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Abstract Complex sociality is widespread in lizards, but the difficulties of directly observing social interactions in free‐ranging snakes have precluded such studies for most snake species. However, a type of data already available from mark‐recapture studies (dates of capture and recapture of individually marked animals) can reveal social substructure within snake populations. If individuals associate with each other in social groups, we expect synchrony in the dates of capture and recapture of those animals. A field study of turtle‐headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia reveals exactly this phenomenon. For example, animals that were captured on the same day in one year often were recaptured on the same day the following year. Analysis rejects non‐social interpretations of these data (such as spatial‐temporal confounding in sampling, intrapopulation heterogeneity in cues for activity), suggesting instead that many individual sea snakes belong to ‘social’ groups that consistently move about together. The phenomenon of capture synchrony during mark‐recapture studies can provide new insights into the occurrence and correlates of cryptic social aggregations.  相似文献   

Estimates of refuelling rates in migrating waders are best based on intra‐seasonal recaptures of individually marked birds. This method, however, has methodological problems associated with capture effects and difficulties in attaining sufficient sample sizes. An alternative method had been proposed whereby refuelling rates are approximated by the body mass increment from the slope of the regression between body masses of all birds caught at a site and date. We investigated the appropriateness of this indicator with a simulation study in non‐synchronized migratory species (i.e. arrivals and departures of individuals at the stopover site are not synchronized). Simulation results indicated that the mass increment across the population may be used as an approximation of refuelling rate only in populations with low turnover rates (percentage of birds arriving at/departing from stopover site per day <2%) and ideally with constant numbers of staging birds. The mass increment of non‐synchronized populations with moderate or high turnover rates (higher than 5%) depends mainly on body masses of arriving birds and is not indicative of the individual rate of refuelling. The results of the simulation study were confirmed with empirical data gathered from Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola and Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago during their autumn migration at a stopover site in Poland. The population mass increment methods considerably underestimated refuelling rate obtained from the recapture‐based approach of individual birds in both species. As a consequence, we suggest that population mass increment should not be used as an indicator of refuelling rates in non‐synchronized stopover populations of migrating waders.  相似文献   

Investigators studying the stopover ecology of migrating birds typically use the capture–recapture method to examine important parameters such as fuel deposition rates (FDR) and stopover duration. However, such studies can be constrained by the number of recaptures. An alternative method is to calculate a regression of mass over time of day, but this method may not be reliable because patterns of mass change of individual birds through the day may not reflect that of the whole population. Given the potential constraints of these methods, using them in combination with other methods, such as behavioral observations of foraging birds, may improve our understanding of the patterns of fuelling in birds at stopover sites. We observed the foraging behavior of three songbird species, including Western Bonelli's (Phylloscopus bonelli), Subalpine (Sylvia cantillans), and Willow (Phylloscopus trochilus) warblers, from 15 March to 30 April 2011 at a small oasis at the northern border of the Sahara desert in southeast Morocco. Given the location of our study site at the northern edge of the Sahara desert, birds migrating north likely needed to replenish their energy reserves at this stage of their journey. We assessed foraging effort by determining the rate (number per unit time) at which birds pecked at substrates or made aerial forays after flying insects. Peck rates were higher for Western Bonelli's Warblers than for Subalpine and Willow warblers, suggesting either species‐specific adaptations to feeding in arid environments or differences in the motivation to feed. In addition, Western Bonelli's Warblers had FDRs that were negative or close to zero and, therefore, were apparently unable to refuel successfully (i.e., increase their fuel stores) despite greater effort, possibly indicating less efficiency in obtaining food (i.e., more unsuccessful pecks). The lower peck rates of Subalpine and Willow warblers suggest either that they were less efficient at finding prey or were simply foraging at lower rates. For all three species, peck rates were lower at higher wind speeds, suggesting that wind may alter prey availability and detectability, especially of flying insects. Interactions among species‐specific migration strategies, environmental conditions, and habitat quality ultimately define the success of migration. Our results suggest that using observational data in combination with capture data may improve our understanding of these interactions at migration stopover sites.  相似文献   

White sand terra firme forests are unusual ecosystems scattered across Amazonia, covering just 3% of the basin. These forests differ from surrounding forests in their scleromorphic vegetation, low nutrient content, and propensity to harbor endemics. We report the capture of 62 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes (Catharus minimus) during a study of the understory avifauna of Amazonian white sand forests near Iquitos, Peru, conducted from 20 June to 8 December 2010–2012. We captured and banded Gray‐cheeked Thrushes in white sand (N = 57) and adjacent weathered clay (N = 5) terra firme forests. Sampling for three consecutive days at 19 different sites each year, the inter‐annual site fidelity rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes was 4.8% (N = 3). One bird banded in 2010 was recaptured in 2012. Of the 62 birds, 19.3% (N = 12) were recaptured on subsequent days. All recaptures were in white sand forests. The 19.3% recapture rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes from sites re‐sampled no more than 2 d in a given year suggests the presence of settled and perhaps territorial birds. Using rectrices from 12 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes, stable‐hydrogen isotope analyses (δ2H) suggest that the geographic breeding or natal origin of all sampled birds was likely northwestern North America. Our results suggest that Gray‐cheeked Thrushes exhibit site fidelity and may concentrate in white sand forests—an uncommon and scattered ecosystem type in western Amazonia. However, annual tracking of individual Gray‐cheeked Thrushes is needed to fully assess regional patterns of settlement and movement, and the connectivity between breeding and wintering areas.  相似文献   

Light‐level geolocators are currently widely used to track the migration of small‐sized birds, but their potentially detrimental effects on survival of highly aerial species have been poorly investigated so far. We recorded capture–recapture histories of 283 common swifts Apus apus and 107 pallid swifts Apus pallidus breeding in 14 colonies in Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland that were equipped with 10 different types of geolocators (‘geolocator birds’), and compared their survival with that of, respectively, 215 common and 101 pallid swifts not equipped with geolocators (‘control birds’). Data were analysed using both GLMMs with return rate as a proxy for survival and mark–recapture models to estimate survival while accounting for recapture probability. In all the analyses, geolocator birds showed reduced apparent survival compared to controls. Geolocator weight was always lower than 3% of body mass, and did not affect survival per se. Geolocators with a light‐stalk, which is used in some geolocator models to reduce light sensor shading by feathers, decreased apparent survival more than models without light‐stalk. Apparent survival of geolocator birds significantly varied among sites, being much higher in northern Europe. Despite in our analyses we could only partly account for variable recapture probabilities among sites and for inter‐annual variability in survival, our results generally showed that equipping swifts with geolocators decreased their survival prospects, but also that the magnitude of this effect may depend on species‐specific traits. These conclusions are in line with those of other studies on aerial foragers. We suggest that future studies tracking the movements of aerial insectivorous birds should use devices designed to minimize drag.  相似文献   

Abstract: Researchers have extensively used mark—recapture techniques to obtain information on demographic parameters of wildlife populations. However, researchers have recognized that a number of factors can influence capture probabilities of wildlife species, which in turn can bias mark—recapture estimates of demographic parameters. Tooth extraction, which is a commonly used technique in studies of mesopredator species to obtain precise age estimates and to monitor the use of vaccine baits, is an aspect of animal handling that clearly might affect the recapture probability of individuals. However, the effect that tooth removal has on the individual recapture probabilities of wildlife species is unknown. During 2005, we trapped and marked 91 raccoons (Procyon lotor) in northern Indiana, USA, as part of a mark—recapture study designed specifically to determine if tooth extractions have an effect on recapture probabilities of individuals. We performed tooth extractions on 50% of the raccoons at the time of capture, and we attempted to balance tooth extractions with respect to sex and age of raccoons. We used logistic regression to model the effects of sex, age, and tooth removal on recapture probabilities, and we used Mann—Whitney U-tests to examine the effect of tooth removal on the number of times we recaptured individuals. The probability of recapture differed between sexes but did not differ as a function of tooth removal or among age classes. In addition, we failed to detect any difference in the mean number of times that we recaptured raccoons between the tooth removed and non—tooth-removed groups. Our results suggest that managers can use tooth extractions as an effective management tool without biasing population estimates or compromising other management objectives.  相似文献   

Capsule The capture–recapture model M(o) is an efficient way to estimate local population size.

Aims To test if a single capture–recapture modelling approach, combined with a simple survey method, can produce estimates of local population size from a dataset involving large‐scale multi‐observer surveys

Methods We sampled the presence of Nightjars in three separate sessions at three forests. Territory numbers were estimated using conventional territory‐mapping criteria. We ran different capture–recapture models to analyse the detection histories of territories obtained across the three sampling sessions and in the three different forests, using either only registrations of churring birds or all contacts.

Results The capture–recapture model M(o), assuming a constant detection probability, was the most efficient one to produce estimates of local population size. Using only two of the three sampling sessions gave less precise, though quite similar, estimates of the number of territories, with standard deviations representing 5–10% of the estimate values. However, this was reduced to 0.7–3.5%, i.e. three to seven times lower, when using the three sessions.

Conclusion Repeated sampling sessions to map territories can be efficiently used within the capture–recapture model M(o) to estimate detection probability and produce precise estimates of local population size.  相似文献   

Insights into the ecology and natural history of the neotenic salamander, Eurycea tonkawae, are provided from eight years of capture‐recapture data from 10,041 captures of 7,315 individuals at 16 sites. Eurycea tonkawae exhibits seasonal reproduction, with peak gravidity occurring in the fall and winter. Size frequency data indicated recruitment occurred in the spring and summer. Open‐population capture‐recapture models revealed a similar seasonal pattern at two of three sites, while recruitment was dependent on flow at the third site. Females can reach sexual maturity within one year, and oviposition likely takes place below ground. The asymptotic body length of 1,290 individuals was estimated as 31.73 mm (at ca. two years of age), although there was substantial heterogeneity among growth trajectories. Longevity was approximately eight years, and the median age for a recaptured adult was 2.3 years. Abundance estimated from closed‐population and robust‐design capture‐recapture models varied widely within and among sites (range 41–834), although, surprisingly, dramatic changes in abundance were not observed following prolonged dry periods. Seasonal migration patterns of second‐year and older adults may help explain lower ratios of large individuals and higher temporary emigration during the latter half of the year, but further study is required. Low numbers of captures and recaptures precluded the use of open‐population models to estimate demographic parameters at several sites; therefore, closed‐population (or robust‐design) methods are generally recommended. Based on observations of their life history and population demographics, E. tonkawae seems well adapted to conditions where spring flow is variable and surface habitat periodically goes dry.  相似文献   

The probability of long‐term persistence of a population is strongly determined by adult survival rates, but estimates of survival are currently lacking for most species of birds in the tropical Andes, a global biodiversity hotspot. We calculated apparent survival rates of birds in the Ecuadorian tropical Andes using a moderately long‐term (11 yr) capture–recapture dataset from three habitats that varied in how much they had been modified by human activities (native forest, introduced forest, and shrubs). We fit mark–recapture models for 28 species with habitat as a covariable. For all species, recapture rates between sampling sessions were low and varied from 0.04 for Rainbow Starfrontlets (Coeligena iris) to 0.41 for Stripe‐headed Brushfinches (Arremon assimilis) when averaged across all occupied habitats. Annual survival rates varied from 0.07 for Black‐crested Warblers (Margarornis squamiger) to 0.75 for Violet‐throated Metaltails (Metallura baroni). We found no significant differences in survival rates either among habitats or species grouped by habitat specialization. Because we found similar survival rates in native forest and human‐modified habitats, our results support those of recent studies concerning the potential value of secondary habitats for the conservation of some species of birds in the tropics. However, our conclusions are tempered by the uncertainty around the estimates of survival rates. Despite the relatively long‐term nature of our study, obtaining survival estimates for bird species in this region was challenging, and either more years of study or modification of field protocols may be needed to obtain more precise survival estimates.  相似文献   

Capsule Fuel load is correlated with fuel deposition rate; stopover duration is affected by arrival fuel load.

Aims To determine the stopover duration, fuel management and flight ranges at departure of Blackcaps stopping over in northern Spain.

Methods Systematic mist-netting and ringing allowed the use of mark–recapture Cormack–Jolly–Seber models for the estimation of stopover duration. Trapped birds were measured and weighed in order to estimate mass gain. FLIGHT software was used to estimate flight ranges.

Results Stopover duration ranged from 3.6 to 13.6 days, and was negatively correlated with arrival body mass (assessed by body mass at the first capture event). On average, arrival body mass was 18.4 g, whilst body mass at departure was 19.8 g. No significant differences in arrival body mass and departure body mass were observed between age or sex classes. Mass deposition rate did not differ between age or sex classes (mean = 0.20 g/day). Birds recaptured one day after the first capture event lost mass, whilst recaptures from the second day onwards had a mean gain of mass; mass was observed to increase linearly with the stopover duration. Mass deposition rate was positively correlated with departure body mass. Finally, with a mean departure body mass of 19.8 g, a Blackcap stopping over in northern Spain should be able to fly up to 1100 km.

Conclusions Stopover duration assessed by Cormack–Jolly–Seber models was longer than that observed in birds recaptured more than once (‘minimum stopover duration’). Stopover was longer for birds arriving with less fuel. The positive relationship between departure body mass and mass deposition rate suggests a time-minimizing strategy. The lack of difference in fuel deposition rate between age and sex classes suggests a relatively abundant food supply at the study site, but other explanations might also account for the lack of age and sex differences, for example if competition for food was not determined by social hierarchies but by scramble competition. Departing fuel load would allow these birds to arrive at their wintering areas in southern Spain under still-air conditions, without needing to refuel.  相似文献   

The influence of capture interval on trap shyness, and temperature, rainfall and drought on capture probability (p) in 827 brown mudfish Neochanna apoda was quantified using mark–recapture models. In particular, it was hypothesized that the loss of trapping memory in marked N. apoda would lead to a capture‐interval threshold required to minimize trap shyness. Neochanna apoda trap shyness approximated a threshold response to capture interval, declining rapidly with increasing capture intervals up to 16·5 days, after which p remained constant. Tests for detecting trap‐dependent capture probability in Cormack–Jolly–Seber models failed to detect trap shyness in N. apoda capture histories with capture intervals averaging 16 days. This confirmed the applicability of the 16 day capture‐interval threshold for mark–recapture studies. Instead, N. apoda p was positively influenced by water temperature and rainfall during capture. These results imply that a threshold capture interval is required to minimize the trade‐off between the competing assumptions of population closure and p homogeneity between capture occasions in closed mark–recapture models. Moreover, environmental factors that influence behaviour could potentially confound abundance indices, and consequently abundance trends should be interpreted with caution in the face of long‐term climate change, such as with global warming.  相似文献   

Survival is a fundamental parameter in population dynamics with increasing importance in the management and conservation strategies of wildlife populations. Survival probability in vertebrates is usually estimated by live‐encounter data obtained by means of physical mark–capture–recapture protocols. Non‐invasive acoustic marking relying on individual‐specific features of signals has been alternatively applied as a marking technique, especially in secretive species. Nevertheless, to date no research has compared survival rate estimates obtained by acoustic and physical marking. We estimated half‐yearly and annual survival and recapture rates of a secretive and threatened passerine, the Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti, using two separate live‐encounter data sets of males collected simultaneously by physical and acoustic marking in the same study area. The separate analysis of both methods led to different model structures, since transient individuals had to be accounted for in the acoustic marking but not in the physical marking data set. Furthermore, while reencounter probabilities did not differ between methods, survival estimates employing physical marking were lower than those obtained acoustically, especially between the postbreeding and the breeding period when the apparent survival of colour‐banded birds was twice as low as for acoustic marking. The combination of marking methods suggested the existence of different subsets of individuals differentially sampled within the population: whereas colour‐banded males seemed to represent the territorial fraction of the population, both resident and floater individuals were probably detected by acoustic marking. Using traditional mark–recapture methods exclusively could have misled our estimates of survival rates, potentially affecting prospective predictions of population dynamics. Acoustic marking has been poorly applied in mark–recapture studies, but might be a powerful complement to obtain accurate estimates of fundamental demographic parameters such as survival and dispersal.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of the size or density of wild animal populations is very important for effective wildlife management, conservation and ecology. Currently, the most widely used methods for obtaining such estimates involve either sighting animals from transect lines or some form of capture‐recapture on marked or uniquely identifiable individuals. However, many species are difficult to sight, and cannot be easily marked or recaptured. Some of these species produce readily identifiable sounds, providing an opportunity to use passive acoustic data to estimate animal density. In addition, even for species for which other visually based methods are feasible, passive acoustic methods offer the potential for greater detection ranges in some environments (e.g. underwater or in dense forest), and hence potentially better precision. Automated data collection means that surveys can take place at times and in places where it would be too expensive or dangerous to send human observers. Here, we present an overview of animal density estimation using passive acoustic data, a relatively new and fast‐developing field. We review the types of data and methodological approaches currently available to researchers and we provide a framework for acoustics‐based density estimation, illustrated with examples from real‐world case studies. We mention moving sensor platforms (e.g. towed acoustics), but then focus on methods involving sensors at fixed locations, particularly hydrophones to survey marine mammals, as acoustic‐based density estimation research to date has been concentrated in this area. Primary among these are methods based on distance sampling and spatially explicit capture‐recapture. The methods are also applicable to other aquatic and terrestrial sound‐producing taxa. We conclude that, despite being in its infancy, density estimation based on passive acoustic data likely will become an important method for surveying a number of diverse taxa, such as sea mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, and insects, especially in situations where inferences are required over long periods of time. There is considerable work ahead, with several potentially fruitful research areas, including the development of (i) hardware and software for data acquisition, (ii) efficient, calibrated, automated detection and classification systems, and (iii) statistical approaches optimized for this application. Further, survey design will need to be developed, and research is needed on the acoustic behaviour of target species. Fundamental research on vocalization rates and group sizes, and the relation between these and other factors such as season or behaviour state, is critical. Evaluation of the methods under known density scenarios will be important for empirically validating the approaches presented here.  相似文献   

  • 1 The range of attraction of YATLOR pheromone traps was studied to gain information on the number of traps needed for mass trapping of males of two Agriotes species.
  • 2 Male click beetles of the species Agriotes lineatus (L.) and Agriotes obscurus (L.) (25–30 individuals per release point) were marked and released at a distance of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 60 m from a pheromone trap both along and opposite to the known prevailing wind direction. Traps were regularly inspected over approximately 1 month. The percentage of recaptured beetles was calculated and analyzed using analysis of variance. Maximum sampling ranges and effective sampling areas were calculated.
  • 3 Averaged over all five trials and distances, approximately 40% of the released beetles (A. lineatus and A. obscurus) were recaptured. The percentage recapture of male adults was significantly affected by release distance, whereas no differences were found for species and release direction.
  • 4 Males were recaptured from all release points and the percentage recapture decreased (in part significantly) with increasing distance from 76% (2 m) to 35% (15 m) and 9% (60 m), respectively. Most of the beetles were recaptured within the first 3 days after release, independent of the distance, except 60 m. The effective sampling area for A. lineatus was 1089 m2 after 12 days and increased to 1735 m2 after 30 days. Corresponding values for A. obscurus were considerably higher: 1518 m2 for 12 days and 2633 m2 for 30 days.
  • 5 We conclude that the range of attraction of the pheromone traps for A. lineatus and A. obscurus is comparatively low, providing high percentage recapture only for release distances up to 10 m. Accordingly, any approach targeted on preventing mating by male mass trapping would require a dense network of pheromone traps.

ABSTRACT Hydroelectric dam operations that lead to fluctuations in the water levels of reservoirs can influence the amount of riparian habitat available for migrating songbirds and may impact the use and quality of remaining habitat. Our objective was to determine if use of riparian habitats and mass gain by five warbler species at the Columbia River‐Revelstoke Migration Monitoring Station in British Columbia, Canada, were influenced by water levels in the surrounding Arrow Lakes Reservoir. We analyzed fall migration data collected from 1998 to 2006. Capture rates of American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), Orange‐crowned Warblers (Vermivora celata), Wilson's Warblers (Wilsonia pusilla), and Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) varied between years and weeks of the migration period, but were not affected by annual or weekly variation in water levels. Annual variation in capture rates was driven by hatch‐year birds (>80% of individuals captured were juveniles) and could reflect conditions on the breeding grounds that influence productivity. We found that mass gain by the five species of warblers varied between 0.32% and 0.98% of lean body mass/hour. Mass gain did not vary between years or across weeks of the migration period and was not influenced by annual or weekly variation in reservoir water levels. Although the amount of available riparian habitat was reduced when reservoir water levels were high, we found no evidence that this loss of habitat influenced either the number of warblers or the mass gain of warblers using the riparian habitat that remained. Body mass at the time of first capture varied between years and across weeks for all five species. For American Redstarts and Orange‐crowned Warblers, body mass declined as average weekly water levels increased, a pattern that could arise if water levels influenced either their settlement decisions or length of stay.  相似文献   

Emetics can be used to obtain food samples from birds, but they can harm birds during or after treatment. Studies to date suggest that apomorphine is a safe emetic for songbirds, but information is needed about possible post‐release deleterious effects. From March to July 2012, we collected food samples from insectivorous songbirds using apomorphine. We treated 67 Moustached Warblers (Acrocephalus melanopogon), 56 Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), 15 Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), and 12 Savi's Warblers (Locustella luscinoides). Effectiveness in inducing regurgitation was high (76.7%) and varied among species, being significantly more effective with Reed Warblers (91.1%). No birds died during treatment. To check for possible post‐release negative effects, we considered 53 treated Moustached Warblers and 37 treated Reed Warblers and selected an equal number of untreated individuals (simply captured, banded, and measured). We found no support for differences in survival or recapture probabilities between treated and untreated birds of either species within 21 d after administering apomorphine. We calculated body mass changes of all Moustached Warblers subsequently recaptured (within 21 d) and found no difference between treated (N = 8) and untreated (N = 22) birds, suggesting normal foraging activity after release. Our results suggest that apomorphine is a safe emetic, with no negative effect on survival at least in the short term. The effectiveness of apomorphine with insectivorous songbirds in our study contrasts with the results of some previous studies and confirms the differences in effectiveness among different taxa of songbirds. As with differences in effectiveness among species in our study, this variability in sensitivity to the emetic could be caused by morphological and physiological differences among different taxa.  相似文献   

To assess regression models for lipid and lean body mass in small birds, we recorded live body mass ±0.1 g, total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC; from “third generation” TOBEC machine EM‐SCAN® SA‐3000) or E‐Value, visual fat score (VisFat), and seven body measurements for 52 migratory passerine birds of 13 species (5–40 g). We determined lipid and lean mass of each bird after petroleum‐ether extraction of lipids. We obtained “netE‐Value (NEV) for each scanned bird by subtracting the E‐Value of the empty bird‐restraining tube, because these showed an inverse temperature dependence (P<0.005). Leave‐one‐out cross validation was used to assess model selection and construct 95% confidence intervals. Although precision of TOBEC increased with bird size (CV of NEV vs. live mass: r=−0.276, P=0.002) and it explained an increasing proportion of variation in lean mass moving from small‐ to medium‐ to large‐bird classes of our data, it did no better than head length in single‐variable prediction of lean or lipid mass and was included in five of the 14 multivariate models we developed. The best multiple regression to predict lean mass included live weight, VisFat, bill length, tarsus and lnNEV (adjusted R2=99.0%); however, the same model lacking only lnNEV yielded aR2=98.9%. A parallel to the above pair of models, but predicting lipid mass, yielded aR2=90.3% and 90.0%, respectively. Subdividing the data by three size classes and three taxa (American redstart Setophaga ruticilla, ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla, warblers), best‐subset multiple‐regression models predicted lean mass with aR2 from 94.7 to 99.6% and lipid mass with aR2 from 85.4 to 98.3%. Best models for the size‐ and species‐groups included VisFat and zero to five body measurements, and most included live weight. lnNEV was included only in the models for ovenbird (lipid), warblers (lipid), all birds (both), and large birds (both). Actual lipid mass of all birds was more highly correlated with multiple‐regression‐predicted lipid mass (r=0.955) than with visual subcutaneous fat‐scoring (r=0.683). These multiple‐regression models predicting lipid content using live‐bird measurements and visual fat score as independent variables represent more accurate and precise estimates of actual lipid content in small passerines than any previously published. They are particularly accurate for placing birds into percentage body‐fat classes.  相似文献   

A standard approach to model how selection shapes phenotypic traits is the analysis of capture–recapture data relating trait variation to survival. Divergent selection, however, has never been analyzed by the capture–recapture approach. Most reported examples of differences between urban and nonurban animals reflect behavioral plasticity rather than divergent selection. The aim of this paper was to use a capture–recapture approach to test the hypothesis that divergent selection can also drive local adaptation in urban habitats. We focused on the size of the black breast stripe (i.e., tie width) of the great tit (Parus major), a sexual ornament used in mate choice. Urban great tits display smaller tie sizes than forest birds. Because tie size is mostly genetically determined, it could potentially respond to selection. We analyzed capture/recapture data of male great tits in Barcelona city (N = 171) and in a nearby (7 km) forest (N = 324) from 1992 to 2008 using MARK. When modelling recapture rate, we found it to be strongly influenced by tie width, so that both for urban and forest habitats, birds with smaller ties were more trap‐shy and more cautious than their larger tied counterparts. When modelling survival, we found that survival prospects in forest great tits increased the larger their tie width (i.e., directional positive selection), but the reverse was found for urban birds, with individuals displaying smaller ties showing higher survival (i.e., directional negative selection). As melanin‐based tie size seems to be related to personality, and both are heritable, results may be explained by cautious personalities being favored in urban environments. More importantly, our results show that divergent selection can be an important mechanism in local adaptation to urban habitats and that capture–recapture is a powerful tool to test it.  相似文献   

The role of introduced avian malaria Plasmodium relictum in the decline and extinction of native Hawaiian forest birds has become a classic example of the potential effect of invasive diseases on biological diversity of naïve populations. However, empirical evidence describing the impact of avian malaria on fitness of Hawai‵i's endemic forest birds is limited, making it difficult to determine the importance of disease among the suite of potential limiting factors affecting the distribution and abundance of this threatened avifauna. We combined epidemiological force‐of‐infection with multistate capture––recapture models to evaluate a 7‐year longitudinal study of avian malaria in ‵apapane, a relatively common native honeycreeper within mid‐elevation Hawaiian forests. We found that malaria transmission was seasonal in this mid‐elevation forest; transmission peaked during fall and during some years produced epizootic mortality events. Estimated annual mortality of hatch‐year birds typically exceeded 50% and mortality of adults exceeded 25% during epizootics. The substantial impact of avian malaria on this relatively common native species demonstrates the key role this disease has played in the decline and extinction of Hawaiian forest birds.  相似文献   

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