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Mass flowering is a widespread blooming strategy among Neotropical trees that has been frequently suggested to increase geitonogamous pollination. We investigated the pollination ecology of the mass‐flowering tree Handroanthus impetiginosus, addressing its breeding system, the role in pollination of different visitors, the impact of nectar robbers on fruit set and the function of colour changes in nectar guides. This xenogamous species is mainly pollinated by Centris and Euglossa bees (Apidae) seeking nectar, which are known to fly long distances. The flowers favour these bees by having: (1) a closed entrance in newly opened flowers which provides access only to strong bees capable of deforming the flower tube; and (2) a nectar chamber that is accessible only to long‐tongued bees. Only first‐day flowers with yellow nectar guides produce nectar. Pollinators prefer these flowers over second‐ and third‐day flowers with orange and red nectar guides, respectively. Nectar robbers damage two‐thirds of the flowers and this robbing activity decreases fruit set by half. We attribute the low fruit set of H. impetiginosus to the intense nectar robbing and hypothesize that visual signalling of nectar presence in newly opened (receptive) flowers reduces geitonogamy by minimizing bee visits to unrewarding (non‐receptive) flowers. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 396–407.  相似文献   

Ants are widely employed by plants as an antiherbivore defence. A single host plant can associate with multiple, symbiotic ant species, although usually only a single ant species at a time. Different plant‐ant species may vary in the degree to which they defend their host plant. In Kenya, ant–acacia interactions are well studied, but less is known about systems elsewhere in Africa. A southern African species, Vachellia erioloba, is occupied by thorn‐dwelling ants from three different genera. Unusually, multiple colonies of all these ants simultaneously and stably inhabit trees. We investigated if the ants on V. erioloba (i) deter insect herbivores; (ii) differ in their effectiveness depending on the identity of the herbivore; and (iii) protect the tree against an important herbivore, the larvae of the lepidopteran Gonometa postica. We show that experimental exclusion of ants leads to greater levels of herbivory on trees. The ants inhabiting V. erioloba are an effective deterrent against hemipteran and coleopteran, but not lepidopteran herbivores. Defensive services do not vary among ant species, but only Crematogaster ants exhibit aggression towards G. postica. This highlights the potential of the V. erioloba–ant mutualism for studying ant–plant interactions that involve multiple, simultaneously resident thorn‐dwelling ant species.  相似文献   

It has been commonly suggested that ants negatively affect plant pollination, particularly in the tropics. We studied ant–flower–pollinator interactions in a lowland rainforest in Borneo. Frequency and duration of pollinator visits were compared between flowers attended by ants and flowers from which ants were excluded. In all four plant species studied, the activity of ants decreased the rate and/or duration of the pollinators’ floral visits. For this and other reasons it is expected that plants repel ants from flowers during anthesis. We tested this prediction for a different set of plant species in which we observed the behaviour of Dolichoderus thoracicus ants when encountering flowers. In eight out of 18 plant species studied, ants showed a significantly higher rejection rate when they encountered flowers than when they encountered controls. Our results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that ants may negatively affect plant fitness by reduced intensity of pollinator visits and that ants are repelled from flowers of many tropical plant species, although this repellence is clearly not ubiquitous.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long predicted that evolutionary trade‐offs among traits should constrain morphological divergence and species diversification. However, this prediction has yet to be tested in a broad evolutionary context in many diverse clades, including ants. Here, we reconstruct an expanded ant phylogeny representing 82% of ant genera, compile a new family‐wide trait database, and conduct various trait‐based analyses to show that defensive traits in ants do exhibit an evolutionary trade‐off. In particular, the use of a functional sting negatively correlates with a suite of other defensive traits including spines, large eye size, and large colony size. Furthermore, we find that several of the defensive traits that trade off with a sting are also positively correlated with each other and drive increased diversification, further suggesting that these traits form a defensive suite. Our results support the hypothesis that trade‐offs in defensive traits significantly constrain trait evolution and influence species diversification in ants.  相似文献   

The interest shown by ecologists in antioxidants and oxidative stress as potential modulators of life‐history trade‐offs has expanded greatly in recent years. However, we still know very little about natural variation in oxidative damage and antioxidant capacity in free‐living animals. In this study, we describe the natural variation in three components of oxidative balance in nestlings and breeding females in free‐living Great Tits Parus major and Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris in central Italy, and relate these to breeding conditions and life‐history traits. Our results suggest that there are associations among oxidative physiology, reproductive activity, growth pattern and season in wild birds, but that the nature of these associations might be species‐specific rather than general across species.  相似文献   

Floral nectar characteristics of nine inbred lines of onion (Allium cepa L.) were examined to determine their influence on the attractiveness of the onion flowers to honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Potassium concentrations and sugar concentrations of the nectar did not significantly correlate with the number of bee visits received by an umbel. The average amount of nectar produced by both the umbels and the individual florets was significantly positively correlated with the number of bee visits. Our results suggest that selection for flowers with high nectar production may lead to a higher rate of pollination of the onion seed crop.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00654.x Relationships between higher‐level functional capacity and dental health behaviors in community‐dwelling older adults Objective: The aim of the present study was to elucidate relationships between higher‐level functional capacity and dental health behaviours in community‐dwelling older adults. Background: In ageing society, it is necessary to promote oral health in the elderly, because good oral health is a significant contributing factor to good general health. Higher‐level functional capacity has been considered a crucial factor for successful independent living in the elderly. We hypothesised that functional capacity is a significant indicator of dental health behaviours. Methods: Three hundred and thirty‐eight adults aged 65 years or older were enrolled in this study. Higher‐level functional capacity was evaluated using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (TMIG‐index). Univariate and multivariate models were constructed with dental health behaviours, such as regular visits to a dentist, brushing frequency and use of extra cleaning devices, as the dependent variable, and the total TMIG‐index score and its subcategory scores as the principal independent variable. Results: Univariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between low TMIG‐index and ‘intellectual activity’ subcategory scores to lack of regular visits to a dentist and not using extra cleaning devices. Using a multivariate model, significant relationships remained after adjusting for a number of variables including demographics, medical status, lifestyle and number of remaining teeth. Conclusion: Intellectual activity of higher‐level functional capacity may be an accurate indicator of dental health behaviours in community‐dwelling older adults. Intellectual activity should be taken into consideration to effectively promote oral health behaviours and oral hygiene in elderly persons living independently.  相似文献   

Pace‐of‐life syndromes (POLSs) are suites of life‐history, physiological and behavioural traits that arise due to trade‐offs between allocation to current and future reproduction. Traits generally show covariation that can arise from genetic and environmental influences on phenotypes and constrain the independent evolution of traits, resulting in fitness consequences and impacts on population dynamics. The notion that correlations among traits may vary among populations along environmental gradients suggests an important role for the environment in shaping and maintaining POLSs. However, no synthesis has been attempted of the myriad ways in which environmental factors should influence POLSs. Here, we formulate a series of hypotheses targeting the critical interfaces of the environment and life‐history ‐ behaviour associations across different organisms. We discuss the hypotheses in light of findings from a systematic review of studies that measured changes in the association between behaviour and life‐history traits as a function of environmental conditions. The review revealed that POLSs are often shaped by environmental variation, where harshness of the environment in early life has the most consistent effects on POLS. However, only partial or no effects of environmental variation were found in a number of studies, which may result from the highly variable study systems, traits and environments studied. We highlight promising directions arising from the available studies and identify knowledge gaps that, if unaddressed, will impede progress in the field.  相似文献   

1. Trail‐sharing between different ant species is rare and restricted to a small number of species pairs. Its underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. For trail‐sharing to occur, two factors are required: (i) one or both species must recognise the other species or its pheromone trails and (ii) both species must tolerate each other to a certain extent to allow joint use of the trail. A species that follows another's trails can efficiently exploit the other's information on food sources contained in the pheromone trails. Hence, food competition and thus aggressive interactions between a species following another's trail and the species being followed, seem likely. 2. In the present study, we investigated interspecific trail following and interspecific aggression in trail sharing associations (i) among Polyrhachis ypsilon, Camponotus saundersi, and Dolichoderus cuspidatus, and (ii) among Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii. We tested whether trail‐sharing species follow each other's pheromone trails, and whether the ants tolerated or attacked their trail‐sharing partners. In both associations, we confronted workers with pheromone trails of their associated species, and, for the former association, measured interspecific aggression among the trail‐sharing species. 3. In our assays, D. cuspidatus and C. rufifemur regularly followed heterospecific pheromone trails of P. ypsilon and C. modiglianii, respectively. However, only few workers of the remaining species followed heterospecific pheromone trails. Thus, shared trails of P. ypsilon and C. saundersi cannot be explained by interspecific trail‐following. 4. Interspecific aggression among P. ypsilon, C. saundersi, and D. cuspidatus was strongly asymmetric, C. saundersi being submissive to the other two. All three species differentiated between heterospecific workers from the same or another site, suggesting habituation to the respective trail‐sharing partners. We therefore hypothesise that differential tolerance by dominant ant species may be mediated by selective habituation towards submissive species and this way determines the assembly of trail‐sharing associations.  相似文献   

Territorial male Thomson's and Grant's gazelles on a commercial game ranch near Nairobi, Kenya, were older, heavier and possessed longer horns than bachelor conspecifics. Among territorial Thomson's gazelles, males accompanied by females were older than solitary individuals but differed little in frame and horn dimensions. Small sample sizes precluded similar analyses for Grant's gazelles. These results suggest the importance of size, age and perhaps experience in determining social status.  相似文献   

Foraging traits of seed predators are expected to impact the spatial structure of plant populations, community dynamics and diversity. Yet, many of the key mechanisms governing distance- or density-dependent seed predation are poorly understood. We designed an extensive set of field experiments to test how seed predation by two harvester ant species interact with seed dispersal in shaping the spatial patterns of surviving seeds. We show that the Janzen–Connell establishment pattern can be generated by central-place foragers even if their focal point is located away from the seed source. Furthermore, we found that differences in the social behaviour of seed predators influence their sensitivity to seed density gradients and yield opposing spatial patterns of surviving seeds. Our results support the predictions of a recent theoretical framework that unifies apparently opposing plant establishment patterns, and suggest that differences in foraging traits among seed predators can drive divergent pathways of plant community dynamics.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2009,85(1-3):82-88
In the present study the relationships between five body structural and nine udder morphological traits with milk yield and non-yield traits, i.e. milk contents, somatic cell count and body weight in n = 171 Frizarta ewes were investigated. Positive correlations of moderate to high magnitude were observed among body measurements ranging from 0.25 (body length-chest width) to 0.61 (chest width-chest girth). High correlations were observed between udder width and udder circumference (r = 0.69) as well as between udder circumference at base and middle (r = 0.62). Udder height was found to be positively correlated with cistern depth (r = 0.32), udder width (r = 0.40) and udder circumference (r = 0.42) as well as with teat measurements (0.19 and 0.25 with teat length and teat circumference, respectively). Cistern depth was positively and highly correlated with teat angle (r = 0.64). The correlation between teat length and circumference was also high (r = 0.57). Teat angle was found to be negatively correlated with teat measurements (r = −0.39 and −0.23 for teat length and teat circumference, respectively). Principal components analysis revealed four components that jointly explained 67% of the variance of all the body and the udder morphological traits. The first principal component interpreted as the body dimensions was found to be associated with body weight of ewes. The second component interpreted as global and rear measurements of the udder was significant for milk yield traits. The third and fourth principal components were interpreted as the udder type and teat dimensions, respectively. Ewes’ body weight could be adequately predicted by chest girth, body length, chest width and withers height. Test day milk yields were found to be associated with udder circumference and udder width as well as with udder height and teat length. None of the udder measurements and/or teat characteristics was found to be correlated with milk content(s) and/or somatic cell count. New statistical techniques can be successfully implemented in investigation of relationships between various traits in dairy sheep.  相似文献   

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