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Perfecto  I.  Vandermeer  J. 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):577-582
Recent changes in the coffee agroecosystem of Costa Rica were used to study the mechanism of biodiversity loss in transforming agroecosystems, focusing on the ground-foraging ant community. Coffee farms are being transformed from vegetationally diverse shaded agroforestry systems to unshaded coffee monocultures. We tested the hypothesis that the high-light environment and lack of leaf litter cover in the unshaded system are the determinants of the differences in ground-foraging ant diversity. Four treatments were established within the light gaps of a shaded plantation: shade, leaf litter, shade plus leaf litter, and a control (no shade or leaf litter added). Ants were sampled using tuna fish baits and light and temperature were measured. Shade and leaf litter had a significant effect on the ant fauna but probably for indirect reasons having to do with species interactions. In both shade treatments, Solenopsis geminata, the tropical fire ant, decreased significantly while the other species increased. The possibility that the physical factor changes the nature of competitive interactions between the most abundant species is discussed.  相似文献   

We compare species richness of birds, fruit-feeding butterflies and ground-foraging ants along a coffee intensification gradient represented by a reduction in the number of species of shade trees and percentage of shade cover in coffee plantations. We sampled the three taxa in the same plots within the same period of time. Two sites were selected in the Soconusco region of the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Within each site four habitat types were selected and within each habitat type four points were randomly selected. The habitat types were forest, rustic coffee, diverse shade coffee, and intensive coffee (low density of shade). We found different responses of the three taxa along the intensification gradient. While ants and butterflies generally decrease in species richness with the decrease of shade cover, birds declined in one site but increased in the other. Ant species richness appears to be more resistant to habitat modification, while butterfly species richness appears to be more sensitive. Bird species richness was correlated with distance from forest fragments but not with habitat type, suggesting that scale and landscape structure may be important for more mobile taxa. For each of these taxa, the rustic plantation was the one that maintained species richness most similar to the forest. We found no correlation between the three taxa, suggesting that none of these taxa are good candidates as surrogates for each other. We discuss the implications of these results for the conservation of biodiversity in coffee plantations, in particular, the importance of distinguishing between different levels of shade, and the possibility that different taxa might be responding to habitat changes at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

附生植物作为山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分,在维持森林生态系统生物多样性格局、水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过野外调查、标本查阅并结合相关文献,对云南哀牢山地区附生维管植物物种组成及分布进行了系统研究。结果显示,哀牢山地区附生维管植物共有23科83属218种,其中附生蕨类和兰科植物最丰富。附生蕨类有34属93种,以附生-石生蕨类生活型占优势,其中水龙骨科17属62种,占附生蕨类的66.67%,瓦韦属(Lepisorus)和石韦属(Pyrrosia)分别有13种和10种。附生兰科植物有26属65种,其中石斛属(Dendrobium)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)分别有12种和8种。该地区附生维管植物属的分布具有明显的热带性质并以热带亚洲分布居多。附生植物生长于生境因子变化剧烈、资源有限的林冠,对环境变化敏感,极易遭受破坏且破坏后难以恢复,不少附生植物具有很高的药用、观赏等价值。因此,应加强对附生维管植物这一特殊类群的保护。  相似文献   

Disturbance regimes in many temperate, old growth forests are characterized by gap-scale events. However, prior to a complex stage of development, canopy gaps may still serve as mechanisms for canopy tree replacement and stand structural changes associated with older forests. We investigated 40 canopy gaps in secondary hardwood stands on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee to analyze gap-scale disturbance processes in developing forests. Gap origin, age, land fraction, size, shape, orientation, and gap maker characteristics were documented to investigate gap formation mechanisms and physical gap attributes. We also quantified density and diversity within gaps, gap closure, and gap-phase replacement to examine the influence of localized disturbances on forest development. The majority of canopy gaps were single-treefall events caused by uprooted or snapped stems. The fraction of the forest in canopy gaps was within the range reported from old growth remnants throughout the region. However, gap size was smaller in the developing stands, indicating that secondary forests contain a higher density of smaller gaps. The majority of canopy gaps were projected to close by lateral crown expansion rather than height growth of subcanopy individuals. However, canopy gaps still provided a means for understory trees to recruit to larger size classes. This process may allow overtopped trees to reach intermediate positions, and eventually the canopy, after future disturbance events. Over half of the trees located in true gaps with intermediate crown classifications were Acer saccharum, A. rubrum, or Liriodendron tulipifera. Because the gaps were relatively small and close by lateral branch growth of perimeter trees, the most shade-tolerant A. saccharum has the greatest probability of becoming dominant in the canopy under the current disturbance regime. Half of the gap maker trees removed from the canopy were Quercus; however, Acer species are the most probable replacement trees. These data indicate that canopy gaps are important drivers of forest change prior to a complex stage of development. Even in relatively young forests, gaps provide the mechanisms for stands to develop a complex structure, and may be used to explain patterns of shifting species composition in secondary forests of eastern North America.  相似文献   

Expansion of coffee cultivation is one of the causes of deforestation and biodiversity loss. However, shade grown coffee has been promoted as a means for preserving biodiversity in the tropics. In this study we compared tree diversity in two types of coffee management regimes with the sacred groves in the Western Ghats of India. We computed species accumulation curves, species diversity indices and evenness indices to compare the different management regimes. Results of diversity indices showed that shade coffee had less diversity compared to sacred groves. Exotic species dominated the tree diversity in lands where the tree harvesting rights are with the growers. Native trees dominated the tree diversity when growers had no ownership rights on trees. A species accumulation curve suggested that the sacred grove had higher species richness compared to other two habitats. Lack of incentive to preserve endemic species as shade trees is forcing growers to plant more exotic species in shade grown coffee plots. If encouraged, shade grown coffee can preserve some biodiversity, but cannot provide all ecological benefits of a natural forest.  相似文献   

The epiphytic vegetation on host trees along an altitudinal transect on the west slope of the Central Cordillera in Colombia was sampled. Bark-type restricted sampling comprised four full-grown forest trees, not necessarily four species, at altitudinal intervals of c. 200 meters from 1000 to 4130 m a.s.l. and included the canopy. Both vascular and non-vascular epiphytes, the latter often more abundant in the montane rain forest, were included in the analyses. Using a method of direct gradient analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, the variation explained by various environmental variables could be discriminated from a great amount of variation that seemed not related to any ecological factor. To a large extent, the randomness in propagule supply appears to determine the floristic composition on branch/trunk segments. The grouping of relevés in a phytosociological analysis concurred with a clustering of samples in an ordination diagram of the first two extracted constrained axes. The sample scores on these two axes were strongly correlated with the complex variables altitude and height within the host tree. Specialists and generalists with respect to the two variables were defined based on tolerances provided by the canonical correspondence analysis as was the position of species on the gradients involved. Independently from any of the other variables entered, a relation between the epiphytic vegetation and host species was detected, particularly in the case of Brunellia occidentalis, a fast growing tree species of higher altitude. No relation between chemical characteristics of suspended soil in the Upper Montane Rain forest and its supporting species could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Species diversity of vascular epiphyte plant communities was studied in La Carbonera, a montane rain forest dominated by Podocarpaceae in the Venezuelan Andes. We compared the epiphyte communities of the primary, disturbed, and secondary forest areas of La Carbonera in order to augment the scarce knowledge on the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on these important elements of tropical vegetation. Diversity of vascular epiphytes (191 species in the whole forest area) was low in the disturbed and secondary areas (81 spp.) compared to adjacent primary forest (178 spp.). Four types of disturbed forest and secondary vegetation supported different numbers of epiphyte species, showing a decline with increasing degrees of disturbance (65 spp. along a road transect, 42 spp. on relict trees in disturbed forest, 13 spp. in a tree plantation and 7 spp. in a former clearing, both secondary vegetation units). Epiphytic species composition in primary and disturbed or secondary forest areas differed markedly: disturbed habitats harboured fewer fern and orchid species but more bromeliad species than the primary forest. Probably the families occurring only in primary forest sites of our study may be useful as bioindicators to determine the degree of disturbance in other habitats of mountain rain forests as well. Epiphyte abundance was also lower in disturbed habitats: a remnant emergent tree supported only about half as many epiphyte individuals as a member of the same species of similar size in the primary forest. The decrease in species numbers and abundance as well as the differences in species composition are mainly due to the less diverse phorophyte structure and less differentiated microclimate in the disturbed and secondary vegetation compared to the primary forest.  相似文献   

A linkage map for coffee (Coffea canephora P.) totalling 1402 cM has been developed on the basis of a population of doubled haploids. Both RFLP markers and PCR-based markers (RAPD) were used to construct 15 linkage groups. Coffee genomic and cDNA clones provided the source of the probes. In total, 47 RFLP and 100 RAPD loci have been placed on the linkage map. A rather low DNA polymorphism rate (18% for RFLP markers and 29% for RAPD primers) was detected. Only 81% of RAPD markers and 85% of RFLP markers fit an expected 11 ratio (P<0.01). The availability of a molecular linkage map has many implications for the future development of the genetics and breeding of this commercially important crop species.  相似文献   

The diversity and spatial distribution of vascular epiphytes were surveyed in two biotopes (dryland forest and swamp-inundated forest) of the semi-deciduous rain forest area in Cameroon. Eight sites in each biotope were selected, which included 530 individuals of phorophytes in dryland forest and 460 in swamp-inundated forest. A total of 148 epiphyte species were recorded, which showed that semi-deciduous rain forests represent a major source of African-epiphyte diversity. Dryland forest hosted 110 epiphyte species, while the swamp-inundated forest harboured 108. A total of 56 species were found only in the dryland forest and 60 were restricted to the swamp-inundated forest. At family level, Orchidaceae exhibited the highest-species richness within both biotopes. Pteridophytes were more abundant in the swamp-inundated forest. A TWINSPAN analysis of the floristic similarities separated the two investigated forest types very clearly. No significant difference existed between the two biotopes regarding vertical distribution of epiphytes within single trees. The swamp-inundated forests may serve as a refuge for many epiphytes that occur in the outer canopy of the dryland forests, both because they are inherently less vulnerable to timber extraction, and enjoy better protection by legislation.  相似文献   

Canopy gap area/age distributions and growth mechanisms were examined in a virgin subalpine forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA. The gap area distribution was negative exponential in form. Whithin gap tree ages varied widely in response to stepwise gap expansion caused by windthrow of peripheral trees or death of standing mature Picea rubens at gap edges. As a consequence, the density of small gaps may have been underestimated and the density of large gaps overestimated. The estimates of canopy turnover time, 303 yr, and of patch birth rate on an area basis, 3.3×10-3 ha new patches/ha land area/yr, were not affected by the gap expansion phenomenon. However, any estimate of patch birth rate as numbers of new patches formed per year would have been too low. Because of increasingly widespread Picea death, the patch area/age distribution of this forest may not currently be in steady-state.  相似文献   

The vertical growth ofLarix gmelini in the north of the Greater Khingan Mts., north-eastern China is very fast during the first 50 yr. ThoughPinus sylvestris var.mongolica shows a higher growth rate, it will be replaced by the larch population.Picea jezoensis is the most tolerant tree species and will replace all other trees.The fire cycle is 110–120 yr. Most of the montane areas from 800 to 1000 m a.s.l. are not occupied by spruce forest.There is a sapling bank with large numbers of saplings at ages below 20 yr in the understory in the spruce forest. The sapling bank is the key to maintain the steady state of the spruce forest. The persistent sapling bank in the life history of spruce governs the dynamics of the spruce forest controlled by the intensity and frequency of disturbances.The author is H. Q. Wu  相似文献   

Summary A study was begun in 1976 to measure succession patterns following soil disturbance within a sagebrush community in northwestern Colorado. The principal hypothesis was that type of disturbance affects the direction of succession, resulting in different plant communities over time. Successional dynamics were studied through 1988. Four types of soil disturbance resulted in 3 early seral communities: one dominated by grasses, one by annuals, and one intermediate. The annual-dominated communities were opportunistic on these sites, lasting 3–5 years and not determining the direction in which succession proceeded following their replacement. Twelve years after disturbance, 3 communities (one grass-dominated, one shrub-dominated, and one intermediate) occupied the site, the characteristics of which were functions of type of initial soil disturbance. For the period of time covered by this study (12 years), degree of disturbance was found to affect the direction of succession, resulting in different plant communities over time. There were, however, successional characteristics toward the end of the study that suggest that over a longer time period, succession might progress to a single community regardless of type of disturbance.  相似文献   

Question: What is the long‐term compositional response of grass and forb species to various combinations of burning and mowing? Can these responses be predicted from simple plant traits? Location: Ukulinga research and training farm (24°24′E, 30°24′S), Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Methods: Grass species relative abundance in 1996 in various burning and mowing treatments of a long‐term (> 50 a) experiment was calculated from data obtained using a point sampling method, whereas forb species abundance in 1999 was determined using the importance score method. The experiment consisted of different frequencies (annual, biennial and triennial) of burning and mowing in winter or spring in combination with different frequencies of summer mowing (none, early, late or both). Results: Grasses responded to the type of disturbance (burn or mow) and frequency of burning, whereas forbs responded primarily to the presence or absence of any form of disturbance and secondarily to the timing of burning (spring versus winter). Summer mowing and annual or biennial dormant‐period burning maintained communities dominated by short grasses, whereas tall grasses dominated under annual dormant‐period mowing, triennial burning or protection from disturbance. Grass tillering strategy (below‐ or above‐ground) influenced response to burning frequency. Many erect herbaceous dicot species with aerial meristems were reduced in abundance by summer mowing whereas most small creeping herbaceous dicot species appeared to be dependent upon summer mowing. Conclusions: This long‐term experiment demonstrated that: (1) grasses and forbs responded differently to burning and mowing; (2) simple plant traits, such as height, position of tiller initiation, and position of meristems have potential for predicting the response of species to the timing and frequency of burning and mowing.  相似文献   

Altitudinal changes of composition and richness of montane plant assemblages are complex, depending on the taxonomic group and gradient conditions, with different factors involved that are directly altitude-dependent (e.g., temperatures, air pressure) and altitude-independent (e.g., precipitation, cloud cover, area). In order to assess the relative impacts of temperature, precipitation, air humidity, and area of altitudinal belts on plant diversity, we analyzed diversity patterns of five species-rich groups, mostly herbaceous plants, in 74 forest plots along three climatically contrasting elevational transects from humid tropical lowland vegetation up to cloud forests at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. We recorded 278 plant species, with ferns being the most species-rich group followed by orchids, bromeliads, aroids, and piperoids. The most striking results were the contrasting patterns and model results for terrestrial and epiphytic taxa. Whereas the richness of all terrestrial species taken together did not change significantly with elevation, vascular epiphytes showed increasing species numbers with altitude. However, a number of individual terrestrial taxa showed also significant elevation-related changes: aroids showed a marked decline with hight, orchids and piperoids increased, and ferns displayed a hump-shaped pattern with highest richness in mid-altitudes. Among the epiphytes, aroids declined while most other groups increased with altitude. This distinction is relevant for projections of responses of plant communities to climate change, which will lead to increased temperatures and to changing precipitation and cloud condensation regimes and thus will likely affect terrestrial and epiphytic species in different ways.  相似文献   

Aim Although vascular epiphytes are important components of species richness and complexity of Neotropical forests, vascular epiphytes are under‐represented in large scale biogeographical analyses. We studied the diversity, biogeography and floristic relationships of the epiphytic flora of the Yasuní region (Western Amazonia) in a Neotropical context, with special emphasis on the influence of the Andean flora on floristic composition and diversity of surrounding lowland forests. Location Western Amazonian lowland rainforest, Tiputini Biodiversity Station (0°38′ S 76°09′ W, 230 m a.s.l., 650 ha), Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. Methods We compared the vascular epiphyte flora of Yasuní with 16 published Neotropical epiphyte inventories. Secondly, based on a floristic database with records of more than 70,000 specimens of vascular epiphytes from the Neotropics the elevational composition of eight selected inventories was analysed in detail. Results The vascular epiphyte flora of Yasuní is characterized by a very high species richness (313 spp.). A moderate portion of species is endemic to the Upper Napo region (c. 10%). However, this figure is much higher than previous analyses primarily based on woody species suggested. Geographical ranges of these species match with a proposed Pleistocene forest refuge. Compared with Northern and Central Amazonian sites, Western Amazonian epiphyte communities are characterized by a higher portion of montane and submontane species. Species richness of vascular epiphytes at the sites was correlated with the amount of rainfall, which is negatively correlated with the number of dry months. Main conclusion Recent and historic patterns of rainfall are the driving forces behind diversity and floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in Western Amazonia: high annual rainfall in combination with low seasonality provides suitable conditions to harbour high species richness. The proximity to the Andes, the most important centre of speciation for most Neotropical epiphytic taxa, in combination with the climatic setting has allowed a continuous supply of species richness to the region. At least for epiphytes, the borderline between the Andean and Amazonian flora is much hazier than previously thought. Moreover, the comparatively moist climate in Western Amazonia during the Pleistocene has probably led to fewer extinctions and/or more speciation than in more affected surrounding lowlands.  相似文献   

Animals can colonize intertidal sediments by lateral movement through (by burrowing) and on (by crawling) the sediment or by settling (vertically) from the water-column (during larval or bed-load transport above the surface of the sediment). To determine the relative importance of these in recolonization of cleared areas, animals were experimentally prevented from lateral movement through sediments (using fences) and/or by settlement from the water-column (using lids). Necessary controls required nine experimental treatments and an untouched control. After 16 days, assemblages in experimental treatments differed from natural assemblages: recovery was not yet complete. There were differences among assemblages in plots with lids, but no differences among assemblages in plots with fences. After 33 days, treatments with lids still showed little recolonization. Multivariate analyses of assemblage showed the relevance of colonization from the water-column. Analysis of individual taxa revealed complex patterns of recolonization. In general, juvenile bivalves used the water-column, but numbers of large polychaetes were reduced by the fences, indicating that lateral movement was important. These experiments illustrate the complex dynamics of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and great importance of small-scale dispersal.  相似文献   

It is postulated that early succession is influenced by environmental conditions directly after a disturbance event and the temporal scale of succeeding disturbances. For example, Rincon Bayou, Texas, U.S.A. is an estuary stressed by large fluctuations in salinity ranging from oligohaline to hypersaline conditions; leading to the question: are benthic succession dynamics interrupted or affected by the temporal scale of salinity fluctuations? To answer this question, succession dynamics were investigated by manipulation of 1) initial environmental conditions, and 2) time between severe disturbances. The influence of environmental conditions and time course of succession were investigated by comparing two experiments. A synoptic-deployment experiment where samples were deployed at the same environmental conditions and a synoptic-retrieval experiment where samples were collected from deployments under different environmental conditions. Both experiments were conducted at varying time courses of 2-, 4- and 8-week durations between severe disturbances. Severe disturbances were simulated with defaunated sediment. Ambient conditions were simultaneously sampled as a reference. Environmental conditions directly affected succession. In the ambient study, succession occurred in conjunction with changes in environmental conditions. In the synoptic-deployment and synoptic-retrieval studies, environmental conditions at the time of retrieval were more important in determining community structure than deployment duration or initial environmental conditions at time of deployment. Initial environmental conditions were not the primary mechanism in regulation of succession because succession is likely interrupted by frequent salinity disturbances. The salinity-stressed estuary of Rincon Bayou appears to be in a constant state of early and intermediate succession because of frequent salinity-related disturbances.  相似文献   

Single- (33–37 m2) and multi-tree (51–151 m2) gaps were created in an Allegheny Plateau northern hard-woods forest to investigate environmental and herb layer response to canopy opening. After gap creation, noon light on clear summer days was brightest north of opening center. At other times of the day, and when skies were overcast, there was no difference in the light quantity beneath opened and closed canopy. Nor was the distribution of soil moisture or of soil or air temperature greatly affected by gap creation. Species establishment tended to be higher near opening centers; otherwise, there was no pronounced effect of canopy opening on plant cover or species richness during the first four years after gap creation. Biotic responses were not significantly correlated with any environmental factor.  相似文献   

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