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1. 1. A soluble, alkaline, Mg2+-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC has been isolated from the stroma of intact spinach and pea chloroplasts and purified some 100-fold. The enzyme has a high specificity for inorganic pyrophosphate and Mg2+, and exhibits maximal activity at pH 8.2–8.6. The enzyme shows allosteric characteristics with Mg2+ as activator and optimal rates are obtained with a ratio of Mg2+ to PPi of approximately 4 to 1. The enzyme is inhibited by anionic PPi and by its own reaction product, orthophosphate.

2. 2. If Mg2+ is excluded from the medium in which isolated chloroplasts are assayed, active photosynthetic oxygen evolution can still be observed. The addition of Pi, but not PPi, will then offset a phosphate deficiency. If external Mg2+ is present PPi will also offset a phosphate deficiency and in these circumstances the rapidity and nature of the response is related to the external pyrophosphatase activity.

3. 3. Evidence is presented that the chloroplast envelope is relatively impermeable to PPi and that the response to added PPi is due to external hydrolysis followed by entry of Pi to the chloroplast. These results have significance concerning proposed mechanisms for control of photosynthesis.

Abbreviations: HEPES, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-ethanesulphonic acid; MES, 2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

The uptake of l-phenylalanine into brush border microvilli vesicles and basolateral plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex by differential centrifugation and free flow electrophoresis was investigated using filtration techniques.Brush border microvilli but not basolateral plasma membrane vesicles take up l-phenylalanine by an Na+-dependent, saturable transport system. The apparent affinity of the transport system for l-phenylalanine is 6.1 mM at 100 mM Na+ and for Na+ 13 mM at 1 mM l-phenylalanine. Reduction of the Na+ concentration reduces the apparent affinity of the transport system for l-phenylalanine but does not alter the maximum velocity.In the presence of an electrochemical potential difference for Na+ across the membrane (ηNa0 >ηNa1) the brush border microvilli accumulate transiently l-phenylalanine over the concentration in the incubation medium (overshoot phenomenon). This overshoot and the initial rate of uptake are markedly increased when the intravesicular space is rendered electrically more negative by membrane diffusion potentials induced by the use of highly permeant anions, of valinomycin in the presence of an outwardly directed K+ gradient and of carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone in the presence of an outward-directed proton gradient.These results indicate that the entry of l-phenylalanine across the brush border membrane into the proximal tubular epithelial cells involves cotransport with Na+ and is dependent on the concentration difference of the amino acid, on the concentration difference of Na+ and on the electrical potential difference. The exit of l-phenylalanine across the basolateral plasma membranes is Na+-independent and probably involves facilitated diffusion.  相似文献   

(1) Very brief periods of illumination do not initiate photophosphorylation in isolated chloroplast lamellae. The time of illumination required before any phosphorylation can be detected is inversely proportional to the light intensity. At very high intensities, phosphorylation is initiated after illumination for about 4 ms.(2) There is no similar delay in the initiation of electron transport. The rate of electron transport is very high at first but declines at about the time the capacity for ATP synthesis develops. When the chloroplasts are uncoupled with gramicidin the high initial rate persists.(3) Various ions which permeate the thylakoid membrane (K+ or Rb+ in the presence of valinomycin, SCN?, I?, or ClO4?) markedly increase the time of illumination required to initiate phosphorylation. Potassium ions in the presence of valinomycin increase the delay to a maximum of about 50 ms whereas thiocyanate ions increase the delay to a maximum of about 25 ms. The effects of K+ with valinomycin and the effect of SCN? are not additive. Permeant ions and combinations of permeant ions have little or no effect on phosphorylation during continuous illumination.(4) The reason for the threshold in the light requirement and the reason for the effect of permeant ions thereon are both obscure. However, it could be argued that the energy for phosphorylation initially resides in an electric potential gradient which is abolished by migration of ions in the field, leaving a more slowly developing proton concentration gradient as the main driving force for phosphorylation during continuous illumination. If so, the threshold in the presence of permeant ions should depend on internal hydrogen ion buffering.  相似文献   

3-(3-Carboxyphenyl)-DL-[2-14C]alanine has been incorporated into four species of iris. In all species extensive metabolization takes place. In Iris × hollandica, in which both the alanine derivative and 3′-carboxyphenylglycine occur, the products identified are the glycine derivative, 3′-carboxyphenylacetate acid, 3′-carboxymandelic acid, and 3′-carboxyphenylglyoxylic acid. In I. sanguinea, in which the alanine and glycine derivatives also occur, the products identified are the glycine and acetic acid derivatives but the major product is 3-(3-hydroxymethylphenyl)alanine, a naturally occurring amino acid in this species. In I. tectorum, in which only the carboxy-substituted alanine derivative occurs, the products identified are the acetic acid and glyoxylic acid derivatives. In I. pallida, not containing any of the meta-substituted amino acids, the products identified are again the acetic acid and glyoxylic acid derivatives. The results have been further substantiated by incorporation of labelled 3′-carboxyphenylacetic acid and 3′-carboxymandelic acid into I. × hollandica and I. sanguinea.The results demonstrate three different metabolic patterns for the alanine derivative and confirm previous results on the pathway from the alanine to the glycine derivative. Furthermore, the results may be of significance for the elucidation of the catabolism of phenylalanine.  相似文献   

alpha-Aminoisobutyric acid is actively accumulated by the epithelium of the cornea of the toad, Bufo marinus, resulting in a tissue to medium ratio of 4 to 1 after 40 min of incubation. The accumulation of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid is ouabain-sensitive and dependent upon the presence of extracellular sodium. Transport is inhibited by carbon monoxide, 6-aminonicotinamide, arsenite and n-heptyl-3-hydroxy-quinoline-n-oxide and stimulated by diamide.  相似文献   

Incubation with graded doses of rotenone can bring about a graded lowering of the cellular ATP level. Using cells with varying ATP levels, it can be shown that the initial uptake of [14C]glycine, before the cellular concentration exceeds that of the medium, is decreased as ATP decreases. Alterations in cellular cations cannot account for the difference in glycine influx. Prolonged exposure of cells to a lowered ATP content increases the exodus of cellular glycine. Valinomycin reduces the steady-state level of glycine uptake, but its effects can to a major extent be overcome by the addition of glucose. At high extracellular K+ (70 mM) neither the sum of the Na++K+ gradients, nor the electrochemical potential of Na+ provides sufficient energy to account for glycine and 2-aminoisobutyrate accumulation if a 1:1 coupling between Na+ and the amino acid occurs.  相似文献   

The isolated oocytes from Xenopus laevis are able to take up radioactive amino acids from the exogenous medium. Most amino acids tested are taken up to reach concentrations higher than the extracellular medium. The initial uptake velocities vary with the external amino acid concentration in a Michaelis-Menten fashion. Aspartic acid requires concentrations an order of magnitude higher than the five other amino acids tested to reach half the maximal uptake velocity. The uptake mechanism seems to be specific for groups of analogous amino acids, as can be determined by competition studies. The amino acid groups for which there is some evidence of uptake specificity would be aromatic, aliphatic, acidic and basic. Amino acid pools of oocytes show that these cells can concentrate amino acids from Xenopus blood, as well as from artificial media.  相似文献   

The uptake, exit, homoexchange, inhibitory pattern, and kinetic analysis of transport of three amino acids were studied in the isolated retina of adult rat under different metabolic conditions. Only in the case of glycine, uptake and exit were shown to duplicate the processes observed in brain slices. In the case of lysine, glucose and oxygen showed an inhibitory effect, but with glutamate spontaneous exit could not be measured. It was also found that the rate of homoexchange for glycine and glutamate, but not for lysine, increases in the presence of oxygen and glucose.  相似文献   

Two membrane fractions prepared from the Ehrlich ascites-tumor cell show non-identical stimulatory responses to certain amino acids in their Mg2+-dependent activity to cleave ATP, despite the presence of ouabain and the absence of Na+ or K+. The first of these, previously described, shows little (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, and is characteristically stimulated by the presence of certain diamino acids with low pK2, and at pH values suggesting that the cationic forms of these amino acids are effective. The evidence indicates that these effects are not obtained through occupation of the kinetically discernible receptor site serving characteristically for the uphill transport of these amino acids into the Ehrlich cell. The second membrane preparation was purified with the goal of concentrating the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity. It also is stimulated by the model diamino acid, 4-amino-1-methylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid, and several ordinary amino acids. The diamino acids were most effective at pH values where the neutral zwitterionic forms might be responsible. Among the optically active amino acids tested, the effects of ornithine and leucine were substantially stronger for the l than for d isomers. The list of stimulatory amino acids again corresponds poorly to any single transport system, although the possibility was not excluded that stimulation might occur for both preparations by occupation of a membrane site which ordinarily is kinetically silent in the transport sequence. The high sensitivity to deoxycholate and to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide of the hydrolytic activity produced by the presence of l-ornithine and 4-amino-1-methyl-piperidine-4-carboxylic acid suggests that the stimulatory effect is not merely a general intensification of the background Mg+-dependent hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

alpha-Aminoisobutyric acid accumulation of the toad's (Bufo marinus) cornea and lens is inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid. This effect is seen at pH 8.4; at pH 7.4 a small increase in aminoisobutyric acid uptake was observed. Efflux of aminoisobutyric acid is unchanged by diisothiocyanostilbenedisulphonic acid at either pH. The inhibitory effect of diisothiocyanostilbenedisulphonic acid on aminoisobutyric acid accumulation appears to reflect a direct action on membrane mechanisms that mediate its influx.  相似文献   

We have examined the transport of amino acids by the sodium-dependent "A" and "ASC" system in thymic- and splenic-derived lymphocytes from the Long-Evans rat. Lymphocytes derived from the thymus transport amino acids by both the "A" and "ASC" systems, whereas lymphocytes from the spleen transport amino acids by the "ASC" system only. Thymic lymphocytes are capable of establishing a steady state distribution ratio of 7.9 for 2-aminoisobutyric acid, but splenic lymphocytes can attain only 3.5. The steady state distribution ratio of alanine was the same in both cell types. Sodium-independent transport is also different in splenic and thymic lymphocytes. But both cells move amino acids by a Na+-independent system for mediated exchange-diffusion. The studies show that lymphocytes derived from the spleen and thymus transport amino acids differently, and that the "T" lymphocytes from the spleen have membrane transport systems different from "T" lymphocytes from the thymus.  相似文献   

Amino acid and K(+) transport during development has been investigated in hepatocyte monolayer cultures with either alpha-amino[1-(14)C]isobutyrate or (86)Rb(+) used as a tracer for K(+). Parenchymal cells from neo- and post-natal rat livers have been isolated by an improved non-perfusion technique [Bellemann, Gebhardt & Mecke (1977)Anal.Biochem.81, 408-415], and the resulting hepatocyte suspensions purified from non-hepatocytes before inoculation. In the presence of Na(+) (Na(+)-dependent component), the rates of amino acid uptake in neonatal hepatocytes were markedly enhanced compared with cells from 30-day-old rats. When Na(+) was replaced by choline (Na(+)-independent component) the accumulation of alpha-aminoisobutyrate was decreased and it was not affected by the age of the animals. Kinetic analysis of Na(+)-dependent alpha-aminoisobutyrate transport revealed the existence of a high-affinity low-K(m) component (K(m)0.91mm) with a V(max.) of 2.44nmol/mg of protein per 4min, which later declined gradually with progressive development. Rates of Rb(+) transport were concomitantly enhanced in neonatal hepatocytes and thereafter declined with postnatal age. The increased Rb(+) influx was effectively inhibited by ouabain and reflected elevated activity of the electrogenic Na(+)/K(+)-pump during early stages of development. Kinetic evaluation of the enhanced rates of Rb(+) uptake indicates multiple and co-operative binding sites of the enzyme involved in the Rb(+) uptake, and the transport system is positively co-operative (the Hill coefficient h is >1.0). In short, amino acid transport in neonatal rat hepatocytes is increased as a result of an existing low-K(m) component for the Na(+)-dependent alpha-aminoisobutyrate uptake, which endows the hepatocytes with a high capability for concentrating amino acids at low ambient values. The concomitant enhancement of K(+) transport reflects changes in the electrochemical gradient for Na(+) across the hepatocellular membrane and, along with this, presumably alterations in the membrane potential; the latter might be the driving force for the enhanced alpha-aminoisobutyrate transport in the alanine-preferring system during postnatal age.  相似文献   

Monospecific antibodies have been prepared against cytochrome c2 from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, and against cytochrome c′ from Rps. capsulata. These antibodies precipitated their respective antigens, but did not cross react with a wide range of procaryotic or eucaryotic cytochromes, or with other bacterial proteins. The cytochromes produced during aerobic growth were immunologically indistinguishable from those produced during photosynthetic growth.Cytochrome c2 is located in vivo in the periplasmic space between the cell wall and the cell membrane, and when chromatophores are prepared from whole cells the cytochrome becomes trapped inside these vesicles. The implications of these results to energy coupling in the photosynthetic bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

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