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LKB1 and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) are serine-threonine kinases implicated in key cellular pathways, including polarity establishment and energy sensing, respectively. Recent in vivo analyses in Drosophila have demonstrated vital roles for both AMPK and LKB1--in part through the myosin regulatory light chain--in cell polarity and cell division. Evidence from mammalian experiments also supports non-metabolic functions for LKB1 and AMPK. This review examines unanticipated AMPK functions for initiating and maintaining cell polarity and completing normal cell division. The ability of AMPK to sense energy status might be coupled with fundamental cell biological functions.  相似文献   

Mirouse V  Billaud M 《FEBS letters》2011,585(7):1016-985
The LKB1 tumor suppressor kinase is an activator of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a metabolic gauge that responds to variations of cellular energetic levels by favoring catabolic versus anabolic processes. Recent studies have provided substantial evidence that LKB1 and AMPK control cell polarity from invertebrates to mammals. This review examines how the LKB1–AMPK pathway, in conjunction with other positional signals, converts energy-sensing information into the activation of Myosin II to maintain epithelial-cell architecture but also to complete cell division. This molecular link between polarity and metabolism may constitute an ancient stress-response protective mechanism that was co-opted for tumor suppression during evolution.  相似文献   

The LKB1 (also called serine/threonine kinase 11) tumor suppressor gene was cloned in 1998 by linkage analysis of Peutz-Jeghers cancer syndrome patients. Mammalian LKB1 has been implicated as a regulator of multiple biological processes and signaling pathways, including the control of cell-cycle arrest, p53-mediated apoptosis, Wnt signaling, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signaling, ras-induced cell transformation, and energy metabolism. The Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster LKB1 homologs, termed PAR4 and dLKB1, respectively, regulate cell polarity. Recently, mammalian LKB1 was found to be active only in a complex with two other proteins--STRAD and MO25--and to induce complete polarization of intestinal epithelial cells in a cell-autonomous fashion. In this article, we summarize the findings regarding LKB1 over the past six years. In addition, we discuss LKB1 in polarity in the context of both the other PAR proteins and its tumor suppressive activities.  相似文献   

LKB1, a protein kinase regulating cell proliferation and polarity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Boudeau J  Sapkota G  Alessi DR 《FEBS letters》2003,546(1):159-165
LKB1 is a serine-threonine protein kinase mutated in patients with an autosomal dominantly inherited cancer syndrome predisposing to multiple benign and malignant tumours, termed Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Since its discovery in 1998, much research has focused on identification and characterisation of its cellular roles and analysing how LKB1 might be regulated. In this review we discuss exciting recent advances indicating that LKB1 functions as a tumour suppressor perhaps by controlling cell polarity. We also outline the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which LKB1 is regulated in vivo, through interaction with other proteins as well as by protein phosphorylation and prenylation.  相似文献   

Drosophila neuroblasts are a model system for studying stem cell self-renewal and the establishment of cortical polarity. Larval neuroblasts generate a large apical self-renewing neuroblast, and a small basal cell that differentiates. We performed a genetic screen to identify regulators of neuroblast self-renewal, and identified a mutation in sgt1 (suppressor-of-G2-allele-of-skp1) that had fewer neuroblasts. We found that sgt1 neuroblasts have two polarity phenotypes: failure to establish apical cortical polarity at prophase, and lack of cortical Scribble localization throughout the cell cycle. Apical cortical polarity was partially restored at metaphase by a microtubule-induced cortical polarity pathway. Double mutants lacking Sgt1 and Pins (a microtubule-induced polarity pathway component) resulted in neuroblasts without detectable cortical polarity and formation of "neuroblast tumors." Mutants in hsp83 (encoding the predicted Sgt1-binding protein Hsp90), LKB1, or AMPKα all show similar prophase apical cortical polarity defects (but no Scribble phenotype), and activated AMPKα rescued the sgt1 mutant phenotype. We propose that an Sgt1/Hsp90-LKB1-AMPK pathway acts redundantly with a microtubule-induced polarity pathway to generate neuroblast cortical polarity, and the absence of neuroblast cortical polarity can produce neuroblast tumors.  相似文献   

Vascular cells have a limited lifespan with limited cell proliferation and undergo cellular senescence. The functional changes associated with cellular senescence are thought to contribute to age-related vascular disorders. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been discussed in terms of beneficial or harmful effects for aging-related diseases. However, the detailed functional mechanisms of AMPK are largely unclear. An aging model was established by stimulating vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) with adriamycin. Adriamycin progressively increased the mRNA and protein expressions of AMPK. The phosphorylation levels of LKB1 and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), the upstream and downstream of AMPK, were dramatically increased by adriamycin stimulation. The expressions of p53 and p21, which contribute to vascular senescence, were also increased. Inhibition of AMPK diminished senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining, and restored VSMC proliferation. Cytosolic translocation of LKB1 by adriamycin could be a mechanism for AMPK activation in senescence. Furthermore, p53 siRNA and p21 siRNA transfection attenuated adriamycin-induced SA-β-gal staining. These results suggest that LKB1 dependent AMPK activation elicits VSMC senescence and p53–p21 pathway is a mediator of LKB1/AMPK-induced senescence.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has shown that cellular energy metabolism is regulated by the AMPK and MLK3-JNK signaling pathways, but the functional link between them remains to be determined. The present study aimed to explore the crosstalk between MLK3 and AMPK. We found that both JNK and AMPK were phosphorylated at their activation sites by TNF-α, Anisomycin, H2O2 and sorbitol. Interestingly, sorbitol stimulated phosphorylation of AMPK at T172 in LKB1-deficient cells. Following the screening of more than 100 kinases, we identified that MLK3 induced phosphorylation of AMPK at T172. Our in vitro analysis further revealed that MLK3-mediated phosphorylation of AMPK at T172 was independent of AMP, but addition of AMP caused a mobility shift of AMPK, an indication of autophosphorylation, suggesting that AMP binding and phosphorylation of T172 leads to maximal activation of AMPK. GST-pull down assays showed a direct interaction between AMPKα1 subunit and MLK3. Altogether, our results indicate that MLK3 serves as a common upstream kinase of AMPK and JNK and functions as a direct upstream kinase for AMPK independent of LKB1.  相似文献   

Orientation of mitotic spindles plays an integral role in determining the relative positions of daughter cells in a tissue. LKB1 is a tumor suppressor that controls cell polarity, metabolism, and microtubule stability. Here, we show that germline LKB1 mutation in mice impairs spindle orientation in cells of the upper gastrointestinal tract and causes dramatic mislocalization of the LKB1 substrate AMPK in mitotic cells. RNAi of LKB1 causes spindle misorientation in three-dimensional MDCK cell cysts. Maintaining proper spindle orientation, possibly mediated by effects on the downstream kinase AMPK, could be an important tumor suppressor function of LKB1.  相似文献   

LKB1, the product of a tumour suppressor gene, is a serine/threonine kinase that coordinates disparate cellular processes. Recent data have revealed novel functions for LKB1, providing new insight into the regulation of cell polarity and energy-generating metabolism.  相似文献   

New roles for the LKB1-->AMPK pathway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of cellular energy that is conserved throughout eukaryotes. It is activated by rising AMP, signifying falling energy status caused by starvation for a carbon source or other stress. Binding of AMP to the regulatory gamma subunit triggers phosphorylation of the catalytic alpha subunit by the upstream kinase LKB1, and the activated kinase switches on ATP-generating catabolic pathways while switching off ATP-requiring processes. AMPK inhibits the TOR (target of rapamycin) pathway by phosphorylating TSC2, thus inhibiting cell growth during times of stress. AMPK is also a target for adipokines that regulate energy balance at the whole-body level.  相似文献   

The PAR clan of polarity regulating genes was initially discovered in a genetic screen searching for genes involved in asymmetric cell divisions in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Today, investigations in worms, flies and mammals have established PAR proteins as conserved and fundamental regulators of animal cell polarization in a broad range of biological phenomena requiring cellular asymmetries. The human homologue of invertebrate PAR-4, a serine–threonine kinase LKB1/STK11, has caught attention as a gene behind Peutz–Jeghers polyposis syndrome and as a bona fide tumour suppressor gene commonly mutated in sporadic cancer. LKB1 functions as a master regulator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and 12 other kinases referred to as the AMPK-related kinases, including four human homologues of PAR-1. The role of LKB1 as part of the energy sensing LKB1-AMPK module has been intensively studied, whereas the polarity function of LKB1, in the context of homoeostasis or cancer, has gained less attention. Here, we focus on the PAR-4 identity of LKB1, discussing the weight of evidence indicating a role for LKB1 in regulation of cell polarity and epithelial integrity across species and highlight recent investigations providing new insight into the old question: does the PAR-4 identity of LKB1 matter in cancer?  相似文献   


AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a cellular energy sensor involved in multiple cell signaling pathways that has become an attractive therapeutic target for vascular diseases. It is not clear whether rottlerin, an inhibitor of protein kinase Cδ, activates AMPK in vascular cells and tissues. In the present study, we have examined the effect of rottlerin on AMPK in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and isolated rabbit aorta. Rottlerin reduced cellular ATP and activated AMPK in VSMCs and rabbit aorta; however, inhibition of PKCδ by three different methods did not activate AMPK. Both VSMCs and rabbit aorta expressed the upstream AMPK kinase LKB1 protein, and rottlerin-induced AMPK activation was decreased in VSMCs by overexpression of dominant-negative LKB1, suggesting that LKB1 is involved in the upstream regulation of AMPK stimulated by rottlerin. These data suggest for the first time that LKB1 mediates rottlerin-induced activation of AMPK in vascular cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Cells must coordinate diverse processes including cell division, cell migration, and cell polarity with the cell’s metabolic status. How single molecules coordinate these seemingly distinct cell biological events remains relatively unexplored. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) sits at a unique position as a proposed energy sensor that can interface with diverse signaling molecules ranging from LKB1 to mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), affecting processes from ribosomal biogenesis to actin regulation. Determining biologically relevant direct kinase targets remains challenging. Alternatively, one can genetically inactivate a kinase and subsequently characterize cellular and whole animal phenotypes without the kinase’s activity. Recent genetic studies inactivating AMPK activity in Drosophila indicate unanticipated roles for AMPK as a regulator of epithelial polarity, consistent with known roles of an upstream activator, LKB1 as a PAR (partioning defective) mutant in Caenorhabditis elegans and polarity regulator. Additional genetic analyses demonstrate that both AMPK and LKB1 function are required for faithful chromosomal segregation during mitosis. At least some of these apparently divergent phenotypes may be mediated through myosin regulatory light chain, and presumably the acto-myosin complex, which can affect both polarity and cell division. Chromosomal integrity defects could also be consistent with LKB1’s role as a known human tumor suppressor gene. Elucidating the molecular players that interface with AMPK and their potential energy dependent regulation remains an important challenge to fully understand AMPK signaling.  相似文献   

The polarised character of a cell is often obvious from its shape and is largely dependent on the actin cytoskeleton and the membrane-associated cell cortex---a dense network comprising spectrin and other related proteins. Spatially and functionally distinct protein scaffolds, assembled from transmembrane and cytoplasmic proteins, provide the cues for polarisation. Recent data have provided new insights into the molecular nature of these cues and the mechanisms by which they may be translated into a polarised phenotype.  相似文献   

Generation and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

LKB1 is a key regulator of energy homeostasis through the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and is functionally linked to vascular development, cell polarity, and tumor suppression. In humans, germ line LKB1 loss-of-function mutations cause Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), which is characterized by a predisposition to gastrointestinal neoplasms marked by a high risk of pancreatic cancer. To explore the developmental and physiological functions of Lkb1 in vivo, we examined the impact of conditional Lkb1 deletion in the pancreatic epithelium of the mouse. The Lkb1-deficient pancreas, although grossly normal at birth, demonstrates a defective acinar cell polarity, an abnormal cytoskeletal organization, a loss of tight junctions, and an inactivation of the AMPK/MARK/SAD family kinases. Rapid and progressive postnatal acinar cell degeneration and acinar-to-ductal metaplasia occur, culminating in marked pancreatic insufficiency and the development of pancreatic serous cystadenomas, a tumor type associated with PJS. Lkb1 deficiency also impacts the pancreas endocrine compartment, characterized by smaller and scattered islets and transient alterations in glucose control. These genetic studies provide in vivo evidence of a key role for LKB1 in the establishment of epithelial cell polarity that is vital for pancreatic acinar cell function and viability and for the suppression of neoplasia.  相似文献   

Establishment and maintenance of a polarized epithelium relies on the integration of signaling cascades, acquisition of specialized trafficking circuits and establishment of a unique cytoarchitecture. Defects in any of these processes can adversely affect cell polarity and cause defects in specific organs and systemic disease. Mutations that disrupt the proper transport of individual plasma membrane proteins, or inactivate components of the epithelial-specific trafficking machinery, have severe functional consequences. Links between renal diseases and defects in trafficking, differentiation or signaling, highlight the delicate balance between these parameters which, when altered, precipitates a loss of renal function.  相似文献   

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