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Intracellular transport and secretion of an immunoglobulin light chain   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

A lambda light chain, isolated from an immunoglobulin G molecule, was found to reversibly precipitate at low temperatures. This cryoprecipitation was a function of pH, ionic strength, protein concentration, and time as well as temperature. The lambda chain underwent a cooperative conformational change as the temperature was lowered from 26 to 0 degrees C as judged by ultraviolet difference spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Normal lambda chains showed no conformational change. By difference spectroscopy it was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant governing the conformational change. The change was strongly exothermic (delta H approximately -80 kcal mol-1) and accompanied by a large decrease in entropy (delta S approximately -280 eu). The midpoint of the transition was dependent on the initial protein concentration, suggesting that only the noncovalent dimer of the lambda chain exhibited the conformational change. The existence of a monomer-dimer eqiulibrium (KA approximately 4 X 10(5) M-1) was confirmed by sedimentation velocity. No conformational change was observed by circular dichroism at concentrations where greater than 95% of lambda chain was in the form of a monomer. Although high ionic strength inhibited cryoprecipitation, it had no effect on the conformational change. Stabilization of the dimer by forming an interchain disulfide bond between two monomers abolished both the conformational change and cryoprecipitation. A fragment corresponding to the constant region was isolated from both peptic and tryptic digests of the lambda chain. This fragment neither cryoprecipitated nor showed temperature dependence conformational changes. It proved impossible to isolate a fragment corresponding to the variable region. Both qualitative and quantitative models are presented to account for the behavior of the lambda chain at low temperatures.  相似文献   

We have cloned double stranded cDNA sequences encoding a mouse immunoglobulin light chain (L-321) into the PstI site of the beta-lactamase gene of plasmid pBR322 by the oligo (dG)-oligo (dC) tailing procedure. Escherichia coli X1776 transformed by the recombinant plasmids were screened for the expression of L-321 antigenic determinants by a newly developed in situ radio-immunoassay. One out of seven transformants screened was found to synthesize an L-chain like protein. Each bacterial cell produces about 550 molecules of the L-chain sequence. Preferential segregation of the L-chain sequence to the periplasmic space suggest covalent attachment of the L-chain sequence to the N-terminal portion of beta-lactamase. Restriction mapping of the plasmid DNA isolated from the positive clone indicated the presence of a DNA sequence coding for the entire constant region and extending into the variable region for a length corresponding to about 40 amino acid residues. The orientation of the cloned cDNA with respect to the plasmid DNA is compatible with the formation of a fused beta-lactamase-L-321 peptide.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the refolding reactions of type lambda Bence Jones proteins from 4 M GuHCl were studied by CD, ultraviolet absorption, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The kinetics were complex and consisted of at least three phases, an undetectable fast phase, a detectable fast phase, and a slow phase. The slow phase followed first-order kinetics and the three experimental methods used gave similar rate constants for all the Bence Jones proteins (about 3 X 10(-3) s-1). The refolding reaction of VL fragment was too fast to be measured in the present experiments. The refolding process of CL fragment was very similar to those of Bence Jones proteins except that the detectable fast phase was less significant. The rate constant of the slow phase observed for the CL fragment was similar to those of the slow phase observed for Bence Jones proteins. The activation energy of the slow phase was the same for a Bence Jones protein and its CL fragment. These results indicate that the refolding kinetics of the CL domain are very similar to those of isolated CL fragment and that refolding of the VL domain precedes refolding of the CL domain, even though both domains have similar immunoglobulin folds. However, the results of refolding experiments on Bence Jones proteins, and VL and CL fragments in the presence of ANS, as well as the other lines of evidence, indicate that the refolding kinetics of the Bence Jones protein molecule cannot be expressed as simple sum of the refolding reactions of isolated VL and CL fragments.  相似文献   

Many sugars, when added to the medium of bacteria or yeast cells, are recovered inside the cell partly as the sugar-6-phosphate and partly as the free sugar. Phosphorylation may have occurred intracellularly subsequent to transmembrane transport of the free sugar, or during transport, intimately coupled to the translocation step itself. When using nonmetabolizable sugars, isotope pulse-labeling experiments can be used to discriminate between these two possibilities. In previous papers these pulse-labeling procedures have been discussed and interpreted only on a qualitative basis. Due to experimental or systematic errors—such as adsorption of labeled substrate on the filters used to separate cells and medium—the interpretation is not always unambiguous. Under these circumstances a more detailed quantitative analysis of the kinetics of pulse-labeling could provide a warrant for the reliability of the interpretation.With non-metabolizable sugars a stationary state will usually develop, characterized by a dynamic equilibrium between the free sugar and the sugar-phosphate. In the present paper the kinetics of pulse-labeling during this stationary state are derived.  相似文献   

Gene transfer of immunoglobulin light chain restores heavy chain secretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several lines of evidence suggest that immunoglobulin (Ig) light (L) chain plays a role in the secretion of heavy (H) chain. For example, myeloma variant lines, which synthesize the Ig H chain but not the L chain, fail to secrete H chain protein. Here we have tested directly the role of chain assembly in the control of Ig secretion by the transfer of functional L chain genes into two such L chain-defective myeloma mutants. A lambda 2 or kappa L chain gene was introduced into variant lines of the mouse myelomas MOPC 315 (IgA, lambda 2) or PC7 (IgM, kappa), respectively. Although the two mutant lines are unable to secrete the H chain they produce, rescue of secretion of complete Ig protein molecules (IgA or IgM) was observed after transfection. These results imply that the secretory apparatus of these cells is intact and that the failure to secrete free H chain reflects a structural feature intrinsic to that protein. The implications of these results with respect to control of secretion of multi-subunit proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

A sheep kappa cDNA probe was isolated, characterized by sequence analysis and shown to have significant sequence identity to other kappa light chains. This probe and a sheep lambda light chain probe were used to estimate the extent of various sheep immunoglobulin light chain gene loci by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA. The results showed that the sheep has a single hybridizing kappa constant gene and three to five kappa V segment bands. Segregation of three polymorphic bands at the lambda C locus indicated that they were products of separate C segments. Restriction fragment pattern variations were obtained using light chain probes on various sheep breeds, but no pattern or individual band was characteristic for a particular breed.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are associated with sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix. The presence of sulfated glycosaminoglycans is known to promote amyloid formation in vitro and in vivo, with the sulfate groups playing a role in this process. In order to understand the role that sulfate plays in amyloid formation, we have studied the effect of salts from the Hofmeister series on the protein structure, stability and amyloid formation of an amyloidogenic light chain protein, AL-12. We have been able to show for the first time a direct correlation between protein stability and amyloid formation enhancement by salts from the Hofmeister series, where SO42− conferred the most protein stability and enhancement of amyloid formation. Our study emphasizes the importance of the effect of ions in the protein bound water properties and downplays the role of specific interactions between the protein and ions.  相似文献   

O'Nuallain B  Allen A  Ataman D  Weiss DT  Solomon A  Wall JS 《Biochemistry》2007,46(45):13049-13058
Amyloid fibrils and partially unfolded intermediates can be distinguished serologically from native amyloidogenic precursor proteins or peptides. In this regard, we previously had reported that mAb 11-1F4, generated by immunizing mice with a thermally denatured variable domain (VL) fragment of the human kappa4 Bence Jones protein Len, bound to a non-native conformational epitope located within the N-terminal 18 residues of fibrillar, as well as partially denatured, Ig light chains (O'Nuallain, B., et al. (2006) Biochemistry 46, 1240-1247). To define further the antibody binding site, we used random peptide phage display and epitope mapping of VL Len using wild-type and alanine-mutated Len peptides where it was shown that the antibody epitope was reliant on up to 10 of the first 15 residues of protein Len. Comparison of Vkappa and Vlambda N-terminal germline consensus sequences with protein Len and 11-1F4-binding phages indicated that this antibody's cross-reactivity with light chains was related to an invariant proline at position(s) 7 and/or 8, bulky hydrophobic residues at positions 11 and 13, and additionally, to the ability to accommodate amino acid diversity at positions 1-4. Sequence alignments of the phage peptides revealed a central proline, often flanked by aromatic residues. Taken together, these results have provided evidence for the structural basis of the specificity of 11-1F4 for both kappa and lambda light chain fibrils. We posit that the associated binding site involves a rare type VI beta-turn or touch-turn that is anchored by a cis-proline residue. The identification of an 11-1F4-related mimotope should facilitate development of pan-light chain fibril-reactive antibodies that could be used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with AL amyloidosis.  相似文献   

AL amyloidosis is caused by deposition in target tissue of amyloid fibrils constituted by monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains. The amyloidogenic plasma cells derive from a transformed memory B cell that can be identified by anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. Comparison of the primary structures of amyloidogenic and nonamyloidogenic light chains does not show any common structural motif in the amyloidogenic variants but reveals peculiar replacements which can destabilize the folding state. Reduced folding stability now appears to be a unifying property of amyloidogenic light chains. The tendency of these proteins to populate a partially unfolded intermediate state is a key event in the self-association that progresses to the formation of oligomers and fibrils. The mechanism of organ damage caused by AL amyloid deposition is not known, but clinical findings suggest that the process of amyloid fibril formation itself exerts tissue toxic effects independently of the amount of amyloid deposited. Since the disease is caused by the neoplastic expansion of the plasma cell population synthesizing the amyloidogenic light chains, the clone represents the prime therapeutic target of conventional chemotherapy and experimental immunotherapy. In common with other types of amyloidosis the therapeutic strategy can take advantage of drugs able to improve the reabsorption of the amyloid deposits or able to bind and stabilize the light chain in the native-like folded state.  相似文献   

Origin of transcription of a mouse immunoglobulin light chain gene   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S Bodary  B Mach 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(6):719-724

Inactivation of the endogenous pig immunoglobulin (Ig) loci, and replacement with their human counterparts, would produce animals that could alleviate both the supply and specificity issues of therapeutic human polyclonal antibodies (PAbs). Platform genetics are being developed in pigs that have all endogenous Ig loci inactivated and replaced by human counterparts, in order to address this unmet clinical need. This report describes the deletion of the porcine kappa (??) light chain constant (C??) region in pig primary fetal fibroblasts (PPFFs) using gene targeting technology, and the generation of live animals from these cells via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) cloning. There are only two other targeted loci previously published in swine, and this is the first report of a targeted disruption of an Ig light chain locus in a livestock species. Pigs with one targeted C?? allele (heterozygous knockout or ±) were bred together to generate C?? homozygous knockout (?/?) animals. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) from C?? ?/? pigs were devoid of ??-containing Igs. Furthermore, there was an increase in lambda (??) light chain expression when compared to that of wild-type littermates (C?? +/+). Targeted inactivation of the Ig heavy chain locus has also been achieved and work is underway to inactivate the pig lambda light chain locus.  相似文献   

Renal involvement is a frequent consequence of plasma cell dyscrasias. The most common entities are light chain amyloidosis, monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease and myeloma cast nephropathy. Despite a common origin, each condition has its own unique histologic and pathophysiologic characteristic which requires a renal biopsy to distinguish. Recent studies have shown urinary exosomes containing kidney-derived membrane and cytosolic proteins that can be used to probe the proteomics of the entire urinary system from the glomerulus to the bladder. In this study, we analyzed urine exosomes to determine the differences between exosomes from patients with light chain amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, and non-paraproteinemia related kidney disease controls. In patients with light chain amyloidosis, multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, immunoreactive proteins corresponding to monomeric light chains were found in exosomes by western blot. In all of the amyloidosis samples with active disease, high molecular weight immunoreactive species corresponding to a decamer were found which were not found in exosomes from the other diseases or in amyloidosis exosomes from patients in remission. Few or no light chains monomeric bands were found in non-paraproteinemia related kidney disease controls. Our results showed that urinary exosomes may have tremendous potential in furthering our understanding of the pathophysiology and diagnosis of plasma cell dyscrasia related kidney diseases.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin light chains have two similar domains, each with a hydrophobic core surrounded by beta-sheet layers, and a highly conserved disulfide bond. Differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism were used to study the folding and stability of MM-kappaI, an Ig LC of kappaI subtype purified from the urine of a multiple myeloma patient. The complete primary structure of MM-kappaI was determined by Edman sequence analysis and mass spectrometry. The protein was found to contain a cysteinyl post-translational modification at Cys(214). Protein stability and conformation of MM-kappaI as a function of temperature or denaturant conditions at pH 7.4 and 4.8 were investigated. At pH 4.8, calorimetry demonstrated that MM-kappaI undergoes an incomplete, cooperative, partially reversible thermal unfolding with increased unfolding temperature and calorimetric enthalpy as compared to pH 7.4. Secondary and tertiary structural analyses provided evidence to support the presence of unfolding intermediates. Chemical denaturation resulted in more extensive protein unfolding. The stability of MM-kappaI was reduced and protein unfolding was irreversible at pH 4.8, thus suggesting that different pathways are utilized in thermal and chemical unfolding.  相似文献   

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