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Tragopogon kashmirianus (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) (2n = 24) was described based on collections from Kashmir. The tetraploid is morphologically similar to allotetraploid T. mirus from North America that has formed in western North America from the introduced T. dubius (2n = 12) and T. porrifolius (salsify; 2n = 12). Singh and Kachroo (1976 ) suggested that T. kashmirianus might have formed from the same diploid parental combination as T. mirus. To determine this, we investigated internal and external transcribed spacers (ITS, ETS) and five plastid regions of T. kashmirianus and species reported from Kashmir, northern India and neighbouring countries (T. badachschanicus, T. longirostris, T. porrifolius, T. pratensis, T. orientalis, T. subalpinus, T. trachycarpus, T. gracilis and T. dubius). Molecular data indicate that the parents of T. kashmirianus are not the European T. porrifolius and T. dubius. The exact parentage of T. kashmirianus is still unclear, but if it is an allotetraploid, at least one parent is a species native to Kashmir/India. Alternatively, it may represent an autopolyploid, again with the diploid parent native to Kashmir/India. We also found that ‘T. dubius’ from Kashmir is phylogenetically and morphologically distinct from collections of T. dubius from Europe and probably represents a previously unrecognized species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 391–398.  相似文献   

J Koh  S Chen  N Zhu  F Yu  PS Soltis  DE Soltis 《The New phytologist》2012,196(1):292-305
? We examined the proteomes of the recently formed natural allopolyploid Tragopogon mirus and its diploid parents (T.?dubius, T.?porrifolius), as well as a diploid F(1) hybrid and synthetic T.?mirus. ? Analyses using iTRAQ LC-MS/MS technology identified 476 proteins produced by all three species. Of these, 408 proteins showed quantitative additivity of the two parental profiles in T.?mirus (both natural and synthetic); 68 proteins were quantitatively differentially expressed. ? Comparison of F(1) hybrid, and synthetic and natural polyploid T.?mirus with the parental diploid species revealed 32 protein expression changes associated with hybridization, 22 with genome doubling and 14 that had occurred since the origin of T.?mirus c. 80?yr ago. We found six proteins with novel expression; this phenomenon appears to start in the F(1) hybrid and results from post-translational modifications. ? Our results indicate that the impact of hybridization on the proteome is more important than is polyploidization. Furthermore, two cases of homeolog-specific expression in T.?mirus suggest that silencing in T.?mirus was not associated with hybridization itself, but occurred subsequent to both hybridization and polyploidization. This study has shown the utility of proteomics in the analysis of the evolutionary consequences of polyploidy.  相似文献   

ITS1 sequence data was obtained for fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) andS. lautus from Australia,S. madagascariensis andS. inaequidens from South Africa andS. madagascariensis from Madagascar. Despite the low level of variation (0.0–3.4%), these data further resolve the controversy concerning the identity and origin of fireweed. They confirm that fireweed is part of the South AfricanS. madagascariensis/S. inaequidens complex, and indicate that the infestation in Australia originated from South Africa as opposed to Madagascar. This will facilitate a resumption of biological control efforts in Australia and will direct surveys for control agents to South Africa.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between uniparental rDNA (encoding 18S, 5.8S and 26S ribosomal RNA) silencing (nucleolar dominance) and rRNA gene dosage, we studied a recently emerged (within the last 80 years) allotetraploid Tragopogon mirus (2n=24), formed from the diploid progenitors T. dubius (2n=12, D-genome donor) and T. porrifolius (2n=12, P-genome donor). Here, we used molecular, cytogenetic and genomic approaches to analyse rRNA gene activity in two sibling T. mirus plants (33A and 33B) with widely different rRNA gene dosages. Plant 33B had ~400 rRNA genes at the D-genome locus, which is typical for T. mirus, accounting for ~25% of total rDNA. We observed characteristic expression dominance of T. dubius-origin genes in all organs. Its sister plant 33A harboured a homozygous macrodeletion that reduced the number of T. dubius-origin genes to about 70 copies (~4% of total rDNA). It showed biparental rDNA expression in root, flower and callus, but not in leaf where D-genome rDNA dominance was maintained. There was upregulation of minor rDNA variants in some tissues. The RNA polymerase I promoters of reactivated T. porrifolius-origin rRNA genes showed reduced DNA methylation, mainly at symmetrical CG and CHG nucleotide motifs. We hypothesise that active, decondensed rDNA units are most likely to be deleted via recombination. The silenced homeologs could be used as a ‘first reserve'' to ameliorate mutational damage and contribute to evolutionary success of polyploids. Deletion and reactivation cycles may lead to bidirectional homogenisation of rRNA arrays in the long term.  相似文献   

Numerical chromosome aberrations in gametes typically lead to failed fertilization, spontaneous abortion or a chromosomally abnormal fetus. By means of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), we now can screen human embryos in vitro for aneuploidy before transferring the embryos to the uterus. PGD allows us to select unaffected embryos for transfer and increases the implantation rate in in vitro fertilization programs. Molecular cytogenetic analyses using multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of blastomeres have become the major tool for preimplantation genetic screening of aneuploidy. However, current FISH technology can test for only a small number of chromosome abnormalities and hitherto failed to increase the pregnancy rates as expected. We are in the process of developing multi-color FISH-based technologies to score all 24 chromosomes in single cells within a three-day time limit, which we believe is vital to the clinical setting. Also, human placental cytotrophoblasts (CTBs) at the fetal-maternal interface acquire aneuploidies as they differentiate to an invasive phenotype. About 20-50% of invasive CTB cells from uncomplicated pregnancies were found to be aneuploid, suggesting that the acquisition of aneuploidy is an important component of normal placentation, perhaps limiting the proliferative and invasive potential of CTBs. Since most invasive CTBs are interphase cells and possess extreme heterogeneity, we applied multi-color FISH and repeated hybridizations to investigate the feasibility of a full karyotype analysis of individual CTBs. In summary, this study demonstrates the strength of Spectral Imaging analysis and repeated hybridizations, which provides a basis for full karyotype analysis of single interphase cells.  相似文献   

Cytological studies have shown many newly formed allopolyploids (neoallopolyploids) exhibit chromosomal variation as a result of meiotic irregularities, but few naturally occurring neoallopolyploids have been examined. Little is known about how long chromosomal variation may persist and how it might influence the establishment and evolution of allopolyploids in nature. In this study we assess chromosomal composition in a natural neoallotetraploid, Tragopogon mirus, and compare it with T. miscellus, which is an allotetraploid of similar age (~40 generations old). We also assess whether parental gene losses in T. mirus correlate with entire or partial chromosome losses. Of 37 T. mirus individuals that were karyotyped, 23 (62%) were chromosomally additive of the parents, whereas the remaining 14 individuals (38%) had aneuploid compositions. The proportion of additive versus aneuploid individuals differed from that found previously in T. miscellus, in which aneuploidy was more common (69% Fisher''s exact test, P=0.0033). Deviations from parental chromosome additivity within T. mirus individuals also did not reach the levels observed in T. miscellus, but similar compensated changes were observed. The loss of T. dubius-derived genes in two T. mirus individuals did not correlate with any chromosomal changes, indicating a role for smaller-scale genetic alterations. Overall, these data for T. mirus provide a second example of prolonged chromosomal instability in natural neoallopolyploid populations.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation has traditionally been considered a rare event, dependent on the establishment of both a novel, balanced genotype and reproductive isolating barriers between the new species and its progenitors. However, more recent studies have shown that synthetic hybrids converge toward the chromosomal structure of natural hybrids after only a few generations, suggesting that this phenomenon may be more frequent than previously assumed. Here, the possibility that the diploid hybrid species Helianthus deserticola arose from more than one hybrid speciation event was investigated using patterns of variation from cpDNA, 18 nuclear microsatellite loci, and population interfertility. Helianthus deserticola contains cpDNA haplotypes characteristic of both parental species, is polyphyletic with one parental species based on nine microsatellite loci, and has a high degree of interfertility among populations. The data are consistent with either a single origin followed by introgression with the parental species or multiple origins. Analysis of microsatellite variation places the origin of H. deserticola between 170?000 and 63?000 years before present, making it unlikely that anthropogenic disturbances influenced its origin. Finally, the hybrid species generally has lower levels of genetic diversity but higher levels of differentiation among populations than either parental species.  相似文献   

The possible pathways of origin of two recently arisen introgressant forms of Senecio vulgaris (i.e., var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel) were investigated in experimental crosses between tetraploid S. vulgaris var. vulgaris and the normally diploid S. squalidus. Comparison of the morphology of synthesized hybrid progeny with established taxa, by discriminant function analysis, revealed that fertile hybrid offspring similar in morphology to S. vulgaris var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel could be synthesized: (1) following formation of genomically stable diploid gametes by the triploid hybrid; (2) through the production of unreduced gametes by diploid S. squalidus; and (3) when a tetraploid form of S. squalidus acted as one of the parents. It was evident that hybrid offspring similar in morphology to the two introgressant taxa were more often produced in backcrosses to S. vulgaris than in segregating F2 or F3 generations (53% as opposed to 36%), and that fertile hybrid progeny were formed within two generations. Because hybridization between S. vulgaris and S. squalidus occurs regularly, although at very low frequency, in natural mixed populations in the British Isles, there is the potential for multiple origins to occur in the wild of both S. vulgaris var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel.  相似文献   

The small but morphologically diverse subfamily Barnadesioideae of the sunflower family, Asteraceae, is of special interest as it constitutes the sister-group to the rest of the family. Therefore it is of critical importance for elucidating the origin and early evolution of Asteraceae. Cladistic analyses of DNA sequence variation in the trnL intron and nuclear ribosomal ITS regions strongly support five major clades in the subfamily: Schlechtendalia, Chuquiraga-Doniophyton, Barnadesia-Huarpea, Dasyphyllum subgenus Dasyphyllutn and a clade comprising Dasyphyllum subgenus Archidasyphyllum, Arnaldoa and Fulcaldea. Within Dasyphyllum subgenus Dasyphyllum, D. hystrix has a basal position, and sect. Macrocephala is supported as monophyletic, while sect. Microcephala lacks jackknife support. Within Barnadesia, B. parviflora has a very divergent ITS sequence and a basal position in the genus. The phylogenetic trees make some sense of the great morphological variation within the subfamily, although some clades identified here lack obvious defining morphological characteristics. Optimisation of geographical distributions onto the molecular phylogenies shows that the Barnadesioideae most likely originated in southern South America.  相似文献   

The DNA ploidy level of 673 accessions belonging to 238 species of Hieracium have been analyzed by flow cytometry. 222 of the species were of Scandinavian origin as members of the exclusively apomictic H. sectt. Bifida, Hieracium, Oreadea, Tridentata and Vulgata. For the overwhelming majority of the species, the ploidy level (or chromosme number) has never been investigated before. Approximately 50% of the Scandinavian species, previously believed to be exclusively triploid, were found to be tetraploid. In addition, two pentaploid samples, viz. H. intermarginatum Johanss. & Sam. from Sweden and H. cf. plumbeum Blytt & Fr. from Germany, were found. Although two or more accessions from geographically remote sites were analyzed for approximately 50% of the Scandinavian species, only 2 (<2%) taxonomically undisputed species were found to consist of plants with more than one ploidy level. An intriguing pattern was revealed among Scandinavian members of H. sectt. Bifida and Vulgata when ploidy level and morphometric variation was compared, viz. the most typical or extreme representatives of these sections were found to be exclusively triploid whereas tetraploids dominate among species with intermediate morphology and among species morphologically intermediate between these sections and H. sect. Hieracium. This pattern may indicate that the tetraploids, which tend to have mainly northern distributions, have originated as the result of rare sexual hybridizations between triploid members of different sections, plausibly during or after the northward migration of the parental linages after the last glaciation. The results are believed to be highly relevant for understanding the processes of evolution and speciation within the predominantly apomictic genus Hieracium, but it is emphazised that additional data from e.g. molecular markers and pollen viability analysis are needed before any trustworthy conclusions can be made as far as evolutionary processes are concerned.  相似文献   

There are several well-documented examples of multiple hybrid origins of polyploid species. Herein we report the first, to our knowledge, explicit example of a species that most probably has originated recurrently by diploid hybrid speciation. Genetic relationships and stabilization of twoArgyranthemum populations of putative hybrid origin on Tenerife, the Canary Islands, were investigated using chromosomal, morphometric, and fertility analyses of cultivated progeny families and artificial F1 and F2 hybrids. These data were compared to a recently published chloroplast DNA phylogeny of the genus, in which the same populations were included. The results suggest that the two populations must be referred to a single species,A. sundingii, which is diploid, fully fertile, genetically stabilized, and occurs in an ecologically intermediate habitat opened by deforestation, and that this species has originated at least twice following local hybridization in two valleys. The same parental species were involved in each origin; the montaneA. broussonetii and the coastalA. frutescens. The montane species was the chloroplast donor in one of the valleys and the coastal species in the other.  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on the ecology of seed dimorphism, the production of two seed types by a single plant. Morphology and seed size are usually correlated, but how morphology affects germination percentage and seedling growth is poorly understood. Here we explicitly separate these effects for nine populations of the dimorphic species Tragopogon pratensis subsp. pratensis. Larger seeds yielded higher germination percentages, yet seed morphology had no additional direct effect on germination. Neither seed size nor seed morphology affected seedling growth. Neither germination nor seedling growth varied among populations, but seed head varied significantly. Results show that germination is mainly controlled by seed size rather than by seed morphology. This study is one of the few to distinguish explicitly between seed size and seed morphology effects on ecological characteristics and suggests that seed dimorphism may exert its ecological effects predominantly through its correlated size.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2000, we released genetically altered insect-pathogenic fungi onto a plot of cabbages at a field site on the Upper Marlboro Research Station, Md. The transformed derivatives of Metarhizium anisopliae ARSEF 1080, designated GPMa and GMa, carried the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene alone (GMa) or with additional protease genes (Pr1) (GPMa). The study (i) confirmed the utility of gfp for monitoring pathogen strains in field populations over time, (ii) demonstrated little dissemination of transgenic strains and produced no evidence of transmission by nontarget insects, (iii) found that recombinant fungi were genetically stable over 1 year under field conditions, and (iv) determined that deployment of the transgenic strains did not depress the culturable indigenous fungal microflora. The major point of the study was to monitor the fate (survivorship) of transformants under field conditions. In nonrhizosphere soil, the amount of GMa decreased from 10(5) propagules/g at depths of 0 to 2 cm to 10(3) propagules/g after several months. However, the densities of GMa remained at 10(5) propagules/g in the inner rhizosphere, demonstrating that rhizospheric soils are a potential reservoir for M. anisopliae. These results place a sharp focus on the biology of the soil/root interphase as a site where plants, insects, and pathogens interact to determine fungal biocontrol efficacy, cycling, and survival. However, the rhizospheric effect was less marked for GPMa, and overall it showed reduced persistence in soils than did GMa.  相似文献   

Two diploid species of hybrid origin, Argyranthemum lemsii and A. sundingii , have been described from different valleys in the Anaga peninsula, north-east Tenerife. They have previously been shown to originate from hybridization between the same parental species, the montane A. broussonetii and the coastal A. frutescens , A. broussonetii being the chloroplast donor in one valley and A. frutescens in the other. The specific status of the two hybrid species has been questioned. In this study we used karyotype analysis, FISH, and GISH to address the question of multiple diploid hybrid speciation. GISH did not discriminate clearly between the parental genomes, but differential labelling was observed in separate hybrid populations, indicating different chromosomal rearrangements in different valleys. Small karyotype differences and local loss of rDNA were also observed. Thus separate origins of the same hybrid combination in different valleys in Tenerife have been verified. Our results add some support to the recognition of two species of hybrid origin, but the case serves to illustrate some of the many problems connected with the species concept in plants.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 491–501.  相似文献   

The genomic organisation of the seven cultivated Vigna species, V. unguiculata, V. subterranea, V. angularis, V. umbellata, V. radiata, V. mungo and V. aconitifolia, was determined using sequential combined PI and DAPI (CPD) staining and dual‐colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with 5S and 45S rDNA probes. For phylogenetic analyses, comparative genomic in situ hybridisation (cGISH) onto somatic chromosomes and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of 45S rDNA were used. Quantitative karyotypes were established using chromosome measurements, fluorochrome bands and rDNA FISH signals. All species had symmetrical karyotypes composed of only metacentric or metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Distinct heterochromatin differentiation was revealed by CPD staining and DAPI counterstaining after FISH. The rDNA sites among all species differed in their number, location and size. cGISH of V. umbellata genomic DNA to the chromosomes of all species produced strong signals in all centromeric regions of V. umbellata and V. angularis, weak signals in all pericentromeric regions of V. aconitifolia, and CPD‐banded proximal regions of V. mungo var. mungo. Molecular phylogenetic trees showed that V. angularis and V. umbellata were the closest relatives, and V. mungo and V. aconitifolia were relatively closely related; these species formed a group that was separated from another group comprising V. radiata, V. unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis and V. subterranea. This result was consistent with the phylogenetic relationships inferred from the heterochromatin and cGISH patterns; thus, fluorochrome banding and cGISH are efficient tools for the phylogenetic analysis of Vigna species.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Many species of orchid are endangered, and all species are included in Conventions on International Trade of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) I and II, but it is very difficult to identify orchid species, even those with fertile parts. The genus Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) has long been problematic in taxonomy. It consists of both long-evolved and radiated species and is an excellent case to use for testing DNA barcodes for Orchidaceae. We investigated the power of a subset of proposed plant barcoding loci [rbcL, matK, atpF-atpH, psbK-psbI, trnH-psbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)] to discriminate between species in this genus. Our results showed that all these DNA regions, except psbK-psbI and atpF-atpH, can be amplified easily from Holcoglossum and sequenced with established primers. The DNA regions matK and ITS had the highest variability. Among the six loci, matK resolved eight of the 12 Holcoglossum species and had the highest discriminatory ability. However, the combination of matK and ITS showed a greater ability to identify species than matK alone. Single or combined DNA markers discriminated between Holcoglossum species distributed in tropical areas effectively, but had less ability to identify radiated species from the temperate Hengduan Mountains of China. In the study, matK proved to be a useful DNA barcode for the genus Holcoglossum; however, complementary DNA regions are still required to accelerate the investigation and preservation of radiated species of orchid.  相似文献   

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