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The interrelationship of photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis in the gametophyte of the fern Pteridium aquilinum was examined in detail. High energy red light produces filamentous gametophytes composed of greatly elongated cells. Blue light of equal energy produces normal cordate gametophytes composed of isodiametric cells. The assimilative rates of the two forms are identical during the initial stages of development. However, the filamentous gametophytes eventually exhibit a decline in assimilation not matched by their normal counterparts. Although this decrease in assimilation of gametophytes exposed to red light may be traced to a decrease in the photo-synthetic rate due to a decrease in chlorophyll synthesis, these events occur subsequent to the establishment of the filamentous mode of growth and are therefore a result, not a cause, of filamentous development. Gametophyte assimilation is also impeded under low energy blue light, due to a reduction in the photosynthetic rate at this low energy; and the initial filamentous stage, in which the cells remain normally isodiametric, is not exceeded. The addition of extra exogenous sucrose restores the capacity for growth and normal cordate prothalli result. It may therefore be concluded that the ultimate form of the gametophyte is under the control of a photoreceptor that is sensitive to blue light, and activated at a relatively low energy level. Red light at any level is ineffective in promoting normal cordate development, but is effective in supporting growth through vigorous photosynthesis, yielding a filament composed of greatly elongated cells. The eventual photosynthetic decline of the filamentous form is due directly to this particular growth mode. Low energy blue light is sufficient to effect form (the cells remain isodiametric), but insufficient to provide the necessary energy for growth through vigorous photosynthesis. Therefore, in order for the gametophyte to reach maturity it must be supplied with light energy that not only satisfies the requirement for form but the requirement for growth as well. The implications of these requirements are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of the photoreceptive site forblue light-induced cell division in single-celled protonemataof Adiantum capillus-veneris L. was investigated using polarizedlight irradiation and protonemal cell centrifugation. The responseto irradiation with polarized blue light showed no dependenceon the direction of light polarization. However, centrifugationof the protonemata followed by microbeam irradiation showedthat the site of blue light perception could be displaced togetherwith the nucleus. Centrifugal treatment changed the distributionof intracellular organelles at the time of light exposure andbasipetally displaced the nucleus about 90µm. This treatmenthad no effect on the induction of cell division with blue lightif the protonemata were centrifuged again acropetally afterthe light treatment. Microbeam (30x30 µm2) irradiationwith blue light of the apical 45–75 ßm region,the receptive site of blue light in non-centrifuged cell, didnot induce cell division. However, cell division was inducedby irradiation of the nucleus-containing region, indicatingthat the photoreceptive site was displaced together with thenucleus by the centrifugation. These results suggest that theblue light receptor regulating cell division in Adiantum protonematais not likely to be located on the plasma membrane. (Received February 20, 1986; Accepted May 27, 1986)  相似文献   

In filamentous protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. preculturedunder continuous red light, the progression of cell cycle whichwas induced by transferring the protonemata to the dark wasinhibited and the phase returned to the beginning of G1 by redlight irradiation unless the cell cycle had progressed to a"point of no return" which coincides with the beginning of Sphase. The effect of red light was reversed by subsequent far-redlight. Typical red far-red reversibility indicates that thephotoreceptive pigment is phytochrome. (Received May 17, 1984; Accepted June 21, 1984)  相似文献   

Lateral buds of the fern Davallia trichomanoides are releasedfrom inhibition by the removal of the main shoot apex. However,auxin is not capable of substituting for the apex in decapitatedshoots nor can auxin in shoot tips be detected by bioassay orextraction and chromatography. Expanding leaves of this speciescontain auxin, but these organs are not responsible for inhibitionof lateral bud growth. The response of lateral buds to an exogenouslyapplied cytokinin does not result in initial bud break. It isconcluded that the hormonal factors known to govern apical dominancein seed plants are not responsible for the regulation of differentialbud expansion in this fern.  相似文献   

用光镜观察海金沙(Lygodium japonicum)配子体发育和卵发生。海金沙孢子为四面体形,具三裂缝,孢子萌发方式为密穗蕨型(Anemia-type);配子体的发育形态多样,通常丝状体长至3~5个细胞时通过顶细胞纵分裂发育为片状体,进而发育为心形原叶体,在心形原叶体上可产生精子器和颈卵器。但在培养过程中也可产生10个细胞以上的丝状体,这种丝状体发育成的片状体和原叶体形态通常不规则,只产生精子器,不产生颈卵器。原叶体发育是铁线蕨型(Adiantum-type),性器官是薄囊蕨型(Leptosporangiate-type)。切片观察海金沙颈卵器产生于生长点下方表面细胞,经两次分裂形成了顶细胞、初生细胞和基细胞。其中初生细胞再经两次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞,此时三个细胞紧密相连,随发育,颈沟细胞和和腹沟细胞退化,卵周围形成了分离腔,光镜观察显示成熟卵细胞上无典型卵膜形成,未观察到受精孔的结构。  相似文献   

傅氏凤尾蕨配子体发育及其无配子生殖的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用光学显微镜对傅氏凤尾蕨(Pteris fauriei Hieron.)的配子体发育进行了研究。傅氏凤尾蕨孢子深褐色,呈四面体形,三裂缝,极面观为钝三角形,赤道面观近半圆形。孢子自播种3~7 d左右开始萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型。18 d左右发育为丝状体,大约为6~10个细胞长;25 d左右,丝状体可通过顶端细胞或中间细胞分裂产生片状体。播种40~50 d左右,在片状体的侧面产生分生组织,发育成原叶体,发育类型为水蕨型。雄配子体形状不规则,其上可产生精子器。大型原叶体形状较规则,顶端为心形,发育2~3个月左右,在生长点下方产生无性胚芽,进行无配子生殖。此后不久,在胚芽和生长点之间产生导管连接孢子体和配子体。经多次培养表明傅氏凤尾蕨不产生颈卵器,为专性无配子生殖。  相似文献   

峨眉凤丫蕨配子体发育及卵发生的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用显微观察及透射电镜技术对峨眉凤丫蕨的配子体发育及卵发生过程进行了观察研究,以探讨其卵发生细胞学机制及蕨类植物演化关系。结果表明:(1)峨眉凤丫蕨孢子接种7~9d萌发,经丝状体和片状体阶段发育为心形原叶体,成熟原叶体雌雄同株,在原叶体基部产生精子器,在原叶体生长点下方产生颈卵器。(2)卵发生研究表明,峨眉凤丫蕨颈卵器产生于生长点下方的表面细胞,该细胞经2次分裂形成3层细胞,中间者为初生细胞,它经2次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞;新产生的卵与腹沟细胞间连接紧密,有发达的胞间连丝,随着发育,卵细胞与腹沟细胞之间产生分离腔,而腹沟细胞与卵细胞始终通过孔区相连;发育中期,卵核形成大量核外突;发育后期,在卵细胞外侧形成卵膜,孔区演变为受精孔,核外突数量减少。  相似文献   

银粉背蕨是一种小型观赏蕨类植物,但目前我国对该蕨的研究还不够成熟。本文利用改良Knop's培养基和腐殖土培养银粉背蕨的孢子,观察其配子体及幼孢子体形态发育特征,并研究了其配子体发育的最适培养基pH值。研究结果显示:(1)银粉背蕨孢子黄褐色,具三裂缝,极面观三角圆形,赤道面观为近半圆形,孢子具网状纹饰;孢子萌发为书带蕨型;原叶体发育为水蕨型;颈卵器和精子器为薄囊蕨型;成熟原叶体为对称的心脏形,不具毛状体;上述特征为银粉背蕨孢子和配子体发育的稳定特征。(2)培养基pH值在7.0~9.0时随着碱性的增强,银粉背蕨孢子萌发和配子体生长发育速度逐渐增加。(3)利用腐殖土培养银粉背蕨孢子,7~8周可发育成幼叶,成苗率达90%,成苗健壮,根系发达,是扩繁银粉背蕨的适宜方式。本文为资源植物银粉背蕨人工繁殖和演化研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Measuring the ratio of the number of photooriented chloroplaststo the total number of chloroplasts, we found that photoorientationof chloroplasts in protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneriscould be induced by brief irradiation with polarized red light.After irradiation with red light (R) of 3 or 10 min, orientationalmovement was detected as early as 10 min after the irradiation;it continued during the subsequent dark period for 30–60min, after which chloroplasts gradually dispersed again. WhenR-treated protonemata were irradiated briefly with a second10-min pulse of R, 60 min after the onset of the first irradiation,the orientational response of chloroplasts was again observed.Typical red/far-red photoreversibility was apparent in the response,indicating the involvement of phytochrome. By contrast, irradiationwith polarized blue light for 10 min was ineffective, whileirradiation with blue light (B) at the same fluence for a longerperiod of time clearly induced the photoorientation of chloroplasts.It is likely that longterm irradiation is necessary for theresponse mediated by a blue-light receptor. When protonemata were irradiated with far-red light (FR) immediatelyafter R or after a subsequent dark period of 10 min, the magnitudeof the orientational response was smaller and chloroplasts dispersedmore quickly than those exposed to R alone. When FR was appliedat 50 min, when the response to R had reached the maximum level,chloroplasts again dispersed rapidly to their dark positions.These results indicate that PFR not only induces the photoorientationmovement of chloroplasts but also fixes the chloroplasts atthe sites to which they have moved as a result of photoorientation. (Received June 2, 1993; Accepted January 11, 1994)  相似文献   

药用植物乌蕨(Stenoloma chusanum(L.)Ching)配子体发育周期短而迅速,是一种研究蕨类配子体世代的生理生态和分子生物学等特征的理想试验材料.本文采用原生境腐殖土培养方法对乌蕨的孢子进行人工培养,观察并记录其孢子萌发和配子体发育的过程.结果表明:乌蕨孢子呈黄色,单裂缝,二面体形;孢子萌发为书带蕨型(Vittaria-type).丝状体4~6个细胞,有时具二叉分枝.片状体为长楔形,达6~8个细胞宽.成熟的原叶体为对称心形,裸露,发育为槲蕨型(Drynaria-type),并且具备一定的营养繁殖能力.原叶体上的假根为单细胞且不含叶绿体.精子器为盖裂开放,颈卵器短而直立.利用孢子培养的方法对乌蕨种苗进行人工繁殖,将为保护性开发利用这一重要药用资源奠定基础.  相似文献   

采用显微镜和透射电镜对阔叶鳞盖蕨(Microlepia platyphylla)的配子体发育和卵发生过程进行了观察,以阐明其卵发生的细胞学机制,探讨其演化地位。阔叶鳞盖蕨孢子褐色,四面体形,具三裂缝,接种5~10d后孢子萌发,经丝状体和片状体阶段发育为心形原叶体,原叶体发育是铁线蕨型,通常为雌雄异株,精子器产生于不规则配子体的表面,颈卵器产生于心形原叶体生长点的下方,性器官是薄囊蕨型。卵发生研究表明,阔叶鳞盖蕨颈卵器产生于生长点下方表面细胞,经两次分裂形成了顶细胞、初生细胞和基细胞。其中初生细胞再经两次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞,此3个细胞通过胞间连丝紧密相连,随发育,腹沟细胞与卵细胞间形成了分离腔,但在孔区处始终通过胞间连丝相连,成熟卵细胞上形成了卵膜和受精孔,卵核表面产生了核外突,通过比较表明阔叶鳞盖蕨卵发生与蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)卵发生相似。  相似文献   

The phytochrome content was determined in intact fern sporesof Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. by difference spectrophotometry.The spectral characteristics thus estimated in spores whichhad been imbibed for 9 days in darkness were: far-red maximumat 730?2.5 nm, red maximum at 662?1.5 nm and isosbestic pointat 684.5?1.4 nm. A detectable amount of phytochrome first appearedafter 3 days of dark imbibition, and the level then increasedduring the rest of the imbibition period. On the 7th day, thephytochrome content leveled off. During the dark imbibitionperiod, the phytochrome was revealed to be in the PR form. (Received February 22, 1982; Accepted July 9, 1982)  相似文献   

热带雨林剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)对光强变化的适应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境,本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力,在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率。同时。林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力,而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似。这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关,研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应。以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力。  相似文献   

B. DeYoung  T. Weber  B. Hass    J. A. Banks 《Genetics》1997,147(2):809-814
The haploid gametophytes of the fern Ceratopteris richardii are autotrophic and develop independently of the diploid sporophyte plant. While haploid genetics is useful for screening and characterizing mutations affecting gametophyte development in Ceratopteris, it is difficult to assess whether a gametophytic mutation is dominant or recessive or to determine allelism by complementation analysis in a haploid organism. This report describes how apospory can be used to produce genetically marked polyploid sporophytes whose gametophyte progeny are heterozygous for mutations affecting sex determination in the gametophyte and a known recessive mutation affecting the phenotype of both the gametophyte and sporophyte. The segregation ratios of wild-type to mutant phenotypes in the gametophyte progeny of polyploid sporophyte plants indicate that all of the mutations examined are recessive. The presence of many multivalents and few univalents in meiotic chromosome preparations of spore mother cells confirm that the sporophyte plants assayed are polyploid. The DNA content of the sperm of their progeny gametophytes was also found to be approximately twice that of sperm from wild-type haploid gametophytes.  相似文献   

Spores of the fern, Onoclea sensihilis L., suffer a disruption of normal development when they are cultured on media containing colchicine. Cell division is inhibited, and the spores develop into giant spherical cells under continuous white fluorescent light. In darkness only slight cell expansion occurs. Spherical cell expansion in the light requires continuous irradiation. Photosynthesis does not seem to be involved, since variations in light intensity do not affect the final cell diameter; the addition of sucrose to the medium does not permit cell expansion in darkness; and the inhibitor DCMU does not block the light-induced cell expansion. Continuous irradiation of colchicine-treated spores with blue, red or far-red light produces different patterns of cell expansion. Blue light permits spherical growth, similar to that found under white light, whereas red and far-red light promote the reestablishment of polarized filamentous growth. Although ethylene is unable to induce polarized cell expansion in colchicine-treated spores in darkness or white and blue light, it enhances filamentous growth which already is established by red or far-red irradiation. Both red and far-red light increase the elongation of normal filaments (untreated with colchicine) above that of dark-grown plants, but under all 3 conditions the rates of volume growth are identical. Light, however, does cause a decrease in the cell diameters of irradiated filaments. These data are used to construct an hypothesis to explain the promotion of cell elongation in fern protonemata by red and far-red light. The model proposes light-mediated changes in microtubular orientation and cell wall structure which lead to restriction of lateral cell expansion and enhanced elongation growth.  相似文献   

Highlights? In Drosophila epidermis, shavenbaby controls ZPD gene expression ? Apical cell shape remodeling relies on the coordinated action of ZPD genes ? ZPD proteins define sub-regions in the apical extracellular matrix (aECM) ? ZPD products maintain localized apical membrane/aECM interactions.  相似文献   

野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境.本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力.在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率.同时,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力.而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似,这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关.研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应,以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力.  相似文献   

Terminal buds and successively subjacent lateral buds of the water fern, Marsilea drummondii, were examined to determine the pattern of hormone distribution in relation to apical dominance. Quantitative levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin and zeatin riboside (Z and ZR), and isopentenyladenosine (iPA) were determined by a solid-phase immunoassay using polycional antihormone antibodies. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used following a one-step HPLC purification procedure to obtain the free hormones. Active shoot apices contained the most IAA and Z-type cytokinins and inhibited buds the least. No significant differences in ABA levels were found leading to the conclusion that ABA did not play any role in apical dominance. The normal precedence of the most rapid outgrowth of the youngest inhibited bud as observed previously in decapitated plants was well correlated with its very high level of iPA observed in this study. The same phenomenon was observed in the median buds but with a weaker amplitude. The presence of this storage form could indicate that a bud at its entry into quiescence eventually looses the ability to hydroxylate iPA to Z-type cytokinins when it is fully inhibited. IAA and Z + ZR are concluded to be essential for lateral bud growth.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis during photoinduced, synchronous progression of the cell cycle in single-celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris was studied by tracer techniques. Nuclei of the protonemata were labelled with 3H-thymidine during spore germination so that the amount of 3H incorporated into the TCA-insoluble fraction of the cells could be used as a measure of the cell number in each sample. The rate of the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into TCA-insoluble materials was not significantly varied at different stages of the cell cycle or by treatment with blue light. Extracts of cells labelled with 35S-methionine at various times after the transfer from red light condition (G0) to darkness (G1 to S) were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. At least 3 of about 200 spots showed significant changes in intensity on fluorograms. Spot A (molecular weight 20,000, isoelectric point 6.3) was detectable only in early G1, whereas spot B (molecular weight 19,500, isoelectric point 6.3) was found only in the late G1 and S phases. When the cells were exposed to blue light before the dark incubation, the times of disappearance of spot A and appearance of spot B were advanced depending upon the progression of the cell cycle but not upon the clock time.  相似文献   

Phytochrome- and a blue light receptor-dependent pathway antagonisticallyregulate the first mitosis in spores of the fern Adiantum capillus-venerisL. This study focused on determining which phase(s) of the cellcycle is positively regulated by phytochrome and negativelyregulated by a blue light receptor in germinating spores. Incorporationof the radioactivity of 3H-thymidine into the acid-insolublematerial prepared from the spores indicated that phytochromein the PFR form induced the entry into S phase of the firstcell cycle in the spores 20-28 h after irradiation with redlight. Blue light treatment before or after red light treatmenttotally prevented the PFR-induced DNA synthesis. Brief irradiationwith red, far-red or blue light showed no effects on mitosisif the irradiation was given 28 h after the red light induction,during S and M phases. These results indicate that phytochromeand a blue light receptor regulate the entry into S phase duringthe first cell cycle of fern spores. ( Accepted July 10, 1997)  相似文献   

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