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Since the first molecular study providing evidence for mating outside the pair bond in birds over 30 years ago, >500 studies have reported rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in >300 bird species. Here, we give a detailed overview of the current literature reporting EPP in birds and highlight the sampling biases and patterns in the data set with respect to taxonomy, avian phylogeny and global regions, knowledge of which will be crucial for correct interpretation of results in future comparative studies. Subsequently, we use this comprehensive dataset to simultaneously test the role of several ecological and life history variables. We do not find clear evidence that variation in EPP across socially monogamous species can be explained by latitude, density (coloniality), migration, generation length, genetic structuring (dispersal distance), or climatic variability, after accounting for phylogeny. These results contrast previous studies, most likely due to the large heterogeneity within species in both EPP and the predictor of interest, indicating that using species averages might be unreliable. Despite the absence of broadscale ecological drivers in explaining interspecific variation in EPP, we suggest that certain behaviours and ecological variables might facilitate or constrain EPP, as indicated by our finding that EPP was negatively associated with latitude within noncolonial species, suggesting a role of breeding synchrony. Thus, rather than focussing on general explanations for variation in EPP across all species, a future focus should be on how various aspects of ecology or life history might have driven variation in EPP among groups of species or populations of the same species. Hence, we argue that variation in EPP can be partly explained when taking the right perspective. This comprehensive overview, and particularly the dataset provided herein will create a foundation for further studies.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates form monogamous pairs to mate and care for their offspring. However, genetic tools have increasingly shown that offspring often arise from matings outside of the monogamous pair bond. Social monogamy is relatively common in coral reef fishes, but there have been few studies that have confirmed monogamy or extra‐pair reproduction, either for males or for females. Here, long‐term observations and genetic tools were applied to examine the parentage of embryos in a paternally mouth‐brooding cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera. Paternal care in fishes, such as mouth‐brooding, is thought to be associated with a high degree of confidence in paternity. Two years of observations confirmed that S. nematoptera form long‐term pair bonds within larger groups. However, genetic parentage revealed extra‐pair mating by both sexes. Of 105 broods analysed from 64 males, 30.1% were mothered by a female that was not the partner and 11.5% of broods included eggs from two females. Despite the high paternal investment associated with mouth‐brooding, 7.6% of broods were fertilized by two males. Extra‐pair matings appeared to be opportunistic encounters with individuals from outside the immediate group. We argue that while pair formation contributes to group cohesion, both males and females can maximize lifetime reproductive success by taking advantage of extra‐pair mating opportunities.  相似文献   

We developed 26 Swainson's hawk (Buteo swainsoni) microsatellite primers from CA, AAT, CATC and GAGAA enriched genomic libraries. Primers were tested in 357 Swainson's hawks from western North America as well as seven other Buteo species. These markers will have broad application in investigations of Buteo population structure and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Ecological and physiological factors such as breeding density, breeding synchrony, and adult body condition can all affect extra‐pair mating behavior, but the relative importance of these factors may vary among species. White‐rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) nesting in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, exhibit high rates of extra‐pair paternity, with 77% of nests having extra‐pair young. Our objective was to determine the extent to which extra‐pair paternity in this species is explained by breeding synchrony, breeding density, and adult body condition. Our study of a population of White‐rumped Swallows breeding in nest boxes was conducted during two consecutive breeding seasons (September – early January 2006–2008). We found that neither breeding synchrony nor density of neighbors predicted levels of extra‐pair paternity in our study population. Leaner females were more likely to engage in extra‐pair behavior and fledged more nestlings, but did not differ in structural size from females that did not engage in extra‐pair behavior, suggesting that female mass is an important predictor of mating decisions and fitness for these aerial insectivores. Male body condition was not related to male extra‐pair behavior. The mass of female White‐rumped Swallows may affect their flying ability such that, during their fertile period, they are exposed to more potential extra‐pair mates during longer foraging flights. Being lighter may also improve the ability of females to provision nestlings later in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of variation in life‐history traits have puzzled researchers for decades. However, the widely accepted idea that mating systems exhibit a tropical–temperate latitudinal trend, with extra‐pair mating systems being the norm among temperate species and genetic monogamy the norm among tropical species, is supported by sparse data, particularly for birds breeding in the tropics and even more so for birds that breed in the southern hemisphere temperate zone. Our objective was to examine the genetic mating system of Chilean Swallows (Tachycineta meyeni) breeding at 54°S in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. From 2006 to 2009, we examined the paternity of young in 52 broods. Contrary to predictions based on their congeners that breed at equivalent latitudes in the northern hemisphere, Chilean Swallows in our study had low rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP), with 13.5% of nests (N = 52) having at least one extra‐pair young and 6.8% of all nestlings (N = 161) fathered by extra‐pair males. These rates are also lower than those reported for species of Tachycineta swallows that breed at tropical latitudes. We found no support for a tropical–south temperate latitudinal cline in EPP rates. The highly unpredictable weather of the island of Tierra del Fuego might be influencing parental investment at this site; small clutch sizes and low EPP rates are expected if biparental attention is crucial for chick survival and reproductive success for these aerial insectivores. We argue that the sparse sampling of mating systems in birds worldwide may have contributed to a misapprehension of a global pattern. More studies of tropical and south‐temperate systems are needed to build on theories based on a wider set of taxa.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research effort, it remains unclear whether extra‐pair fertilizations (EPF) drive the evolution of male secondary ornamentation in socially monogamous systems. In this study, we test the hypothesis that EPF contribute to the evolution or maintenance of male feather ornamentation in a sexually dichromatic passerine, the Scarlet Rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus. We show that the colouration of ornamental breast feathers is a good predictor of basic sources of variation in male annual reproductive output in rosefinches and that the annual realized reproductive success of males is positively associated with measures of ornamental colouration only when gains and losses because of EPF are considered. The results indicate that EPF in rosefinches may rely on absolute (good genes) rather than self referential (genetic complementarity) criteria of mate choice. Our study corroborates the potentially important role of EPF in the evolution and/or maintenance of elaborate male ornaments in socially monogamous taxa.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are essential in vertebrate adaptive immunity, and they are highly diverse and duplicated in many lineages. While it is widely established that pathogen‐mediated selection maintains MHC diversity through balancing selection, the role of mate choice in shaping MHC diversity is debated. Here, we investigate female mating preferences for MHC class II (MHCII) in the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), a passerine bird with high levels of extra‐pair paternity and extremely duplicated MHCII. We genotyped family samples with mixed brood paternity and categorized their MHCII alleles according to their functional properties in peptide binding. Our results strongly indicate that females select extra‐pair males in a nonrandom, self‐matching manner that provides offspring with an allelic repertoire size closer to the population mean, as compared to offspring sired by the social male. This is consistent with a compatible genes model for extra‐pair mate choice where the optimal allelic diversity is intermediate, not maximal. This golden mean presumably reflects a trade‐off between maximizing pathogen recognition benefits and minimizing autoimmunity costs. Our study exemplifies how mate choice can reduce the population variance in individual MHC diversity and exert strong stabilizing selection on the trait. It also supports the hypothesis that extra‐pair mating is adaptive through altered genetic constitution in offspring.  相似文献   

Density has been suggested to affect variation in extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in avian mating systems, because increasing density promotes encounter rates and thus mating opportunities. However, the significance of density affecting EPP variation in intra‐ and interspecific comparisons has remained controversial, with more support from intraspecific comparisons. Neither experimental nor empirical studies have consistently provided support for the density hypothesis. Testing the density hypothesis is challenging because density measures may not necessarily reflect extra‐pair mating opportunities, mate guarding efforts may covary with density, populations studied may differ in migratory behavior and/or climatic conditions, and variation in density may be insufficient. Accounting for these potentially confounding factors, we tested whether EPP rates within and among subpopulations of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) were related to density. Our analyses were based on data from 13 subpopulations studied over 4 years. Overall, 56.4% of totally 181 broods contained at least one extra‐pair young (EPY) and 37.1% of totally 669 young were of extra‐pair origin. Roughly 90% of the extra‐pair fathers were from the adjacent territory or from the territory after the next one. Within subpopulations, the proportion of EPY in broods was positively related to local breeding density. Similarly, among subpopulations, proportion of EPY was positively associated with population density. EPP was absent in subpopulations consisting of single breeding pairs, that is, without extra‐pair mating opportunities. Our study confirms that density is an important biological factor, which significantly influences the amount of EPP within and among subpopulations, but also suggests that other mechanisms influence EPP beyond the variation explained by density.  相似文献   

Parental care provided by males occurs in a diverse array of animals and there are large differences among species in its extent compared with female care. However, social and ecological factors responsible for interspecific differences in male's share of parental duties remain unclear. Genetic fidelity of females has been long considered important. Theory predicts that females should receive more help from their mates in raising the offspring in species with high genetic fidelity. Using avian incubation behaviour as a model system, we confirmed this prediction. The extent of male's help during incubation increased with decreasing rate of extra‐pair paternity across species (22 species of socially monogamous songbirds from 13 families; male's share of incubation ranged from 6% to 58%), even after accounting for covariates, biases in species selection and intraspecific variability. Moreover, this result was not sensitive to two different phylogenies and branch length estimates. We suggest that our findings support the notion, backed by theory, that genetic fidelity is an important factor in the evolution of male parental care. We offer several behavioural scenarios for the coevolution between male's share of parental duties and the genetic mating system.  相似文献   

Rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) have frequently been associated with genetic relatedness between social mates in socially monogamous birds. However, evidence is limited in mammals. Here, we investigate whether dominant females use divorce or extra‐pair paternity as a strategy to avoid the negative effects of inbreeding when paired with a related male in meerkats Suricata suricatta, a species where inbreeding depression is evident for several traits. We show that dominant breeding pairs seldom divorce, but that rates of EPP are associated with genetic similarity between mates. Although extra‐pair males are no more distantly related to the female than social males, they are more heterozygous. Nevertheless, extra‐pair pups are not more heterozygous than within‐pair pups. Whether females benefit from EPP in terms of increased fitness of the offspring, such as enhanced survival or growth, requires further investigations.  相似文献   

Despite keen interest in extra‐pair mating in birds, its adaptive significance remains unresolved. Here, we use a multi‐year dataset to test whether traits of a female's social mate influence her propensity to produce extra‐pair offspring in a population of house wrens, and whether producing extra‐pair young has consequences for a female's fitness through effects on offspring survival. Females were most likely to produce extra‐pair offspring when paired with old males and when paired with males on poor‐quality territories, although this latter effect was marginally nonsignificant. Among offspring, the cutaneous immunity of within‐pair young decreased as the age of their sires increased, but cutaneous immunity of extra‐pair young was not affected by the age of their extra‐pair sires or by the age of the males rearing them. Extra‐pair offspring were more likely than within‐pair offspring to return as breeding adults to the local population, with extra‐pair sons being more likely to return as a breeder for multiple years. Our findings support the hypothesis that females produce extra‐pair offspring to enhance their inclusive fitness beyond what they are capable of given the male with which they are socially paired.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been fascinated by extravagant male traits that abound across the animal kingdom and yet convey no apparent benefits to survival. From isopods to elephants, from armaments to ornaments, researchers have spent decades studying male–male competition and female mate choice in an effort to understand the significance of these secondary sexual characteristics. Among socially monogamous species, a frequently proposed explanation for the existence of male ornaments is that they are indicators of male genetic quality subject to female extra‐pair mate choice. However, despite over two decades of extensive research into extra‐pair paternity (EPP), the evidence that females actually choose more ornamented extra‐pair sires is surprisingly scant. Consequently, whether EPP and female choice have contributed to the evolution of male ornaments in socially monogamous species, and what fitness benefits (if any) they signal to females, remains unclear. Progress in this field has been hampered by the challenge of dissociating clear female choice for ornamentation from confounding factors. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Whittingham & Dunn (2016) use an experimental approach in a bird species with very high rates of EPP to tease apart these correlative effects. In doing so, they demonstrate clearly that male ornamentation is subject to female extra‐pair mate choice. Their findings further suggest that EPP can be adaptive for females, and represent an important step forward in validating the role of EPP as an evolutionary driver of ornamental elaboration in socially monogamous species.  相似文献   

In most passerine birds, individuals attempt to maximize their fitness by providing parental care while also mating outside their pair bond. A sex‐specific trade‐off between these two behaviours is predicted to occur, as the fitness benefits of extra‐pair mating differ between the sexes. We use nest observations and parentage analysis to reveal a negative association between male care and the incidence of extra‐pair paternity across three species of penduline tit (Remizidae). This provides evidence of a trade‐off between these two behaviours, possibly due to the devaluing of paternal care by extra‐pair offspring.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is associated with age in many taxa, increasing in early life followed by reproductive senescence. In socially monogamous but genetically polygamous species, this generates the interesting possibility of differential trajectories of within‐pair and extra‐pair siring success with age in males. We investigate these relationships simultaneously using within‐individual analyses with 13 years of data from an insular house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population. As expected, we found that both within‐ and extra‐pair paternity success increased with age, followed by a senescence‐like decline. However, the age trajectories of within‐ and extra‐pair paternity successes differed significantly, with the extra‐pair paternity success increasing faster, although not significantly, in early life, and showing a delayed decline by 1.5 years on average later in life compared to within‐pair paternity success. These different trajectories indicate that the two alternative mating tactics should have age‐dependent pay‐offs. Males may partition their reproductive effort between within‐ and extra‐pair matings depending on their current age to reap the maximal combined benefit from both strategies. The interplay between these mating strategies and age‐specific mortality may explain the variation in rates of extra‐pair paternity observed within and between species.  相似文献   

Despite many studies of how male characteristics affect paternity in predominantly monogamous birds, relatively little attention has been given to the traits of females that may influence extra‐pair paternity (EPP). However, the occurrence of EPP may be the result of behavioural interactions in which both male and female traits are important for determining the outcome. If EPP is driven mainly by female choice of extra‐pair sires, older, more experienced or larger females would be better able to evade mate guarding tactics and more capable of selecting extra‐pair mates and resisting unwanted suitors. This would be especially noticeable in females paired with unattractive mates. On the other hand, if EPP is driven mainly by male pursuit, we should expect that young, inexperienced or small females would be more exposed to coercive male approaches independently of social mate traits. In a study of an Iberian population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, we found that EPP affected 38% of the broods and 17% of the nestlings. These values are relatively high, allowing a relatively large number of affected within‐pair mates to be included. We found that EPP is related to both female and male traits although not to any interaction between male and female traits. EPP was higher at nests tended by both younger and short‐winged females and by browner males. Older females may be more experienced and dominant while long‐winged females may be faster fliers, these traits enabling them to avoid extra‐pair copulations, while brown males are less aggressive towards male intruders. In our study population, EPP appears to be caused by male pursuit, which in some cases may overwhelm female attempts to avoid extra‐pair copulations and their social partner's ability to prevent them.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair paternity commonly occurs in many socially monogamous animal species, yet the reasons why females mate with males outside the social pair bond remain poorly understood. Because sex steroids mediate aggressive and sexual behaviors that peak prior to egg laying in female birds, we tested whether they also influence the rate of extra‐pair paternity in nests of female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). In one treatment, we experimentally elevated testosterone (T) using implants containing exogenous T, and in another treatment, we blocked the estrogenic and androgenic actions of T using implants containing 1,4,6‐androstatrien‐3,17‐dione in combination with flutamide (ATD+F). Females with empty implants served as controls. Nests of females treated with T and those with ATD+F were less likely to contain extra‐pair offspring and had a lower proportion of extra‐pair offspring, compared to control females. Treating females with T also delayed clutch initiation dates and disrupted incubation behavior, as found in previous studies, but clutch sizes of T females did not differ from controls. Females treated with ATD+F tended to lay larger clutches than control and T‐treated females, which may be due to their clutch sizes not declining with later initiation dates as found in the T and control treatments; however, after controlling for brood size, ATD+F females produced nestlings that were lighter at day 16 than control females. Although the effect of T on extra‐pair paternity that we observed in tree swallows is consistent with previous studies in female birds, our results demonstrate that blocking the estrogenic and/or androgenic actions of T during pre‐breeding also lowers extra‐pair paternity. Overall, our study suggests that extra‐pair paternity in tree swallows is mediated by sex steroids of females.  相似文献   

1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   

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