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Landsliding is a natural process influencing montane ecosystems, particularly in areas with elevated rainfall and seismic activity. Yet, to date, little effort has been made to quantify the contribution of this process to land‐cover change. Focusing on the mountains of Mexico and Central America (M‐CA), we estimated the contribution of landsliding to land‐cover change at two scales. At the scale of M‐CA, we classified the terrain into major landforms and entered in a GIS historical data on earthquake‐ and rainfall‐triggered landslides. At the scale of the Sierra de Las Minas of Guatemala, we investigated Landsat TM data to map rainfall‐triggered landslides. During the past 110 yr, >136,200 ha of land in the mountains of M‐CA have been affected by landslides, which translates into disturbance rates exceeding 0.317 percent/century. In Sierra de Las Minas, rainfall associated with hurricane Mitch affected 1765 ha of forest, or equivalently, landslides triggered by storms of this magnitude transformed between 0.196 (return time of 500 yr) and 1.290 (return time of 75 yr) percent of forest/century. Although landsliding results in smaller rates of land‐cover change than deforestation, we hypothesize that it has a stronger impact on ecosystems, both in qualitative and quantitative terms, given its influence on vegetation and soil. Moreover, interactions between landsliding and deforestation may be altering the expression of this complex process such that the few protected areas in the mountains of M‐CA may represent the only possibility for the conservation of this process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Forty-four species of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were caught in insect light traps during the first 2 years of studies on the epidemiology of bluetongue virus in the Caribbean and Central America. Traps were operated near sentinel ruminants which were bled monthly for serologic evaluation and then virus isolation. More than 570,000 individuals were identified. Culicoides insignis Lutz accounted for 90% of the catch, C.filarifer Hoffman/C.ocumarensis Ortiz 5%, C.furens Poey 3% and C.pusillus Lutz 2%. Other species accounted for less than 1% of the total catch. Sentinel ruminants became seropositive when C.insignis populations were high at many study sites. At a few sites C.pusillus and C.filarifer I C.ocumarensis were predominant or were present in large numbers during seroconversions of sentinels. Virus isolations were obtained from sentinel ruminants during times when these same species were present in large populations.  相似文献   

Aim Coyote (Canis latrans) distribution in Mexico and Central America has expanded recently reaching the Yucatan peninsula, Belize and Panama, probably promoted by deforestation of tropical areas. Historically, the southern distribution of coyotes prior to European settlement in America was described as reaching only as far south as central Mexico and that introduction of livestock favoured migration of coyotes to southern Mexico and Central America. However, coyote fossil records in Central America and Yucatan, as well as observational records of travellers during the sixteenth century suggest that the coyote's arrival to the region was earlier. Because of the uncertainty of past coyote distribution and the possible economic and ecological impacts due to recent range expansion, the objectives of this study were to confirm if paleontological and historical evidence support the hypothesis that the southernmost limit of coyote distribution before the arrival of European settlers was the centre of Mexico, to discuss the possible factors that have influenced historical shifts in coyote distribution, and to model the present distribution of the coyote in Mexico and Central America, determining the areas where they could invade in the near future. Location The research area comprises continental Mexico and the Central American Isthmus countries: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Methods The historical distribution (Pleistocene–Early Holocene, Pre‐Columbian, sixteenth to nineteenth centuries and twentieth century) was established from coyote records obtained from museum collections and specialized literature. Present coyote distribution for Mexico and Central America was modelled using the Genetic Algorithms for Rule‐set Prediction (GARP). Results Historical coyote records show that this species was distributed in southern Mexico and Central America during the Pleistocene–Early Holocene, the Pre‐Columbian period, and during the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century. Coyote records indicate a continuous range expansion during the twentieth century. Historical advance and regression of tropical forests in southern Mexico and Central America produced by natural and human events such as climatic changes and variation in human densities could help us understand the historical coyote distribution. The modelled present‐day coyote distribution included the north of Belize, the north of Panama, the north of the Yucatan Peninsula and a corridor on the Gulf costal plain of Campeche in Mexico. Also, the model predicted a region north of the Darien in southern Panama as appropriate for the presence of coyotes, although they have not been detected there so far. Main conclusion Coyote records in southern Mexico and Central America during the Pleistocene–Early Holocene, the Pre‐Columbian period, and early arrival of European settlers to the area indicated that coyotes were probably already present there and did not recently disperse from the north of Mexico to the south due to livestock introduction.  相似文献   

The 19 species of the genus Mandevilla in Mexico and Central America are treated synoptically. New synonymy is provided and a new species, Mandevilla rigidifolia, is described.  相似文献   

Abstract Mosquito collections were conducted during a dengue outbreak in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, July-December 1995. A total of 6694 adult mosquitoes (four genera and nine species) were captured, of which 2986 (78.3% females and 21.7% males) were Aedes albopictus and 2339 (39.7% females and 60.3% males) were Ae.aegypti. These two species comprised 84.2% of the total collection. Specimens were grouped into pools, nearly 50% of them processed for detection of virus by cythopathic effect in C6-36 and VERO cell cultures and by haemagglutination test. Five pools gave positive haemagglutin-ation reactions and were examined by immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies to flavivirus and to dengue virus. One pool of ten Ae.albopictus males was positive for dengue virus: serotypes 2 and 3 were identified by serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies arid confirmed by RT-PCR. This is the first report of Ae.albopictus naturally infected with dengue virus in America. Also, it is the very first time Ae.albopictus males have been found infected with dengue virus in the wild.  相似文献   

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