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The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, is the most damaging potato pest in the world and is difficult to control as the larvae are internal feeders in the foliage and tubers. Entomopathogenic fungi that colonize plants as endophytes have lethal and sublethal pathological effects on insect pests. We show that Beauveria bassiana colonizes the aerial parts of potato plants endophytically after inoculation through soil drenching. Endophytic B. bassiana persisted in potato foliage for more than 50 days postinoculation. Bioassays indicated that foliage of B. bassiana-inoculated potato plants were pathogenic against larvae of P. operculella. Sublethal experiments indicated that B. bassiana negatively affected the growth, development, and reproduction of P. operculella. Development experiments showed that the weight of P. operculella pupae reared on B. bassiana-colonized potato plants (4.25 mg) was significantly less than that of those reared on uninoculated control plants (8.89 mg). Compared with newly eclosed larvae fed on control plants, those fed on B. bassiana-inoculated plants had significantly lower survivorship, with only 17.8% developing to the adult stage. Oviposition of P. operculella females reared on B. bassiana endophytically colonized plants was significantly lower (35 eggs/female) than of those reared on uninoculated plants (115 eggs/female). This study demonstrates that endophytic B. bassiana can be a potential biological control agent for the control and management of P. operculella. Comparing pupal weights of P. operculella reared on potato plants inoculated with the B. bassiana strain GZGY-1-3 and on untreated control plants, pupae from the control plants were significantly heavier than those from treated plants.  相似文献   

Variation in the susceptibility of lepidopterous pest larvae of different ages to transgenic crops and the potential for survivors to reproduce could have important consequences for the development of resistance in such pests. Experiments were undertaken in the laboratory to determine if larvae of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, of different ages (0 (< 1 day old), 3, 5, 7 days) varied in their susceptibility to cry1Ac9–transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) foliage grown in the glasshouse or field. The survival and fecundity of larvae reared on transgenic tubers was also determined in the laboratory. There were no apparent differences in susceptibility of larvae of different ages to transgenic foliage. Larvae fed glasshouse or field‐grown non‐transgenic foliage had significantly larger relative growth indices and more larvae pupated, than those fed transgenic foliage, regardless of larval age. Eggs from a laboratory colony were placed on transgenic or non‐transgenic tubers to measure survival and fecundity. Between 6% and 15% of eggs placed on transgenic tubers developed into pupae for three of the four transgenic potato lines tested. On one transgenic line, only six adults emerged from 1300 eggs. In contrast, between 71% and 97% of the eggs placed on non‐transgenic tubers developed into pupae. Male and female pupae from transgenic lines weighed less than those from non‐transgenic lines. The fecundity of females from two of four transgenic lines was lower than from the non‐transgenic parent cultivar. Although larvae of different ages did not exhibit any overall age‐dependent pattern of increasing or decreasing susceptibility to transgenic foliage of glasshouse or field‐grown plants, the ability of larvae to survive and reproduce on transgenic tubers suggests this pest has the ability to evolve resistance to the transgenic plants used in the present study.  相似文献   

在温度为(24±2)℃、光周期为L∶D=14∶10、相对湿度为50%~70%环境条件下观察了马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)交配行为。结果表明,1~2日龄、3~4日龄成虫交配高峰期分别发生在进入暗期后的8.0~10.0h、6.5~8.0h内。两性交配率随日龄的增加显著下降。马铃薯块茎蛾雄成虫具有多次交配能力,在连续发生2次以上行为交配时会导致雄蛾有效交配率下降。雄蛾平均有效交配次数可达3.8次/头,最高达6次。增加雄性比例不会显著提高单雌产卵量,但将性比(♀:♂)由1∶1升至2∶1时即可显著降低单雌产卵量。  相似文献   

为了明确烟草潜叶蛾的抗寒能力,对烟草潜叶蛾三龄幼虫、四龄幼虫、蛹的过冷却点进行了测定,并初步明确了不同龄期、不同寄主植物、冷驯化等因素对其过冷却点的影响。结果表明:不同龄期下过冷却点由低到高排列顺序为蛹、三龄幼虫、四龄幼虫,其中蛹的过冷却点显著低于三龄、四龄幼虫的过冷却点。以烟草和马铃薯为寄主的蛹和四龄幼虫的过冷却点没有显著差异。经过冷驯化处理的四龄幼虫过冷却点低于未经冷驯化的对照组,但差异不显著;经过冷驯化的蛹的过冷却点高于对照组。本研究有助于了解烟草潜叶蛾的抗寒性及其越冬分布区域。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The effects of sex, age and mated state on average flight speed, duration and distance were determined for potato moths, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), tethered to flight mills. Moths were classified as non-fliers (NFs), good-fliers (GFs) and remaining-fliers (RFs) on the basis of their performance over the first two flights. Some moths flew for over 5 h non-stop, while others tethered overnight flew between 20 and 30 km. Speed, duration and distance flown were greater during the first flight. First flight duration and distance flown by females decreased with age, whereas no trend was evident for males. Mated males and females flew slower first flights with increasing age, whereas virgin moths showed no marked trend. The analysis of fliers and NFs revealed that GFs were heavier than both RFs and NFs, GFs were faster than RFs, the percentage of NFs increased with age especially for mated females, and the percentage of GFs decreased with age. Age and mated state are important factors influencing flight performance especially for female moths. The relevance of these results to the field situation and the possible application of tethered flight to tests of potato moth quality are discussed.  相似文献   

幼虫密度对马铃薯块茎蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内观察了块茎中不同虫口密度(5、10、15、20、25、30头/块茎)对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)生长发育、后代发育和繁殖的影响。结果显示:幼虫密度显著影响马铃薯块茎蛾的生长发育及繁殖。对其生长发育影响的结果表明:幼虫的发育历期(7.1~9.1d)、蛹的历期(8.8~9.9d)、雌雄成虫的历期(分别为6.4~12.9d,6.7~11.6d)随幼虫密度的增加而延长;幼虫存活率(70.3%~93.3%)、蛹的羽化率(69.8%~91.7%)随幼虫密度的增加显著下降;单头蛹重(9.2~11.4mg)、单雌产卵量(136.8~166.0粒)、成虫的雌∶雄比(0.54~2.17)随幼虫密度的增加而下降。对其后代发育及繁殖的影响的结果表明:卵的发育历期(3.0~4.4d)、幼虫的发育历期(6.2~10.8d)、蛹的历期(8.1~10.0d)、雌雄成虫的历期(分别为7.4~11.8d,6.6~10.5d)、世代发育历期(24.4~36.1d)随幼虫密度的增加而从延长;卵的孵化率(73.1%~79.0%)、幼虫存活率(55.0%~96.8%)、蛹的羽化率(63.3%~93.3%)、世代的存活率(25.6%~71.5%)随虫口密度的增加而下降;单头蛹重(8.9~9.9mg)、单雌产卵量(93.5~155.6粒)、成虫的雌∶雄比(0.45~2.20)随虫口密度的增加而下降;种群趋势指数(I)(7.44~76.43)随幼虫密度的增加而下降。马铃薯块茎蛾的饲养密度建议以1头/13.0~26.0g块茎为宜。  相似文献   

The potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), is an important pest of Solanaceae crops and especially devastating to potatoes. There is no significant difference in morphological characteristics of PTM from the first to third instar larvae; therefore, it is difficult to directly determine the number of instars of this pest based on morphology. In the present study, head capsule width and length and mandible width of 340 PTM individuals were measured. Density‐based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) clustering was used for instar grouping. The results of DBSCAN clustering were compared with those obtained using Gaussian mixture models and k‐means clustering; the results of the three clustering methods were verified using Brooks–Dyar rule, Crosby rule and linear regression model. The clusters obtained using the three methods were the same and comprised four PTM instars with three morphological characteristics. Moreover, the results of the three methods fit the Brooks–Dyar rule, Crosby rule, frequency analysis and logarithmic regression model well. Head capsule width was the best morphological characteristic for determining the number of instars of PTM, and this characteristic may be used for determining PTM instars in the field. These results show that the DBSCAN clustering method is a promising tool for the identification of insect instars.  相似文献   

Larvae of the potato tubermoth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella, feed on potato plants and tubers and are a major pest in the tropics and subtropics worldwide, causing up to 100% damage. The PTM granulovirus (PhopGV) provides significant potato protection, but little is known about its effect on larval development or its histopathology. Here we show that only 10% of larvae exited from PhopGV-treated tubers (1.4 × 108 granule/ml), lagging significantly behind controls, and most of these died by 72 h after emergence. Histopathology studies showed the fat body and epidermis were the principal tissues infected. PhopGV morphogenesis was similar to other GVs, the exception being small vesicles between mature granules.  相似文献   


A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to investigate the nature of the factors which determine acceptance or rejection of plants for oviposition by potato tuber moth. Bare leaves of only two plant species (potato and egg-plant) were accepted for oviposition, but when covered with a layer of muslin, leaves of all plants examined—including several known non-host plants—were rendered acceptable. Thus, volatile repellent factors are not possessed by unacceptable plants; rather, they must be rejected either because of chemical deterrents detectable only on contact or because of unsuitably textured surfaces. Plant juices expressed on to a covering layer of muslin increased the acceptance of potato and egg-plant, had no effect with tobacco, and decreased acceptance of all known non-host plants and of tomato. Brushing the leaf surface without releasing plant juices induced a detectable deterrent effect with some plant species. There was no stimulation or deterrence when the oviposition surface was separated from expressed plant juices by about 2 mm. Tomato reacted like known non-host plants in all tests. Potato and egg-plant stimulated greater total egg deposition in most experiments, but strongly deterrent treatments did not reduce the total egg lay. Antennectomy reduced but did not eliminate the stimulatory effect of potato and the deterrent effect of bean plant juices. Virgin moths were not stimulated to oviposit by potato peel. It is concluded that selection of plants for oviposition is determined both by the physical nature of their surfaces and by chemical factors which are detected only on contact. The effects of stimulative chemical factors in host plants and deterrent factors in non-host plants reinforce each other in the plant selection process.  相似文献   

The olfactory reaction of larvae and moths was investigated towards 18 oils (6 natural oils and 12 commercial chemical oils). Some of these oils such as peppermint and camphor (natural oils) and eugenol and camphene (commercial oils) were repellent to both larvae and moths. Other oils such as strawberry and d-limonene were attractive to both larvae and moths.Some of the repellent oils were, therefore, tested for their effect on certain biological aspects of the insects.Eugenol and peppermint oils, each at the 0.01% conc., caused a significant depression in the fecundity of moth and decreased the percentage of egg hatchability. Eugenol oil was much more effective than peppermint oil at 1%. Dried (leaves, fruits or seeds) powder of 14 different plants species were tested in different concentrations with talcum powder (carrier material) against egg deposition. The results indicated that dried powders of Allium cepa, Curcuma longa, Colocasia antiqurum, Ocimum basilicum. Dodonaea viscose and Thuja orientalis played a highly significant role in reducing egg deposition. The most impressive effect was displayed by powders of D. viscose and A. cepa, which caused the highest depression in egg deposition as well as in the emerging offsprings. Ethanolic extracts of 11 plants indicated that extracts of Pithuranthos tortosus and Iphiona scabra caused the maximum inhibition of egg hatchability, followed by C. longa, Citrullus colocynthia and T. orientalis. Ethanolic extracts of Schinus terebenthiflius (leaves) and I. scabra caused the highest depression in the deposited eggs, as they played a remarkable role as ovipositor deterrents.The majority of the plant extracts at 1% conc. could protect potato tubers at different intervals according to the calculated tuber damage index as follows: Iphiopna > Pithuranthos > Curcuma > Schinus (fruits) Thuja > Schinus (leaves) > Dodonaea > Citrullus.  相似文献   

Trichogramma brasiliensis (Ashmead) could be successfully reared on the eggs laid by gamma-irradiated sterile ♀ of the potato tuberworm,Phthorimaea operculella Zeller. Even after rearing 10 generations of the parasitoid on such eggs there were no adverse effects on various developmental parameters.   相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pupation site preference and body orientation of potato tuber moth larvae, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Geleehiidae), were examined in the laboratory. The larvae preferred a dry, enclosed, dark place as their pupation site. Dryness was the strongest of the three categories of stimulus; the second was stimuli evoking thigmotaxis; the third was darkness. Having selected a pupation site, a larva oriented its head to the open side of the site. If two or more openings were present, final orientation was influenced by light and gravity. These preferences and orientation habits enhance pupal protection, and the ultimate successful exit of the adult pupation crevices.  相似文献   

Stable performance of insect‐resistant transgenic plants across field seasons and between plant organs damaged by the insect pest is critical for management of this resistance in the field. To evaluate this, potato (Solanum tuberosum) lines transgenic for a cry1Ac9 gene with resistance to potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) were established in the field during the southern hemisphere summers of 1997/98, 1998/99 and 1999/00 as small field plots, each of 10 plants. Replicate plots of the non‐transgenic parent cultivars (at least one for every three independently derived transgenic lines) were planted randomly throughout the trials. Field‐grown foliage was challenged with larvae in the laboratory and a growth index (GI) was calculated for recovered larvae from each transgenic and non‐transgenic potato line. Larval growth on young and mature leaves, and on newly harvested or stored tubers was also measured in the laboratory. Foliage from the transgenic lines inhibited larval growth in all seasons tested. For both control and transgenic lines, larvae had slightly lower GIs when reared on mature leaves compared with young leaves, although the correlation between mean GI for young and mature transgenic leaves was high (r = 0.97). The correlation between the mean GIs of larvae on newly harvested tubers and on those stored for 5 months was also high (r = 1.0). However, the GIs of larvae on newly harvested transgenic tubers were larger than on transgenic tubers stored for 5 months. The relative growth indices (RGI = mean GI/number days before final weighing) of larvae reared on newly harvested tubers from transgenic lines were generally higher than those from young transgenic foliage, while the RGIs of larvae reared on non‐transgenic tubers were slightly lower than those fed non‐transgenic foliage. The correlation between mean RGIs of larvae fed tubers or foliage was 0.62. The transgenic potato lines exhibited stable resistance to larvae across field seasons, between affected plant organs, and between plant organs of different ages.  相似文献   

The chemosterilant thiotepa was used in fumigation chambers for sterilisation of male and female potato moths. Its effectiveness was registered by recording egg production, egg hatch, longevity of moths, and mating frequency. Also studied was the effect on the persistence of the chemical of temperature, exposure time and concentration. The tests showed that it was possible to sterilise fully male and female moths with thiotepa without adverse effects on mating and longevity. Generally, males were more susceptible to sterilisation than females. No definite relationship was found between dosage and egg production, longevity and mating frequency of moths. The compound did not lose its sterilising activity when used successively up to five times during the same day or once weekly for a total of 4 wk. The sterilising activity was related to temperature, exposure time, concentration and rates of airflow of the circulatory fumigation chambers. Some reduction of fertility occurred when F, adults paired with untreated moths.  相似文献   

【目的】为了确定山胡椒Lindera glauca(Sieb.Zuce)是否对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella Zeller的产卵有驱避作用。【方法】利用选择性产卵试验方法在室内分别测定了山胡椒的完整果实、压碎果实、根以及不同浓度(0.25~4.0 g E/m L)的压碎山胡椒果实正己烷提取物对马铃薯块茎蛾产卵选择性的影响;在模拟仓库内测定了压碎的果实对其产卵的影响;进而在室内测定了柠檬醛、沉香醇、香叶醇和α-水芹烯不同浓度(0.00075~0.012 g/L)的溶液对其产卵选择性的影响。【结果】山胡椒完整果实、压碎果实、根在室内对马铃薯块茎蛾产卵具有驱避效果,其中压碎果实的产卵驱避效果最好,20 g压碎果实的产卵驱避率可达93.7%。山胡椒压碎果实正己烷提取物在0.5~4.0 g E/m L的浓度范围内随着浓度的升高,产卵驱避效果逐渐增强。在模拟仓库内20 g压碎的果实产卵驱避率是82.5%;0.003~0.012 g/L的柠檬醛,0.012 g/L沉香醇,0.00075~0.012 g/L的香叶醇,0.003~0.012 g/L的α-水芹烯对马铃薯块茎蛾产卵有显著的驱避效果。【结论】山胡椒及其挥发物对马铃薯块茎蛾产卵有驱避效果。  相似文献   

吴梅  韩瑞  周典  刘燕  肖春 《环境昆虫学报》2021,43(2):500-506
为探讨丹皮酚对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)行为的影响,采用室内生物测定法,研究了丹皮酚对马铃薯块茎蛾雌虫产卵选择及初孵幼虫、老熟幼虫的忌避作用.结果表明,丹皮酚对马铃薯块茎蛾雌虫产卵、初孵幼虫、老熟幼虫均有显著忌避作用:选择性产卵实验中,5 mg/mL丹皮酚溶液的忌避指数为...  相似文献   

The effect of plant age and daylength on glandular pubescence was determined for two lines of tomato derived from Lycopersicon hirsutum (BTN 979 and LA 1777A) and a variety of L. esculentum (N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1). Densities of type I, IV, VI and VII glandular trichomes were lowest in N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1 and, over all varieties, were more dense on plants aged greater than 6 wk. Daylength interacted with variety to significantly affect densities of type VII trichomes only. Host‐plant resistance to Phthorimaea operculella was determined in preliminary tests using insects cultured from founders from a potato crop and in confirmatory tests using (less readily available) insects recovered from foliage of a tomato crop. Mortality of ex‐potato neonates on LA 1777 A and BTN 979 foliage was higher 18 h after placement than for N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1, with no effect of day length or plant age. Mortality for ex‐tomato neonates followed a similar trend. Ten days later, two‐thirds of ex‐tomato larvae had established mines on N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1 but fewer (16.7%) were live on other varieties. Stepwise multiple regression using variety as the sole factor was significant (P<0.001) in accounting for 61.4% of the variation in ex‐tomato larval survival but addition of other factors to the regression model was not significant. BTN 979 supported fewer, smaller adults to develop than did N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1, whilst no adults developed on LA 1777 A. In a non‐choice test using ex‐potato adults, significantly more eggs were laid on N 91‐1‐1‐1‐1 than on L. hirsutum varieties and 9‐wk‐old plants were preferred over plants three weeks older or younger. The same variety and plant age trends were evident in a free‐choice test using ex‐tomato adults.  相似文献   

A study was made of neonate larvae of Phthorimaea operculella.Host finding from soil-laid eggs and dispersal from hosts and nonhosts were first examined. Of first-instar larvae hatching from soil-laid eggs, 80% found the potato plant while roughly 50% found each of the other three plants (datura, tobacco, and tomato). Dispersal from potato, datura, and tobacco was very low, while on tomato it was higher and a high mortality was observed in the 24 h period. Dispersal from nonhost plants was high. Behavior on leaves of hosts and non-hosts is described and some host-plant specific behaviors are identified. Effects on behavior of some of the physical and chemical factors are described. Methylene dichloride extracts of potato leaf wax reduced locomotion rates and the number of turns during locomotion. Also methylene dichloride extract and, to a lesser extent, methanol extract caused biting behavior.  相似文献   

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