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Ants are dominant members of many terrestrial ecosystems and are regarded as indicators of environmental changes. However, little is known about the effects of invasive alien plants on ant populations, particularly as regards the density, spatial distribution and size of ant colonies, as well as their foraging behaviour. We addressed these questions in a study of grassland ant communities on five grasslands invaded by alien goldenrods (Solidago sp.) and on five non-invaded grasslands without this plant. In each grassland, seven 100 m2 plots were selected and the ant colonies counted. Ant species richness and colony density was lower in the plots on the invaded grasslands. Moreover, both of these traits were higher in the plots near the grassland edge and with a higher number of plant species in the grasslands invaded by goldenrods but not in the non-invaded ones. On average, ant colony size was lower on the invaded grasslands than the non-invaded ones. Also, ant workers travelled for longer distances to collect food items in the invaded areas than they did in the non-invaded ones, even after the experimental removal of some ant colonies in order to exclude the effect of higher colony density in the latter. Our results indicate that invasive alien goldenrods have a profound negative effect on grassland ant communities which may lead to a cascade effect on the whole grassland ecosystem through modification of the interactions among species. The invasion diminishes a major index of the fitness of ants, which is a colony’s size, and probably leads to increased foraging effort of workers. This, in turn, may have important consequences for the division of labour and reproductive strategies within ant colonies.  相似文献   

Parasites often affect the abundance and life‐history traits of their hosts. We studied the impact of a social parasite – a slavemaking ant – on host ant communities using two complementary field manipulations. In the first experiment, we analysed the effect of social parasite presence on host populations in one habitat. In a second experiment, conducted in two habitats, we used a cross‐fostering design, analysing the effect of sympatric and allopatric social parasites. In the first experiment, host colonies benefited to some extent from residing in parasite‐free areas, showing increased total production. Yet, in the second experiment, host colonies in plots containing social parasites were more productive, and this effect was most evident in response to allopatric social parasites. We propose several explanations for these inconsistent results, which are related to environmental variability. The discrepancies between the two habitats can be explained well by ecological variation as a result of differences in altitudes and climate. For example, ant colonies in the colder habitat were larger and, for one host species, colonies were more often polygynous. In addition, our long‐term documentation – a total of four measurements of community structure in 6 years – showed temporal variation in abundance and life‐history traits of ant colonies, unrelated to the manipulations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 559–570.  相似文献   

In communities sharing a common energy source, the energetic equivalence hypothesis predicts that numerical abundance (N) scales with body mass (M) as M?0.75. However, in size‐structured food webs all individuals do not share a common energy source, and the energy available (E) to larger individuals is constrained by inefficient energy transfer through the food chains that support them. This is expected to lead to steeper scalings of N with M. Here, we formalize and test an existing model for predicting abundance–body mass scaling, where the decline in E with M is calculated from the mean predator–prey body mass ratio (from size‐based nitrogen stable isotope analysis) and trophic transfer efficiency. We show that the steep predicted scalings of abundance and body mass (N scales as M?1.2, B scales as M?0.2) in a marine food web are consistent with empirical estimates and can be attributed to the small predator–prey body mass ratio (106 : 1). As a previous study has shown that environmental stability may favour low predator–prey mass ratios and long food chains, we predict that steeper abundance–body mass relationships will be found in more stable environments.  相似文献   

1. Ants are among the most abundant terrestrial organisms, yet little is known of how ant communities divide resources because it is difficult to measure the number of individuals in colonies and the density of colonies. 2. The body size–abundance relationships of the ants of five upland ecosystems in Florida were examined. The study tested whether abundance, energy use, and total biomass were distributed among species and body sizes as predicted by Damuth's energetic equivalence rule. Estimates of average worker body size, colony size, colony mass, and field metabolic rates were used to examine the relationships among body sizes, energy use, and total biomass. 3. Analyses revealed significant variation in energy use and did not support the energetic equivalence hypothesis. Specifically, the energy use and total standing biomass of species with large workers and colonies was much greater than smaller species. 4. These results suggest that larger species with larger colonies account for a disproportionate fraction of the total abundance and biomass of ants. A general model of resource allocation in colonies provides a possible explanation for why ants do not conform to the predictions of the energetic equivalence rule and for why ants are so abundant.  相似文献   

1. Ophrydium versatile is a symbiotic ciliate which forms gelatinous colonies up to several centimetres in diameter in transparent temperate lakes. The ciliates are evenly spaced at the colony surface and constitute a small proportion of the surface area (7%) and volume (3.1%) of the colony, but a large proportion of organic carbon (74%) and nitrogen content (82%) (exemplified for 1 cm3 colonies). The majority of the colony volume is formed by the jelly. The biomass proportion of ciliates scales inversely with colony size, following the decline of surface area to colony volume. The largest colonies found in Danish lakes in early summer contain almost 1 million ciliates, and assuming they derive from a single ciliate undergoing exponential division, they need twenty generations and, presumably, almost a year to reach maximum size. 2. The ciliates contain numerous symbiotic zoochlorellae that constitute about 10% of ciliate volume and more than half of the carbon content. Zoochlorellae dominate oxygen metabolism of the assemblage, resulting in low light compensation points, a large diel photosynthetic surplus, and a marked dependence on light for sustained growth and ciliate metabolism. Estimated gross photosynthesis (7ng C ciliate?1 day?1) of Ophnrydium from shallow, clear waters in June greatly exceeded the estimated carbon contained in filtered bacteria and small algae (1.9ng C cilicate?1 day?1). Nitrogen and phosphorus content of the prey, however, may provide the main nutrient source consistent with the correspondence between mass-specific rates of nutrient uptake and measured relative growth rates (average 0.067 day?1, generation time 10 days). 3. The large Ophrydium colonies require increased allocation of photosynthetic carbohydrates with increasing colony size to maintain the jelly. The large colonies tend to become gas-filled, floating, mechanically destroyed and their ciliate inhabitants abandon them as swarmers. Colony formation, however, should offer protection against predators which may be more important for the natural abundance than the costs of growing in a colony.  相似文献   

The relationship between changes in foraging patterns (inferred from waggle dance activity) and colony energy status (inferred from brood rearing activity, food storage, and colony weight) was examined for the African honey bee during a period of relative resource abundance and resource dearth. When resources were more abundant mean foraging distances (about 400 m) and foraging areas (4–5 km2) were small, and colonies recruited to 12–19 different sites per day. Colony foraging ranges and sites visited increased slightly during the dearth period, yet foraging continued to be concentrated within less than 10 km2. The degree to which fluctuations in foraging patterns were correlated with colony energy status varied with the availability of floral resources. During periods of relative forage abundance, increases in foraging range and number of sites visited were significantly correlated with increases in brood rearing and colony weight. In contrast, colonies examined during periods of resource dearth exhibited no correlations between foraging areas, foraging distances, and fluctuations in brood rearing, food storage, or colony weight. Thus, during dearth periods colonies may not be able to coordinate foraging patterns with changes in colony energy status.  相似文献   

The distribution of resources within habitats affects species abundance, richness and composition, but the role of resource distribution in species interactions is rarely studied. In ant communities, changes in resource distribution within habitats may influence behavioral interactions because many ant species are specialized to efficiently harvest a subset of available resources. This study investigates whether interactions between the behaviorally dominant host ant Pheidole diversipilosa and its specialist parasitoid (Phoridae: Apocephalus orthocladus) depend on resource size distribution around the colony. Using in situ foraging arenas to manipulate parasitoid abundance and resource size distribution around colonies, we tested whether variation in resource size distribution allows P. diversipilosa to alter its foraging behavior in ways that lessen the impact of parasitoid attack. P. diversipilosa colonies do not lower the impact of parasitoid attack by increasing the number of workers foraging individually on small and widely dispersed resources. However, the presence of multiple large resources allows colonies to temporarily redistribute soldier ants from resources patrolled by parasitoids to other resources not patrolled by parasitoids, and to maintain soldier abundance at levels found in the absence of parasitoids. These results highlight the importance of placing behavioral interactions within the context of variation in resource distribution.  相似文献   

Both monogyne (single queen per colony) and polygyne (multiple queens per colony) populations of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta are good subjects for tests of kin selection theory because their genetic and reproductive attributes are well-characterized, permitting quantitative predictions about the degree to which sex investment ratios should be female-biased if workers and not queens control reproductive allocation. In the study populations, an investment ratio of 3 females: 1 male is predicted (a proportional investment in females of 0.75) in the monogyne form, whereas a proportional investment in females between 0.637 and 0.740 is expected in the polygyne form. To test these predictions, colonies from a single population of each social form were collected and censused during three different seasons. Consistent with their alternative modes of colony founding, monogyne colonies invested more in reproduction (sexual production) and less in growth/maintenance (worker production) than did the polygyne colonies. Overall, the sex investment ratios were female-biased in both forms, although there was considerable seasonal variation. After adjusting for sex-specific energetic costs, the proportional investment in females was 0.607 in the monogyne population, a value in between those expected under complete control by either the queen or the workers. However, when combined with data from four other previously studied monogyne populations in the U.S.A., the mean investment ratio did not differ significantly from the value predicted if workers have exclusive control. In the polygyne population, the proportional investment in females of 0.616 was consistent with the level of female bias expected under partial to complete worker control, although the potential influence of two confounding factors — possible contact with monogyne colonies and the preponderance of sterile diploid males — weakens this conclusion somewhat. Taken as a whole, the sex investment ratios of monogyne and polygyne populations of S. invicta are consistent with at least partial worker control. Of several ultimate and proximate explanations that have been proposed to explain inter-colonial variation in the sex investment ratio, only the effect of the primary sex ratio (female-determined eggs: male-determined eggs) laid by the queen appears to account for the observed variation among monogyne colonies. In the polygyne population, there is limited support for the hypothesis that greater resource abundance favors investment in females.  相似文献   

Ants are social, and their metabolism should be measured on at least two levels: (i) the individual workers and brood of which the colony is composed and (ii) the colony in its entirety. Whole colony respiration, tempo (size‐free running speed in body lengths per second) and whole colony activity were simultaneously measured for 15 species of ants in four subfamilies, and these data are related to average worker and whole‐colony weight, activity, percentage brood and percentage fat. Across all 15 species, whole colony respiration rate (μL CO2 h?1) is linearly related to whole colony live weight (log–log slope = 1.0). Colonies composed of large workers respire less than colonies composed of an equal live weight of small workers, and colonies with high tempos respire more than lower tempo colonies of equal weight. The tempos and respiration rates of smaller ants tend to be higher, and a higher tempo exacts a cost in higher respiration independent of the effect of small body size. Individual worker respiration (μL CO2 h?1) scales to worker live weight with an exponent of 0.76. Whole colony specific respiration rate (μL CO2 g?1 h?1) is unrelated to colony live weight. The regressions of respiration rates against colony and worker dry weight, lean weight and metabolic weight have similar slopes to those of live weight but different intercepts. Respiration is not related to worker percentage fat, percentage brood or activity. Ant ecology, tempo, body size, polymorphism and colony size are discussed in relation to respiration.  相似文献   

红火蚁对新入侵龙眼园和荒草地蚂蚁类群多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴碧球  陆永跃  梁广文  曾玲 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2075-2083
于2007年7月至2008年2月期间在增城龙眼园及周边的荒草地人工移殖1蚁巢及10蚁巢红火蚁,并采用陷阱法和诱饵诱集法调查研究红火蚁对新入侵龙眼园区和荒草地区蚂蚁类群多样性的影响。结果表明,在荫蔽、少干扰的龙眼园和杂草茂密、少干扰的未割草区,红火蚁难以成功定殖,对这两种生境蚂蚁类群的多样性几乎没有影响;在红火蚁成功定殖的1蚁巢割草区和10蚁巢割草区,红火蚁以这两种密度入侵对蚂蚁类群多样性的影响程度不同。在1蚁巢割草区,红火蚁入侵后5个月期间,由于其数量占蚂蚁个体总数的比例很少,对蚂蚁类群多样性的影响很小;在红火蚁成功定殖5个月后,第6—7个月其工蚁所占比例增加,蚂蚁类群个体数和优势度下降,多样性和均匀度增加;第8—9个月其工蚁所占比例继续增加,而蚂蚁个体数、多样性和均匀度下降,优势度增加。在10蚁巢割草区,红火蚁入侵后,蚂蚁类群个体数、多样性和均匀度下降,优势度增加。红火蚁入侵对1蚁巢割草区和10蚁巢割草区蚂蚁物种数的影响较小。  相似文献   

It is unclear whether annual ring widths (ARW) are good predictors of changes in net primary productivity (NPP) of trees or shrubs in cold environments. We test if the simulated NPP with inputs of observed leaf nitrogen concentration (N mass) and carbon isotope ratio (??13C) explains altitudinal variations of ARW, relative growth rate (RGR), and maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) within a widespread woody species at moist timberline ecotones. We measured plant-level ARW and RGR, and related leaf traits (P max, N mass, ??13C etc.) for an alpine Rhododendron shrub (R. aganniphum var. schizopeplum) across ten altitudes (4,190?C4,500?m) in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Based on climate data available from Nyingchi station at 3,000?m, non-age-related ARW chronologies (1960?C2008) for each of ten altitudes were positively correlated with June mean temperature, but related little with precipitation and other monthly mean temperatures. With increasing altitude, N mass and P max decreased and ??13C increased, resulting in decreases of observed RGR and simulated NPP. Current-year and recent 50-year-averaged ARWs were well correlated with observed RGR and P max and simulated NPP. June mean temperature explained >62?% of the altitudinal variations in observed RGR and ARW as well as simulated NPP. At moist high altitudes, ARWs can be used as predictors of changes in NPP of alpine shrubs because the low temperature in the early growing season is the primary factor limiting both ARW and NPP. This study suggests a methodology detecting the sensitivity of alpine woody species to varying climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary. The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, severely decreases the abundance and diversity of native ant fauna in areas where it invades, but coexists with a more diverse assemblage of ants in its native range. The greater ecological dominance of L. humile in the introduced range may be associated with differences in colony structure and population density in the introduced range relative to the native range. In this study, I compared aspects of L. humiles colony structure, including density, the spatial pattern of nests and trails, and patterns of intraspecific aggression in parts of the introduced and native ranges. I also compared the number of ant species coexisting with L. humile. Introduced and native populations did not differ significantly in nest density, ant density, nest size, and nearest-neighbor distances. In three of the four study populations in the native range and all of the study populations in the introduced range, colonies were organized into supercolonies: they consisted of multiple, interconnected nests that were dense and spatially clumped, and aggression among conspecifics was rare. In one population in the native range, colonies were organized differently: they occupied single nest sites, nests were sparse and randomly dispersed, and ants from neighboring nests were aggressive toward each other. Species richness was significantly higher in the native range than in the introduced range, even in areas where L. humile formed dense supercolonies. The results suggest that differences in species coexistence between ranges may due to factors other than L. humiles colony structure. One likely factor is the superior competitive ability of other ant species in the native range.Received 23 January 2004; revised 30 March 2004; accepted 20 April 2004.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the water economy strategies of the dominant subarctic bryophytes in terms of colony and shoot traits? Can colony water retention capacity be predicted from morphological traits of both colonies and separate shoots? Are suites of water retention traits consistently related to bryophyte habitat and phylogenetic position? Location: Abisko Research Station, North Sweden. Methods: We screened 22 abundant subarctic bryophyte species from diverse habitats for water economy traits of shoots and colonies, including desiccation rates, water content at field capacity, volume and density (mg cm?3) of water‐saturated and oven‐dried patches, evaporation rate (g·m?2·s?1) and cell wall thickness. The relationships between these traits and shoot and colony desiccation rates were analysed with Spearman rank correlations. Subsequent multivariate (cluster followed by PCA) analyses were based on turf density, turf and shoot desiccation rate, cell wall thickness and amount of external and internal water. Results: Individual shoot properties, i.e. leaf cell wall properties, water retention capacity and desiccation rate, did not correspond with colony water retention capacity. Colony desiccation rate depended on density of water‐saturated colonies, and was marginally significantly negatively correlated with species individual shoot desiccation rate but not related to any other shoot or colony trait. Multivariate analyses based on traits assumed to determine colony desiccation rate revealed six distinct species groups reflecting habitat choice and phylogenetic relationships. Conclusions: General relationships between shoot and colony traits as determinants of water economy will help to predict and upscale changes in hydrological function of bryophyte‐dominated peatlands undergoing climate‐induced shifts in species abundance, and feedbacks of such species shifts on permafrost insulation and carbon sequestration functions.  相似文献   

The proportion of foragers in ant colonies is a fairly constant species-specific characteristic that could be determined by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. If intrinsic factors are relevant, species with similar life history characteristics (e.g., colony size and foraging strategies) would be expected to have a similar proportion of foragers in their colonies. Within the genus Pogonomyrmex, North American species can vary largely in their colony size, whereas only species with small colonies are known in South America. We studied the characteristics of the foraging subcaste in three sympatric South American species of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, and compared it with the available information on other species of the same genus. We used two mark-recapture methods and colony excavations to estimate the number and proportion of foragers in the colonies of P. mendozanus, P. inermis, and P. rastratus, and to test the relationship between forager external activity levels and abundance per colony. Forager abundance in the three studied species was lower than in most North American species. The percentage of foragers in their colonies ranged 7–15 %, more similar to North American species with large colonies than to those with small colony size. Foraging activity was positively correlated with forager abundance in all three species, implying that colony allocation to number of foragers allows for higher food acquisition. Further comparative studies involving a wider range of traits in South and North American species would allow to unveil the role of environmental factors in shaping each species’ particular traits.  相似文献   

The crucial role of seabirds in the enrichment of nutrient-poor polar terrestrial ecosystem is well-known. However, no studies have examined the potentially different impacts associated with piscivorous and planktivorous bird colonies on the surrounding tundra soils. Therefore, we compared guano deposition and physical and chemical parameters of soil near two large seabird colonies, one of planktivorous little auks (Alle alle) and the other comprising piscivorous Brunnich’s guillemots (Uria lomvia) and kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). The two colonies generated similar levels of guano deposition, with the intensity of deposition decreasing away from the colony. Guano deposition adjacent to both colonies was considerably higher than that in control areas. The increased guano supply around colonies significantly enhanced soil conductivity, nitrogen (NO3 ?, NH4 +), potassium (K+), and phosphate (PO4 3?) ion concentrations and led to reduced pH values. Guano deposition explained 84 % (piscivorous colony) and 67 % (planktivorous colony) of the total variation in the tested soil parameters. Planktivore and piscivore colonies affected adjacent tundra in different ways. The phosphate content and pH value of soil influenced by piscivores were significantly higher than values measured in planktivore-influenced soil. The gradient of guano deposition and associated ion content in the soil decreased more rapidly with distance from the piscivore colony. Climate-induced changes in populations of planktivorous and piscivorous seabirds are expected in the study region and may therefore have substantial consequential effects on Arctic terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Populations of invasive species are often studied when their effects are perceived as a problem. Yet observing the dynamics of populations over longer time periods can highlight changes in effects on invaded communities, and assist with management decisions. In this study we revisit an invasion of the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) in the Tokelau archipelago to determine if the distribution and abundance of the ant has changed ~7 years after surveys completed in 2004. We were particularly interested in whether populations of a previously identified invasive haplotype (D) had increased in distribution and abundance, as this haplotype was implicated in negative effects on resident ant communities. Indeed, haplotype D populations have become more widespread since the initial survey, more likely owing to new introductions or movement by humans, rather than intrinsic characteristics of the haplotype. We also found that despite no significant change in the abundance of A. gracilipes overall, haplotype D populations have declined in abundance. Residents of the Tokelau atolls no longer consider the ant to be a pest as they did 7 years ago, when populations of this ant interfered with their food production and many other aspects of daily life. We observed no significant differences between A. gracilipes invaded and uninvaded communities, which suggests that the ant is at a level of abundance below which significant negative ecological effects may occur. Population declines of invasive species are not infrequent, and understanding these population dynamics, particularly the underlying mechanisms promoting population declines or stabilisation, should be a high priority for invasion ecology.  相似文献   

Analysis of a sediment core taken from the Grangent reservoir in 2004 showed the presence of high concentrations of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. colonies at the sediment surface (250 colonies · mL sediment?1) and also at depths of 25–35 cm (2300 colonies·mL sediment?1) and 70 cm (600 colonies · mL sediment?1). Measurements of radioactive isotopes (7Be, 137Cs, and 241Am) along with photographic analysis of the core were used to date the deep layers: the layer located at ?30 cm dates from summer 2003, and that located at ?70 cm from 1990 to 1991. The physiological and morphological conditions of those benthic colonies were compared with those of planktonic colonies using several techniques (environmental scanning electron microscopy [ESEM], TEM, DNA markers, cellular esterases, and toxins). The ESEM observations showed that, as these colonies age, peripheral cells disappear, with no cells remaining in the mucilage of the deepest colonies (70 cm), an indication of the survival thresholds of these organisms. In the benthic phase, the physiological conditions (enzyme activity, cell division, and intracellular toxins) and ultrastructure (particularly the gas vesicles) of the cells surviving in the heart of the colony are comparable to those of the planktonic form, with all the potential needed for growth. Maintaining cellular integrity requires a process that can provide sufficient energy and is expressed in the reduced, but still existing, enzymatic activity that we measured, which is equivalent to a quiescent state.  相似文献   

Disturbance resulting from urbanization is a leading cause of biotic homogenization worldwide. Native species are replaced with widespread non-native species and ants are among the world’s most notorious invaders. To date, all documented cases of ant invasions involve exotic introduced species that are spread around the world by human-mediated dispersal. I investigated the effect of urbanization on the evolution of invasive characteristics in a native ant species, the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say). Colony social structure, life history traits, and the spatial pattern of nest distribution were compared by sampling T. sessile across a gradient of three distinct habitats: natural, semi-natural, and urban. Results demonstrate a remarkable transition in colony social and spatial structure and life history traits between natural and urban environments. In natural habitats, T. sessile colonies are comprised of small, monogyne (single queen), and monodomous (single nest) colonies. In urban areas, T. sessile often exhibit extreme polygyny and polydomy, form large supercolonies, and become a dominant pest. Results also suggest that urban T. sessile colonies may have a negative impact on native ant abundance and diversity. In the natural environment T. sessile coexisted with a wide array of other ant species, while very few ant species were present in the urban environment invaded by T. sessile. Habitat degradation and urbanization can lead to extreme changes in social and spatial colony structure and life history traits in a native ant species and can promote the evolution of invasive characteristics such as polygyny, polydomy, and supercolonial colony structure.  相似文献   

Colony size can affect individual- and colony-level behavioral and physiological traits in social insects. Changes in behavior and physiology in response to colony growth and development can affect productivity and fitness. Here, we used respirometry to study the relationship between colony size and colony energy consumption in Temnothorax rugatulus ants. In addition, we examined the relationship between colony size and worker productivity measured as per capita brood production. We found that colony metabolic rate scales with colony size to the 0.78 power and the number of brood scales with the number of workers to the 0.49 power. These regression analyses reveal that larger ant colonies use proportionally less energy and produce fewer brood per worker. Our findings provide new information on the relationships between colony size and energetic efficiency and productivity in a model ant genus. We discuss the potential mechanisms giving rise to allometric scaling of metabolic rate in ant colonies and the influence of colony size on energy consumption and productivity in general.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior is a critical adaptation by insects to obtain appropriate nutrients from the environment for development and fitness. Bumble bees (Bombus spp.) form annual colonies which must rapidly increase their worker populations to support rearing reproductive individuals before the end of the season. Therefore, colony growth and reproduction should be dependent on the quality and quantity of pollen resources in the surrounding landscape. Our previous research found that B. impatiens foraging preferences to different plant species were shaped by pollen protein:lipid nutritional ratios (P:L), with foragers preferring pollen species with a ~5:1 P:L ratio. In this study, we placed B. impatiens colonies in three different habitats (forest, forest edge, and valley) to determine whether pollen nutritional quality collected by the colonies differed between areas that may differ in resource abundance and diversity. We found that habitat did not influence the collected pollen nutritional quality, with colonies in all three habitats collecting pollen averaging a 4:1 P:L ratio. Furthermore, there was no difference in the nutritional quality of the pollen collected by colonies that successfully reared reproductives and those that did not. We found however, that “nutritional intake,” calculated as the colony‐level intake rate of nutrient quantities (protein, lipid, and sugar), was strongly related to colony growth and reproductive output. Therefore, we conclude that B. impatiens colony performance is a function of the abundance of nutritionally appropriate floral resources in the surrounding landscape. Because we did not comprehensively evaluate the nutrition provided by the plant communities in each habitat, it remains to be determined how B. impatiens polylectic foraging strategies helps them select among the available pollen nutritional landscape in a variety of plant communities to obtain a balance of key macronutrients.  相似文献   

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