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A medium for detecting sulphite-binding yeasts in meat products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The loss of free sulphite in meat products, and thereby preservative potential, is associated with an increase in bound sulphite resulting in part from acetaldehyde production by yeasts. A medium containing Schiff's reagent was devised to detect sulphite-binding yeasts. Yeast colonies that caused red colouration were recorded as acetaldehyde producers. Initially acetaldehyde-producing strains (as enumerated on the detection medium) represented 60% of the yeast flora of preserved minced lamb but, as the free sulphite level diminished, non-sulphite-binding yeasts increased in number.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of soil yeasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Eighty-four samples of Minnesota soils were collected in the spring of the year. All samples yielded yeasts, and a total of 180 cultures were isolated of which 117 were studied taxonomically. Twenty-five cultures were black yeasts. Approximately one-third of the isolates were spore forming yeasts and members of the oxidative and film forming generaHansenula, Pichia, andDebaryomyces, of which a new species (D. mrakii) has been described. Not a single culture ofSaccharomyces was isolated. Perhaps later in the season when fruit was abundant members of this genus would have been present.The greatest number of imperfects belonged to the genusCandida (32 cultures), althoughPullularia (25 cultures),Rhodotorula (20 cultures), andTorulopsis (16 cultures) were well represented.The cultures ofPullularia darkened very slowly if at all, in the asbence of excess sugar. Under these circumstances they were very similar toT. pullulans.A single culture ofTrichisporon cerebriformis was isolated. The culture isolated formed both blastospores and arthrospores.I would like to express my appreciation to Dr.C. E. Skinner of Washington State College, for his help and guidance throughout this entire problem. I would also like to thank Dr.E. M. Mark, of the University of California, Berkeley, for the privilege of working under his direction, and in his laboratory during the study.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of Antarctic yeasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S Goto  J Sugiyama  H Iizuka 《Mycologia》1969,61(4):748-774

以解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)、巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)、马克斯克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces marxianus)、圆红冬孢酵母(Rhodosporidium toruloides)、多形汉逊酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)为代表的非常规酵母凭借较广的底物利用谱、较强的环境耐受性等优势,已成功实现多种天然产物的高效生产。随着合成生物学及基因编辑技术的发展,针对非常规酵母代谢工程改造的工具和策略也逐渐丰富。本文介绍了几类常见的非常规酵母的生理特性、工具开发及应用现状,并总结归纳了天然产物合成优化中常用的代谢工程策略;最后讨论了现阶段非常规酵母作为天然产物合成细胞工厂的优势和不足,并对后续研究和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Summary Protoplast fusion was carried out by using a routine technique with various auxotrophic strains of Saccharomyces diastaticus and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and abortive fusion products were observed as small colonies which appeared more frequently than large prototrophic colonies. Sixty abortive fusion products retained one or more auxotrophic characters derived from S. diastaticus, one of the strains used in the protoplast fusion. Several hybrids were obtained between the abortive products and S. cerevisiae, and the segregants of these hybrids showed many aberrant tetrads with regard to some genetic markers. These segregation patterns would be likely to result if the segregating characters were in the trisomic condition +/+/-. The results indicate that (1) the abortive fusion products are an alien monosome additional (AMA) haploid containing the genome of S. diastaticus and only one chromosome of S. pombe. (2) The additional chromosome of S. pombe, which is integrated with the genome of Saccharomyces, can be stably transmitted to the progeny.  相似文献   

Summary In the search for additional techniques for determining fungal populations of dairy products, 23 species of filamentous fungi and 25 species of yeasts were recovered from a variety of raw, pasteurized, and processed dairy products. The usefulness of media containing rose bengal and antibiotics is indicated. The occurrence of a number of the species found is discussed together with some of the results of physiological studies of yeasts used in species characterization.  相似文献   

Cortical explants from lamb kidney have been maintained in organ culture for up to 12 days. Early in culture, the tissue showed limited necrosis, but most tissue elements, especially those closest to the medium, significantly recovered by day 5. Glomerular peripolar cells were present for at least the first 3 days of culture. Neotubular formation was noted by day 5, often appearing as cyst-like structures. Glomerular podocytes lost their foot processes early in culture but apparently remained viable throughout the total culture period.  相似文献   

Glycerol and other fermentation products of apiculate wine yeasts   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Ninety-six strains of apiculate wine yeasts were studied for their ability to produce glycerol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide in synthetic medium. Hanseniaspora guilliermondii produced smaller quantities of glycerol, acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulphide than Kloeckera apiculata , whereas the production of ethyl acetate and sulphur dioxide was found to be similar. Strains characterized by different capacities and properties were found for both species. The existence of apiculate strains differing in secondary compound production is of technological interest, as these yeasts constitute potential flavour producers. Selected strains of apiculate yeasts might favour an enhanced flavour formation and yield desirable characteristics to the final product.  相似文献   

S haw B. G. & H arding C harmaigne D. 1984. A numerical taxonomic study of lactic acid bacteria from vacuum packed beef, pork, lamb and bacon. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 25–40.
A numerical taxonomic study using 79 unit characters has been performed on 100 isolates of lactic acid bacteria from refrigerated vacuum-packed beef, pork, lamb and bacon. Three clusters were observed at 78% S which contained all the strains apart from three unidentifiable streptobacteria, one Leuconostoc , and one strain of Pediococcus pentosaceus . One cluster (III) consisted of only one strain of Leuc. paramesenteroides and six unidentifiable Leuconostoc strains. The two largest clusters (I and II) were both composed entirely of streptobacteria. Cluster I contained 31 strains (G + C content 33–2–36–9 moles %) which were not identifiable with any described species. Cluster II contained 57 strains (G + C content 40–7–43–7 moles %) which were provisionally identified with Lactobacillus sake or Lact. bavaricus according to the lactic acid isomer produced. The division of nearly all the streptobacteria into two clearly defined clusters has resolved problems which have existed in the classification of lactic acid bacteria from vacuum-packed meat.  相似文献   

Methods are described that allow DNA to be prepared from widely different yeasts (Candida utilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe). The methods are reliably reproducible, and the DNA obtained is of appropriate quality for the construction of gene libraries (upper limit of size range consistently 50-150 kbp). In method A, yeast cells are converted into spheroplasts by treatment with a highly purified mixture of enzymes from Trichoderma harzianum, the spheroplasts are lysed in a lauroylsarcosinate/EDTA buffer, and the lysate is incubated with proteinase K and then directly centrifuged through a cesium trifluoroacetate gradient. DNA is recovered from the appropriate fractions by ethanol precipitation, and the redissolved precipitate is incubated with ribonuclease. For the rest of the isolation, two protocols are given, one avoiding and one including phenol/chloroform extraction. In this way, DNA up to about 150 kbp in size can be obtained. In method B, spheroplasts are not made. Yeast cells are broken by grinding under liquid nitrogen and are then worked up in a manner similar to method A, protocol 2. Subsequent steps depend on the purpose for which the DNA is required. Traditional methods of sucrose or salt density gradient centrifugation or agarose gel electrophoresis are applicable for size selection. A sodium iodide/silica matrix technique allows fast and effective DNA recovery from agarose gels.  相似文献   

In the present work randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) with primers M13 and RF2 was applied to the identification at species level of yeast strains isolated from cheeses. RAPD-PCR analysis of the type strains of different yeast species gave distinctive band profiles that allowed a clear differentiation of all the considered species. Forty-two of the 48 dairy associated yeasts were clearly assigned to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus (anamorph Candida kefyr), Kluyveromyces lactis (anamorph Candida sphaerica), Debaryomyces hansenii (anamorph Candida famata), Yarrowia lipolytica and Torulaspora delbrueckii (anamorph Candida colliculosa). The method, which is rapid and easy to perform, could be a useful tool for the identification of yeasts present in dairy products.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of immature tracheae is crucial in order to understand the effects exerted on central airways by ventilatory treatments, particularly of Total Liquid Ventilation. In this study, a combined experimental and computational approach was adopted to investigate the compliance and particularly collapsibility of preterm lamb tracheae in the range of pressure likely applied during Total Liquid Ventilation (−30 to 30 cmH2O). Tracheal samples of preterm lambs (n=5; gestational age 120–130 days) were tested by altering transmural pressure from −30 to 30 cmH2O. Inflation (Si) and collapsing (Sc) compliance values were calculated in the ranges 0 to 10 cmH2O and –10 to 0 cmH2O, respectively. During the tests, an asymmetric behaviour of the ΔV/V0 vs. P curves at positive and negative pressure was observed, with mean Si=0.013 cmH2O−1 and Sc=0.053 cmH2O−1. A different deformed configuration of the sample regions was observed, depending on the posterior shape of cartilaginous ring. A three-dimensional finite-element structural model of a single tracheal ring, based on histology measurements of the tested samples was developed. The model was parameterised in order to represent rings belonging to three different tracheal regions (craniad, median, caudal) and numerical analyses replicating the collapse test conditions were performed to evaluate the ring collapsibility at pressures between 0 and −30 cmH2O. Simulation results were compared to experimental data to verify the model's reliability. The best model predictions occurred at pressures −30 to −10 cmH2O. In this range, a model composed of median rings best interpreted the experimental data, with a maximum error of 2.7%; a model composed of an equal combination of all rings yielded an error of 12.6%.  相似文献   

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