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The hydraulic architecture of balsam fir (Abies balsamea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf-specific conductivities (LSCs – hydraulic conductivity per dry weight of supplied leaves). Huber values (transverse sapwood area per dry weight of supplied leaves), specific conductivity (hydraulic conductivity per transverse sapwood area) and tracheid diameters were measured throughout the trunk and crown of 20-year-old trees of Abies balsamca (L.) Mill. Measured specific conductivity was proportional to the radius to the fourth power of tracheids. LSCs, which indicate the relative water availability to different plant parts, are much higher in the trunk than in first order branches, and lowest in second order branches. The structural basis for this "hydraulic hierarchy" lies both in Huber values and in tracheid diameters. For similar diameter stem segments, there was no statistically significant difference for trunks versus branches in specific conductivity. However, in old parts of the tree, trunks are wider than supported branches and producer wider tracheids resulting in greater specific conductivities than in branches. In vigorous trees with strong apical control, Huber values were 12.0 times greater in the trunk than in similar diameter branch segments. In slow-growing trees with weak apical control, Huber values were 2.2 times greater in the trunk versus similar branch segments.  相似文献   

Changes in hydraulic conductivity (K(h)) were measured in stems of Laurus nobilis L. during perfusion with KCl, NaCl or sucrose solutions. Ionic solutes induced marked increase of K(h) with respect to deionized water but sucrose had no effect. The kinetics of KCl-induced K(h) increase was measured together with changes in [K(+)] of the perfused solution. K(h) increases were paralleled by increases in the [K(+)](out)/[K(+)](in) ratio. Samples of different lengths or with increasing percentage loss of conductivity (PLC) due to xylem cavitation were tested, with the aim of increasing radial flow through intervessel pits. KCl solutions enhanced the K(h) of 12-cm-long samples with a concentration-dependent effect up to 100 mm KCl. DeltaK(h) increased from 3 to 30% in 1.5- and 12-cm-long samples, respectively and remained constant for longer samples. Increasing PLC induced an exponential increase in DeltaK(h). PLC measured with KCl solutions was significantly less than that measured with deionized water, suggesting that measurements of PLC can be affected by the composition of the perfused solution. Experiments support the hypothesis that the 'ionic effect' is mediated by physico-chemical changes of pectins of the pit membranes and raise the possibility that plants might alter the ionic composition of the xylem sap to alleviate the hydraulic impact of cavitation.  相似文献   

A method for measuring hydraulic conductivity and embolism in xylem   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
Abstract Hydraulic conductivity of the xylem is computed as the quotient of mass flow rate and pressure gradient. Measurements on excised plant stems can be difficult to interpret because of time-dependent reductions in flow rate, and because of variable degrees of embolism. Using Acer saccharum Marsh. stems, we found that certain perfusing solutions including dilute fixatives (e.g. 0.05% formaldehyde) and acids with pH below 3 (e.g. 10 mol m?3 oxalic) prevent long-term decline in conductivity. Xylem embolism can be quantified by expressing the initial conductivity as a percentage of the maximum obtained after flow-impeding air emboli have been removed by repeated high-pressure (175 kPa) flushes. Correlation between microbial contamination and declining conductivity suggests that long-term (> 4h) declines are caused by microbial growth within the vessels. Unpredictable trends in short-term (< 4h) measurements may be caused by movements of air emboli in vessels and/or participate matter.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to water-stress-induced embolism and variation in the degree of native embolism were measured in lateral roots of four co-occurring neotropical savanna tree species. Root embolism varied diurnally and seasonally. Late in the dry season, loss of root xylem conductivity reached 80% in the afternoon when root water potential (psi root) was about -2.6 MPa, and recovered to 25-40% loss of conductivity in the morning when psi root was about -1.0 MPa. Daily variation in psi root decreased, and root xylem vulnerability and capacitance increased with rooting depth. However, all species experienced seasonal minimum psi root close to complete hydraulic failure independent of their rooting depth or resistance to embolism. Predawn psi root was lower than psi soil when psi soil was relatively high (> -0.7 MPa) but became less negative than psi soil, later in the dry season, consistent with a transition from a disequilibrium between plant and soil psi induced by nocturnal transpiration to one induced by hydraulic redistribution of water from deeper soil layers. Shallow longitudinal root incisions external to the xylem prevented reversal of embolism overnight, suggesting that root mechanical integrity was necessary for recovery, consistent with the hypothesis that if embolism is a function of tension, refilling may be a function of internal pressure imbalances. All species shared a common relationship in which maximum daily stomatal conductance declined linearly with increasing afternoon loss of root conductivity over the course of the dry season. Daily embolism and refilling in roots is a common occurrence and thus may be an inherent component of a hydraulic signaling mechanism enabling stomata to maintain the integrity of the hydraulic pipeline in long-lived structures such as stems.  相似文献   

In the Pacific north‐west, the Cascade Mountain Range blocks much of the precipitation and maritime influence of the Pacific Ocean, resulting in distinct climates east and west of the mountains. The current study aimed to investigate relationships between water storage and transport properties in populations of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) adapted to both climates. Sapwood thickness, capacitance, vulnerability to embolism, and axial and radial conductivity were measured on samples collected from trunks of mature trees. The sapwood of ponderosa pine was three to four times thicker than Douglas‐fir. Radial conductivity was higher in west‐side populations of both species, but axial conductivity was higher in the east‐side populations and in Douglas‐fir. Eastern populations of both species had sapwood that was more vulnerable to embolism than west‐side populations. Sapwood capacitance was similar between species, but was about twice as great in east‐side populations (580 kg m?3 MPa?1) as in west‐side populations (274 kg m?3 MPa?1). Capacitance was positively correlated with both mean embolism pressure and axial conductivity across species and populations, suggesting that coordinated adjustments in xylem efficiency, safety and water storage capacity may serve to avoid embolism along a gradient of increasing aridity.  相似文献   

Juniperus communis ssp. communis can grow like a shrub or it can develop a tree-like habit. In this study, the hydraulic architecture of these contrasting growth forms was compared. We analysed the hydraulic efficiency (leaf-specific conductivity, k(l); specific conductivity, k(s); Huber value, HV) and the vulnerability to cavitation (the water potential corresponding to a 50% loss of conductivity, Psi(50)), as well as anatomical parameters [mean tracheid diameter, d; mean hydraulic diameter, d(h); cell wall reinforcement (t/b)(h)(2)] of shrub shoots, tree stems and tree branches. Shrub shoots were similar to tree branches (especially to lower branches) in growth form and conductivity (k(l) = 1.93 +/- 0.11 m(2) s(-1) MPa(-1) 10(-7), k(s) = 5.71 +/- 0.19 m(2) s(-1) MPa(-1) 10(-4)), but were similar to tree stems in their vulnerability to cavitation (Psi(50) = -5.81 +/- 0.08 MPa). Tree stems showed extraordinarily high k(l) and k(s) values, and HV increased from the base up. Stem xylem was more vulnerable to cavitation than branch xylem, where Psi(50) increased from lower (Psi(50) = -6.44 +/- 0.19 MPa) to upper branches (Psi(50) = -5.98 +/- 0.13 MPa). Conduit diameters were correlated with k(l) and k(s). Data indicate that differences in hydraulic architecture correspond to changes in growth form. In some aspects, the xylem hydraulics of tree-like Juniperus communis differs from that of other coniferous tree species.  相似文献   

为探究气候变化背景下降雨减少对森林的影响,2013年在宝天曼锐齿栎天然次生林原位建立了3块降水减少(截雨)样地,研究降雨减少对锐齿栎水碳关系和生长的影响。结果表明:降雨减少后锐齿栎枝条水势显著低于对照,最低水势为(-1.36±0.11)MPa,但锐齿栎木质部栓塞88%的水势值为-3.19MPa,叶片气孔关闭时的水势值为-2.5MPa,故降雨减少在这一地区没有对锐齿栎水力结构造成严重的干扰。降雨减少后,锐齿栎的叶片、韧皮部和木质部的总非结构性碳浓度与对照没有显著差异。木质部导管密度和叶片气孔密度变大,而导管直径和气孔长度变小。在天气较为干旱时,降雨减少处理的锐齿栎气孔导度日变化呈"双峰"曲线,而在湿润天气时呈"单峰"曲线且中午峰值显著大于对照。降雨减少处理的锐齿栎木材密度、Huber值、比叶面积和胸径生长与对照没有显著差异。降雨减少后锐齿栎树木没有遭受水力失衡或碳饥饿的危害,生长也没有受到显著影响,但是水力输导系统发生了适应性调节。  相似文献   

We investigated the hydraulic consequences of a major decrease in root‐to‐leaf area ratio (AR:AL) caused by nutrient amendments to 15‐year‐old Pinus taeda L. stands on sandy soil. In theory, such a reduction in AR:AL should compromise the trees’ ability to extract water from drying sand. Under equally high soil moisture, canopy stomatal conductance (GS) of fertilized trees (F) was 50% that of irrigated/fertilized trees (IF), irrigated trees (I), and untreated control trees (C). As predicted from theory, F trees also decreased their stomatal sensitivity to vapour pressure deficit by 50%. The lower GS in F was associated with 50% reduction in leaf‐specific hydraulic conductance (KL) compared with other treatments. The lower KL in F was in turn a result of a higher leaf area per sapwood area and a lower specific conductivity (conducting efficiency) of the plant and its root xylem. The root xylem of F trees was also 50% more resistant to cavitation than the other treatments. A transport model predicted that the lower AR:AL in IF trees resulted in a considerably restricted ability to extract water during drought. However, this deficiency was not exposed because irrigation minimized drought. In contrast, the lower AR:AL in F trees caused only a limited restriction in water extraction during drought owing to the more cavitation resistant root xylem in this treatment. In both fertilized treatments, approximate safety margins from predicted hydraulic failure were minimal suggesting increased vulnerability to drought‐induced dieback compared with non‐fertilized trees. However, IF trees are likely to be so affected even under a mild drought if irrigation is withheld.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductance was measured on leaf and stem segments excised from sugarcane plants at different stages of development. Maximum transpiration rates and leaf water potential (ΨL) associated with maximum transpiration were also measured in intact plants as a function of plant size. Leaf specific hydraulic conductivity (Lsc) and transpiration on a unit leaf area basis (E) were maximal in plants with approximately 0.2 m2 leaf area and decreased with increasing plant size. These changes in Fand Lsc were nearly parallel, which prevented φL in larger plants from decreasing to levels associated with substantial loss in xylem conductivity caused by embolism formation. Coordination of changes in E and leaf hydraulic properties was not mediated by declining leaf water status, since φL increased with plant size. Hydraulic constrictions were present at nodes and in the node-leaf sheath-leaf blade pathway. This pattern of constrictions is in accord with the idea of plant segmentation into regions differing in water transport efficiency and would tend to confine embolisms to the relatively expendable leaves at terminal positions in the pathway, thereby preserving water transport through the stem.  相似文献   

The apple tree is known to have an isohydric behaviour, maintaining rather constant leaf water potential in soil with low water status and/or under high evaporative demand. However, little is known on the xylem water transport from roots to leaves from the two perspectives of efficiency and safety, and on its genetic variability. We analysed 16 traits related to hydraulic efficiency and safety, and anatomical traits in apple stems, and the relationships between them. Most variables were found heritable, and we investigated the determinism underlying their genetic control through a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis on 90 genotypes from the same progeny. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that all traits related to efficiency, whether hydraulic conductivity, vessel number and area or wood area, were included in the first PC, whereas the second PC included the safety variables, thus confirming the absence of trade-off between these two sets of traits. Our results demonstrated that clustered variables were characterized by common genomic regions. Together with previous results on the same progeny, our study substantiated that hydraulic efficiency traits co-localized with traits identified for tree growth and fruit production.  相似文献   

In frequently burnt mesic savannas, trees can get trapped into a cycle of surviving fire-induced stem death (i.e. topkill) by resprouting, only to be topkilled again a year or two later. The ability of savanna saplings to resprout repeatedly after fire is a key component of recent models of tree–grass coexistence in savannas. This study investigated the carbon allocation and biomass partitioning patterns that enable a dominant savanna tree, Acacia karroo, to survive frequent and repeated topkill. Root starch depletion and replenishment, foliage recovery and photosynthesis of burnt and unburnt plants were compared over the first year after a burn. The concentration of starch in the roots of the burnt plants (0.08 ± 0.01 g g−1) was half that of the unburnt plant (0.16 ± 0.01 g g−1) at the end of the first growing season after topkill. However, root starch reserves of the burnt plants were replenished over the dry season and matched that of unburnt plants within 1 year after topkill. The leaf area of resprouting plants recovered to match that of unburnt plants within 4–5 months after topkill. Shoot growth of resprouting plants was restricted to the first few months of the wet season, whereas photosynthetic rates remained high into the dry season, allowing replenishment of root starch reserves. 14C labeling showed that reserves were initially utilized for shoot growth after topkill. The rapid foliage recovery and the replenishment of reserves within a single year after topkill implies that A. karroo is well adapted to survive recurrent topkill and is poised to take advantage of unusually long fire-free intervals to grow into adults. This paper provides some of the first empirical evidence to explain how savanna trees in frequently burnt savannas are able to withstand frequent burning as juveniles and survive to become adults. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Tree hydraulic architecture exhibits patterns that propagate from tissue to tree scales. A challenge is to make sense of these patterns in terms of trade-offs and adaptations. The universal trend for conduits per area to decrease with increasing conduit diameter below the theoretical packing limit may reflect the compromise between maximizing the area for conduction versus mechanical support and storage. Variation in conduit diameter may have two complementary influences: one being compromises between efficiency and safety and the other being that conduit tapering within a tree maximizes conductance per growth investment. Area-preserving branching may be a mechanical constraint, preventing otherwise more efficient top-heavy trees. In combination, these trends beget another: trees have more, narrower conduits moving from trunks to terminal branches. This pattern: (1) increases the efficiency of tree water conduction; (2) minimizes (but does not eliminate) any hydraulic limitation on the productivity or tissue growth with tree height; and (3) is consistent with the scaling of tree conductance and sap flow with size. We find no hydraulic reason why tree height should scale with a basal diameter to the two-thirds power as recently claimed; it is probably another mechanical constraint as originally proposed. The buffering effect of capacitance on the magnitude of transpiration-induced xylem tension appears to be coupled to cavitation resistance, possibly alleviating safety versus efficiency trade-offs.  相似文献   

Trees grow by vertically extending their stems, so accurate stem hydraulic models are fundamental to understanding the hydraulic challenges faced by tall trees. Using a literature survey, we showed that many tree species exhibit continuous vertical variation in hydraulic traits. To examine the effects of this variation on hydraulic function, we developed a spatially explicit, analytical water transport model for stems. Our model allows Huber ratio, stem‐saturated conductivity, pressure at 50% loss of conductivity, leaf area, and transpiration rate to vary continuously along the hydraulic path. Predictions from our model differ from a matric flux potential model parameterized with uniform traits. Analyses show that cavitation is a whole‐stem emergent property resulting from non‐linear pressure‐conductivity feedbacks that, with gravity, cause impaired water transport to accumulate along the path. Because of the compounding effects of vertical trait variation on hydraulic function, growing proportionally more sapwood and building tapered xylem with height, as well as reducing xylem vulnerability only at branch tips while maintaining transport capacity at the stem base, can compensate for these effects. We therefore conclude that the adaptive significance of vertical variation in stem hydraulic traits is to allow trees to grow tall and tolerate operating near their hydraulic limits.  相似文献   

The frequently observed forest decline in water‐limited regions may be associated with impaired tree hydraulics, but the precise physiological mechanisms remain poorly understood. We compared hydraulic architecture of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) trees of different size classes from a plantation and a natural forest site to test whether greater hydraulic limitation with increasing size plays an important role in tree decline observed in the more water‐limited plantation site. We found that trees from plantations overall showed significantly lower stem hydraulic efficiency. More importantly, plantation‐grown trees showed significant declines in stem hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic safety margins as well as syndromes of stronger drought stress with increasing size, whereas no such trends were observed at the natural forest site. Most notably, the leaf to sapwood area ratio (LA/SA) showed a strong linear decline with increasing tree size at the plantation site. Although compensatory adjustments in LA/SA may mitigate the effect of increased water stress in larger trees, they may result in greater risk of carbon imbalance, eventually limiting tree growth at the plantation site. Our results provide a potential mechanistic explanation for the widespread decline of Mongolian pine trees in plantations of Northern China.  相似文献   

Water relations, xylem embolism, root and shoot hydraulic conductance of both young plants in the field and potted seedlings of Quercus pubescens have been studied with the aim of investigating whether these variables may account for the well known adaptation of this oak species to arid habitats. Our data revealed that Q. pubescens is able to maintain high leaf relative water contents under water stress conditions. In fact, relative water contents measured in summer (July) did not differ from those recorded in April. This was apparently achieved by compensating water loss by an equal amount of water uptake. Such a drought avoidance strategy was made possible by the recorded high hydraulic efficiency of stems and roots under water stress. In fact, root hydraulic conductance of field-grown plants was maintained high in summer when the percentage loss of hydraulic conductance of stems was lowest. The hydraulic architecture of young plants of Q. pubescens measured in terms of partitioning of hydraulic resistances along the water pathway revealed that the highest hydraulic resistance was located in stems of the current year's growth. This hydraulic architecture is interpreted as consistent with the adaptation of Q. pubescens to arid habitats as a consequence of the recorded seasonal changes in water relation parameters as well as in root and stem hydraulics.  相似文献   

Plant hydraulic conductance (ks) is a critical control on whole‐plant water use and carbon uptake and, during drought, influences whether plants survive or die. To assess long‐term physiological and hydraulic responses of mature trees to water availability, we manipulated ecosystem‐scale water availability from 2007 to 2013 in a piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) woodland. We examined the relationship between ks and subsequent mortality using more than 5 years of physiological observations, and the subsequent impact of reduced hydraulic function and mortality on total woody canopy transpiration (EC) and conductance (GC). For both species, we observed significant reductions in plant transpiration (E) and ks under experimentally imposed drought. Conversely, supplemental water additions increased E and ks in both species. Interestingly, both species exhibited similar declines in ks under the imposed drought conditions, despite their differing stomatal responses and mortality patterns during drought. Reduced whole‐plant ks also reduced carbon assimilation in both species, as leaf‐level stomatal conductance (gs) and net photosynthesis (An) declined strongly with decreasing ks. Finally, we observed that chronically low whole‐plant ks was associated with greater canopy dieback and mortality for both piñon and juniper and that subsequent reductions in woody canopy biomass due to mortality had a significant impact on both daily and annual canopy EC and GC. Our data indicate that significant reductions in ks precede drought‐related tree mortality events in this system, and the consequence is a significant reduction in canopy gas exchange and carbon fixation. Our results suggest that reductions in productivity and woody plant cover in piñon–juniper woodlands can be expected due to reduced plant hydraulic conductance and increased mortality of both piñon pine and juniper under anticipated future conditions of more frequent and persistent regional drought in the southwestern United States.  相似文献   

Numerous predictions indicate rising CO2 will accelerate the expansion of forests into savannas. Although encroaching forests can sequester carbon over the short term, increased fires and drought‐fire interactions could offset carbon gains, which may be amplified by the shift toward forest plant communities more susceptible to fire‐driven dieback. We quantify how bark thickness determines the ability of individual tree species to tolerate fire and subsequently determine the fire sensitivity of ecosystem carbon across 180 plots in savannas and forests throughout the 2.2‐million km2 Cerrado region in Brazil. We find that not accounting for variation in bark thickness across tree species underestimated carbon losses in forests by ~50%, totaling 0.22 PgC across the Cerrado region. The lower bark thicknesses of plant species in forests decreased fire tolerance to such an extent that a third of carbon gains during forest encroachment may be at risk of dieback if burned. These results illustrate that consideration of trait‐based differences in fire tolerance is critical for determining the climate‐carbon‐fire feedback in tropical savanna and forest biomes.  相似文献   

Stem respiration plays a role in species coexistence and forest dynamics. Here we examined the intra‐ and inter‐specific variability of stem CO2 efflux (E) in dominant and suppressed trees of six deciduous species in a mixed forest stand: Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl, Quercus pyrenaica Willd., Prunus avium L., Sorbus aucuparia L. and Crataegus monogyna Jacq. We conducted measurements in late autumn. Within species, dominants had higher E per unit stem surface area (Es) mainly because sapwood depth was higher than in suppressed trees. Across species, however, differences in Es corresponded with differences in the proportion of living parenchyma in sapwood and concentration of non‐structural carbohydrates (NSC). Across species, Es was strongly and NSC marginally positively related with an index of drought tolerance, suggesting that slow growth of drought‐tolerant trees is related to higher NSC concentration and Es. We conclude that, during the leafless period, E is indicative of maintenance respiration and is related with some ecological characteristics of the species, such as drought resistance; that sapwood depth is the main factor explaining variability in Es within species; and that the proportion of NSC in the sapwood is the main factor behind variability in Es among species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interspecific differences in vulnerability to xylem embolism of four phreatophytes – two facultative phreatophytes ( Banksia attenuata and B. menziesii ) and two obligate phreatophytes ( B. ilicifolia and B. littoralis ). Species differences at the same position along an ecohydrological gradient on the Gnangara Groundwater Mound, Western Australia were determined in addition to intraspecific differences to water stress between populations in contrasting ecohydrological habitats. Stem- and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity, as well as Huber values (ratio of stem to leaf area), were also determined to support these findings. We found that where water is readily accessible, there were no interspecific differences in vulnerability to water stress. In contrast both facultative phreatophyte species were more resistant to xylem embolism at the more xeric dune crest site than at the wetter bottom slope site. B. ilicifolia did not differ in vulnerability to embolism, supporting its classification as an obligate phreatophyte. Other measured hydraulic traits ( K S, K L and Huber value) showed no adaptive responses, although there was a tendency for plants at the wetter site to have higher K S and K L. This study highlights the influence site hydrological attributes can have on plant hydraulic architecture across species and environmental gradients.  相似文献   

南亚热带地区人工纯林面积大, 但是结构简单, 对气候变化响应敏感。在区域气候干旱化的背景下, 造林树种的生理生态策略及其对季节性干旱的响应亟待研究。该研究选择南亚热带地区10种造林树种(包括6种乡土种和4种外来种), 测定这些树种的平均生长速率、水力学性状以及经济学性状, 分析性状与生长速率之间的相关关系, 并比较水力安全边际和气孔安全边际的种间差异。结果发现: (1)造林树种的生长速率与木质部导水率显著正相关, 但与木材密度、比叶面积以及水力安全性指标无显著相关性。(2)造林树种的水分传导效率性和安全性之间没有权衡关系, 外来树种Acacia crassicarpaEucalyptus grandis × urophylla同时具有较高的木质部导水率和较强的抗栓塞能力。(3)造林树种的水力安全边际和气孔安全边际的种间差异显著, 大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、壳菜果(Mytilaria laosensis)和阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii)在干季发生水力失败的风险较高。建议南亚热带人工林的生态监测指标体系中应包括树木水力学性状, 进而为人工林的可持续经营管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   

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