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Post-pollination processes governing mating patterns in Trillium,a well-known genus of insect-pollinated woodland herbs, arepoorly understood. Mechanisms influencing outcrossing were investigatedin T. grandiflorum and T. erectum, two widespread species nativeto eastern North America. In southern Ontario, Canada, the twospecies are often sympatric; they flower in early May, and arepollinated by different assemblages of insects. Controlled cross-and self-pollinations and structural observations of pollengermination and pollen tube growth were conducted to determinewhether the two species possess a self-incompatibility (SI)system and, if so, the specific site(s) of self-rejection. Controlledpollinations indicated that both species set significantly moreseeds from cross-pollination than self-pollination, implicatingthe action of SI. This was confirmed by structural studies whichdemonstrated that self-recognition and rejection reactions occurredon dry-type stigmatic papillae. Observations of pollen hydrationrevealed that self-rejection was rapid, being initiated within10 min of pollination and prior to pollen tube emergence. Finalself-rejection resulted in failure of pollen tube growth atthe base of stigmatic papillae. SI was expressed more weaklyin T. erectum and thereby resulted in considerable self-seedset in some individuals . Estimates of outcrossing rates usingallozyme markers indicated that T. erectum displayed a mixed-matingsystem whereas T. grandiflorum was more highly outcrossed. Structuralstudies of pollen traits indicated that the two species differedwith respect to the size of grains and their aggregation withimplications for pollen dispersal and mating. The ecologicaland evolutionary implications of the variable expression ofSI in Trillium are discussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Trillium grandiflorum, Trillium erectum, self-incompatibility, mating  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional phylogeographical studies involving co-distributed animal and plant species have been conducted for several areas, most notably for Europe and the Pacific Northwest of North America. Until recently, phylogeographical studies in unglaciated eastern North America have been largely limited to animals. As more studies emerge for diverse lineages (including plants), it seems timely to assess the phylogeography across this region: (i) comparing and contrasting the patterns seen in plants and animals; (ii) assessing the extent of pseudocongruence; and (iii) discussing the potential applications of regional phylogeography to issues in ecology, such as response to climatic change. Unglaciated eastern North America is a large, geologically and topographically complex area with the species examined having diverse distributions. Nonetheless, some recurrent patterns emerge: (i) maritime - Atlantic vs. Gulf Coast; (ii) Apalachicola River discontinuity; (iii) Tombigbee River discontinuity; (iv) the Appalachian Mountain discontinuity; (v) the Mississippi River discontinuity; and (vi) the Apalachicola River and Mississippi River discontinuities. Although initially documented in animals, most of these patterns are also apparent in plants, providing support for phylogeographical generalizations. These patterns may generally be attributable to isolation and differentiation during Pleistocene glaciation, but in some cases may be older (Pliocene). Molecular studies sometimes agree with longstanding hypotheses of glacial refugia, but also suggest additional possible refugia, such as the southern Appalachian Mountains and areas close to the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Many species exhibit distinct patterns that reflect the unique, rather than the shared, aspects of species' phylogeographical histories. Furthermore, similar modern phylogeographical patterns can result from different underlying causal factors operating at different times (i.e. pseudocongruence). One underemphasized component of pseudocongruence may result from the efforts of researchers to categorize patterns visually - similar patterns may, in fact, not fully coincide, and inferring agreement may obscure the actual patterns and lead to erroneous conclusions. Our modelling analyses indicate no clear spatial patterning and support the hypothesis that phylogeographical structure in diverse temperate taxa is complex and was not shaped by just a few barriers.  相似文献   

Today, the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) of eastern South America occur as large, well-defined nuclei (e.g. Caatinga in the northeast) and as smaller enclaves within other vegetations (e.g. Cerrado and Chaco). In order to infer the way the present SDTF distribution was attained, the genetic structure of Astronium urundeuva, a tree confined to SDTF, was assessed using two chloroplast spacers and nine microsatellite loci. Five haplotypes were identified, whose distribution was spatially structured. The distribution of the two most common and divergent haplotypes suggested former vicariance and progressive divergence due to isolation. More recent range expansions of these two lineages subsequently occurred, leading to a secondary contact at the southern limit of the Caatinga SDTF nucleus. The multilocus-Bayesian approach using microsatellites consistently identified three groups of populations (Northeast, Central and Southwest). Isolation by distance was found in Northeast and Southwest groups whereas admixture was detected in the Central group, located at the transition between Caatinga and Cerrado domains. All together, the results support the existence of range expansions and secondary contact in the Central group. This study provides arguments that favour the existence of a previously more continuous formation of SDTF in eastern South America.  相似文献   

The evolution of self-fertilization from primarily outcrossing ancestors is one of the most common evolutionary transitions in plants; however, the ecological mechanisms that maintain self-fertilization have remained controversial. Theoretical studies suggest that selfing is advantageous over outcrossing in terms of genetic transmission and assurance of seed production under pollen-limited circumstances. Trillium camschatcense is a herbaceous perennial distributed in Hokkaido and northern Honshu, Japan. Geographical variation in the breeding system (self-compatible, SC; or self-incompatible, SI) has been reported in populations in Hokkaido. Here, we used several SC and SI populations of T. camschatcense to investigate the adaptive significance and the evolutionary basis of self-fertilization. Pollination experiments and genetic analyses demonstrated that the potential availability of outcross pollen in SC populations was sufficient and that the number of pollen donors was equal to that of SI populations. However, despite the high availability of outcross pollen, the SC populations produced seeds predominantly by selfing and so underwent severe inbreeding depression. Although none of the suggested advantages for self-fertilization were supported by our analyses, we propose two possible scenarios for the evolution of self-fertilization in T. camschatcense.  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》1976,28(3):303-317
The number of species ofLimonium in eastern North America has long been a matter of taxonomic concern. The complex of six to seven “species” is better treated as a single, highly variable species,Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton.  相似文献   

In a landmark comparative phylogeographic study, “Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America,” Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) identified geographic discontinuities in genetic variation shared across taxa occupying unglaciated eastern North America and proposed several common biogeographical discontinuities related to past climate fluctuations and geographic barriers. Since 2006, researchers have published many phylogeographical studies and achieved many advances in genotyping and analytical techniques; however, it is unknown how this work has changed our understanding of the factors shaping the phylogeography of eastern North American taxa. We analyzed 184 phylogeographical studies of eastern North American taxa published between 2007 and 2019 to evaluate: (1) the taxonomic focus of studies and whether a previously detected taxonomic bias towards studies focused on vertebrates has changed over time, (2) the extent to which studies have adopted genotyping technologies that improve the resolution of genetic groups (i.e., NGS DNA sequencing) and analytical approaches that facilitate hypothesis‐testing (i.e., divergence time estimation and niche modeling), and (3) whether new studies support the hypothesized biogeographic discontinuities proposed by Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) or instead support new, previously undetected discontinuities. We observed little change in taxonomic focus over time, with studies still biased toward vertebrates. Although many technological and analytical advances became available during the period, uptake was slow and they were employed in only a small proportion of studies. We found variable support for previously identified discontinuities and identified one new recurrent discontinuity. However, the limited resolution and taxonomic breadth of many studies hindered our ability to clarify the most important climatological or geographical factors affecting taxa in the region. Broadening the taxonomic focus to include more non‐vertebrate taxa, employing technologies that improve genetic resolution, and using analytical approaches that improve hypothesis testing are necessary to strengthen our inference of the forces shaping the phylogeography of eastern North America.  相似文献   

I investigated the mating systems and phenotypic variation of two sympatric spring ephemerals, Trillium erectum and T. grandiflorum (Liliaceae), and phenotypic selection acting through female reproductive success for 11 morphological characters in five sympatric populations of the two species. I examined the degree of self-compatibility, pollinator-visitation rates, and pollen limitation of fruit and seed production in both species. Both Trillium species were self-compatible, but outcrossed flowers produced more successful fruits and seeds than self-pollinated flowers. Pollinator-visitation rates to the two species were low compared to other insect-pollinated spring ephemerals. In addition, both T. erectum and T. grandiflorum experienced pollen limitation in fruit and/or seed production; however, levels of fecundity in both species may be influenced by resource availability as well. I found significant phenotypic variation in 11 morphological characters within and among the five study populations. The sizes of all morphological characters were positively correlated. In general, larger T. erectum and T. grandiflorum produced more seeds. Phenotypic selection analysis revealed that direct and indirect selection acted on the size of morphological characters for both species. But there was no detectable selection acting on plant shape. This study reveals that variation in plant size exists within and among populations of both species, and this variation is associated with variance in female reproductive success. Spatial and temporal variation in pollinator and/or resource abundance may play a role in the phenotypic variation exhibited by both Trillium species.  相似文献   

Chen Sing-chi 《Brittonia》1983,35(2):159-163
The taxonomy and phytogeography of two pairs of vicarious cypripediums,C. reginae Walt. andC. flavum Hunt & Summerh., andC. arietinum R. Br. andC. plectrochilon Franchet, are discussed. They are all distinct species, though there exist close relationships between the members of each pair. Of phytogeographic interest are the strong resemblance of distribution patterns of these two pairs of vicarious species, the similarity of their habitats, and the fact that all are rather primitive members in the genus.  相似文献   

Twenty three species in 11 genera were examined in the field to determine hosts. OnlyStriga asiatica andSeymeria cassioides have a narrow host range being restricted to grasses and pines, respectively. These are the only species which cause pronounced and sometimes serious host damage. The other species attach to a great diversity of hosts.  相似文献   

This study examines molecular and morphological differentiation in Phryma L., which has only one species with a well-known classic intercontinental disjunct distribution between eastern Asia (EA) and eastern North America (ENA). Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast rps16 and trnL-F sequences revealed two highly distinct clades corresponding to EA and ENA. The divergence time between the intercontinental populations was estimated to be 3.68 ± 2.25 to 5.23 ± 1.37 million years ago (mya) based on combined chloroplast data using Bayesian and penalized likelihood methods. Phylogeographic and dispersal-vicariance (DIVA) analysis suggest a North American origin of Phryma and its migration into EA via the Bering land bridge. Multivariate analysis based on 23 quantitative morphological characters detected no geographic groups at the intercontinental level. The intercontinental populations of Phryma thus show distinct molecular divergence with little morphological differentiation. The discordance of the molecular and morphological patterns may be explained by morphological stasis due to ecological similarity in both continents. The divergence of Phryma from its close relatives in the Phrymaceae was estimated to be at least 32.32 ± 4.46 to 49.35 ± 3.18 mya.  相似文献   

Aim The question whether free‐living protists are generally cosmopolitan is currently a matter of debate. In this study we investigate the geographical distribution of a distinctive testate amoeba species, Nebela ansata, and use our data to assess the potential for highly restricted distribution patterns in some protist species. Location Global. Methods We analysed (1) 3400 testate amoeba publications from North America and other continents, (2) unpublished slides of the Penard Collection of the Natural History Museum, London, UK, and (3) 104 Sphagnum samples from eastern North America. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to visualize the similarities in testate amoeba community composition among 1012 North American samples, including two communities that contained N. ansata. Results We rediscovered N. ansata at a site in New Jersey located close to its type locality, and in Nova Scotia. We also report the existence of an apparently unpublished museum specimen originally collected from New Jersey. Our extensive literature survey confirmed the presence of this species only in the temperate part of eastern North America. The NMDS revealed that communities with N. ansata were less similar to each other than to communities from other parts of North America, suggesting that favourable habitats for N. ansata occur in other Sphagnum‐dominated peatlands, a habitat type that has been extensively sampled in North America and elsewhere. Main conclusions These data provide an unusually convincing case of a free‐living microorganism with a very limited distribution range in the temperate part of eastern North America. The remarkably restricted distribution of N. ansata highlights the extent of our ignorance about the natural history of free‐living microorganisms, and raises questions about the lack of attention to microbial diversity in conservation biology.  相似文献   

Stone KD  Flynn RW  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):2049-2063
Phylogeographic patterns were used to assess intraspecific diversification of American martens (Martes americana). Within martens, two morphological groups (americana and caurina) have been recognized, though the level of distinction between them has been debated. We examined mitochondrial cytochrome b gene haplotypes from 680 martens to explore the colonization history of the Pacific Northwest and found two clades that correspond to the morphological groups. The widespread americana clade extends from interior Alaska south to Montana and eastward to Newfoundland and New England (i.e. northwestern, north-central and northeastern North America). The caurina clade occurs in western North America, minimally extending from Admiralty Island (southeastern Alaska) south to Oregon and Wyoming. Our data indicated two colonization events for the Pacific Northwest (one by members of each clade) and were consistent with the persistence of populations throughout past glacial periods in eastern and western refugia. Due to vegetational and geological history following the past deglaciation, we hypothesize that martens of the caurina clade spread along the North Pacific Coast, and into southeastern Alaska, earlier than martens of the americana clade. Mismatch distributions for the americana clade were indicative of populations that recently experienced demographic expansion, while mismatch distributions for the caurina clade suggested that populations were at equilibrium. These clades are reciprocally monophyletic and distinctive (interclade divergence ranged from 2.5 to 3.0% (uncorrected p), whereas, intraclade divergence was < 0.7%), and two regions of sympatry have been identified. Genetic signatures of past admixture in hybrid zones may have been extinguished during subsequent glacial periods when ranges contracted. This recurrent pattern of relatively restricted western, or Pacific coastal, lineages and more widespread eastern, or interior continental, lineages exists across broad taxonomic groups and suggests a shared biogeographical history.  相似文献   

Fassett's locoweed (Oxytropis campestris var. chartacea, Fabaceae) is an endangered perennial endemic to Wisconsin. Patterns of genetic variation within and among six remaining populations and their relationship to other members of the O. campestris complex were analysed using AFLPs from 140 accessions across northern North America. Within-population measures of genetic diversity were high (mean expected heterozygosity HE = 0.16; mean nucleotide diversity pi = 0.015) compared with other herbaceous plants. Estimates of among-population differentiation were low (FST = 0.12; PhiST = 0.29), consistent with outcrossing. Genetic and geographical distances between populations were significantly correlated within Fassett's locoweed (r2 = 0.73, P < 0.002 for Mantel test) and O. campestris as a whole (r2 = 0.63, P < 0.0001). Individual and population-based phylogenetic analyses showed that Fassett's locoweed is monophyletic and sister to O. campestris var. johannensis. Morphometric analyses revealed significant differences between Fassett's locoweed and populations of var. johannensis. The first chromosome count for Fassett's locoweed indicates that it is tetraploid (2n = 32), unlike hexaploid var. johannensis. High within-population diversity and relatively low among-population differentiation are consistent with populations of Fassett's locoweed being relicts of a more continuous Pleistocene distribution. Our data support the continued recognition of Fassett's locoweed and protection under federal and state regulations. High levels of genetic diversity within populations suggest that maintain-ing the ecological conditions that favour the life cycle of this plant may be a more pressing concern than the erosion of genetic variation.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify the degree to which the frequency and timing of herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and subsequent plant response varied across 12 populations of the perennial herb Trillium grandiflorum. Effects of natural and experimental herbivory on the stage and size of reproductive plants were measured. Both the frequency and timing of herbivory varied across T. grandiflorum populations. Reproductive plants were more likely to regress to nonreproductive stages in the next growing season when (1) reproductive plants were consumed by deer (vs. intact reproductive plants); (2) reproductive plants were consumed early in the growing season (vs. reproductive plants consumed late in the growing season); (3) reproductive plants were smaller in size. Clipped plants that remained reproductive were smaller in the following season than unclipped controls. Plant size was positively correlated with the number of ovules, suggesting that reductions in the growth rate of reproductive plants diminish their future reproductive success. Populations with high levels of natural herbivory had a greater proportion of reproductive plants that regressed to nonreproductive stages, probably because reproductive plants in these populations were smaller in size. However, the plant response to herbivory was similar across populations.  相似文献   

Halling RE  Baroni TJ  Binder M 《Mycologia》2007,99(2):310-316
Bothia is described as a new genus in the Boletaceae based on Boletinus castanellus described by C.H. Peck from eastern North America. A widespread, occasionally encountered taxon, Bothia castanella possesses a combination of macro- and microscopic features that has prompted past placement in seven different genera. Yet, as a species it is readily recognizable with its chestnut brown, dry pileus, decurrent, pale brown hymenophore with radially elongated tubes, a short, sometimes eccentric, exannulate stipe, yellow brown spore deposit and constant association with Quercus. Phylogenetic analyses of large subunit rDNA and BLAST searches using the ITS region confirm the placement of B. castanella as a unique generic lineage in the Boletaceae.  相似文献   

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