which only one was polymorphic. The gene products are active as monomers. Linkage was found between red hypocotyl color (R) and Icd
2. Pgm
1, Gpi
2, Ak
1 and the Icd
2-R linkage group segregated independently. 相似文献