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A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Cynoglottis was performed to evaluate previous hypotheses based on non-molecular evidence concerning the position of this genus within Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae. ITS-5.8S and trnLUAA sequences from the nuclear and chloroplast non-coding genomes were obtained for four Cynoglottis taxa and selected members of the related genera Anchusa, Anchusella, Gastrocotyle, Brunnera and Pentaglottis. Cynoglottis is monophyletic, but neither trnL nor ITS support a close relationship with Brunnera, unlike previously supposed on morphological grounds. Brunnera is, instead, related to the southwestern European monotypic genus Pentaglottis, with which it forms a basal clade. ITS-5.8S sequences show that Anchusa thessala, a southeastern European annual species of Anchusa subg. Buglossellum, is sister to Cynoglottis and that the two taxa form a clade which also includes the Balkan endemic Gastrocotyle macedonica. Species of Anchusa subg. Anchusa form a separate lineage with high bootstrap support, suggesting that this heterogeneous genus is paraphyletic with respect to Cynoglottis. ITS sequences also discriminate between the Balkan-Apenninic diploid C. barrelieri and the Anatolian tetraploid C. chetikiana, albeit with low support. The molecular results are discussed in the light of karyological, morphological and chorological aspects.This work has been supported by M.I.U.R. 40% 2003 and the University of Firenze.  相似文献   

We analysed 87 species of Onosma (Boraginaceae) from throughout its distribution range to investigate its evolutionary history. Using nrDNA ITS and two plastid (rpl32‐trnL(UAG) and trnH–psbA) markers, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships within Onosma by conducting maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and BEAST analyses. The analyses revealed that Onosma as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic. However, the vast majority of Onosma species appear to belong to a single clade, the so‐called Onosma s.s. Outside of this core clade is a clade containing O. rostellata, a subclade of Sino‐Indian species and Maharanga emodii. Podonosma orientalis (as O. orientalis) appear only distantly related to Onosma but is more closely related to Alkanna, as also suggested in previous molecular studies. The Onosma s.s. clade includes all representatives of O. sect. Onosma, and encompasses three subsections, i.e. Onosma, Haplotricha and Heterotricha, corresponding to asterotrichous, haplotrichous and heterotrichous groups, respectively, but none of these subsections was retrieved as monophyletic. We observed significant incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast phylogenies regarding the phylogenetic status of the heterotrichous group. A dozen of the Iranian haplotrichous species formed a lineage which may not hybridize with asterotrichous species. Divergence time estimates suggested that the early radiation of Onosma s.l. took place at the Oligocene‐Miocene boundary and the diversification within Onosma s.s. occurred during middle to late Miocene and Pliocene.  相似文献   

The Resedaceae, containing 6 genera and ca. 85 species, are widely distributed in the Old World, with a major center of species diversity in the Mediterranean basin. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS and plastid trnL-trnF sequences of 66 species from all genera of the Resedaceae reveal (1) monophyly of the family, in congruence with preliminary phylogenetic studies; (2) molecular support for the traditional morphological subdivision of the Resedaceae into three tribes according to ovary and placentation types, and carpel number; (3) two monophyletic genera (Caylusea, Sesamoides), and one natural group (core Reseda), which includes the remaining four genera of the family (Ochradenus, Oligomeris, Randonia, Reseda); (4) a monophyletic origin for four of the six taxonomic sections recognized within Reseda (Leucoreseda, Luteola, Glaucoreseda, Phyteuma). Our results lead us to interpret an increment of the basic chromosome number in the family from x=5 to x=6 in at least two independent instances, and a broad representation of polyploids in multiple lineages across phylogenies, including association between octoploids and alien invasion in many parts of the world. Species diversity, endemism number, phylogenetic relationships and sequence divergence in Resedaceae suggest two major centers of differentiation, one in the western Mediterranean, and the other in the eastern Mediterranean and SW Asia. Two independent colonization events to the Canary Islands from Africa are indicated for the two Canarian Reseda endemics.  相似文献   

The rhizomorphic European species of Antrodia, belonging to the traditionally called Antrodia radiculosa group, are investigated. On the basis of morphological and molecular analysis, the genus Fibroporia is supported. Specimens from Central Europe previously ascribed to Antrodia radiculosa constitute a species of their own, and are herein described as Fibroporia bohemica. Moreover, a new combination, Fibroporia citrina, is proposed.  相似文献   

We present the results of cladistic analyses of morphology, nrDNA ITS sequences, and a combination of the two for tribe Amaryllideae of the Amaryllidaceae. The morphologically based analysis supports the recognition of Amaryllis as sister to two major clades, equivalent to Snijman and Linder's (1996, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83: 362-386) Crininae and Amaryllidinae (less Amaryllis). A single tree is found with a successively weighted ITS sequence matrix. Amaryllis and Boophone form a grade at the base of the tree. All the other genera are included in two clades conforming to Snijman and Linder's (1996) subtribes Amaryllidinae (less Amaryllis, thus now Strumariinae) and Crininae (less Boophone). Within Strumariinae, Strumaria sensu lato is resolved as polyphyletic. Strumaria subg. Gemmaria is sister to the rest of the subtribe. Hessea is monophyletic only if Namaquanula is excluded. The monotypic Carpolyza is embedded within Strumaria sensu stricto. The consensus of the combined analysis is highly resolved, and most similar to the sequence topology. Based on the results of the combined analyses, the major clades are recognized as subtribes, and Carpolyza is placed into synonymy under Strumaria.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the filmy fern genus Hymenophyllum s.l. using the rbcL and rps4 genes and the intergenic spacer rps4-trnS. Because of variation in length of the noncoding marker, we tested and compared three methods for integrating indels. They proved to be useful for estimating a phylogeny of the genus. The rps4-trnS marker, with coded indels integrated, produced better resolution than analysis of either rps4 or rbcL, and combining the three data sets allowed us to obtain a well resolved and strongly supported topology. We interpret our data as showing support for the classical bigeneric system for the family, and call into question several classifications proposed in the past century. The segregate genera Cardiomanes, Hymenoglossum, Serpyllopsis, and Rosenstockia are embedded within Hymenophyllum s.l. Although the deepest relationships within the genus remain uncertain, two subgenera described by Morton do have some support: (1) Sphaerocionium, in which the problematic section Microtrichomanes is embedded; and (2) a diverse Hymenophyllum, including species that were placed originally in Serpyllopsis, Rosenstockia, Hemicyatheon, and Craspedophyllum by Copeland. Subgenus Mecodium appears to be polyphyletic; nevertheless, a subgroup within Mecodium is strongly supported. Several unexpected associations gain support from cytological data and certain morphological characters not previously used to distinguish species groups within Hymenophyllum s.l.  相似文献   

The Lilium carniolicum group consists of several taxonomically dubious taxa endemic to the European flora. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were used to clarify both the delineation of, and relationships among, taxa in the group as well as to provide insight on the phylogenetic position of the group within the genus. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were in general agreement, with all taxa in the group being very closely related, and the entire group being monophyletic. L. pyrenaicum and L. pomponium are placed at the basal position in the group, while L. chalcedonicum is shown to be more closely related to L. carniolicum than previously thought. Our analyses suggested that L. albanicum and L. jankae are distinct from L. carniolicum, while no evidence was found to support the same separation for L. bosniacum.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Little research has been done at the molecular level on the tribe Fumarieae (Papaveraceae). Papaveraceae is a model plant group for studying evolutionary patterns despite the lack of a reference phylogeny for this tribe. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe to complete the molecular data for this family in order to help understand its character evolution and biogeographic pattern. ? Methods: We used maximum-parsimony and Bayesian approaches to analyze five DNA regions for 25 species representing 10 of the 11 Fumarieae genera and five outgroups. Evolutionary pathways of four characters (habit, life span, type of fruit, and number of seeds per fruit) were inferred on the phylogeny using parsimony. The ancestral distribution areas were reconstructed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. ? Key Results: Fumarieae is monophyletic and includes three groups that agree with the morphology-based subtribes: Discocapninae, Fumariinae, and Sarcocapninae. Within subtribes, the relationships among genera were different from those obtained with morphological data. Annual life span, nonchasmophytic habit, and a several-seeded capsule were the basal character states for the tribe. The ancestor occupied a continuous area between West Eurasia and Africa. Vicariances explain the divergence between lineages Discocapninae (South Africa) and Fumariinae-Sarcocapninae (Mediterranean), and the disjunction of Fumariinae (Mediterranean-Central Asia). ? Conclusions: Molecular phylogeny confirms the subtribal classification of Fumarieae based on morphology. However it provides different results regarding the relationships among genera within each subtribe, which affects the inference of the evolutionary pathway followed by the four selected characters. The disjunct distribution of the tribe is explained by different vicariance scenarios.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the tribe Neillieae (Rosaceae), which comprises Neillia, Stephanandra, and Physocarpus, was reconstructed based on nucleotide sequences of several regions of cpDNA, the ITS and ETS regions of rDNA, and the second intron of LEAFY, to elucidate relationships among genera and species in Neillieae and to assess the historical biogeography of the tribe. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that Physocarpus and Neillia-Stephanandra were strongly supported as monophyletic and suggested that Stephanandra may have originated by hybridization between two lineages of Neillia. Dispersal-vicariance analyses suggested that the most recent common ancestor of Neillieae may have occupied eastern Asia and western North America and that Physocarpus and Neillia-Stephanandra may have been split by an intercontinental vicariance event in the early Miocene. The biogeographic analyses also suggested that species of Neillia and Stephanandra diversified in eastern Asia, whereas in Physocarpus one dispersal event from western North America to eastern Asia occurred. Two divergent types of LEAFY sequences were found in the eastern North American species, P. opulifolius, but only one type was present in each plant. The two types of sequences may represent homeologous genes that originated by hybridization between P. capitatus and P. monogynus, both western North American species.  相似文献   

The biomorphological radiation of theCampanulaceae is outlined. Certain aspects of ontogeny and life-form are specific and constant for the tribes and genera of the family, and for the sections, subsections and series ofCampanula. Therefore, a certain correlation exists between the biomorphological characters and the reproductive structures underlying the taxonomic system.  相似文献   

Thirty-three species of Clerodendrum s.l. and five outgroup genera were included in a sequence analysis of internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results of the cladistic analysis were compared to and combined with cpDNA restriction site data from a previous study. All molecular data identified four major clades within Clerodendrum s.l. and showed the genus to be polyphyletic. Clerodendrum s.s., minus Konocalyx and Cyclonema, is monophyletic and the genus should be restricted to this group. Cyclonema and Konocalyx form a clade distinct from Clerodendrum s.s., which has been recognized as Rotheca Raf.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first molecular phylogeny of the genus Hemsleya using nuclear ITS and plastid trnH-psbA, rpl16, and trnL DNA sequences to examine the relationships among Hemsleya species. Phylogenetic relationships were elucidated using a combined analysis of all four datasets, however, the number of parsimony-informative characters was still insufficient to resolve all relationships. Parsimony and Bayesian trees were highly congruent. Twenty-three species of Hemsleya split into two major clades corresponding to two subgenera, i.e., subg. Graciliflorae and subg. Hemsleya. These results are partly in agreement with Li’s sectional classification. However, the molecular data are inconsistent with Li’s classification at the subsectional level. The molecular phylogeny revealed a striking overall correlation between the phylogenetic relationships of the species and their geographical distribution. The Kangdian ancient landmass could be the center of origin of the genus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Polygonateae s. l. of Liliaceae were investigated with an RFLP analysis of two PCR-amplified chloroplast genome DNA fragments. One fragment is the transfer RNA gene for lysine( trnK gene) including the maturase-encoding gene matK, and the other is the rpl16 gene which codes for a chloroplast ribosomal protein in large subunit. The trnK gene is ca. 2600 bp in length in all the taxa, but the rpl16 gene ranges from ca. 1140 bp to ca. 1320 bp in length among different genera and in Polygonatum. The results suggested that the tribe Polygonateae s. str. consisting of Polygonatum, Disporopsis, Smilacina and Maianthemum is closely related to Convallaria in Convallarieae, and supported the earlier results that Streptopus and Disporum should be removed out from the tribe Polygonateae s. l.. The results also showed that Polygonatum formed a clad with Disporopsis, while Smilacina lumped with Maianthemum in the tribe Polygonateae s. str.. In addition, the present study supports the view that S. ginfoshanicumshould be transferred from Smilacina to Polygonatum.  相似文献   

叶绿体DNA片段的RFLP分析在黄精族系统学研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对广义百合科黄精族6属23种及铃兰族1属1种的叶绿体基因组trnK和rpl16两个基因片段进 行了PCR-RFLP分析,结果表明:trnK基因的PCR产物在各类群间几乎不存在长度变异,均约2600bp,而rpl16基因则在各属之间及黄精属内表现出长度变异,变异范围在1140~1320bp之间;限制性酶切位点的同源性分析显示,黄精属、竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属构成的狭义黄精族与铃兰族中的铃兰属有较近的亲缘关系,并支持将扭柄花属和万寿竹属从广义百合科黄精族中分出的观点;在狭义黄精族内,黄精属与竹根七属聚成一支,鹿药属与舞鹤草属聚成另一支,为探讨族内属间的系统演化关系提供了分子生物学方面的证据。另外,本研究结果支持将金佛山黄精从鹿药属转隶至黄精属的观点。  相似文献   

Sequences of the chloroplast trnL-F region and 3(') end ndhF gene were used to elucidate phylogenetic relationships and the delimitation of families within Dipsacales s.l. Parsimony analyses of individual and combined data were conducted using maximum parsimony method. The most parsimonious tree based on combined trnL-F and 3(') end ndhF data set recognizes seven major clades of Dipsacales s.l. with the following relationships: Apiales (Adoxaceae ((Diervillaceae, Caprifoliaceae s.str.) (Linnaeaceae (Morinaceae (Dipsacaceae, Valerianaceae))))). Both Sambucus and Viburnum have close relationships with Adoxaceae, supporting their inclusion in this family. Caprifoliaceae s.l. (excluding Sambucus and Viburnum) is polyphyletic, and comprises three clades or families, i.e., Linnaeaceae (Abelia, Dipelta, Kolkwitzia, and Linnaea), Diervillaceae (Weigela and Diervilla) and Caprifoliaceae s.str. (Heptacodium, Leycesteria, Lonicera, Symphoricarpos, and Triosteum). This study focuses on the systematic position of Heptacodium, Triplostegia, and Morinaceae; and suggests that Heptacodium is closely related to the other Caprifoliaceae s.str.; Triplostegia is a sister to Dipsacaceae; Morinaceae, which has an affinity with Dipsacaceae, is possibly a sister group with Dipsacaceae-Valerianaceae clade. Our results are highly congruent with those of and.  相似文献   

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