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Three indole analogues, 5-methylindole, 5-fluoroindole, and 7-methylindole, and the tryptophan analogue 5-fluorotryptophan were found to inhibit the growth of wild-type Pseudomonas putida. Mutants resistant to these analogues were obtained. Some of the 5-fluoroindole- and 5-fluorotryptophan-resistant strains exhibit an abnormality in the regulation of certain trp genes. These strains excrete anthranilate when grown in minimal medium in the presence or absence of the inhibitor. In these strains, the trpA, B, and D gene products, the first, second, and fourth enzymes of the tryptophan pathway, are produced in 20-fold excess over the normal wild-type level. The other enzymes of the pathway are unaffected. Exogenous tryptophan is still able to repress the expression of the trpABD cluster somewhat. Similarity between the 5-fluoroindole- and 5-fluorotryptophan-resistant strains suggests that the former compound becomes effective through conversion to the latter. Repression and derepression experiments with two anthranilate-excreting, 5-fluoroindole-resistant strains showed coordinate variation of the affected enzymes. The locus conferring resistance and excretion is not linked by transduction to any of the trp genes.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, twenty sporulation-specificgenes (spo1–spo20) have been identified and analyzed.We found that a mutation designated spo14–221 caused cold-sensitivesporulation: ascospores were formed at 30?C but not at 23?C.Nuclear staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole revealedthat a strain with this mutation completed meiosis even at therestrictive temperature. Electron microscopy showed that assemblyof forespore membranes during meiosis II was abnormal and incompletein the mutant cultured at 23?C. Temperature-shift experimentsindicated that the cold-sensitive period began during earlymeiosis I and terminated with the end of meiosis II. These resultssuggest that the product of the spo14 gene is synthesized andexecutes its function prior to the expression of the sporulation-deficientphenotype of the mutant, prior to the formation of the abnormalforespore membrane. (Received October 5, 1989; Accepted February 28, 1990)  相似文献   

Two forms of formaldehyde dismutase distinguishable on disc-gel electrophoresis were isolated from the cell-free extract of Pseudomonas putida F61. The mobilities on SDS-gel electrophoresis and the NH2-terminal amino acids (arginine) of the two enzyme species were identical. The COOH-terminal amino acid sequence was found to be -Ser-Gly-Lys. The enzyme was inhibited by carbonyl, reducing and sulfhydryl reagents.

The enzyme catalyzed the cross-dismutation reaction between formaldehyde and an aldehyde, such as propionaldehyde, acrolein, butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde and crotonaldehyde. The enzyme also catalyzed a coupled oxidoreduction between an alcohol and an aldehyde (RCH2OH+R'CHO RCHO +R'CH2OH) without addition of an electron acceptor. Aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes of C2 to C4 were utilized in this reaction.  相似文献   

Analysis of bacteriophage CB3 infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAT2 establishes that phage induced changes in net macromolecular synthesis are absent at nonpermissive phage growth temperatures (32 C). Alterations which are evident in the PAT2 strain at 37 C or in the fully permissive strain, PAO1C, at either warm or cold temperatures do not occur in PAT2 at low temperatures. CB3 DNA synthesis and the degradation of host DNA to approximately 78S components occur at 37 C, but are absent in PAT2 at 20 C. Nevertheless, attachment of phage DNA to host cytoplasmic material occurs under permissive and nonpermissive conditions. This binding of phage DNA at 20 C is identical in nature to phage DNA bound at 37 C. Thus, the conditional cold-sensitive PAT2 host function in the growth of CB3 is expressed subsequent to membrane binding of the infecting genomes but prior to the onset of the initiation of CB3 DNA synthesis, the inhibition of host DNA synthesis, and the transient depression in RNA synthesis which occurs in permissive cells.  相似文献   

Arjun Singh  T. R. Manney 《Genetics》1974,77(4):651-659
A large number of genes control growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae at low temperatures (< 10 degrees ). Approximately 47 percent of the mutants selected for inability to grow at 4-5 degrees C show increased sensitivity to cycloheximide. In 3 of 4 cases tested, supersensitivity to cycloheximide and inability to grow at the low temperature segregate together and thus appear to be effects of the same mutation. Since many cold-sensitive mutants of bacteria have been found to have altered ribosomes and since cycloheximide resistance in yeast can be caused by ribosomal changes, this suggests that the mutants having low-temperature-sensitive growth may be defective in ribosome-assembly processes at the low temperatures. Two of the lts loci, lts1 and lts3 have been located on chromosome VII and another two, lts4 and lts10 on chromosome IV. A mutation, cyh10, conferring cycloheximide resistance, but not cold sensitivity, has been located close to the centromere on chromosome II.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is unable to swarm at its common temperature of growth in the laboratory (30 degrees C) but exhibits surface motility similar to swarming patterns in other Pseudomonas between 18 degrees C and 28 degrees C. These motile cells show differentiation, consisting on elongation and the presence of surface appendages. Analysis of a collection of mutants to define the molecular determinants of this type of surface movement in KT2440 shows that while type IV pili and lipopolysaccharide O-antigen are requisites flagella are not. Although surface motility of flagellar mutants was macroscopically undistinguishable from that of the wild type, microscopy analysis revealed that these mutants move using a distinct mechanism to that of the wild-type strain. Mutants either in the siderophore pyoverdine (ppsD) or in the FpvA siderophore receptor were also unable to spread on surfaces. Motility in the ppsD strain was totally restored with pyoverdine and partially with the wild-type ppsD allele. Phenotype of the fpvA strain was not complemented by this siderophore. We discuss that iron influences surface motility and that it can be an environmental cue for swarming-like movement in P. putida. This study constitutes the first report assigning an important role to pyoverdine iron acquisition in en masse bacterial surface movement.  相似文献   

We have found that the mode of cooling, composition of cryopreservation medium, original concentration of cells and storage temperature affect viability of Pseudomonas putida bacteria during low-temperature preservation. We have elaborated the conditions of preservation, providing for a high survival of bacteria, namely: one-stage cooling with the rates of 30, 40 degrees C/min or immersion into liquid nitrogen in the culturing medium with addition of sucrose, glycerol or dimexide in the concentration of 0.5 M; storage temperature is -80 degrees C divided by -196 degrees C.  相似文献   

Delta-aminovaleramidase of Pseudomonas putida   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

To investigate potential complementary activities of multiple enzymes belonging to the same family within a single microorganism, we chose a set of Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE) homologs of Pseudomonas putida. The physiological function of these enzymes is not well established; however, an activity associated with OYE family members from different microorganisms is their ability to reduce nitroaromatic compounds. Using an in silico approach, we identified six OYE homologs in P. putida KT2440. Each gene was subcloned into an expression vector, and each corresponding gene product was purified to homogeneity prior to in vitro analysis for its catalytic activity against 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). One of the enzymes, called XenD, lacked in vitro activity, whereas the other five enzymes demonstrated type I hydride transferase activity and reduced the nitro groups of TNT to hydroxylaminodinitrotoluene derivatives. XenB has the additional ability to reduce the aromatic ring of TNT to produce Meisenheimer complexes, defined as type II hydride transferase activity. The condensations of the primary products of type I and type II hydride transferases react with each other to yield diarylamines and nitrite; the latter can be further reduced to ammonium and serves as a nitrogen source for microorganisms in vivo.  相似文献   

To study the effect of acetate inhibition on the parameters of yield and maintenance for bacterial growth, Pseudomonas putida ATCC 23467 was grown in a minimal salts medium with acetate as the sole carbon source with limiting and with excess quantities of urea in the feed medium. The behavior of the chemostat cultures under sole acetate limitation results in low residual acetate present in the fermentation broth. These cultures can be described satisfactorily using the equation q(s) = D/Y(g) + m, i.e., the acetate is consumed only for growth and maintenance,. Those cultures in which urea was limiting or where urea was present in large excess contained significant amounts of residual acetate in the broth. For these cultures it was necessary to add a third term for acetate inhibition to the above expression.  相似文献   

Alpha-hydroxyglutarate oxidoreductase of Pseudomonas putida   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Oxidation of d-alpha-hydroxyglutarate to alpha-ketoglutarate is catalyzed by d-alpha-hydroxyglutarate oxidoreductase, an inducible membrane-bound enzyme of the electron transport particle [ETP; a comminuted cytoplasmic membrane preparation with enzymic properties and chemical composition resembling beef heart mitochondrial ETP (1)] of Pseudomonas putida P2 (P2-ETP). Treatment of P2-ETP with a nonionic detergent yields a preparation with the sedimentation characteristics of a soluble enzyme, but which retains an intact electron transport chain. Oxygen acts solely as a terminal electron acceptor and may be replaced by ferricyanide, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol, or mammalian cytochrome c. The oxidoreductase is specific for the d-isomer (K(m) = 4.0 x 10(-4)m for dl-alpha-hydroxyglutarate) and is distinct both from l- and d-malate dehydrogenases. Spectral studies suggest that the carrier sequence is substrate --> flavine or nonheme iron --> cyt b --> [cyt c] --> oxygen.  相似文献   

Degradation of Acetonitrile by Pseudomonas putida   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A bacterium capable of utilizing high concentrations of acetonitrile as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen was isolated from soil and identified as Pseudomonas putida. This bacterium could also utilize butyronitrile, glutaronitrile, isobutyronitrile, methacrylonitrile, propionitrile, succinonitrile, valeronitrile, and some of their corresponding amides, such as acetamide, butyramide, isobutyramide, methacrylamide, propionamide, and succinamide as growth substrates. Acetonitrile-grown cells oxidized acetonitrile with a Km of 40.61 mM. Mass balance studies with [14C]acetonitrile indicated that nearly 66% of carbon of acetonitrile was released as 14CO2 and 14% was associated with the biomass. Metabolites of acetonitrile in the culture medium were acetic acid and ammonia. The acetate formed in the early stages of growth completely disappeared in the later stages. Cell extracts of acetonitrile-grown cells contained activities corresponding to nitrile hydratase and amidase, which mediate the breakdown of actonitrile into acetic acid and ammonia. Both enzymes were intracellular and inducible and hydrolyzed a wide range of substrates. The specific activity of amidase was at least 150-fold higher than the activity of the enzyme nitrile hydratase.  相似文献   

Transport of succinate by Pseudomonas putida   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Induced succinate uptake and transport (defined as transport of a compound followed by its metabolism and transport in the absence of subsequent metabolism) by Pseudomonas putida are active processes resulting in intracellular succinate concentrations 10-fold that of the initial extracellular concentration. Uptake was studied with the wild-type strain P. putida P2 and transport with a mutant deficient in succinate dehydrogenase activity. Addition of succinate, fumarate, or malate to the growth medium induces both processes above a basal level. Induction is dependent on protein synthesis and subject to catabolite repression. When extracts of induced and noninduced wild-type cells were assayed for succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and malate dehydrogenase only malate dehydrogenase increased in specific activity. Transport is inhibited by iodoacetamide, KCN, NaN3, and 2,4-dinitrophenol and shows pH and temperature optima of 6.2 and 30 °C. Kinetic parameters are: basal uptake (cells grown on glutamate) Km 11.6 μm, v 0.32 nmoles per min per mg dry cell mass; induced uptake (cells grown on succinate plus NH4Cl) Km 12.5 μm, v 5.78 nmoles per min per mg dry cell mass; induced transport (cells grown on nutrient broth plus succinate) Km 10 μm, V 0.98 nmoles per min per mg dry cell mass. It was not possible to determine the kinetic parameters of basal transport. Malate and fumarate were the only compounds exhibiting competitive inhibition of uptake and transport suggesting common transport system for all three compounds. The Ki values for competitive inhibition and the Km for succinate indicate the order of affinity for both uptake and transport are succinate > malate > fumarate. Data from kinetic parameters of uptake and transport and studies on succinate metabolism provide evidence consistent with concurrent increases in transport and metabolism to account for induced succinate uptake by P. putida.  相似文献   

When Pseudomonas putida 40 was grown on a variety of liquid media in which oxygen became a limiting factor during growth, the latter stages of growth involved the elongation of cells without septation, which can result in the complete filamentation of the culture (up to several hundred micrometers long). The filaments appeared to consist of a chain of protoplasts within a common sacculus. Later these filaments were capable of a rapid fragmentation by septation to give a population of ordinary rods with a corresponding increase in the number of viable particles but no appreciable change in total bacterial mass. Filamentation did not occur if slow growth rates were maintained by restriction of oxygen availability from the beginning of growth. In complex media filaments were not formed during growth on 1% peptone alone, but the addition of 0.1 M phosphate or 6.6 × 10−4 M EDTA induced extensive filamentation that was reversed by the addition of 6.6 × 10−4 M Mg2+. In minimal media a much higher Mg2+ concentration than that required for active growth or present in the complex media was usually required for filamentation. A very narrow range of Mg2+ concentration promoted filamentation, and this optimum differed markedly depending on the carbon source used. Other medium variations which influenced the level of filamentation are reported. We found that most strains of P. putida (including the neotype strain) and P. fluorescens gave filaments under the conditions developed with strain 40, whereas several strains of P. aeruginosa failed to give filaments on the same media.  相似文献   

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