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Plant and Soil - Soil organic matter (SOM) supports multiple soil ecosystem functions, underpinned by processes such as C sequestration, N mineralization, aggregation, promotion of plant health and...  相似文献   

To assess whether genetic factor(s) determine liver triglyceride (TG) levels, a 10-mouse strain survey of liver TG contents was performed. Hepatic TG contents were highest in BALB/cByJ, medium in C57BL/6J, and lowest in SWR/J in both genders. Ninety and seventy-six percent of variance in hepatic TG in males and females, respectively, was due to strain (genetic) effects. To understand the physiological/biochemical basis for differences in hepatic TG among the three strains, studies were performed in males of the BALB/cByJ, C57BL/6J, and SWR/J strains. In vivo hepatic fatty acid (FA) synthesis rates and hepatic TG secretion rates ranked BALB/cByJ approximately C57BL/6J > SWR/J. Hepatic 1-(14)C-labeled palmitate oxidation rates and plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations ranked in reverse order: SWR/J > BALB/cByJ approximately C57BL/6J. After 14 h of fasting, plasma-free FA and hepatic TG contents rose most in BALB/cByJ and least in SWR/J. beta-Hydroxybutyrate concentrations rose least in BALB/cByJ and most in SWR/J. Adaptation to fasting was most effective in SWR/J and least in BALB/cByJ, perhaps because BALB/cByJ are known to be deficient in SCAD, a short-chain FA oxidizing enzyme. To assess the role of insulin action, glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed. GTT-glucose levels ranked C57BL/6J > BALB/cByJ approximately SWR/J. Thus strain-dependent (genetic) factors play a major role in setting hepatic TG levels in mice. Processes such as FA production and hepatic export in VLDL on the one hand and FA oxidation on the other, explain some of the strain-related differences in hepatic TG contents. Additional factor(s) in the development of fatty liver in BALB/cByJ remain to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

While the risk of ovarian cancer clearly reduces with each full-term pregnancy, the effect of incomplete pregnancies is unclear. We investigated whether incomplete pregnancies (miscarriages and induced abortions) are associated with risk of epithelial ovarian cancer. This observational study was carried out in female participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). A total of 274,442 women were followed from 1992 until 2010. The baseline questionnaire elicited information on miscarriages and induced abortions, reproductive history, and lifestyle-related factors. During a median follow-up of 11.5 years, 1,035 women were diagnosed with incident epithelial ovarian cancer. Despite the lack of an overall association (ever vs. never), risk of ovarian cancer was higher among women with multiple incomplete pregnancies (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.74, 95% CI: 1.20-2.70; number of cases in this category: n?=?23). This association was particularly evident for multiple miscarriages (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.99, 95% CI: 1.06-3.73; number of cases in this category: n?=?10), with no significant association for multiple induced abortions (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.46, 95% CI: 0.68-3.14; number of cases in this category: n?=?7). Our findings suggest that multiple miscarriages are associated with an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer, possibly through a shared cluster of etiological factors or a common underlying pathology. These findings should be interpreted with caution as this is the first study to show this association and given the small number of cases in the highest exposure categories.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - In the published version of this editorial paper, the sentence in the first paragraph should be corrected as shown below.  相似文献   



In Europe more than 50% of asthmatic treated patients have not well-controlled asthma. Asthma affects about 2.5 million of patients in Italy.

Aims and objectives

The present survey aims at investigating how Italian allergists approach asthmatic patients, in order to highlight pitfalls and unmet needs concerning real-life asthma management.


An anonymous 16 item web questionnaire was available (April–October 2015) to all allergists who visited the web site of SIAAIC (Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma Immunologia Clinica). Those who wished to give their contribution had the opportunity to answer about epidemiology, risk factors, treatment approaches, and adherence to therapy.


One hundred and seventy four allergists answered the survey. 54% of them reported up to 10 patient visits per week and 35.3% between 10 and 30. The most frequent reasons of follow up visits are routine check-up (56.5% of allergists), and worsening of symptoms (41% of allergists). Nocturnal apnoeas, gastro-esophageal reflux and obesity are the most important comorbidities/risk factors of poorly controlled asthma. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness, increased NO levels and reduced exercise tolerance are the most important indicators of asthma severity. Concerning therapy, ICS combined with LABA is the treatment of choice suitable for the majority of patients. A rapid onset of action and a flexible ICS dosage are indicated as the optimal characteristics for achieving the therapeutic goals. Poor adherence to therapy is an important reason for symptom worsening for the majority of allergists. Complex dosage regimens and economic aspects are considered the most important factors impacting on adherence.


Allergists are involved in the management of asthma, regularly seeing their patients. Co-morbidities are frequent in asthmatic patients and may impact negatively on disease control, thus identifying patients who need a more careful and strict monitoring. Airway hyper-responsiveness to methacholine challenge test and nitric oxide are considered important indicators of asthma severity. The combination of LABA and inhaled steroids is considered the treatment of choice for most asthmatic patients, in keeping with broad evidence indicating that the combination therapy is more effective and rapid in gaining asthma control than inhaled corticosteroids alone. Adherence to medication regimens is considered of essence to achieve the therapeutic goals.

Background and Aims The evolution of complex rooting systems during the Devonian had significant impacts on global terrestrial ecosystems and the evolution of plant body plans. However, detailed understanding of the pathways of root evolution and the architecture of early rooting systems is currently lacking. We describe the architecture and resolve the structural homology of the rooting system of an Early Devonian basal lycophyte. Insights gained from these fossils are used to address lycophyte root evolution and homology.Methods Plant fossils are preserved as carbonaceous compressions at Cottonwood Canyon (Wyoming), in the Lochkovian–Pragian (∼411 Ma; Early Devonian) Beartooth Butte Formation. We analysed 177 rock specimens and documented morphology, cuticular anatomy and structural relationships, as well as stratigraphic position and taphonomic conditions.Key Results The rooting system of the Cottonwood Canyon lycophyte is composed of modified stems that bear fine, dichotomously branching lateral roots. These modified stems, referred to as root-bearing axes, are produced at branching points of the above-ground shoot system. Root-bearing axes preserved in growth position exhibit evidence of positive gravitropism, whereas the lateral roots extend horizontally. Consistent recurrence of these features in successive populations of the plant preserved in situ demonstrates that they represent constitutive structural traits and not opportunistic responses of a flexible developmental programme.Conclusions This is the oldest direct evidence for a rooting system preserved in growth position. These rooting systems, which can be traced to a parent plant, include some of the earliest roots known to date and demonstrate that substantial plant–substrate interactions were under way by Early Devonian time. The morphological relationships between stems, root-bearing axes and roots corroborate evidence that positive gravitropism and root identity were evolutionarily uncoupled in lycophytes, and challenge the hypothesis that roots evolved from branches of the above-ground axial system, suggesting instead that lycophyte roots arose as a novel organ.  相似文献   



Pools of salt water and puddles created by giant waves from the sea due to the tsunami that occurred on 26th December 2004 would facilitate increased breeding of brackish water malaria vector, Anopheles sundaicus. Land uplifts in North Andaman and subsidence in South Andaman have been reported and subsidence may lead to environmental disturbances and vector proliferation. This warrants a situation analysis and vector surveillance in the tsunami hit areas endemic for malaria transmitted by brackish water mosquito, An. sundaicus to predict the risk of outbreak.


An extensive survey was carried out in the tsunami-affected areas in Andaman district of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India to assess the extent of breeding of malaria vectors in the habitats created by seawater flooding. Types of habitats in relation to source of seawater inundation and frequency were identified. The salinity of the water samples and the mosquito species present in the larval samples collected from these habitats were recorded. The malaria situation in the area was also analysed.


South Andaman, covering Port Blair and Ferrargunj sub districts, is still under the recurring phenomenon of seawater intrusion either directly from the sea or through a network of creeks. Both daily cycles of high tides and periodical spring tides continue to cause flooding. Low-lying paddy fields and fallow land, with a salinity ranging from 3,000 to 42,505 ppm, were found to support profuse breeding of An. sundaicus, the local malaria vector, and Anopheles subpictus, a vector implicated elsewhere. This area is endemic for both vivax and falciparum malaria. Malaria slide positivity rate has started increasing during post-tsunami period, which can be considered as an indication of risk of malaria outbreak.


Paddy fields and fallow land with freshwater, hitherto not considered as potential sites for An. sundaicus, are now major breeding sites due to saline water. Consequently, there is a risk of vector abundance with enhanced malaria transmission potential, due to the vastness of these tsunami-created breeding grounds and likelihood of them becoming permanent due to continued flooding in view of land subsidence. The close proximity of the houses and paucity of cattle may lead to a higher degree of man/vector contact causing a threat of malaria outbreak in this densely populated area. Measures to prevent the possible outbreak of malaria in this tsunami-affected area are discussed.  相似文献   

The vast majority of tropical reef fishes have a sedentary adult phase and pelagic larval phase that is potentially highly dispersive. Dispersal may be favoured by a wide range of factors including the arrangement of suitable habitat in space. In this paper the dispersal strategy of individuals is followed and allowed to evolve in a simplified model of three different landscapes: an enclosed sea, an open archipelago and a barrier reef. The three landscapes have very different characteristics, but all have similar spatial clumping of reef habitat. In all landscapes, as minimum time to settlement increases, evolved movement strategy also increases and longer settlement windows favour dispersal. In the archipelago movement is not maximized until the minimum pelagic duration is longer than in the other landscapes. The model predicts that, given the same pelagic duration, species from enclosed seas should have more dispersive behaviours than those from open archipelagos, because of the density of habitat and the aggregation of habitat in space affect the likelihood of larvae finding suitable habitat for settlement.  相似文献   

The archetypal strain of BK virus directed very little early gene expression compared with rearranged laboratory strains of the virus. One laboratory strain that was analyzed in detail contained newly created AP-1 binding enhancer modules spanning the junction between adjacent sequence repeats. Introduction of these sequences into the archetype activated the previously quiescent early promoter.  相似文献   

Aim Accumulating evidence indicates that species may be pre‐adapted for invasion success in new ranges. In the light of increasing global nutrient accumulation, an important candidate pre‐adaptation for invasiveness is the ability to grow in nutrient‐rich habitats. Therefore we tested whether globally invasive species originating from Central Europe have come from more productive rather than less productive habitats. A further important candidate pre‐adaptation for invasiveness is large niche width. Therefore, we also tested whether species able to grow across habitats with a wider range of productivity are more invasive. Location Global with respect to invasiveness, and Central European with respect to origin of study species. Methods We examined whether average habitat productivity and its width across habitats are significant predictors of the success of Central European species as aliens and as weeds elsewhere in the world based on data in the Global Compendium of Weeds. The two habitat productivity measures were derived from nutrient indicator values (after Ellenberg) of accompanying species present in vegetation records of the comprehensive Czech National Phytosociological Database. In the analyses, we accounted for phylogenetic relatedness among species and for size of the native distribution ranges. Results Species from more productive habitats and with a wider native habitat‐productivity niche in Central Europe have higher alien success elsewhere in the world. Weediness of species increased with mean habitat productivity. Niche width was also an important determinant of weediness for species with their main occurrence in nutrient‐poor habitats, but not for those from nutrient‐rich habitats. Main conclusions Our results indicate that Central European plant species from productive habitats and those species from nutrient‐poor habitat with wide productivity‐niche are pre‐adapted to become invasive. These results suggest that the world‐wide invasion success of many Central European species is likely to have been promoted by the global increase of resource‐rich habitats.  相似文献   



To assess the magnitude and pattern of socioeconomic inequality in current smoking in low and middle income countries.


We used data from the World Health Survey [WHS] in 48 low-income and middle-income countries to estimate the crude prevalence of current smoking according to household wealth quintile. A Poisson regression model with a robust variance was used to generate the Relative Index of Inequality [RII] according to wealth within each of the countries studied.


In males, smoking was disproportionately prevalent in the poor in the majority of countries. In numerous countries the poorest men were over 2.5 times more likely to smoke than the richest men. Socioeconomic inequality in women was more varied showing patterns of both pro-rich and pro-poor inequality. In 20 countries pro-rich relative socioeconomic inequality was statistically significant: the poorest women had a higher prevalence of smoking compared to the richest women. Conversely, in 9 countries women in the richest population groups had a statistically significant greater risk of smoking compared to the poorest groups.


Both the pattern and magnitude of relative inequality may vary greatly between countries. Prevention measures should address the specific pattern of smoking inequality observed within a population.  相似文献   

Drosophila telomeres have been maintained by three families of active transposable elements (TEs), HeT-A, TAHRE, and TART, collectively referred to as HTTs, for tens of millions of years, which contrasts with an unusually high degree of HTT interspecific variation. While the impacts of conflict and domestication are often invoked to explain HTT variation, the telomeres are unstable structures such that neutral mutational processes and evolutionary tradeoffs may also drive HTT evolution. We leveraged population genomic data to analyze nearly 10,000 HTT insertions in 85  Drosophila melanogaster genomes and compared their variation to other more typical TE families. We observe that occasional large-scale copy number expansions of both HTTs and other TE families occur, highlighting that the HTTs are, like their feral cousins, typically repressed but primed to take over given the opportunity. However, large expansions of HTTs are not caused by the runaway activity of any particular HTT subfamilies or even associated with telomere-specific TE activity, as might be expected if HTTs are in strong genetic conflict with their hosts. Rather than conflict, we instead suggest that distinctive aspects of HTT copy number variation and sequence diversity largely reflect telomere instability, with HTT insertions being lost at much higher rates than other TEs elsewhere in the genome. We extend previous observations that telomere deletions occur at a high rate, and surprisingly discover that more than one-third do not appear to have been healed with an HTT insertion. We also report that some HTT families may be preferentially activated by the erosion of whole telomeres, implying the existence of HTT-specific host control mechanisms. We further suggest that the persistent telomere localization of HTTs may reflect a highly successful evolutionary strategy that trades away a stable insertion site in order to have reduced impact on the host genome. We propose that HTT evolution is driven by multiple processes, with niche specialization and telomere instability being previously underappreciated and likely predominant.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1983, blood was taken from 60 selected European bison (Bison bonasus) in Poland. Serum samples were tested for the presence of antibodies against Brucella abortus, 14 serovars of Leptospira interrogans, Chlamydia spp., Coxiella burnetti; foot and and mouth disease virus, bovine leukemia virus and bovine herpes virus-1. In addition, an attempt was made to isolate bovine herpes virus-1 from the prepuce of selected bulls. Serological tests suggested chlamydial infection in 28 bison, subclinical Q-fever of a 2-yr-old heifer, subclinical bovine leukemia virus infection in a 12-yr-old bull and bovine herpes virus-1 infection in five bulls and three cows. Attempts to isolate bovine herpes virus-1 were not successful. These results suggest the possibility of cross transmission of several of these bovine pathogens between free-ranging bison and domestic cattle in Poland.  相似文献   

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