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Genetic diversity was studied in six subpopulations (a total of 60 individuals) of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum , the progenitor of cultivated barley, sampled from six stations located along a transect of 300 m across the two opposing slopes of 'Evolution Canyon', a Mediterranean microsite at Lower Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel. The two opposing slopes are separated by between 100 and 400 m and designated SFS (South-Facing Slope) and NFS (North-Facing Slope) with each having three equidistant test stations. The SFS, which receives up to 300% more solar radiation, is drier, ecologically more heterogeneous, fluctuating, and more stressful than the NFS. Analysis of 12 RAPD primers, representing a total of 51 putative loci, revealed a significant inter- and intraslope variation in RAPD band polymorphism. A significantly higher proportion of polymorphic RAPD loci was found amongst the subpopulations on the SFS (mean P = 0.909) than on the NFS (mean P = 0.682), on the basis of the presence and absence of 22 strong bands. Polymorphism generally increased upwards from the bottom to the top of the SFS (0.636, 0.773, 0.955) and NFS (0.409, 0.500, 0.545), respectively. Gametic phase disequilibria estimates, D, revealed SFS and NFS unique predominant combinations which sharply differentiated the two slopes and indicated that there is differential interslope selection favouring slope-specific multilocus combinations of alleles, or blocks of genes over tens to hundreds of meters. This suggests that selection overrides migration. RAPD polymorphism appears to parallel allozyme diversity which is climatically adaptive and driven by natural selection in the same subpopulations at the microsite.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyse genetic diversity within and between Hordeum spontaneum populations sampled from Israel. Nei's index of genetic differentiation was used to partition diversity into within and between population components. Fifty-seven per cent of the variation detected was partitioned within 10 H. spontaneum populations. Using principal component and multiple regression analysis, part of the variation detected between populations was seen to be associated with certain ecogeographical factors. Fifty-eight per cent of the distribution of the phenotypic frequencies of three RAPD phenotypes detected using a single primer in 20 H. spontaneum populations could be accounted for by four ecogeographical variables, suggesting adaptive variation at certain RAPD loci.  相似文献   

Summary Progenies of H. spontaneum plants regenerated from immature embryo derived calli were analysed for somaclonal variation on the following traits: (1) organization of the intergenic spacer of the rRNA genes; (2) B and C hordein pattern on SDS-PAGE; (3) genomic organization of the B and C hordein coding sequences; (4) mitochondrial DNA organization assayed by hybridization of Southern blots of total DNA with mitochondrial coding genes; (5) cytology. One out of twelve progeny plants was characterized as variant for two traits: (a) a loss of 1.8 and 2.5 kb Taq I intergenic rDNA spacer fragments and (b) a variant pattern of hordeins on 1-D SDS-PAGE. No numerical or structural chromosome variation was detected among the control plants therefore it is assumed that the variation was caused by the in vitro culture and transmitted, through sexual reproduction, to the analysed progeny.  相似文献   

Wild barley Hordeum spontaneum (L.) shows a wide geographic distribution and ecological diversity. A key question concerns the spatial scale at which genetic differentiation occurs and to what extent it is driven by natural selection. The Levant region exhibits a strong ecological gradient along the North–South axis, with numerous small canyons in an East–West direction and with small-scale environmental gradients on the opposing North- and South-facing slopes. We sequenced 34 short genomic regions in 54 accessions of wild barley collected throughout Israel and from the opposing slopes of two canyons. The nucleotide diversity of the total sample is 0.0042, which is about two-thirds of a sample from the whole species range (0.0060). Thirty accessions collected at ‘Evolution Canyon'' (EC) at Nahal Oren, close to Haifa, have a nucleotide diversity of 0.0036, and therefore harbor a large proportion of the genetic diversity. There is a high level of genetic clustering throughout Israel and within EC, which roughly differentiates the slopes. Accessions from the hot and dry South-facing slope have significantly reduced genetic diversity and are genetically more distinct from accessions from the North-facing slope, which are more similar to accessions from other regions in Northern Israel. Statistical population models indicate that wild barley within the EC consist of three separate genetic clusters with substantial gene flow. The data indicate a high level of population structure at large and small geographic scales that shows isolation-by-distance, and is also consistent with ongoing natural selection contributing to genetic differentiation at a small geographic scale.  相似文献   

Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 22 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 278 individual plants of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, the progenitor of cultivated barley, in four 100 meter transects, in Israel, each equally subdivided into basalt and terra rossa soil types. Significant differentiation according to soil was found in 9 alleles. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild barley are at least partly adaptive, and differentiate by edaphic natural selection rather than by stochastic processes, and/or neutrality of allozymic variants.  相似文献   

Summary Androgenic plants have been obtained via anther culture in four natural populations of Hordeum spontaneum. Microscopic observations revealed that androgenesis started with the formation of two vegetative-type nuclei derived from the mitotic division of the uninucleate microspores. In this species androgenesis was affected by the type and concentration of the sugars added to the culture medium: the highest response (17% of callusing anthers) was observed on media containing 80 g l–1 maltose. The highest production of androgenic plants (per 100 anthers, 5.9 green and 4.3 albino plants) was obtained from callus grown on these same media. About half of the green plants regenerated were haploid, while the others were diploid and set seed.Abbreviations IAA indolacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Microsatellite diversity at 18 loci was analysed in 94 individual plants of 10 wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell., populations sampled from Israel across a southward transect of increasing aridity. Allelic distribution in populations was not distributed randomly. Estimates of mean gene diversity were highest in stressful arid-hot environments. Sixty-four per cent of the genetic variation was partitioned within populations and 36% between populations. Associations between ecogeographical variables and gene diversity, H(e), were established in nine microsatellite loci. By employing principle component analysis we reduced the number of ecogeographical variables to three principal components including water factors, temperature and geography. At three loci, stepwise multiple regression analysis explained significantly the gene diversity by a single principal component (water factors). Based on these observations it is suggested that simple sequence repeats are not necessarily biologically neutral.  相似文献   

The domestication of plants frequently results in a high level of genetic differentiation between domesticated plants and their wild progenitors. This process is counteracted by gene flow between wild and domesticated plants because they are usually able to inter‐mate and to exchange genes. We investigated the extent of gene flow between wild barley Hordeum spontaneum and cultivated barley Hordeum vulgare, and its effect on population structure in wild barley by analysing a collection of 896 wild barley accessions (Barley1K) from Israel and all available Israeli H. vulgare accessions from the Israeli gene bank. We compared the performance of simple sequence repeats (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) marker data genotyped over a core collection in estimating population parameters. Estimates of gene flow rates with SSR markers indicated a high level of introgression from cultivated barley into wild barley. After removing accessions from the wild barley sample that were recently admixed with cultivated barley, the inference of population structure improved significantly. Both SSR and SNP markers showed that the genetic population structure of wild barley in Israel corresponds to the three major ecogeographic regions: the coast, the Mediterranean north and the deserts in the Jordan valley and the South. Gene flow rates were estimated to be higher from north to south than in the opposite direction. As has been observed in other crop species, there is a significant exchange of alleles between the wild species and domesticated varieties that needs to be accounted for in the population genetic analysis of domestication.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic diversity and the genetic structure of Turkish wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Tell.) populations, 76 genotypes from ten ecologically and geographically different locations were analyzed by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Five primer combinations produced 187 scorable bands, of which 117 (62.6%) were polymorphic. Several population-specific and genotype-specific bands were identified, which differentiate populations or genotypes. Genetic distance, determined by Nei’s distance coefficient, varied from 0.07 to 0.21 with an average of 0.13. In the UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei genetic distances, the Hordeum spontaneum populations were separated into two major clusters. Genetic diversity was larger among (68%) than within (32%) populations. Eight AFLP bands were strongly correlated to the altitude of the collecting site, while no clear trend was detected between geographical origin and genetic diversity. Our results strongly suggest the need for a change in Hordeum spontaneum sampling strategy: more populations, rather then more individuals within population, should be sampled to appraise and safeguard genetic diversity in the wild barley gene pool.  相似文献   

Summary Protein content, kernel weight, and genetic diversity in the storage protein hordein, encoded by the Hor 1 and Hor 2 loci, were assessed in 12 populations of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch.) collected from central, peripheral, and marginal areas of its distribution in Jordan. Protein content ranged from 106.3 to 239.1 g kg-1, and kernel weight ranged from 21.17 to 31.8 mg. Populations with high protein content and heavy kernels have been identified. Electrophoretic analysis of the storage protein hordein showed that the two hordein loci, Hor 1 and Hor 2, are highly polymorphic, having 34 and 38 alleles, respectively. Polymorphism (He) was highest in central populations (He Hor 1=0.859, He Hor 2=0.782), intermediate in peripheral populations (He Hor 1=0.566, He Hor 2=0.509), and lowest in marginal populations (He Hor 1=0.392, He Hor 2=0.349). Geographical distances between populations were not indicative of Nei's genetic similarity (NI). NI values averaged 0.209 and ranged from 0.0 to 0.83, supporting the hypothesis of an island population model for the species. The high proportion of allelic diversity, apportioned among populations for Hor 1 (0.584) and Hor 2 (0.495) loci, indicates that these natural populations are a rich reserve of genetic variability for protein. This variability is readily exploitable in breeding.  相似文献   

Populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch, were collected in two distinct climatic regions, desert and Mediterranean. Plants from five desert and five Mediterranean populations were compared and contrasted for extent and structure of phenotypic variation. These same 10 and one other population from each region were analyzed for allozyme variation. In a field trial of phenotypic diversity, two phenological and 14 morphological traits were examined. Study of allozyme variation was performed using eight enzyme systems encoding for 13 loci. Plants from the desert and Mediterranean regions were significantly different in seven of 16 phenotypic traits, exhibited a high (30%) interregional component of phenotypic variation, and showed a high degree of segregation on a principal component scattergram indicating ecotypic differentiation. Mediterranean populations were twice as variable as desert populations in reproductive growth parameters (stem and spike length) and grain filling (spikelet weight), but half as variable for onset of reproduction. The extent and structure of phenotypic and allozyme variation did not match. The Mediterranean and desert populations did not differ in amount of allozyme variation as estimated by mean number of alleles per locus, effective number of alleles, polymorphism, and gene diversity (n(a), n(e), P, and H(e)), did not segregate on the basis of population genetic distances, and exhibited a low proportion of interregion allozyme diversity (2%). No effect of selection on allozyme distribution was detected. Our results suggest that the adaptation of plants originating from desert and Mediterranean environments is reflected in phenotypic but not in allozyme variation.  相似文献   

We examined the adaptive importance of RAPD variation in the population genetic structure of wild barley, Hordeu m spontaneum. The test involved (1) a nested sampling design with four population groups representing four distinct environments; and (2) a comparison of observed variation with that expected as a result of natural selection. Analyses of selection on fitness-related traits by reciprocal introductions served as guidelines for the expected pattern of RAPD variation. We found no concordance between the observed pattern of population genetic structure and that expected under the null hypothesis of environment-specific natural selection. There was no relationship between genetic distance and environmental similarity; none of 54 putative loci exhibited an allele distribution in accordance with that expected and no favoured epistatic allele combinations were detected across the four environments. The fact that environmentally induced adaptation, detected by fitness-related traits, was not reflected in inter-population RAPD structure (1) strongly enhances the neutralist viewpoint and (2) casts doubt on the notion that significant correlations between some environmental parameters and allele frequencies in one or more loci are evidence of selection on the latter.  相似文献   

对来自以色列不同地区16个生态型野生二棱大麦种子的休眠型态与其农艺性状及起源地生态地里因素的相关性进行了研究。结果表明:高温(40℃)储藏可以打破种子的休眠;16个生态型种子在高温处理下的萌发率表现出显著差异,其休眠打破过程显示出不同型态的对数生长曲线:8个旱生生态型为S型,而8个湿生生态型为倒L型。休眠深度用实际达到最大萌发率的时间度量,最低休眠深度(15·6d)是来自湿润地区"进化峡谷"的生态型37-N,而最深休眠深度(103·1d)是来自干旱地区Ein-Zukim(死海附近)的生态型32-6。此外,对11个物候及农艺性状指标与休眠深度做斯皮尔曼秩相关分析,结果有9个显示出显著相关,尤其是粒重与休眠深度有极显著相关性。同时,休眠深度与起源地15个生态地理因素中的9个有显著相关,种子休眠主要受其起源地的地理位置、温度和水分条件等影响。可见,野生二棱大麦自然选择进化了休眠特性去应对干热环境而繁衍生息。本研究结果可用于进一步遗传研究和现代栽培大麦品种的改良。  相似文献   

Aim:  To detect and quantify the plant drought tolerance enhancing bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa in a collection of 160 Hordeum spontaneum rhizosphere samples at the 'Evolution Canyon' ('EC'), Israel.
Methods and Results:  PCR primers and a FAM-TAMRA probe (6-carboxyfluorescein, 6-carboxy-tetramethyl-rhodamine) targeting 16S rRNA genes were designed and used to detect and quantify the target strain. Two commercial kits, Bio101 Fast Spin and Mo Bio Ultra Clean Soil DNA, were tested for DNA isolation from the rhizosphere and surrounding soil. Population densities of P. polymyxa were studied in the rhizosphere of wild barley and surrounding soil from the contrasting climatic slopes at the 'EC' using the real-time PCR and culture based methods.
Conclusion:  Paenibacillus polymyxa is one of the best established species in wild barley rhizosphere at the 'EC' slopes. With the real-time PCR assay we are able to detect 1 pg of DNA per PCR corresponding to 100 cells per ml. The results at the 'EC' correlate well to bacterial estimations by culture based methods.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Significantly higher P. polymyxa cell number was detected in the rhizosphere of arid 'African' microclimate indicating possible role of adaptive co-evolution with plants.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and structure of populations of the wild progenitor of barley, Hordeum spontaneum, from three countries, Israel, Turkey and Iran, in the Near East Fertile Crescent, are compared and contrasted. The analysis is based on electrophoretically discernible allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 27 shared loci in 2125 individuals representing 52 populations of wild barley. The results indicate that: (a) H. spontaneum in the Near East Fertile Crescent is very variable genetically; (b) genetic differentiation of populations includes some clinal but primarily regional and local patterns often displaying sharp geographic differentiation over short distances; (c) the average relative genetic differentiation (Gst) was 54% within populations, 39% among populations, and 8% between the three countries; (d) allele distribution is characterized by a high proportion of unique alleles (51%), and a high proportion of common alleles that are distributed either locally or sporadically; (e) discriminant analysis by allele frequencies successfully clustered wild barley of each of the three countries (96% correct classification); (f) a substantial portion of the patterns of allozyme variation in the wild gene pool is significantly correlated with the environment and is predictable ecologically, chiefly by a combination of humidity and temperature variables; (g) natural populations of wild barley are, on the average, more variable than two composite crosses and land races of cultivated barley. The spatial patterns and environmental correlates and predictors of genetic variation of H, spontaneum in the Fertile Crescent indicate that genetic variation in wild barley populations is not only rich but at least partly adaptive and predictable by ecology and allozyme markers. Consequently, conservation and utilization programmes should optimize sampling strategies by following the ecological-genetic factors and allozyme markers as effectively predictive guidelines.  相似文献   

Wild barley shows a large morphological and phenotypic variation, which is associated with ecogeographical factors and correlates with genotypic differences. Diversity of defense related genes and their expression in wild barley has been recognized and has led to attempts to exploit genes from H. spontaneum in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to determine the variation in the accumulation of hordatines, which are Hordeum-specific preformed secondary metabolites with strong and broad antimicrobial activity in vitro, in 50 accessions of H. spontaneum from different habitats in Israel. Differences in the accumulation of hordatines in the seedling stage were significant between different H. spontaneum genotypes from different regional locations and micro-sites. Variation in the hordatine accumulation within genotypes was between 9% and 45%, between genotypes from the same location between 13% and 38%, and between genotypes from different locations up to 121%. Principal component analysis showed that water related factors explain 39%, temperature related factors explain 33% and edaphic factors account for 11% of the observed variation between the populations of H. spontaneum. Genetic analysis of the tested accessions with LP-PCR primers that are specific for genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of hordatines showed tight correlations between hordatine abundance and genetic diversity of these markers. Multiple regression analyses indicated associations between genetic diversity of genes directly involved in hordatine biosynthesis, ecogeographical factors and the accumulation of hordatines.  相似文献   

In this paper we employ recently developed statistical and molecular tools to analyse the population history of the Tanzanian leopard (Panthera pardus), a large solitary felid. Because of their solitary lifestyle little is known of their past or present population dynamics. Eighty-one individuals were scored at 18 microsatellite loci. Overall, levels of heterozygosity were high (0.77 +/- 0.03), with a small heterozygote deficiency (0.06 +/- 0.03). Effective population size (Ne) was calculated to be 38 000-48 000. A Ne:N ratio of 0.42 (average from four cat studies) gives a present population size of about 100 000 leopards in Tanzania. Four different bottleneck tests indicated that this population has been large and stable for a minimum of several thousand years. FST values were low and no significant genetic structuring of the population could be detected. This concurs well with the large migration values (Nm) obtained (>3.3 individuals/generation). Our analysis reveals that ecological factors (e.g. disease), which are known to have had major impact on other carnivore populations, are unlikely to have impacted strongly on the population dynamics of Tanzanian leopards. The explanation may be found in their solitary life-style, their often nonconfrontational behaviour toward interspecific competitors, or that any bottlenecks have been of limited size, localized, or too short to have affected genetic variation to any measurable degree. Since the genetic structuring is weak, gene flow is not restricted to within protected areas. Local loss of genetic variation is therefore not of immediate concern.  相似文献   

Four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Aobakomugi, Chinese Spring, Norin 61 and Shinchunaga, were pollinated with five barley lines/cultivars consisting of three cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines, Betzes, Kinai 5 and OHL089, and two wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) lines, OUH602 and OUH324. Crossability, expressed as the percentage of embryo formation, varied from 0 to 55.4% among the cross combinations. The two wild barley lines generally had a higher crossability than the previously reported best pollinator, Betzes, and some Japanese wheat cultivars were better as the female parent than Chinese Spring. Ninety four hybrid plants were obtained from 250 embryos cultured, and their somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 21 to 36. Eighteen plants were mosaic in chromosome number. Twenty one-chromosome plants appeared most frequently (45.7%) followed by 28-chromosome plants (14.9%). C-banding analysis revealed that elimination of barley chromosomes was mainly responsible for the occurrence of aneuploid plants. In hypoploids derived from Betzes-crosses, chromosome 5 was preferentially eliminated as previously reported, while in hypoploids derived from OUH602-crosses, chromosome 4 was preferentially eliminated. The wild barley line OUH602 may be a useful parent for producing a new wheat-barley addition set because of its high crossability with wheat and a different pattern of chromosome elimination.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and structure of populations of the wild progenitor of barleyHordeum spontaneum in Iran was studied by electrophoretically discernible allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 30 gene loci in 509 individuals representing 13 populations of wild barley. The results indicate that: a)Hordeum spontaneum in Iran is extremely rich genetically but, because of predominant self-pollination, the variation is carried primarily by different homozygotes in the population. Thus, genetic indices of polymorphismP-1% = 0.375, range = 0.267–0.500, and of genetic diversity,He = 0.134, range = 0.069–0.198, are very high. b) Genetic differentiation of populations includes clinal, regional and local patterns, sometimes displaying sharp geographic differentiation over short distances. The average relative differentiation among populations isGst = 0.28, range = 0.02–0.61. c) A substantial portion of the patterns of allozyme variation in the wild gene pool is significanctly correlated with the environment and is predictable ecologically, chiefly by combinations of temperature and humidity variables. d) The natural populations studied, on the average, are more variable than two composite crosses, and more variable than indigenous land races of cultivated barely,Hordeum vulgare, in Iran. — The spatial patterns and environmental correlates and predictors of genetic variation ofH. spontaneum in Iran indicate that genetic variation in wild barley populations is not only rich but also at least partly adaptive. Therefore, a much fuller exploitation of these genetic resources by breeding for disease resistance and economically important agronomic traits is warranted.  相似文献   

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