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Cloned fragments of genomic DNA from the ruminal anaerobe Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. brevis B14 were isolated and used as hybridization probes to identify closely related bacterial species. One DNA fragment unique to strain B14 was tested to determine its sensitivity in detecting homologous sequences among total ruminal microbial DNA. In a DNA titration experiment, the probe was capable of detecting strain B14 sequences in vitro down to 0.1% of the total bacterial DNA present in a hybridization assay. There was no detectable signal for total ruminal bacterial DNA. The specificity of this DNA fragment was exploited to enumerate strain B14 in a fresh mixed suspension of ruminal bacteria in vitro and after inoculation of the strain into the rumen. In vitro strain B14 had a half-life of 9 h. However, following inoculation into the rumen there was a very rapid loss of the strain to below the detectable limit within 3 h. The half-life was less than 30 min. This loss was not due to ruminal dilution or to bacteriophage attack but was possibly the result of a specific bacteriocinlike activity present in the rumen and detectable in fresh ruminal fluid.  相似文献   

The xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 is highly expressed in colonic Bacteroides species when carried on plasmid pVAL-RX. In order to stabilize xylanase expression in the absence of antibiotic selection, the xylanase gene was introduced into the chromosome of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 5482 by using suicide vector pVAL-7. Xylanase activity in the resulting strain, B. thetaiotaomicron BTX, was about 30% of that observed in B. thetaiotaomicron 5482 containing the xylanase gene on pVAL-RX. The data obtained from continuous culture experiments using antibiotic-free medium showed that expression of xylanase activity in strain BTX was extremely stable, with no demonstrated loss of the inserted xylanase gene over 60 generations, with dilution rates from 0.42 to 0.03 h-1. In contrast, the plasmid-borne xylanase gene was almost completely lost by 60 generations in the absence of antibiotic selection. Incubation of strain BTX with oatspelt xylan resulted in the degradation of more than 40% of the xylan to soluble xylooligomers. The stability of xylanase expression in B. thetaiotaomicron BTX suggests that this microorganism might be suitable for introduction into the rumen and increased xylan degradation.  相似文献   

A cloned xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 was transferred by conjugation into the colonic species Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides uniformis by using the Escherichia coli-Bacteroides shuttle vector pVAL-1. The cloned gene was expressed in both species, and xylanase specific activity in crude extracts was found to be at least 1400-fold greater than that found in the B. ruminicola strain. Analysis of crude extract proteins from the recombinant B. fragilis by SDS-PAGE demonstrated a new 60,000 molecular weight protein. The xylanase activity expressed in both E. coli and B. fragilis was capable of degrading xylan to xylooligosaccharides in vitro. This is the first demonstration that colonic Bacteroides species can express a gene from a ruminal Bacteroides species.  相似文献   

The xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 is highly expressed in colonic Bacteroides species when carried on plasmid pVAL-RX. In order to stabilize xylanase expression in the absence of antibiotic selection, the xylanase gene was introduced into the chromosome of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 5482 by using suicide vector pVAL-7. Xylanase activity in the resulting strain, B. thetaiotaomicron BTX, was about 30% of that observed in B. thetaiotaomicron 5482 containing the xylanase gene on pVAL-RX. The data obtained from continuous culture experiments using antibiotic-free medium showed that expression of xylanase activity in strain BTX was extremely stable, with no demonstrated loss of the inserted xylanase gene over 60 generations, with dilution rates from 0.42 to 0.03 h-1. In contrast, the plasmid-borne xylanase gene was almost completely lost by 60 generations in the absence of antibiotic selection. Incubation of strain BTX with oatspelt xylan resulted in the degradation of more than 40% of the xylan to soluble xylooligomers. The stability of xylanase expression in B. thetaiotaomicron BTX suggests that this microorganism might be suitable for introduction into the rumen and increased xylan degradation.  相似文献   

A carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) gene from Prevotella ruminicola B(1)4 was reconstructed by adding a cellulose binding domain from a Thermomonospora fusca cellulase and was conjugally transferred from Escherichia coli to Bacteroides uniformis 0061 by using a chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance shuttle vector (pTC-COW). pTC-COW was specifically constructed to facilitate conjugal transfer of vectors from B. uniformis donors to P. ruminicola recipients. B. uniformis transconjugants containing CMCase constructs cloned into pTC-COW expressed Cmr, but they did not produce the reconstructed CMCase until a xylanase promoter from P. ruminicola 23 was added upstream of the CMCase (pTC-XRCMC). The xylanase promoter allowed the B. uniformis transconjugants to produce large amounts of the reconstructed CMCase, which was present on the outside surface of the cells. Although the reconstructed CMCase alone did not allow B. uniformis to grow on acid-swollen cellulose, rapid growth was observed when two exocellulases were added to the culture supernatant. Under these conditions, the reconstructed CMCase permitted faster growth than the wild-type CMCase. The frequency of transfer of pTC-XRCMC from B. uniformis to P. ruminicola B(1)4 was increased 100-fold when strictly anaerobic conditions, nitrocelluose filters (cell immobilization), and more stringent selections were employed. Although the P. ruminicola B(1)4 (pTC-XRCMC) transconjugates expressed Tcr and had DNA that hybridized with a probe to the shuttle vector, these transconjugants did not produce detectable levels of the reconstructed CMCase even when xylan was the carbon source. On the basis of these results, it appears that not all of the promoters recognized by B. uniformis and P. ruminicola 23 are functional in P. ruminicola B(1)4. However, the results with B. uniformis suggest that the introduction of a P. ruminicola B(1)4 promoter should allow expression of the reconstructed CMCase in P. ruminicola B(1)4.  相似文献   

Several di-, tri-, and oligopeptides were incubated individually in vitro with rumen fluid from two sheep receiving a mixed grass hay/concentrate diet and with washed cells ofPrevotella (formerlyBacteroides)ruminicola M384 andP. ruminicola B14. The rates of breakdown of most peptides were similar in the rumen fluid from the two sheep. Acidic and proline-containing peptides tended to be more slowly degraded than neutral or basic peptides. The dipeptide at the N-terminus of higher peptides was observed as an early product of hydrolysis, confirming that a dipeptidyl aminopeptidase type of activity was present. The relative rates of breakdown of dipeptides byP. ruminicola were different from that of rumen fluid, but the hydrolysis of higher peptides followed a similar pattern, and dipeptides from the N-terminus were detected as early products.  相似文献   

A gene coding for xylanase activity in the ruminal bacterial strain 23, the type strain of Bacteroides ruminicola, was cloned into Escherichia coli JM83 by using plasmid pUC18. AB. ruminicola 23 genomic library was prepared in E. coli by using BamHI-digested DNA, and transformants were screened for xylanase activity on the basis of clearing areas around colonies grown on Remazol brilliant blue R-xylan plates. Six clones were identified as being xylanase positive, and all six contained the same 5.7-kilobase genomic insert. The gene was reduced to a 2.7-kilobase DNA fragment. Xylanase activity produced by the E. coli clone was found to be greater than that produced by the original B. ruminicola strain. Southern hybridization analysis of genomic DNA from the related B. ruminicola strains, D31d and H15a, by using the strain 23 xylanase gene demonstrated one hybridizing band in each DNA.  相似文献   

The distribution of two xylanase genes was examined by Southern hybridization among 26 strains of the rumen anaerobic bacterium Prevotella (Bacteroides) ruminicola. Hybridization with a xylanase/endoglucanase gene from the type strain 23 was found in six strains while hybridization with a xylanase gene from strain D31d was found in 14 strains. Sequences related to both genes were present, on different restriction fragments, in six strains, whereas no hybridization to either gene was detected in five other strains capable of hydrolysing xylan, or in seven strains that showed little or no xylanase activity. Zymogram analyses of seven xylanolytic strains of P. ruminicola demonstrated interstrain variation in the apparent molecular masses of the major xylanases and carboxymethylcellulases that could be renatured following SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Selective plating procedures were used to follow the fate of rifampicin-resistant mutant strains of the obligately anaerobic species Bacteroides multiacidus and Selenomonas ruminantium after their introduction at numbers around 10(7)/ml into the rumen of sheep. Bacteroides multiacidus strain F100 showed an initially rapid rate of loss (49%/h) but subsequently numbers declined more gradually approaching the limits of detection (less than 10(3)/ml) after 100 h. Viable cell numbers also decreased in vitro upon addition of F100 cells to whole rumen contents, but remained stable upon addition to cell-free rumen fluid, suggesting protozoal predation. F100 cells were able to grow in vitro in whole rumen contents in the presence of an added utilizable substrate such as sorbitol, but addition of sorbitol to the rumen failed to enhance survival in vivo. In the case of S. ruminantium, introduced rifR strains persisted in the rumen at levels around 10(6) ml for at least 30 days.  相似文献   

Selective plating procedures were used to follow the fate of rifampicin-resistant mutant strains of the obligately anaerobic species Bacteroides multiacidus and Selenomonas ruminantium after their introduction at numbers around 107/ml into the rumen of sheep. Bacteroides multiacidus strain F100 showed an initially rapid rate of loss (49%/h) but subsequently numbers declined more gradually approaching the limits of detection (103/ml) after 100 h. Viable cell numbers also decreased in vitro upon addition of F100 cells to whole rumen contents, but remained stable upon addition to cell-free rumen fluid, suggesting protozoal predation. F100 cells were able to grow in vitro in whole rumen contents in the presence of an added utilizable substrate such as sorbitol, but addition of sorbitol to the rumen failed to enhance survival in vivo . In the case of S. ruminantium , introduced rifR strains persisted in the rumen at levels around 106 ml for at least 30 days.  相似文献   

A gene coding for xylanase activity in the ruminal bacterial strain 23, the type strain of Bacteroides ruminicola, was cloned into Escherichia coli JM83 by using plasmid pUC18. AB. ruminicola 23 genomic library was prepared in E. coli by using BamHI-digested DNA, and transformants were screened for xylanase activity on the basis of clearing areas around colonies grown on Remazol brilliant blue R-xylan plates. Six clones were identified as being xylanase positive, and all six contained the same 5.7-kilobase genomic insert. The gene was reduced to a 2.7-kilobase DNA fragment. Xylanase activity produced by the E. coli clone was found to be greater than that produced by the original B. ruminicola strain. Southern hybridization analysis of genomic DNA from the related B. ruminicola strains, D31d and H15a, by using the strain 23 xylanase gene demonstrated one hybridizing band in each DNA.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ruminicola B(1)4, a noncellulolytic rumen bacterium, produces an endoglucanase (carboxymethylcellulase [CMCase]) that is excreted into the culture supernatant. Cultures grown on glucose, fructose, maltose, mannose, and cellobiose had high specific activities of CMCase (greater than 3 mmol of reducing sugar per mg of protein per min), but its synthesis was repressed by sucrose. B. rumincola did not grow on either ball-milled or acid-swollen cellulose even though the CMCase could hydrolyze swollen cellulose. The CMCase gene was cloned into Escherichia coli, and its nucleotide sequence contained a single open reading frame coding for a protein of 40,481 daltons. The enzyme was overproduced in E. coli under the control of the tac promoter and purified to homogeneity. The N-terminal sequence, amino acid composition, and molecular weight of the purified enzyme were similar to the values predicted from the open reading frame of the DNA sequence. However, the CMCase present in B. ruminicola was found to have a monomer molecular weight of 88,000 by Western immunoblotting. This discrepancy appeared to have resulted from our having cloned only part of the CMCase gene into E. coli. The amino acid sequence of the CMCase showed homology to sequences of beta-glucanases from Ruminococcus albus and Clostridium thermocellum.  相似文献   

The survival of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron strain BTX under rumen-simulating conditions was studied. Strain BTX is a recombinant variant of strain 5482 engineered for the production of high levels of xylanase, an enzyme important in the degradation of hemicellulose. Strain BTX was not inhibited by compounds present in rumen fluid and it grew well in media containing rumen fluid (up to 75%) or high concentrations of volatile fatty acids (total concentration, 100 mmol l−1). The ability of strain BTX to compete with other micro-organisms under rumen-like conditions was studied in in vitro incubations of rumen contents. These experiments employed a consecutive batch culture (CBC) system consisting of alfalfa suspended in a rumen fluid buffer inoculated with blended rumen contents and maintained by transfers (10%, v/v) at 48 h intervals. CBC cultures contained a diversity of microbial morphotypes and accumulated fermentation products in rumen-like proportions. When added alone, the numbers of BTX cells were maintained for only a few hours, and then declined precipitously until undetectable after 48 h. If CBC cultures were also supplemented with chondroitin sulphate (a mucopolysaccharide used by Bact. thetaiotaomicron ), strain BTX grew and the pattern of its population generally followed that of the total population of ruminal bacteria in these cultures. When transferred into fresh CBC cultures containing chondroitin sulphate, BTX was again able to grow and increase in numbers, but to a diminished degree. Although BTX was able to survive and maintain itself in chondroitin sulphate supplemented cultures, this was at a very low level (1010 ml−1). The potential for manipulation of rumen function by inoculation with recombinant bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Survival of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 containing plasmid pAB224, which carries a gene for tetracycline resistance, was studied in mushroom compost under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Stable populations of B. subtilis were maintained as spores in both sterile and fresh mushroom compost incubated at 37 degrees C. At 65 degrees C, the introduced B. subtilis populations declined during incubation but spores were still detectable after 28 d. Survival at the higher temperature was greater in fresh than in sterile compost. There was no apparent loss of plasmid pAB224 or plasmid-determined phenotype from the introduced B. subtilis population at either incubation temperature. The frequency of tetracycline resistance in the indigenous Bacillus population was very low (10(-5), but some tetracycline-resistant isolates contained plasmid DNA. Four plasmid DNA profiles were found associated with five Bacillus phenotypes, and some evidence for homology with pAB224 was found. However, pAB224 was found to be a suitable marker for release studies because it was easily recovered, readily distinguished from indigenous plasmids on agarose gels, and was maintained in compost-grown B. subtilis 168 in the absence of any selective pressure.  相似文献   

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