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Johnson Jr  J.P.  Carver  B.F.  Baligar  V.C. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):101-106
Soil acidity in the Great Plains of the USA can reduce forage and grain yields of winter wheat, primarily by Al toxicity. Indigenous cultivars may vary in seedling tolerance to Al toxicity, but the benefit that Al tolerance provides to forage and grain production is not well documented in this region. Backcrossed-derived lines of Chisholm and Century were selected with an additional gene from Atlas 66 conferring Al tolerance in solution culture. Our objective was to determine the impact of this source of Al tolerance on forage production prior to the jointing stage and subsequent grain yield. Experiments were conducted at several locations on non-limed (pH=4.5–4.7) and limed soils (pH=5.2-6.1) in Oklahoma. Two cultivars (TAM 105, susceptible; 2180, tolerant) with extreme differences in Al tolerance were used as controls . In limed conditions, forage and grain production did not differ between Al-tolerant and -susceptible genotypes, indicating a neutral effect of the Atlas 66 gene in the absence of Al toxicity. Despite visual differences in early-season plant vigor in non-limed acid soil, the Al-tolerant selections did not yield greater season-long forage than their susceptible parents. At sites where Al saturation in the non-limed soil exceeded 30%, spike production at maturity was nearly doubled in the Century background by the addition of Al tolerance, but final grain yield was not significantly improved. In the Chisholm background, grain yield was improved 50 to 74% by Al tolerance. The magnitude of the agronomic benefit of Al tolerance was highly influenced by the edaphic environment and genetic background. Acid soils of the Great Plains appear highly variable in Al toxicity; hence, consideration of the target environment is essential to predict the potential impact of Al tolerance selected in solution culture.  相似文献   

Drawing a direct connection between adaptive evolution at the phenotypic level and underlying genetic factors has long been a major goal of evolutionary biologists, but the genetic characterization of adaptive traits in natural populations is notoriously difficult. The study of evolution in experimental populations offers some help — initial conditions are known and changes can be tracked for extended periods under conditions more controlled than wild populations and more realistic than laboratory or greenhouse experiments. In this issue of Molecular Ecology , researchers studying experimental wheat populations over a 12-year period have demonstrated evolution in a major adaptive trait, flowering time, and parallel changes in underlying genetic variation ( Rhoné et al . 2008 ). Their work suggests that cis -regulatory mutations at a single gene may explain most of the flowering time variation in these populations.  相似文献   

 The effects of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and drought stress on the growth, phosphorus, and micronutrient uptake of two wheat genotypes exhibiting differences in drought resistance were investigated. Plants were grown on a low P (4 mg kg–1 soil) silty clay (Typic Xerochrept) soil-sand mix. Mycorrhizal infection was higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions and the drought-resistant genotype CR057 had a higher mycorrhizal colonization than the drought-sensitive genotype CR006. Total and root dry matter yields and total root length were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants of both genotypes. CR057 had higher total dry matter but not root dry matter than CR006 plants. The enhancement in total dry matter due to AM inoculation was 42 and 39% under well-watered and 35 and 45% under water-stressed for CR057 and and CR006, respectively. For both genotypes, the contents of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants and higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions. The enhancement of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe uptake due to AM inoculation was more pronounced in CR006 than in CR057, particularly under water-stressed conditions. Thus CR006 benefitted from AM infection more than the CR057 under dry soil conditions, despite the fact that CR057 roots were highly infected. It appears that CR006 is more dependent on AM symbiosis than CR057. Accepted: 12 February 1997  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of Al3+ was performed in the presence of isolated root cell walls from a series of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) known to have differential tolerance to Al contamination. Aluminium speciation was dependent on the cell wall concentration. At low cell wall concentrations, significant amounts of the very toxic Al13 species were formed. At higher cell wall concentrations, formation of the tridecamer was hindered or completely inhibited. The sensitive wheat cultivars displayed a higher affinity for aluminium than the tolerant cultivars. A possible Al tolerance mechanism based on cell wall permeability is discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental populations evolving under natural selection represent an interesting tool to study genetic bases of adaptation. Evolution of genes possibly involved in adaptive response can be followed together with the corresponding phenotypic traits. Using experimental populations of hexaploid wheat, we studied the evolution of flowering time, a major adaptive trait that synchronizes the initiation of reproduction and the occurrence of favourable environmental conditions. During 12 generations, three populations were grown in contrasted environments (Vervins North France, Le Moulon near Paris, Toulouse South France) under the influence of natural selection, drift, mutation and recombination. Evolution of diversity at the major gene VRN-1 involved in wheat vernalization response has been analysed jointly with earliness estimated in controlled conditions. Whatever the population, rapid phenotypic changes as well as parallel genotypic variations were observed in the first seven generations, probably as the result of selection acting on this major gene which explains 80% of the trait variation overall. Different allelic combinations at physically unlinked copies of VRN-1 located on distinct genomes (A, B and D) were selected between populations. As theoretically expected, due to population differentiation, a high level of genetic diversity was maintained overall in generation 12. Surprisingly, in two populations out of three, the emergence of new alleles by mutation or migration, coupled with temporal variable selection or frequency-dependent selection, allowed to maintain within-population diversity despite local genetic drift and natural selection. This result may plead for an evolutionary approach of wheat genetic resource conservation.  相似文献   

Previously we identified a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) qTaLRO‐B1 for primary root length (PRL) in wheat. Here we compare proteomics in the roots of the qTaLRO‐B1 QTL isolines 178A, with short PRL and small meristem size, and 178B, with long PRL and large meristem size. A total of 16 differentially expressed proteins were identified: one, transforming growth factor (TGF)‐beta receptor‐interacting protein‐1 (TaTRIP1), was enriched in 178A, while various peroxidases (PODs) were more abundantly expressed in 178B. The 178A roots showed higher TaTRIP1 expression and lower levels of the unphosphorylated form of the brassinosteroid (BR) signaling component BZR1, lower expression of POD genes and reduced POD activity and accumulation of the superoxide anion O2? in the root elongation zone compared with the 178B roots. Low levels of 24‐epibrassinolide increased POD gene expression and root meristem size, and rescued the short PRL phenotype of 178A. TaTRIP1 directly interacted with the BR receptor TaBRI1 of wheat. Moreover, overexpressing TaTRIP1 in Arabidopsis reduced the abundance of unphosphorylated BZR1 protein, altered the expression of BR‐responsive genes, inhibited POD activity and accumulation of the O2? in the root tip and inhibited root meristem size. Our data suggested that TaTRIP1 is involved in BR signaling and inhibited root meristem size, possibly by reducing POD activity and accumulation of O2? in the root tip. We further demonstrated a negative correlation between the level of TaTRIP1 mRNA and PRL of landraces and modern wheat varieties, providing a valuable insight for better understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the genotypic differences in root morphology of wheat in the future.  相似文献   

Flour colour, kernel hardness, grain protein content and wet gluten content are important quality properties that determine end use in bread wheat. Here, a wheat 90K genotyping assay was used for a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) of the six quality‐related traits in Chinese wheat cultivars in eight environments over four years. A total of 846 significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified, explaining approximately 30% of the phenotypic variation on average, and 103 multienvironment‐significant SNPs were detected in more than four environments. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in the biparent population confirmed some important SNP loci. Moreover, it was determined that some important genes were associated with the six quality traits, including some known functional genes and annotated unknown functional genes. Of the annotated unknown functional genes, it was verified that TaRPP13L1 was associated with flour colour. Wheat cultivars or lines with TaRPP13L1‐B1a showed extremely significantly higher flour redness and lower yellowness than those with TaRPP13L1‐B1b in the Chinese wheat natural population and the doubled haploid (DH) population. Two tetraploid wheat lines with premature stop codons of the TaRPP13L1 gene mutagenized by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) showed extremely significantly higher flour redness and lower yellowness than wild type. Our data suggest that the TaRPP13L1 gene plays an important role in modulating wheat flour colour. This study provides useful information for further dissection of the genetic basis of flour colour and also provides valuable genes or genetic loci for marker‐assisted selection to improve the process of breeding quality wheat in China.  相似文献   

It has been reported that insecticide‐detoxifying enzymes such as glutathione S‐transferases (GST) and esterases are affected by microbial infections in hemipteran insect vectors. The total protein content, and GST and α‐ and β‐esterase activities were quantified in ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi’‐infected and uninfected adults of Amplicephalus curtulus Linnavuori & DeLong (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) at 25, 35, and 45 days after the acquisition access period (AAP) in the head‐thorax and abdomen sections. The total protein content was lower in phytoplasma‐infected leafhoppers 25, 35, and 45 days after the AAP. Thirty‐five days after the AAP, the GST and β‐esterase activities had increased (26 and 69%, respectively) compared to the control. However, 45 days after the AAP, the phytoplasma‐infected leafhoppers displayed lower GST (87%) and β‐esterase (253%) activities than the uninfected individuals. On the other hand, the α‐esterase activity proved to be unaffected by the phytoplasma infection. Forty‐five days after the AAP, females had a higher phytoplasma titer (46%) in their head‐thorax than in their abdomen sections, whereas males showed a higher titer in their abdomens (75%). In addition, the GST and β‐esterase activities in the abdomen were affected negatively by 96–98% as a result of the increasing ‘Ca. Phytoplasma ulmi’ titer. These results indicate that an infection of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma ulmi’ alters the metabolic activities of A. curtulus.  相似文献   


cv, cultivar
δ, deviation of C isotope composition from a standard
Δ, C isotope discrimination
WSC, water soluble carbohydrates

Steady-state labelling of all post-anthesis photosynthate of wheat was performed to assess the mobilization of pre-anthesis C (C fixed prior to anthesis) in vegetative plant parts during grain filling. Results were compared with estimates obtained by indirect approaches to mobilization of pre-anthesis C: ‘classical’ growth analysis and balance sheets of water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and protein. Experiments were performed with two spring wheat cultivars grown with differential nitrogen fertilizer supply in 1991 and 1992. The fraction of pre-anthesis C mobilized in above-ground vegetative biomass ranged between 24 and 34% of total C present at anthesis. Treatment effects on mobilization of pre-anthesis C in total above-ground vegetative biomass were closely related (r2 = 0·89) to effects on mobilization of WSC-C plus protein-C (estimated as N mobilized × 3·15). On average, 81% of pre-anthesis C mobilization was attributable to the balance of pre-anthesis WSC (48%) and protein (33%) between anthesis and maturity. In roots, WSC and protein mobilization accounted for only 29% of the loss of pre-anthesis C. Notably, mobilization of pre-anthesis C was 1·4–2·6 times larger than the net loss of C from above-ground vegetative biomass between anthesis and maturity. This discrepancy was mainly due to post-anthesis C accumulation in glumes and stem. Post-anthesis C accumulation was related to continued synthesis of structural biomass after anthesis and accounted for a mean 15% of total C contained in above-ground vegetative plant parts at maturity. A close correspondence between net loss of C and mobilization of pre-anthesis C was only apparent in leaf blades and leaf sheaths. Although balance sheets of WSC and protein also underrated the mobilization of pre-anthesis C by ≈ 19%, they gave a much better estimate of pre-anthesis C mobilization than growth analysis.  相似文献   

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