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Competition for cache retrieval is hypothesised to influence food hoarding intensity. Previous work has tested this hypothesis by evaluating food hoarding rates during foraging bouts when animals are exposed to different levels of competition for cache retrieval. Little is known about how competition might influence fine-scale food hoarding decisions within foraging bouts. I evaluated fine-scale food hoarding decisions of New Zealand Robins (Petroica australis) by offering mealworms to competitively dominant males and subordinate females, both when they were alone and when they foraged together. I then compared food hoarding rates of sequentially handled prey between sexes and social conditions by assessing how the total number of prey cached increased with the total number of prey handled. Relationships for solitary females, solitary males and paired males were non-linear, indicating that they were more likely to consume initially handled prey, and increasingly likely to cache subsequently handled prey items. Non-linear rates of food hoarding may result from declines in the energetic value of prey that are consumed and stored internally as birds become satiated. Somewhat differently, the relationship for paired females was linear, indicating that paired females make a single food hoarding decision based on bout-level foraging conditions, which results in constant fine-scale food hoarding rates. Constant food hoarding rates in paired females, which experience the strongest competitive effects of any treatment, suggest that food consumption is consistently more advantageous than food hoarding under these conditions, regardless of satiation level. Overall results from this study indicate that New Zealand Robins continuously update food hoarding decisions according to their competitive environment and satiation levels, resulting in scale-dependent patterns in food hoarding intensity.  相似文献   

This study depicts how captive kea, New Zealand parrots, which are not known to use tools in the wild, employ a stick-tool to retrieve a food reward after receiving demonstration trials. Four out of six animals succeeded in doing so despite physical (beak curvature) and ecological (no stick-like materials used during nest construction) constraints when handling elongated objects. We further demonstrate that the same animals can thereafter direct the functional end of a stick-tool into a desired direction, aiming at a positive option while avoiding a negative one.  相似文献   

A ‘search image’ is acquired as a result of a change in the ability of a predator to detect cryptic familiar prey. Blackbirds were presented with artificial prey dyed either to match the colour of the background (cryptic prey) or to contrast with the background (conspicuous prey). The results of experiment 1 provide some evidence that 10 wild blackbirds had more difficulty detecting cryptic prey than conspicuous prey. Detailed analysis of experiments 2 (11 wild blackbirds) and 3 (six captive blackbirds) revealed subtle changes in the reactions of the birds to cryptic prey. At first these birds were unable to detect cryptic prey, but subsequently improved their ability to detect such food. This short-term change is interpreted as evidence for search images.  相似文献   

K. C. BURNS  & JAMIE STEER 《Ibis》2006,148(2):266-272
Social interactions are thought to be an important determinant of food hoarding behaviour in birds. Theoretical work predicts that subordinate birds should cache more to offset losses to dominant birds. However, empirical support for this prediction is mixed. We evaluated whether social dominance influences the food hoarding behaviour of New Zealand Robins Petroica australis . Robins provide a unique opportunity to test food hoarding theory because they are fearless of humans and will cache food presented to them by hand. We offered mealworms to free-ranging male and female Robins to test whether (1) one sex was socially dominant, (2) the subordinate sex cached more frequently than the dominant sex and (3) birds cached more frequently when they were in the presence of a potential competitor. Our results indicate that males were dominant over females. Males acquired most of the prey offered to birds during trials and won all aggressive encounters observed between sexes. However, caching rates ran contrary to theoretical predictions. Males stored approximately twice as many mealworms as females. Both sexes also stored more food when they were alone than when they were accompanied by conspecifics. We interpret the reluctance of females and paired birds to hoard food as a strategy to avoid the loss of caches to competitors. Our overall results indicate that dominance rank strongly influences caching decisions, but that caching rates ran contrary to theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of free-flying and captive blackbirds Turdus merula L. was observed over a number of days to investigate their ability to see cryptic food. Sequences of eight tests which contained equal numbers of ‘cryptic’ and ‘conspicuous’ tests were presented to the birds of the first two experiments. The blackbirds in experiment 1 increased their feeding rate for both cryptic and conspicuous food, which suggests that search images were not acquired but that the physical acts of feeding were perfected (or that they altered their acceptance of green food). In contrast, the ‘residual search time’ (the bird's total search time minus handling and movement times) decreased over the series of four tests with cryptic green prey, but remained constant over the four tests with conspicuous prey (experiment 2). The blackbirds exploited the cryptic prey using their previous experience of searching for such food. This suggests that search images can be effective over eight feeding sessions, spanning 4–30 days. Similar results were obtained over a 9-day period with four juvenile blackbirds in captivity (experiment 3). With experience they also became expert in their assessment of backgrounds set up without prey.  相似文献   

Selection by passerine birds is anti-apostatic at high prey density   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the results from past experiments with wild birds and green and brown pastry 'baits' have suggested that disproportionately more of the rare forms are eaten when bait density is high (i.e. selection is anti-apostatic). In two separate series of experiments we presented birds with dishes containing 270 baits of one colour and 30 of another. In series I, five different pairs of colours were presented simultaneously to wild birds at two sites. One colour of each pair was common at one site and the same colour was rare at the other site. After 35 days the ratios of the colours were reversed and the dishes were presented for another 35 days. There was a statistically significant tendency for the colours to be at a higher risk when rare. In series II, three caged blackbirds were offered green and brown baits in two dishes simultaneously; in one dish green was rare and in the other brown was rare. Selection over 6 days was anti-apostatic for all three birds combined but the data proved heterogeneous both between and within individuals. At any one time, each bird tended to concentrate on one colour, irrespective of whether that colour was rare or common. We believe that this behaviour leads to anti-apostatic selection, as has been observed in these and other experiments with pastry prey.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent selection on aposematic prey: some experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments to measure the strength of frequency-dependent selection on dimorphic populations of distasteful, brightly coloured prey were carried out, using pastry cylinders as prey and wild birds as predators. When the two forms were haphazardly intermingled, the birds took a relative excess of whichever form happened to be the rarer if all prey in the population were distasteful but selected the forms independently of frequency if they were all neutral in flavour. They did not take an excess of the rarer form from populations of distasteful prey when that form was distributed in a single clump rather than evenly dispersed among the commoner form. This confirms the expectation that rarer forms of aposematic animals are at a frequency-dependent disadvantage when they are intermingled with commoner forms but not when they occur in clusters.  相似文献   

Diet composition and prey intake rates of Australian magpies in a New Zealand population were investigated to determine whether flocking, non-territorial birds were less successful predators of pasture invertebrates than territorial birds. Time-activity budgets showed that flock magpies foraged throughout the day during February and March, indicative of a prey shortage at that time. Prey abundance was therefore measured in the autumn months but there was no evidence of a large quantitative difference in the food supply of flock and territorial magpies. Significantly fewer invertebrates were collected from pitfall traps in the flock foraging area, but these were counterbalanced by significantly more scarab beetle larvae and more flying insects, obtained by sweep-netting. When compared with territorial magpies, flock birds exhibited similar peck rates, prey intake rates, and earthworm intake rates. While there were qualitative differences in the diets of flock and territorial magpies, determined by faecal analysis, five of seven prey items analysed were captured in the same relative proportions by the flock and territorial birds. Earthworms exceeded their relative availability in the diets of flock birds, and more scarab larvae were found in the diets of territorial magpies. Non-territorial magpies were therefore no less successful than territorial birds during the autumn, and it is suggested that the function of flocking behaviour may eventually be discovered through consideration of why non-territorial birds never occur as solitary individuals, rather than emphasizing comparisons with territorial magpies.  相似文献   

Alien plants and animals are of major economic and conservation significance in New Zealand. Plant introductions have averaged 11 species per year since European settlement in /840, and distinctive landscapes are being increasingly altered by weeds. Many introduced animals act as disease vectors or threaten native biota. Recent studies of introduced wasps show adverse effects on honey-eating and insectivorous birds. Introduced possums are now known to prey on eggs and nestlings of native birds in addition to their impact on native forests and transmittal of bovine tuberculosis. Research is increasingly focused on finding effective methods of biocontrol.  相似文献   

Visual selection occurs when predators preferentially remove conspicuous varieties from prey populations and thus confer a selective advantage on inconspicuous varieties. In previous papers we have described a general method for simulating such natural selection, and we here give details of an improvement that again uses wild birds as predators, green and brown pastry ‘baits’ as prey, and trays containing coloured stones as the backgrounds. We used backgrounds of three different colours: green (on which brown baits were conspicuous), brown (on which browns were inconspicuous), and white (on which both prey types were conspicuous). The important difference from the previous design was that these backgrounds were presented simultaneously on the same bird table. We placed equal numbers of green and brown prey on each background and recorded the numbers eaten by wild birds. We did six experiments to test the design. Two different methods of measuring selection showed that the results were generally in the direction predicted from the hypothesis that conspicuous prey are more likely to be eaten by predators.  相似文献   

We presented monogamous pairs of New Zealand robins Petroica australis with a superabundant supply of artificial prey and then observed birds re-cache previously hoarded prey. Males and females frequently relocated and redistributed previously hoarded prey. Both sexes also re-cached prey that was originally hoarded by their mate. However, re-caching rates of retrieved and pilfered prey differed between sexes. Female-made caches were re-cached at the same rate by both females and pilfering males, while male-made caches were re-cached more frequently by pilfering females. The re-caching of previously hoarded prey is consistent with the hypothesis that re-caching reduces theft. However, re-caching pilfered prey suggests that it might also play a role in cache theft strategies. Higher rates of re-caching by pilfering females cannot be explained by current hypotheses used to account avian re-caching behaviours. We suggest two new hypotheses, sexual dimorphism in spatial memory and indirect mate provisioning, which may help to explain the evolution of re-caching in New Zealand robins.  相似文献   

Globally, dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are linked to many critical ecosystem processes involving the consumption and breakdown of mammal dung. Endemic New Zealand dung beetles (Canthonini) are an anomaly, occurring at high abundance and low diversity on an island archipelago historically lacking terrestrial mammals, except bats, and instead dominated by birds. Have New Zealand’s dung beetles evolved to specialise on bird dung or carrion, or have they become broad generalist feeders? We test dietary preferences by analysing nitrogen isotope ratios of wild dung beetles and by performing feeding behaviour observations of captive specimens. We also use nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes to determine if the dung beetle Saphobius edwardsi will consume marine-derived carrion. Nitrogen isotope ratios indicated trophic generalism in Saphobius dung beetles and this was supported by behavioural observations where a broad range of food resources were utilised. Alternative food resource use was further illustrated experimentally by nitrogen and carbon stable isotope signatures of S. edwardsi, where individuals provided with decomposed squid had δ15N and δ13C values that had shifted toward values associated with marine diet. Our findings suggest that, in the absence of native mammal dung resources, New Zealand dung beetles have evolved a generalist diet of dung and carrion. This may include marine-derived resources, as provided by the seabird colonies present in New Zealand forests before the arrival of humans. This has probably enabled New Zealand dung beetles to persist in indigenous ecosystems despite the decline of native birds and the introduction of many mammal species.  相似文献   

Avian carcasses can provide important information on the trophic ecology of birds. Usually, the number of carcasses available for examination is limited and therefore it is important to gain as much dietary information per specimen as possible. In piscivorous birds and raptors, the stomach has been the primary source of dietary information, whereas the gut (intestine) has so far been neglected as it usually contains only a few morphologically identifiable hard parts of prey. Molecular approaches have the potential to retrieve dietary information from the gut, although this has not yet been verified. As well as identifying the prey, it is important to estimate any secondary predation to avoid food web errors in dietary analyses. The assignment of accidentally consumed prey is notoriously difficult regardless of the prey identification approach used. In the present study, morphological and molecular analyses were, for the first time, combined to maximize the dietary information retrievable from the complete digestive tract of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. Moreover, a novel approach based on predator–prey size ratios was applied to these piscivorous birds to minimize the number of samples that might contain secondarily predated prey. The stomach contents of the examined birds were found to provide the most dietary information when morphological and molecular analyses were used in combination. However, compared with the morphological approach, the molecular analysis increased the number of fish species detected by 39%. The molecular approach also permitted the identification of fish DNA in the Cormorant guts. Predator–prey size ratios derived from morphological analysis of fish hard parts can reduce the incidence of potential confounding influence of secondarily predated prey by 80%. Our findings demonstrate that a combination of morphological and molecular approaches maximizes the trophic information retrievable from bird carcasses.  相似文献   

'Anti-apostatic' selection occurs when predators preferentially remove rare forms of prey, and has been demonstrated in both static (artificial) prey and moving (natural) prey. We performed 24 experiments at separate sites to test the effect of prey mobility on the strength of anti-apostatic selection by wild passerine birds. The prey were yellow and red Calliphora maggots and were presented in 9: 1 and 1: 9 ratios on a specially designed bird table. The temperature of the maggots, and hence their speed of movement, was adjusted by a combination of the ambient temperature and a candle under the bird table. Selection was anti-apostatic at all three classes of temperature and was strongest at the highest. We conclude that anti-apostatic selection on static prey is enhanced when they are made to move–possibly because the 'confusion effect' caused by the moving prey makes the birds concentrate more strongly on the rarer colours.  相似文献   


Domestic cats Felis catus, as companion animals provided with supplemental food, are not limited by the availability of wild prey and locally occur at extraordinary high densities. There is growing concern about the potential impact of large cat numbers on native prey populations. In the present study, we quantified the minimum number of animals killed in a rural village in Switzerland by asking owners (1) to estimate the predation rate in advance and (2) to record prey animals returned home by their pets. The frequency distribution of the numbers of prey items was markedly skewed: 16% of the cats accounted for 75% of prey, irrespective of sex, age or breed. A large fraction of owners considerably overestimated their cat’s predation, indicating that surveying predation rates by means of a questionnaire alone is not sufficient. The observed average rate of predation within 48 days in spring was 2.29 prey items/cat/month (N = 32 cats); major prey types were rodents (76.1%) and birds (11.1%). The absolute number of prey items taken per area is striking and indicates that cat predation represents an important factor in ecosystems. Its role may be momentous in intensively fragmented urban habitats, where cat densities are especially high. We thus highlight the need to identify the factors determining predation rates of individual cats. Further extended studies, especially in urbanised areas, are needed to quantify the actual impact of cat predation upon the population dynamics of their prey.


Gnamptogenys moelleri nests in bromeliads and feeds on an array of food items, including dead and live animals, and nectar. Field data in Brazilian forests indicate that G. moelleri hunts solitarily, while retrieving is performed both by solitary workers for small items, or by a group of recruited workers for large items. This flexible foraging strategy was investigated in the laboratory through a series of experiments to assess the context in which recruitment is elicited. Three types of food were used: 50% honey solution, large insect prey, and cluster of small insects. For all food types the first encounter by a scout resulted in increased numbers of ants leaving the nest and finding the food in the arena. After finding liquid food or large prey, the forager returns to the nest and transmits information to nestmates about food location on the substrate. The successful scout repeatedly taps the sting on the ground, and recruited ants collectively retrieve the large insect to the nest. On the other hand, there is no transmission of information to nestmates about the location of small clumped prey, although the returning scout induces nestmates to leave the nest and hunt. Because foraging in G. moelleri is restricted mostly to the nest bromeliad, and small worker size (0.5 cm) precludes capturing large prey solitarily, recruitment behavior widens the spectrum of food items consumed by this ant species. Although recruitment behavior in ponerines has already been reported to vary with the type and size of a food source, this study also shows that the transmission of information about food location depends on the type of food found (large prey or liquid food versus cluster of small prey).  相似文献   


Internationally, birds of prey are often reported as being relatively prone to collision with wind turbines in comparison to other groups of birds. However, as yet it is unclear to what extent New Zealand's only endemic bird of prey, the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae), is at risk. In this paper we summarise the potential for wind farms to impact New Zealand falcon, evaluate the efficacy of a range of risk assessment and post-consent monitoring practices, and present options for mitigating and/or offsetting any residual effects. We conclude that the lack of knowledge on the effects of wind farms on New Zealand falcon is the result of inconsistency in the assessment methods thus far employed and the absence of a coordinated approach to monitoring methods and the dissemination of results. To remedy this we present a risk assessment framework that, if adopted, will provide the information necessary to ensure alternative energy targets can be met without compromising the conservation of this threatened species.  相似文献   

In many countries relatively high notification rates of campylobacteriosis are observed in children under 5 years of age. Few studies have considered the role that environmental exposure plays in the epidemiology of these cases. Wild birds inhabit parks and playgrounds and are recognized carriers of Campylobacter, and young children are at greater risk of ingesting infective material due to their frequent hand-mouth contact. We investigated wild-bird fecal contamination in playgrounds in parks in a New Zealand city. A total of 192 samples of fresh and dried fecal material were cultured to determine the presence of Campylobacter spp. Campylobacter jejuni isolates were also characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and the profiles obtained were compared with those of human isolates. C. jejuni was isolated from 12.5% of the samples. MLST identified members of clonal complexes ST-45, ST-682, and ST-177; all of these complexes have been recovered from wild birds in Europe. PFGE of ST-45 isolates resulted in profiles indistinguishable from those of isolated obtained from human cases in New Zealand. Members of the ST-177 and ST-682 complexes have been found in starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in the United Kingdom, and these birds were common in playgrounds investigated in New Zealand in this study. We suggest that feces from wild birds in playgrounds could contribute to the occurrence of campylobacteriosis in preschool children. Further, the C. jejuni isolates obtained in this study belonged to clonal complexes associated with wild-bird populations in the northern hemisphere and could have been introduced into New Zealand in imported wild garden birds in the 19th century.  相似文献   

Carolyn M. King 《Ecography》1991,14(3):173-185
From the close correlation between the body size of European stoats and the mean size of their vertebrate prey it ought to be possible to predict the body size of European stoats living on a prey fauna of a given size distribution. In New Zealand, stoats of European stock have lived for > 100 yr on a prey fauna containing fewer small and more large vertebrate prey than in Europe. They have become generally larger than their ancestors, as expected – especially the females. The vertebrate prey size index for New Zealand stoats extends the correlation predicted from European data. New Zealand stoats also eat large numbers of native insects. If these are included the local prey size indices are lower but still tend to vary with the substantial local variation in body size of stoats within New Zealand. Recent results from southern Ireland also fit the European correlation, but the few data so far available from Northern Ireland do not.  相似文献   

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