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Investigating the potential effects of handling and marking techniques on study animals is important for correct interpretation of research results and to effect progress in data‐collection methods. Few investigators have compared the reproductive output of radio‐tagged and non‐radio‐tagged songbirds, and no one to date has examined the possible effect of radio‐tagging adult songbirds on the survival of their fledglings. In 2011 and 2012, we compared several parameters of reproductive output of two groups of female Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) breeding in Minnesota, including 45 females with radio‐transmitters and 73 females we did not capture, handle, or mark. We found no difference between groups in clutch sizes, hatching success, brood sizes, length of incubation and nestling stages, fledging success, number of fledglings, or survival of fledglings to independence. Thus, radio‐tags had no measurable impact on the productivity of female Golden‐winged Warblers. Our results build upon previous studies where investigators have reported no effects of radio‐tagging on the breeding parameters of songbirds by also demonstrating no effect of radio‐tagging through the post‐fledging period and, therefore, the entire breeding season.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Radio‐telemetry is often used to track birds, and several investigators have examined the possible effects of radio‐transmitters on birds. One approach to this question is to determine if transmitters induce physiological stress. Using hematological indicators of stress (heterophil‐lymphocyte [H/L] ratios), studies of captive birds have revealed no evidence that radio‐transmitters cause stress. However, studies in captivity may not reflect conditions faced by birds in the wild, especially during energetically demanding times, such as the overwintering period. We examined the possible effect of backpack‐style transmitters on overwintering Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus) in South Carolina by examining H/L ratios from blood smears made before and after transmitter attachment. We captured and recaptured eight thrushes in an early winter period and 11 in a late winter period, and in both cases found that H/L ratios did not change after 1 mo of carrying transmitters. H/L ratios also did not differ significantly (in either trial) between thrushes with and without transmitters. Furthermore, thrushes that carried transmitters during both of our trials did not have higher final H/L ratios than those that carried transmitters during just one trial (the late winter). These results indicate that carrying backpack‐style transmitters for 1 mo did not induce stress in overwintering Hermit Thrushes. These results are consistent with studies of captive birds, and provide support for the continued use of backpack radio‐transmitters in this species, as long as weight recommendations are met.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Food is generally considered to be the primary resource structuring winter territories in migrant songbirds, but there is little experimental evidence to support this. In southeastern Louisiana, ripe fruits, consumed opportunistically in the absence of preferred arthropod resources, are a primary food resource for wintering Hermit Thrushes ( Catharus guttatus ). To test the possible role of food in controlling space use during the winter, we reduced fruit availability in the territories of wintering Hermit Thrushes and compared responses of these thrushes to those in control territories where fruit availability was not altered. We found that thrushes did not adjust either territory size or location in response to midwinter reduction of fruit availability. One possible explanation for this lack of response is that sufficient food, including arthropods, was available in thrush territories even after removal of fruit. Another possibility is that the removal of fruit did reduce food levels below the level needed to meet energetic needs, but social constraints on territory structure, dictated by fall settlement spacing and maintained by agonistic interactions, prevented birds from adjusting territories to match food supply later in the season.  相似文献   

American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor) are a high priority species of conservation need across most of their breeding range due to long‐term population declines. Survival of juveniles may be key to understanding these population declines, but there have been few direct estimates of juvenile woodcock survival rates, and no recent assessment of the possible effect of radio‐tagging on juvenile survival. In 2011 and 2012, we radio‐tagged 73 juvenile American Woodcocks in west‐central Minnesota and compared survival rates of radio‐tagged (N = 58) and non‐radio‐tagged (N = 82) juveniles during the period from hatching to fledging. We compared survival rates of juveniles with known fates and used logistic‐exposure models to assess the potential impact of radio‐transmitters on survival. We evaluated variables related to juvenile survival including age, hatch date, maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, and year to assess the possible effects of radio‐transmitters. The best‐supported model of survival rate of juvenile American Woodcocks included the interaction of age and year and a negative effect of precipitation (β = ?0.76, 85% CI: ?1.08 to ?0.43), but did not include a negative effect of transmitters. Our results suggest that radio‐transmitters did not impact survival of juvenile American Woodcocks and that transmitters are a reliable tool for studying survival of juvenile American Woodcocks, and perhaps other precocial shorebirds.  相似文献   

White sand terra firme forests are unusual ecosystems scattered across Amazonia, covering just 3% of the basin. These forests differ from surrounding forests in their scleromorphic vegetation, low nutrient content, and propensity to harbor endemics. We report the capture of 62 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes (Catharus minimus) during a study of the understory avifauna of Amazonian white sand forests near Iquitos, Peru, conducted from 20 June to 8 December 2010–2012. We captured and banded Gray‐cheeked Thrushes in white sand (N = 57) and adjacent weathered clay (N = 5) terra firme forests. Sampling for three consecutive days at 19 different sites each year, the inter‐annual site fidelity rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes was 4.8% (N = 3). One bird banded in 2010 was recaptured in 2012. Of the 62 birds, 19.3% (N = 12) were recaptured on subsequent days. All recaptures were in white sand forests. The 19.3% recapture rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes from sites re‐sampled no more than 2 d in a given year suggests the presence of settled and perhaps territorial birds. Using rectrices from 12 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes, stable‐hydrogen isotope analyses (δ2H) suggest that the geographic breeding or natal origin of all sampled birds was likely northwestern North America. Our results suggest that Gray‐cheeked Thrushes exhibit site fidelity and may concentrate in white sand forests—an uncommon and scattered ecosystem type in western Amazonia. However, annual tracking of individual Gray‐cheeked Thrushes is needed to fully assess regional patterns of settlement and movement, and the connectivity between breeding and wintering areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Radio telemetry can be a valuable tool for studying the behavior, physiology, and demography of birds. We tested the assumption that radio transmitters have no adverse effects on body condition in an island population of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). To assess possible changes in condition, 20 radiotagged and 25 nontagged Savannah Sparrows were captured and recaptured throughout the postfledging period. We used four measures of condition: mass, an index of fat free dry mass (measured via heavy water dilution), pectoral muscle depth (measured via ultrasound imaging), and an index of fat mass (measured via heavy water dilution). Using both a generalized linear modeling framework and paired design, we found no significant differences in the body condition of radiotagged and nontagged adults and juveniles. Thus, our results provide evidence that radiotransmitters have no effect on the condition of Savannah Sparrows during the premigratory period.  相似文献   

Understanding the cryptic lives of wide–ranging wild animals such as seals can be challenging, but with the advent of miniaturised telemetry and data–logging devices this is now possible and relatively straightforward. However, because marine animals have streamline bodies to reduce drag in their aquatic habitats, attaching external devices to their back or head may affect swimming performance, prey capture efficiency and ultimately, fitness. Given this, and allied welfare concerns, we assessed the short- and long-term consequences of external devices attached to southern elephant seal juveniles and adults under varying environmental conditions. We also assessed the effects of multiple deployments on individuals. There was no evidence for short-term differences in at-sea mass gain (measured as mass on arrival from a foraging trip) or long-term survival rate. The number of times that a seal carried a tracking device (ranging from 1 to 8 times) did not affect mass or estimated survival. Further, there were no tracking device effects in years of contrasting environmental conditions measured as ENSO anomalies. Consequently, we conclude that the current tracking devices available to researchers are valuable conservation tools that do not adversely affect the performance of a large marine mammal in terms of mass gain or survival probability over short (seasonal) or long (years) temporal scales.  相似文献   

Several species of migratory swifts breed in the Western Palearctic, but they differ in reproductive traits and nonbreeding areas explored in Africa. We examined survival and recapture probabilities of two species of swifts by capture–mark–recapture data collected in northern Italy (Pallid Swift Apus pallidus in Carmagnola, Turin, and Common Swift Apus apus in Guiglia, Modena) in the breeding season (May–July). Apparent survival rates were relatively high (>71%), comparable to other studies of European swifts, but showed marked annual variations. We used geolocators to establish the exact wintering areas of birds breeding in our study colonies. Common Swifts explored the Sahel zone during migration and spent the winter in SE Africa, while the Pallid Swifts remained in the Sahel zone for a longer time, shifting locations southeast down to Cameroun and Nigeria later in winter. These movements followed the seasonal rains from north to south (October to December). In both species, we found large yearly differences in survival probabilities related to different climatic indices. In the Pallid Swift, wintering in Western Africa, the Sahel rainfall index best explained survival, with driest seasons associated with reduced survival. In the Common Swift, wintering in SE Africa, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle performed significantly better than Sahel rainfall or North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Extreme events and precipitation anomalies in Eastern Africa during La Niña events resulted in reduced survival probabilities in Common Swifts. Our study shows that the two species of swifts have similar average annual survival, but their survival varies between years and is strongly affected by different climatic drivers associated with their respective wintering areas. This finding could suggest important ecological diversification that should be taken into account when comparing survival and area use of similar species that migrate between temperate breeding areas and tropical wintering areas.  相似文献   

A major uncertainty in automated radio‐telemetry studies of small birds is the detection range of receiving antennas. We compared simultaneous daytime detections (± 30 s) by automated and manual radio‐telemetry to assess detection probability and the proportion of transmissions detected for birds on migratory stopover as a function of distance, foraging guild (Black‐throated Blue Warblers, Setophaga caerulescens, and Yellow‐rumped Warblers, Dendroica coronata coronata, represented mid‐canopy foliage gleaners and White‐throated Sparrows, Zonotrichia albicollis, represented a ground forager), habitat type, meteorological variables, tower antenna number (1–4), and the position of a bird relative to the receiving antenna's bearing (offset angle). Our study was conducted at a migratory stopover site in southern Ontario, Canada. Most detections were in dense to sparse forest, and all individuals were within 1.03 km of the automated receiving station. Daily detection probability was near 100% for both foraging guilds. However, within 30 s before and after a manual radio‐telemetry location was made, detection probability and the proportion of transmissions detected by automated radio‐telemetry declined with distance, was higher for warblers than sparrows, and was lowest for 90° offset angles. Our results suggest that when research goals do not require detections with high temporal frequency, e.g., estimation of departure date or daily departure probability, our study design had an effective detection range of at least 1 km. However, where temporal precision is required, e.g., to investigate movements and changes in activity levels during stopover, detection range was ~300 m for ground‐foraging sparrows and 600 m for mid‐canopy foraging warblers, which is much lower than the presumed detection range of antennas under optimal conditions (15 km). This corresponds to a spatial area of coverage for forest‐dwelling birds of ~0.3–1.1 km2. Our results suggest that to optimally configure an automated radio‐telemetry array at the regional scale, investigators should carefully consider detection range and its underlying covariates, including species type, the habitat matrix, and the orientation of antennas relative to preferred habitat.  相似文献   

For migratory birds, it is necessary to estimate annual and overwinter survival rates, identify factors that influence survival, and assess whether survival varies with age and sex if we are to understand population dynamics and thus inform conservation. This study is one of the first to document overwinter and annual survival from the wintering grounds of a declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrant bird, the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra. We monitored a population of marked individuals for which dispersal was low and detectability was high, allowing accurate estimates of survival. Annual survival was at least 52% and did not differ significantly across demographic groups or with habitat characteristics or residency time in the previous winter. Overwinter survival was very high and monthly survival at least 98% at some sites. Although winter residency varied spatially and with age, lower residency did not correlate with reduced annual survival, suggesting occupancy of multiple wintering sites rather than higher winter mortality of individuals with shorter residency. Our results suggest that mortality occurs primarily outside the wintering period, probably during migration, and that wintering conditions have minimal influence on survival. The similarity between survival rates for all age and sex classes when measured on the wintering grounds implies that any difference in survival with age or sex occurs only during the first migration or during the post‐fledging stage, and that selection of wintering habitat, or territory quality, makes little difference to survival in Whinchats. Our findings suggest that the wintering grounds do not limit populations as much as the migratory and breeding stages, with implications for the conservation of declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrants more widely.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Flipper bands are used to mark penguins because leg bands can injure their legs. However, concerns remain over the possible effects of flipper bands on penguins. We examined the effects of stainless‐steel flipper bands on the duration of foraging trips by Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at Punta Tombo, Argentina, using an automated detection system. We predicted that, if bands were costly and increased drag, flipper‐banded penguins would make longer foraging trips than those with small or no external markings. We tagged 121 penguins with radio‐frequency identification (RFID) tags and an additional external mark. We placed either a stainless‐steel band on the left flipper (N= 62) or a 2×10‐mm small‐animal ear tag in the outside web of the left foot (N= 59). We measured foraging‐trip durations (N= 376 trips) for 68 adult penguins with chicks from 15 December 2007 to 28 February 2008. Contrary to predictions, trip duration was similar for banded and web‐tagged penguins (P= 0.22) and for males and females (P= 0.52), with no interaction between tag type and sex (P= 0.52). No penguins marked in the 2007 breeding season and recaptured between 30 September and 30 November 2008 (N= 113) lost flipper bands or web tags, but three RFID tags failed between March and September 2008. Properly designed and applied flipper bands were a reliable marking method for Magellanic Penguins, had a lower failure rate than RFIDs, and did not affect foraging‐trip duration.  相似文献   

1. While the effect on animals of handling them and fitting them with radio tags has been investigated, little work has been reported testing the effect of the presence of a human observer tracking an animal. 2. The activity of wood mice fitted with radio collars and confined to a semifield pen was measured in the presence and the absence of a human observer. Free‐ranging wood mice were radio tracked by using two protocols: ‘fixes’ taken periodically, and periods of continuous tracking. 3. There was no significant difference in any quantified aspect of the animals’ behaviour. This suggests that the presence of a human tracker has a negligible effect on the behaviour of wood mice.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is oligophagous on plants in the Brassicaceae, and is considered one of the most significant insect pests of canola (Brassica napus L.), a major oilseed crop grown in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a generalist herbivore that preferentially feeds on canola plants. In the canola growing season in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, DBM feeding occurs prior to BAW herbivory. In this study, we test the effect of DBM herbivory on subsequent host use by BAW. Oviposition by female BAW was not influenced by previous DBM‐herbivory or mechanical damage of canola plants. Bertha armyworm larvae were deterred from feeding on canola previously damaged by DBM and larvae developed into lighter pupae when reared on DBM‐damaged plants. Bertha armyworm pupae that developed from larvae fed on mechanically damaged plants had similar pupal weights to those fed undamaged plants. Adult BAW reared on canola with previous DBM feeding damage had marginally smaller wings than moths reared on canola treated differently. The combination of these results suggests that herbivory by the brassicaceous specialist, DBM, negatively influences host use and larval performance by the generalist, BAW, on canola.  相似文献   

To study smolt behaviour and survival of a northern Atlantic salmon Salmo salar population during river descent, sea entry and fjord migration, 120 wild S. salar were tagged with acoustic tags and registered at four automatic listening station arrays in the mouth of the north Norwegian River Alta and throughout the Alta Fjord. An estimated 75% of the post‐smolts survived from the river mouth, through the estuary and the first 17 km of the fjord. Survival rates in the fjord varied with fork length (LF), and ranged from 97·0 to 99·5% km?1. On average, the post‐smolts spent 1·5 days (36 h, range 11–365 h) travelling from the river mouth to the last fjord array, 31 km from the river mouth. The migratory speed was slower (1·8 LF s?1) in the first 4 km after sea entry compared with the next 27 km (3·0 LF s?1). Post‐smolts entered the fjord more often during the high or ebbing tide (70%). There was no clear diurnal migration pattern within the river and fjord, but most of the post‐smolts entered the fjord at night (66%, 2000–0800 hours), despite the 24 h daylight at this latitude. The tidal cycle, wind‐induced currents and the smolts' own movements seemed to influence migratory speeds and routes in different parts of the fjord. A large variation in migration patterns, both in the river and fjord, might indicate that individuals in stochastic estuarine and marine environments are exposed to highly variable selection regimes, resulting in different responses to environmental factors on both temporal and spatial scales. Post‐smolts in the northern Alta Fjord had similar early marine survival rates to those observed previously in southern fjords; however, fjord residency in the north was shorter.  相似文献   



Antibiotics can act as signal molecules and affect bacterial gene expression, physiology and virulence. The purpose of this study was to determine whether subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations alter gene expression and physiology of Listeria monocytogenes.

Methods and Results

Using an agar‐based screening assay with promoter fusions, 14 of 16 antibiotics induced or repressed expression of one or more stress and/or virulence genes. Despite ampicillin‐induced up‐regulation of PinlA‐lacZ expression, Caco‐2 cell invasion was not affected. Subinhibitory concentrations of ampicillin and tetracycline caused up‐ and down‐regulation of stress response genes, respectively, but both antibiotics caused increased sensitivity to acid stress. Six combinations of gene‐antibiotic were quantified in broth cultures and five of the six resulted in the same expression pattern as the agar‐based assay.


Antibiotics affect virulence and/or stress gene expression; however, altered expression could not predict changes in phenotypic behaviour. Subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics led to increased acid sensitivity, and we speculate that this is attributed to changes in cell envelope or reduced σB‐dependent gene expression.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Although subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics affect gene expression in L. monocytogenes, the changes did not increase virulence but did enhance the acid sensitivity.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit fly [Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), Diptera, Tephritidae] is the most devastating insect pest impacting Australian horticulture. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is an important component of tephritid pest management programs. However, mass‐rearing and irradiation (to render insects sterile) may reduce the fitness and performance of the insect, including the ability of sterile males to successfully compete for wild females. Manipulation of the gut microbiome, including the supplementation with bacterial probiotics shows promise for enhancing the quality of mass‐reared sterile flies, however there are fewer published studies targeting the larval stage. In this study, we supplemented the larval stage of mass‐reared B. tryoni with bacterial probiotics. We tested several individual bacteria that had been previously isolated and characterized from the gut of wild B. tryoni larvae including Asaia sp., Enterobacter sp., Lactobacillus sp., Leuconostoc sp. We also tested a consortium of all four of these bacterial isolates. The fitness parameters tested included adult survival in field cages, laboratory mate selection of bacteria supplemented males by bacteria nonsupplemented females, and laboratory locomotor activity of adult flies. None of the bacterial probiotic treatments in the current study was significantly different to the control for field survival, mate selection or locomotor activity of adult B. tryoni, which agree with some of the other studies regarding bacterial probiotics fed to the larval stage of tephritids. Future work is needed to determine if feeding the same, and/or other probiotics to adults, as opposed to larvae can positively impact survival, mating performance, mating competitiveness and locomotor activity of B. tryoni. The bacterial group(s) and function of bacterial species that increase fitness and competitiveness is also of interest to tephritid mass‐rearing programs.  相似文献   

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