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Chromosome numbers are reported here for 53 accessions belonging to 13 taxa of the genus Schizachyrium. The chromosome counts for the following seven species are recorded here for the first time: S. bimucronatum (2n?=?20), S. gracilipes (2n?=?20), S. hatschbachii (2n?=?20), S. lactiflorum (2n?=?20), S. plumigerum (2n?=?20), S. salzmannii (2n?=?20; 2n?=?40) and S. spicatum (2n?=?20). Counts differing from those previously reported are given for two species: S. scabriflorum (2n?=?20 and 80) and S. tenerum (2n?=?40). Most of the analyzed species of this genus are diploids. The occurrence of polyploidy in S. glaziovii, S. lactiflorum, S. salzmanni, S. scabriflorum and S. tenerum is reported here for the first time. Data on chromosome numbers and ploidy levels are discussed in relation to the taxonomy and evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

In this survey, chromosome counts of different species belonging to the genus Onosma are summarized and then karyological patterns available including frequency of cytotype occurrence, percentage of taxa with particular basic chromosome number and rate of polyploidy in the genus are evaluated. Quantitative parameters have been used to characterize chromosome number (CN) variation. In order to verify if variation patterns differ between three groups of Onosma, Index of CN Heterogeneity (ICNH) was quantified. In addition, meiotic chromosome numbers of 14 populations belonging to 11 species growing in Iran, namely Onosma araratica (2n = 2x = 16), O. asperrima (2n = 2x = 16), O. bulbotricha (2n = 2x = 18), O. kotschyi (2n = 2x = 16), O. microcarpa (2n = 2x = 16), O. nigricaulis (2n = 2x = 16), O. nervosa (2n = 2x = 16), O. obtusifolia (2n = 2x = 16), O. pachypoda (2n = 2x = 16), O. stenosiphon (2n = 2x = 20) and O. subsericea (2n = 2x = 16), were determined. With the exception of O. microcarpa and O. bulbotricha, all chromosome counts are reported for the first time. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 13 South American species (12 native and one naturalized) from four sections of SOLANUM subgen. LEPTOSTEMONUM were studied. Chromosome numbers of S. ACERIFOLIUM, S. AENICTUM, S. CONDITUM, S. CONSIMILE, S. INCARCERATUM, and S. PLATENSE are reported for the first time. The number 2n = 24 was found in most species, while 2n = 22 was found in S. MAMMOSUM and S. PLATENSE. The latter is the second SOLANUM with this unusual number. Satellites are always present and were visible in more than 50 % of the cells studied. Karyotypes are symmetrical: M and SM chromosomes are common, whereas ST chromosomes are rare. The karyotypes of S. AENICTUM, S. MAMMOSUM, and S. PANICULATUM are comparatively asymmetrical. Species can be distinguished by a combination of chromosome number, karyotype formulae, karyotype length, the position of satellites in a particular chromosome pair, and asymmetry indices. The phenogram obtained does not reflect the sectional arrangements or the systematic affinities of the species studied. In sect. ACANTHOPHORA, increased asymmetry is associated with derived characters (strong andromonoecy, winged seeds, mammiform fruits). Diversification in the subgenus is suggested to be related to visible chromosome rearrangements and cumulative, cryptic structural changes may have also played a relevant evolutionary role.  相似文献   

Mitotic or meiotic chromosome studies are reported for 39 species or subspecies of Oxalis from South America belonging to 14 sections. Chromosome numbers of 34 of these taxa are reported for the first time. Diploids and polyploids with six different basic chromosome numbers x=5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 are described. Thirteen species of subgenus lhamnoxys were analysed and two new basic chromosome numbers were observed in diploid entities of this subgenus, x = 6 and x=9. The underground stem-bearing entities of Oxalis subgenus Oxalis studied (in sections Articulatae, Jonoxalis and Palmatifoliae) are mostly diploids and polyploids with a basic chromosome number x=7. Five species of section Carnosa are diploids with x = 9. In species of sections Rosea, Ortgieseae, Clematodes and Laxae the basic chromosome numbers x = 6, 7, 8 and 9 were observed. Groups of related species sharing the same chromosome number are discussed with the aim of improving the infrageneric delimitation of the genus. The basic chromosome number x=6 seems to be primitive in the genus and other basic chromosome numbers probably appeared several times in the course of chromosome evolution of Oxalis .  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of 13 South American taxa of Bothriochloa was studied. All surveyed species reproduce sexually and are self-compatible. Several elements also point to self-pollination as their main breeding system: (i) bud pollination that occurs in most species enhancing cleistogamy, (ii) presence of pits in the glumes that impede the opening of flowers and (iii) reduction in the number of stamens, a trend associated with outbreeding.  相似文献   

Muhlenbergia torreyi occurs in the southwestern United States, northern Mexico, and northwestern Argentina. Allozyme data were used to evaluate genetic diversity within and among populations of this amphitropical disjunct species. Electrophoretic examination of 22 putative enzyme loci in 15 populations revealed high levels of genetic variation (P ranging from 64.7 to 82.4;H from 0.527 to 0.757) and high levels of genetic diversity (F ranging from −0.584 to −0.939). All populations possess high levels of heterogeneity (F 1S approaching −1, mean of −0.837) and exhibit lower levels of genetic fixation among populations (F ST mean of 0.127). A comparison of genetic identity values among populations from North and South America indicates that the genetic variation is slightly greater (I=0.93) in North America than in South America (I=0.96). A total of 51 alleles were shared among all populations, and four unique alleles were detected: two from North American populations and two from South America. It seems likely thatMuhlenbergia torreyi has dispersed to South America recently, because the populations there are less variable. Chromosome numbers, not determined by the authors, of 2n=20, 21 forM. torreyi and 2n=80, 82 forM. arenicola are reported.Muhlenbegia arenicola is first reported from South America.
Resumen   Muhlenbergia torreyi habita en el suroeste de Estados Unidos, norte de México, y noreste de Argentina. Mediante el análisis de alozimas se evaluó la diversidad genética dentro y entre poblaciones de esta especie, que es disjunctiva anfitropical. El exámen electroforético de 22 loci putativos enzimáticos en 15 poblaciones, reveló altos niveles de variación genética (P varía de 64.7 a 82.4;H varía de 0.527 a 0.757) y altos niveles de diversidad genética (F varía de −0.584 a −0.939). Todas las poblaciones poseen altos niveles de heterogeneidad dentro de las mismas poblaciones (F IS cerca −1, media de −0.837) y exhiben bajos niveles de fijación genética entre poblaciones (F ST media de 0.127). Una comparación de valores de identidad genética entre poblaciones de Norte y Sudamérica indican que la variación genética es un poco mayor (I=0.93) en Norte América que en Sudamérica (I=0.96). Las poblaciones poseían un total de 51 alelos en común y se detectaron cuatro alelos únicos; dos en las poblaciones norteamericanas y dos en las poblaciones sudamericanas. Probablemente,Muhlenbergia torreyi ha sido dispersada recientemente hacia Sudamérica porque esta poblacion es menos variable. El número de cromosomas, no determinado por los autores, de 2n=20, 21 paraM. torreyi and 2n=80, 82 paraM. arenicola son reportados.Muhlenbergia arenicola es reportada por primera vez en Sudamérica.

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies indicate that Phaenospermateae and Duthieeae are among the early diverging lineages of Pooideae and that they are closely related to each other. Here, we test this with cytotaxonomical data. The monotypic tribe Phaenospermateae, represented by Phaenosperma globosum, has a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 24 and a fairly symmetric karyotype consisting of 22 median (m) and 2 submedian (sm) chromosomes varying in length between 1.8–3 μm. Duthieeae, represented by Duthiea brachypodium, Sinochasea trigyna, Stephanachne monandra and Stephanachne pappophorea, also share the chromosome number 2n = 2x = 24 and similar symmetric karyotypes with the chromosomes varying in length between 1.4–5 μm. Thus, the close relationship of Phaenospermateae and Duthieeae is corroborated.  相似文献   

In north‐eastern Argentina, Paraguay and south‐eastern Brazil, morphologically intermediate plants involving Andropogon lateralis, A. bicornis, A. glaziovii, A. arenarius and A. hypogynus were found. The possibility that they were natural hybrids was tested in two ways: (1) where they were sterile, their morphology was compared with that of the putative parents, and their meiosis and reproductive behaviour were studied; (2) where they were fertile, studies of artificial hybrids were also made. Most of the hybrids were sterile. The only fully fertile combination, generating recombination and hybrid swarms, was A. lateralis × A. hypogynus. In spite of apparently normal chromosome pairing, fertility was low in all other combinations on both the male and female sides. Sterility is probably a result of ‘cryptic’ or ‘gametic sterility’, which produces complete sterility of the gametes. Many of the hybrids survive and compete successfully with the parental species in natural populations, but their sterility maintains the genetic isolation of the majority of the taxa involved. Meiotic chromosome behaviour in all the hybrids indicates that the group of species shares slightly different forms of three basic genomes. Several specimens of natural hybrids were found in historical herbarium collections. In the past, they were given the status of type specimens of at least five taxonomic entities (A. lindmanii, A. coloratus, A. lateralis var. subtilior, A. multiflorus and A. lateralis var. bogotensis). The taxonomic consequences of these findings are discussed. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 136–154.  相似文献   

报道了中国云南产鳞毛蕨科Dryopteridaceae鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris Adanson 13种植物的染色体数目。其中4个种:多雄拉鳞毛蕨D.alpestris(2n=82)、哈巴鳞毛蕨D.habaensis(2n=82)、脉纹鳞毛蕨D.lachoongensis(2n=82)和永自鳞毛蕨D.yungtzeensis(2n=82)的染色体数目为首次报道;无融合三倍体的川西鳞毛蕨Dryopteris rosthornii、无融合四倍体的大羽鳞毛蕨D.wallichiana以及无融合二倍体的栗柄鳞毛蕨D.yoroii为3个新发现的细胞类型。细胞学研究结果支持高山鳞毛蕨组sect.CaespitosaeS.G Lu应该为鳞毛蕨属内一个独立的组;中国喜马拉雅地区的鳞毛蕨属植物中存在着大量的无融合二倍体细胞类型。对蕨类植物中同一植株产生不同倍性孢子的现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We investigated spikelet development in four distantly related species of the grass tribe Andropogoneae to determine whether spikelet development and the formation of unisexual florets are uniform throughout the tribe. We studied development in Bothriochloa bladhii, Coelorachis aurita, Heteropogon contortus, and Hyparrhenia hirta, and compared these with Panicum, a member of the sister tribe Paniceae. Many aspects of spikelet development in the species we have studied correlate with what is already known for Tripsacum and maize (both Andropogoneae), despite variation in how unisexual florets are distributed on the plant. The formation of unisexual spikelets is also uniform. All florets initiate both pistil and stamen primordia. In florets destined to be male, cell death occurs in the subepidermal layers of the gynoecium after the formation of a gynoecial ridge. In florets destined to be female, there is no apparent cell death in the stamens, but growth ceases after anther formation. The similarity in spikelet development and the formation of unisexual florets point to a common genetic mechanism for sex determination throughout the Andropogoneae and possibly the entire Panicoideae. Use of a cell death pathway to cause gynoecial abortion may be the basis of one morphological character that defines the subfamily.  相似文献   

Gerrit Davidse 《Brittonia》1984,36(4):402-405
Rhytachne gonzalezii is described and illustrated. It ranges from Apure, Venezuela to Pará, Brazil. It is the third annual species known in this tropical African-American genus. Previously it had been confounded with the perennialR. rottboellioides from which it differs in its habit, branching culms, smaller sessile spikelets and rachis internodes, and awned upper glume.  相似文献   

Schizachyrium sulcatum, distributed in Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia, is described, illustrated, and reported for the first time from Peru and Venezuela. Synonymy, geographical distribution, ecology, and a list of representative specimens examined are provided. Characters of taxonomic value are established in order to differentiate this species fromS. brevifolium. A comparative study based on morphology, leaf anatomy, and micromorphological features of the spikelets and leaf blade are included. The multivariate analysis based on morphological variables allowsS. sulcatum to be distinguished clearly fromS. brevifolium.  相似文献   

The largest genus of salamanders, Bolitoglossa (Plethodontidae), is widespread in tropical America, where it occurs in diverse habitats and elevations, from high elevation grasslands to lowland rain forest . It has the most extensive geographical range of any salamander genus. While most species occur in Middle America, it ranges throughout most of tropical South America as well. Phylogenetic analysis of 1196 bp of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b , 16S RNA) from 55 species offers strong support for the monophyly of the genus and sorts the species into a number of clades. Taking into account morphology, distribution, general ecology, and prior systematic and taxonomic studies, we recognize seven subgenera, four of them new: Bolitoglossa Duméril, Bibron et Duméril, 1854, Eladinea Miranda Ribeiro, 1937, Magnadigita Taylor, 1944, Mayamandra , Nanotriton , Oaxakia and Pachymandra . All South American and some lower Middle American species are included in a single well -supported clade, Eladinea . At the species level our analyses uncover the existence of large genetic diversity within morphologically homogeneous taxa. We propose the new combination: B. (Eladinea) paraensis (Unterstein, 1930) stat. nov. , for Brazilian salamanders previously included under B. altamazonica . We evaluate evidence for the multiple colonization of the tropical lowlands by morphologically derived species groups. South America was invaded by members of one clade, Eladinea , which we infer to have dispersed to South America prior to closure of the Panamanian Portal. Despite the relatively long history of salamanders in South America, that continent now accounts for a relatively small proportion of the lineages and species of neotropical salamanders.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 325–346.  相似文献   

The observed chromosome numbers for four deciduous species of South AmericanNothofagus (Sect.Nothofagus) are 2n=26. This chromosome count is the first report on the South American species of the genus, and is the same number as reported for the New Zealand counterparts of the evergreen sectionCalusparassus. Furthermore, a significant difference between the karyotypes of two subsections within the Sect.Nothofagus has been recognized.  相似文献   

Variation in isozyme number was used to assess the evolution of haploid chromosome numbers (n=6–75) and systematic relationships in the tribeBrassiceae, which is believed to be one of the few monophyletic tribes in theBrassicaceae. Ten enzyme systems were surveyed among 108 species in 35 genera of tribeBrassiceae and for 11 species from seven other tribes. The data indicated that taxa with n=7–13 and n=14–18 were similar in isozyme number, suggesting that genera with n=14–18 did not arise from polyploidy (i.e. entire duplication) of the n=7–13 genomes. These results suggest that aneuploidy and/or chromosome fusion/splitting have played a more significant role than polyploidy in the evolution of higher base chromosome numbers in the tribe. The detection of widespread isozyme duplication in the tribe is consistent with reports of extensive gene duplication in theBrassica crop species, and suggests that the common ancestor of the tribe already had undergone a polyploid event, i.e. complete genome duplication, prior to aneuploid divergence. Inheritance studies conducted onSinapis arvensis showed that segregation ratios at seven loci (Fbp-2,Gpi-2,Idh-2,Pgm-2,Pgm-2,Tpi-1,Tpi-1) conformed to those expected under Mendelian inheritance. Isozyme duplications were phylogenetically informative at various taxonomic levels in the tribe. In particular, duplications for cytosolic phosphoglucomutase (Pgm-2,Pgm-2) and plastid triosephosphate isomerase (Tpi-1,Tpi-1) were evident in 33 of the 35 genera examined, supporting the monophyletic status of theBrassiceae with the inclusion ofOrychophragmus and the exclusion of controversial membersCalepina andConringia.  相似文献   

The genus Lippia (Verbenaceae) comprises about 200 taxa mainly distributed in Brazil, Mexico, Central America, Africa, Argentina and Paraguay. Some problems involving the number and delimitation of species have been reported. In order to contribute to the solving of these problems, the chromosome numbers of 14 Lippia species are documented. The following species were collected at Espinhaço Range, Southeast Brazil: Section Zapania (L. corymbosa, L. diamantinensis, L. hermannioides, L. lacunosa, L. rotundifolia, L. rubella), section Rhodolippia (L. florida, L. lupulina, L. pseudothea, L. rosella), section Goniostlachyum (L. glandulosa, L. pohliana, L. sidoides) and section Dioicolippia (L.filifolia). Immature inflorescences were collected and the ideal size for chromosome observation was determined. The majority of species have a haploid chromosome number from 10 to 14. Few species have a higher chromosome number, which suggests the occurrence of polyploidy. The relationships between chromosome numbers and the taxonomic sections are also discussed.  相似文献   

The agar-gel precipitin technique was used to examine the immunological relationships of the South American frog genus Eupsophus. This taxon shows similarities with the members of the Telmatobiini tribe and presents a characteristic precipitin band, here labelled as A.  相似文献   

The genus Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907 is a large and complex group of bees of the tribe Protandrenini comprising small, slender, mostly black ground-nesting species that are restricted to South America. We describe a new species of Rhophitulus from Parque Nacional São Joaquim, Urubici, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Rophitulus ater sp. nov. is distinctive and easily distinguished from other species of the genus by a unique combination of morphological characters in both sexes, but especially by the following: dull black body, coarsely and densely punctate integument, basal area of metapostnotum depressed and areolate rugose, posterior margin of hind tibia and pygidial fimbria of female with blackish pilosity, and characters of the male genitalia with hidden sterna. The new species is closely associated with Blumenbachia catharinensis (Loasaceae), which is restricted to cloud forest of the southeastern rim of Serra Geral. Flowers of B. catharinensis are pollen and nectar resources and mating sites for the new species.  相似文献   

Polyploidization has played an important role in the diversification of the genus Sesleria (Poaceae), which comprises c. 48 species and subspecies mostly distributed in Europe. The genus' centre of diversity clearly is the Balkan Peninsula, harbouring about 80% of the species, half of which are endemic to this area. We employed chromosome counts, measurements of absolute genome size and determination of relative DNA‐content for 460 populations belonging to 43 species of Sesleria. Our main aim was to provide essential baseline data for future molecular genetic reconstructions of the genus' evolutionary history. Relative genome size allowed for a mostly clear separation of four ploidy levels. The most frequent and widespread cytotypes are tetraploids followed by octoploids, while di‐ and dodecaploids were only found in a few species. We present first chromosome numbers for the tetraploid species S. doerfleri, S. phleoides, S. skipetarum and S. tuzsonii as well as for diploid S. ovata. Based on relative and partly also on absolute genome size measurements, ploidy level was determined in tetraploid S. rhodopaea and S. voronovii for the first time, and new cytotypes were identified in S. interrupta, S. kalnikensis and S. wettsteinii (tetraploids), S. caerulea, S. klasterskyi, S. latifolia, S. tenerrima, S. ujhelyii and S. vaginalis (octoploids), and S. albanica and S. vaginalis (dodecaploids). While most Sesleria species are ploidy‐uniform, several comprise two or even, in the case of S. vaginalis, three ploidy levels. Genome downsizing after polyploidization was confirmed by significant negative correlation between ploidy level and monoploid genome size. Finally, we found a significant increase in monoploid relative genome size towards the margin of the genus' distribution area, which may be triggered by increased activity of transposable element in populations exposed to environmental or genomic stress. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 126–143.  相似文献   

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