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Thermoregulatory responses of firemen to exercise in the heat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve volunteer (VF) and 12 professional firemen (PF) wearing only brief trunks exercised on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer at three-five exercise intensities. After 45 min of exercise at 75 W, the exercise intensity was elevated in steps of 25 W every 15 min until the subject was exhausted. Air temperature was regulated to equal skin temperature (36 degrees-38 degrees C) and relative humidity was regulated at 52%. The two groups of firemen were comparable in terms of body mass, age and maximum oxygen consumption. Their oxygen consumption, rectal and skin temperatures, sweating and heart rate were measured during the tests. Blood lactate concentration was measured before, during and after the test. The physiological strain was higher in VF as indicated by higher heat storage, heart rate, skin and rectal temperatures. Sweat rate tended to be lower in VF than PF. The results indicated a better adaptation of the professional compared to the volunteer firemen to work in the heat, although the degree of heat acclimatization was considered to be equally minimal in both groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare thermoregulatory responses between upper body and lower body exercise. Nine male subjects performed 60 min of arm crank (AC) and cycle (CY) exercise at the same absolute intensity (oxygen uptake = 1.61 X min-1) and at the same relative intensity (60% of ergometer specific peak oxygen uptake) in a temperate (24 degrees C, 20% rh) environment. During the absolute intensity experiments, rectal temperature and sweating rate responses were essentially the same for both modes of exercise. In addition, no differences were found for chest, back, arm, or thigh skin temperatures, but calf skin temperature was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. During the relative intensity experiments, thermoregulatory responses were lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. In addition, we found no difference between esophageal and rectal temperature values elicited by arm crank exercise. These results indicate that the examined thermoregulatory responses are independent of the skeletal muscle mass employed and dependent upon the absolute metabolic intensity.  相似文献   

Measurements of rectal temperature (Tre), water lost by evaporation (Eresp) and drooling, cardiac output (CO), and common carotid blood flow (CCBF) were made in dogs (mean hydrated wt 31.0 +/- 1.5 kg) running for 1 h on a level treadmill at 7.5 km/h at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees C. Each animal was studied when it was hydrated ad libitum and when it had been dehydrated by removal of drinking water until 9-10% of the initial body weight had been lost. Dehydrated exercising animals had significantly higher Tre and lower rates of Eresp, CO, and CCBF. Tre and Eresp were measured in seven animals. Average Tre during running was 39.11 +/- 0.10 degrees C in hydrated and 39.80 +/- 0.25 degrees C in dehydrated animals (P less than 0.01). Average Eresp during running was 3.9 +/- 0.3 g/min in hydrated animals and 2.3 +/- 0.3 g/min in dehydrated animals (P less than 0.01). Average CO during exercise, measured in five animals, was 11.1 +/- 0.7 1/min in the hydrated state and 8.6 +/- 0.5 1/min in the dehydrated state (P less than 0.01). Unilateral CCBF during exercise, measured in four animals, was 602 +/- 40 ml/min in the hydrated state and 418 +/- 22 ml/min in the dehydrated state (P less than 0.01). Water lost by drooling in seven exercising animals was 41.5 +/- 11 g/h when they were hydrated and 0.6 +/- 0.4 g/h when they were dehydrated. It is concluded that dehydrated dogs doing mild exercise can save water by reducing Eresp and regulating body temperature above hydrated levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Common responses to hypoxia include decreased body temperature (Tb) and decreased energy metabolism. In this study, the effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on Tb and metabolic oxygen consumption (V.O2) were investigated in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). When exposed to hypoxia (15, 13, 11 and 9% O2), Tb decreased only at 11% and 9% O2 compared to normoxia; quail were better able to maintain Tb during acute hypoxia after a one-week acclimation to 10% O2. V.O2 also decreased during hypoxia, but at 9% O2 this was partially offset by increased anaerobic metabolism. Tb and V.O2 responses to 9% O2 were exaggerated at lower ambient temperature (Ta), reflecting a decreased lower critical temperature during hypoxia. Conversely, hypoxia had little effect on Tb or V.O2 at higher Ta (36 °C). We conclude that Japanese quail respond to hypoxia in much the same way as mammals, by reducing both Tb and V.O2. No relationship was found between the magnitudes of decreases in Tb and V.O2 during 9% O2, however. Since metabolism is the source of heat generation, this suggests that Japanese quail increase thermolysis to reduce Tb. During hypercapnia (3, 6 and 9% CO2), Tb was reduced only at 9% CO2 while V.O2 was unchanged.  相似文献   

FOK is an inbred rat strain with a genotypic adaptation to hot environments. The present study investigated the mechanism of the high heat tolerance of the FOK rat. Male FOK and WKAH rats were used. They were loosely restrained and placed individually in a direct calorimeter with an ambient temperature of 24°C. Their hypothalamic temperature, evaporative and nonevaporative heat loss and heat production were measured. After thermal equilibrium had been attained, the rats were warmed for 30 min with a chronically implanted intraperitoneal electric heater(internal heating). At least 90 min after the heating, the jacket water temperature surrounding the calorimeter chamber was gradually raised from 24°C to 36°C in 80 min (external warming). During the internal heating, changes in the thermoregulatory parameters did not differ between the groups. During the external warming, the evaporative heat loss of the FOK rat was significantly greater than that of the WKAH rat, while changes in nonevaporative heat loss and heat production did not differ between the groups. The results suggest that in the FOK rat, the improved heat tolerance is attributable to an enhanced evaporative heat loss response, but not to a facilitation of nonevaporative heat loss or of metabolic depression. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

Measurements of rectal temperature (Tre), feather surface temperature (Ts), heart rate (HR) and breathing rate (BR) of adult Japanese Quail were taken at combinations of four mean relative humidities (rh) and stable or rising air temperature (Ta). Tre increased about 1.7° and 2.5°C at a stable Ta of 40°C from a Ta of 25°C at low (<50%) and high (> 80%) rh, respectively. Ts passively increased with Ta while remaining above Ta as high as 41°C. Panting and gular flutter rates were synchronous and approached rates of 800/min at high rh and stable Ta of 40°C. The steady-state panting rate was a direct curvilinear function of ambient water-vapor pressure (Pw). HR was depressed at successively higher, stable Ta's or with slowly increasing Ta. This thermal bradycardia may be related to the degree of discomfort or stress experienced by the animal.
Zusammenfassung Bei Kombinationen von 4 relativen Feuchtigkeiten (rh) und konstanter oder ansteigender Temperatur (Ta) wurden Messungen der Rektaltemperatur (Tre), Federoberflächentemperatur (Ts), Herzfrequenz (HR) und Atemfrequenz (BR) an ausgewachsenen japanischen Wachteln vorgenommen. Bei Ta 40°C stieg Tre zwischen 1,7°–2,5°C an ausgehend von Ta 25°C bei <50% und > 80% rh. Die Ts folgte diesem Anstieg von Ta und überschritt ihn bis auf 41°C. Hecheln und Gurren stiegen synchron an bis auf 800/min bei hoher rh und 40°C Ta. Die erhöhte Hechelfrequenz war eine direkte lineare Funktion des Wasserdampfdruckes. HR war verlangsamt bei erhöhter, konstanter Ta. Die Hitzebradykardie steht vermutlich in enger Beziehung zu dem Ausmass der von dem Tier empfundenen Belastung.

Resume On a soumis des cailles du Japon adultes à 4 taux différents d'humidité relative (rh) par température constante ou en hausse et mesuré la température rectale (Tre), la température superficielle des plumes (Ts), les battements du coeur (HR) et la vitesse de respiration (BR). Tre a augmenté de 1,7°C, respectivement de 2,5°C par suite d'une hausse de Ta de 25°C à 40°C par humidité basse (<50%), respectivement élevée (>80%). Ts a suivi la hausse de Ta et l'a même dépassée jusqu'à atteindre 41°C. Halètement et palpitations ont suivi la courbe de Ta pour atteindre 800/min par rh élevée et 40°C de Ta. La vitesse de respiration s'est élevée en fonction linéaire de la pression de vapeur. HR se sont ralentis par Ta élevée, mais constante. La bradycardie de chaud est probablement étroitement liée à la contrainte ressentie par l'animal.

This investigation was supported in part by funds provided for medical and biological research by State of Washington Initiative Measure No. 171.  相似文献   

Changes in body temperature, oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), sweating rate and plasma osmolarity were examined in 10 human subjects, performing four successive 30 min exercise-bouts of the same intensity (50% VO2 max) separated by 30 min rest periods. In spite of the rest intervals and replacement of body fluid loss there was a progressive increase in VO2. HR, rectal (Tre) and mean body (Tb) temperatures in consecutive exercise bouts. The thermoregulatory efficiency showed an increasing tendency, and a delay in the sweating response at the beginning of each exercise was shortened. It is concluded that a drift in metabolic and temperature responses to exercise, reported throughout a long-term continuous work, occurs also in the euhydrated subjects performing a prolonged intermittent exercise. It is not caused by an impaired thermoregulation during exercise but rather by insufficient restitution of metabolic processes during rest intervals.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to an acute heat load with intraperitoneal heating (IH) or indirect external warming (EW) by increasing ambient temperature (Ta) were investigated with direct and indirect calorimetry in rats acclimated to environments of 24.0 degrees C (Cn), 29.4 degrees C (H1), and 32.8 degrees C (H2) for greater than 15 days. The rats were placed in a direct calorimeter where the air temperature was maintained at 24 degrees C for the initial 3 h. IH was then made for 30 min through an electric heater implanted chronically (6.5 W.kg-1) in the peritoneal cavity, and EW was performed by raising the jacket water temperature surrounding the calorimeter from 24 to 39 degrees C (0.19 degrees C.min-1). Hypothalamic (Thy) and colonic temperature immediately before the start of the heat load tended to be higher as the acclimation temperature increased. During IH, the threshold Thy for the tail skin vasodilation (Tth) was significantly higher in H2 than in Cn rats. During EW, however, there was no difference in Tth between the groups. Metabolic heat production (M) was slightly suppressed during IH and significantly depressed only in H2 rats. During EW, M was suppressed in all the groups. The magnitude and duration of suppression were greater in H2 rats than in the other two groups. The responses in nonevaporative heat loss and thermal conductance (C) to the rise in Thy did not differ among the three groups during IH. According to the rise in Thy, however, there was a greater C increase in H2 than in Cn and H1 rats during EW.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Heat stress (HS) adversely influences productivity and welfare of dairy cattle. We hypothesized that the thermoregulatory mechanisms vary depending on the exposure time to HS, with a cumulative effect on the adaptive responses and thermal strain of the cow. To identify the effect of HS on adaptive thermoregulatory mechanisms and predictors of caloric balance, Holstein cows were housed in climate chambers and randomly distributed into thermoneutral (TN; n=12) or HS (n=12) treatments for 16 days. Vaginal temperature (VT), rectal temperature (Tre), respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), and dry matter intake (DMI) were measured. The temperature and humidity under TN were 25.9±0.2 °C and 73.0±0.8%, respectively, and under HS were 36.3±0.3 °C and 60.9±0.9%, respectively. The RR of the HS cows increased immediately after exposure to heat and was higher (76.02±1.70bpm, p<0.001) than in the TN (39.70±0.71bpm). An increase in Tre (39.87±0.07 °C in the HS vs. 38.56±0.03 °C in the TN, p<0.001) and in VT (39.82±0.10 °C in the HS vs. 38.26±0.03 °C in the TN, p<0.001) followed the increase in RR. A decrease (p<0.05) in HR occurred in the HS (62.13±0.99bpm) compared with the TN (66.23±0.79bpm); however, the magnitude of the differences was not the same over time. The DMI was lower in HS cows from the third day (8.27±0.33 kg d−1 in the HS vs. 14.03±0.29 kg d−1 in the TN, p<0.001), and the reduction of DMI was strongly affected (r=−0.65) by changes in the temperature humidity index. The effect of environmental variables from the previous day on physiological parameters and DMI was more important than the immediate effect, and ambient temperature represented the most determinant factor for heat exchange. The difference in the responses to acute and chronic exposure to HS suggests an adaptive response. Thus, intense thermal stress strongly influence thermoregulatory mechanisms and the acclimation process depend critically on heat exposure time.  相似文献   

The effects after exposure to two different light intensities (dim, 50 lx and bright, 5000 lx) on thermoregulatory responses during exercise in a climatic chamber (27 degrees C, 60% relative humidity) were studied in nine untrained female subjects, aged 19-22 years. The subjects were in either the dim or bright light intensities from 0600 hours to 1200 hours. They were then instructed to exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 60% maximal oxygen uptake from 1200 hours to 1300 hours in a light intensity of 500 Ix. The main results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, exercise-induced increases of core temperature were significantly smaller, after exposure to the bright than after the dim light intensities, although both tests were performed in the same light intensity. Secondly, body mass loss after exercise was significantly greater after exposure to the bright light intensity. Thirdly, an increase in salivary lactic acid during exercise was significantly lower after the bright intensity. Fourthly although the salivary melatonin level was not different between the two light intensities both before and after the exercise, it increased significantly during exercise only after the bright intensity. These results are discussed in terms of the establishment of a lower set-point in the core temperature after exposure to a bright light intensity.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of graded hypohydration levels on thermoregulatory and blood responses during exercise in the heat. Eight heat-acclimated male subjects attempted four heat-stress tests (HSTs). One HST was attempted during euhydration, and three HSTs were attempted while the subjects were hypohydrated by 3, 5, and 7% of their body weight. Hypohydration was achieved by an exercise-heat regimen on the day prior to each HST. After 30 min of rest in a 20 degrees C antechamber the HST consisted of a 140-min exposure (4 repeats of 10 min rest and 25 min treadmill walking) in a hot-dry (49 degrees C, 20% relative humidity) environment. The following observations were made: 1) a low-to-moderate hypohydration level primarily reduced plasma volume with little effect on plasma osmolality, whereas a more severe hypohydration level resulted in no further plasma volume reduction but a large increment in plasma osmolality; 2) core temperature and heart rate responses increased with severity of hypohydration; 3) sweating rate responses for a given rectal temperature were systematically decreased with severity of hypohydration; and 4) the reduction in sweating rate was more strongly associated with plasma hyperosmolality than hypovolemia. In conclusion, an individual's thermal strain increases linearly with the severity of hypohydration during exercise in the heat, and plasma hyperosmolality influences the reduction in sweating more profoundly than hypovolemia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of knit structure in underwear on thermoregulatory responses. Underwear manufactured from 100% polypropylene fibres in five different knit structures (1-by-1 rib, fleece, fishnet, interlock, double-layer rib) was evaluated. All five underwear prototypes were tested as part of a prototype clothing system. Measured on a thermal manikin these clothing systems had total thermal resistances of 0.243, 0.268, 0.256, 0.248 and 0.250 m2.K.W-1, respectively (including a value for the thermal resistance of the ambient environment of 0.104 m2.K.W-1). Human testing was done on eight male subjects and took place at ambient temperature (Ta) = 5 degrees C, dew point temperature (Tdp) = -3.5 degrees C and air velocity (Va) = 0.32 m.s-1. The test comprised a repeated bout of 40-min cycle exercise (315 W.m-2; 52%, SD 4.9% maximal oxygen uptake) followed by 20 min of rest (62 W.m-2). The oxygen uptake, heart rate, oesophageal temperature, skin temperature, Ta, Tdp at the skin and in the ambient air, onset of sweating, evaporation rate, non-evaporated sweat accumulated in the clothing and total evaporative loss of mass were measured. Skin wettedness was calculated. The differences in knit structure of the underwear in the clothing systems resulted in significant differences in mean skin temperature, local and average skin wettedness, non-evaporated and evaporated sweat during the course of the intermittent exercise test. No differences were observed over this period in the core temperature measurements.  相似文献   

Tympanic (Tty), mean skin (¯Tsk) and mean body (¯Tb) temperatures and heart rate (HR) increased more in low Vo2 max group (LG) than in high Vo2 max group (HG) during exercise. The regression coefficient of body temperatures (Tty and ¯Tb) on HR and the increased rate of heat storage were larger in LG than in HG during exercise. The local sweat rate (per min/cm2) during a hot water bath exhibited a considerable large quantity in comparison with the amount during exercise. Internal and skin temperatures during a hot water bath increased more immediately than those during exercise. The levels of comfort sensation during the preovulatory phase in women and pre-exercise period in men were higher at 40C than at 20C as peripheral thermal stimulus. The levels during the postovulatory and post-exercise phases in the same subjects were higher with the cool stimuli than with the warm stimuli. Above results suggest that thermoregulatory responses during submaximal exercise are different according to physical fitness and that these responses are different from those during hot water immersion. In addition, these suggest that the scores of thermal sensation with warm and cool stimuli are different during the pre- and post-ovulatory phases and the pre- and post-exercise periods.  相似文献   


1. 1. Eight male Japanese Brazilians and 11 male Japanese volunteered for this study. Each one sat on a chair for 45 min at 40°C (r.h. 50%).

2. 2. Then, they exercised using a bicycle ergometer in a semi-reclining position for 45 min at 40% of maximal oxygen uptake.

3. 3. Thermal and comfort sensation confirmed that Japanese Brazilians felt cooler and more comfortable in 40°C environment than the Japanese.

4. 4. Oxygen uptake, sweat rate and body weight loss for both groups were not significantly different.

5. 5. Forearm blood flow and heart rate for Brazilians were significantly lower than those for Japanese.

6. 6. Skin temperature at chest region for Brazilians was found to be significantly higher than that for Japanese.

7. 7. Thus the thermoregulatory responses observed in Japanese Brazilians may be largely attributed to the climate in their native places located on the Tropic of Capricorn.

8. 8. These results may indicate that environment condition is the important factor in determining the thermoregulatory responses.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulatory responses; ethnic difference; Japanese Brazillians; Japanese  相似文献   

Lower limb amputees (LLAs) have less skin surface required for sweating; thus, the ability to dissipate heat from the body may decrease and the risk of heat illness may increase during exercise in a hot environment. However, no study has compared the thermoregulatory responses during exercise between LLAs and able-body (AB) individuals with different body surface areas. This study aimed to compare the thermoregulatory responses of LLAs with those of AB individuals during exercise in a hot environment. Seven LLAs (LLA group) and 7 able-body individuals (AB group) participated in the study. A 60% peak power output of arm crank upper-body exercise was performed for 60 min in a hot environment (32 °C, 50% relative humidity). There was no difference in the increase in rectal temperature (LLA: 0.8 ± 0.2 °C, AB: 0.8  ± 0.2 °C) and mean skin temperature between the groups during the 60-min exercise. In the LLA group, the accumulated local sweat rate of the thigh during exercise was significantly higher on the non-cut side than on the cut side (64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h, p < 0.05). The total sweat rate was significantly higher in the LLA group than in the AB group (1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h vs. 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h, p < 0.05). Thermal sensation and comfort were lower in the LLA group than in the AB group. Different heat loss responses were observed in the AB and LLA groups during exercise in the heat. The LLA group compensates for sweating on the cut side due to an increase in sweat loss on the intact limb, thereby preserving appropriate thermoregulation during exercise.  相似文献   

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