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Why don’t asexual females replace sexual females in most natural populations of eukaryotes? One promising explanation is that parasites could counter the reproductive advantages of asexual reproduction by exerting frequency‐dependent selection against common clones (the Red Queen hypothesis). One apparent limitation of the Red Queen theory, however, is that parasites would seem to be required by theory to be highly virulent. In the present study, I present a population‐dynamic view of competition between sexual females and asexual females that interact with co‐evolving parasites. The results show that asexual populations have higher carrying capacities, and more unstable population dynamics, than sexual populations. The results also suggest that the spread of a clone into a sexual population could increase the effective parasite virulence as population density increases. This combination of parasite‐mediated frequency‐dependent selection, and density‐dependent virulence, could lead to the coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies and the long‐term persistence of sex.  相似文献   

One of the leading hypotheses for the maintenance of sexual reproduction is the Red Queen hypothesis. The underlying premise of the Red Queen hypothesis is that parasites rapidly evolve to infect common host genotypes. This response by parasites could result in the long-term maintenance of genetic variation and may favor sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. The underlying ideas present a wonderful microcosm for teaching evolution. Here I present the reasons for why sex is anomalous for evolutionary theory, the rationale underlying the Red Queen hypothesis, and some empirical studies of the Red Queen hypothesis using a freshwater snail. The empirical results are consistent with the Red Queen hypothesis. In addition, the distribution of sexual and asexual reproduction in the snail leads naturally to thinking about coevolution in a geographic mosaic of parasite-mediated natural selection.  相似文献   

The RQH (Red Queen hypothesis), which argues that hosts need to be continuously finding new ways to avoid parasites that are able to infect common host genotypes, has been at the center of discussions on the maintenance of sex. This is because diversity is favored under the host–parasite coevolution based on negative frequency‐dependent selection, and sexual reproduction is a mechanism that generates genetic diversity in the host population. Together with parasite infections, sexual organisms are usually under sexual selection, which leads to mating skew or mating success biased toward males with a particular phenotype. Thus, strong mating skew would affect genetic variance in a population and should affect the benefit of the RQH. However, most models have investigated the RQH under a random mating system and not under mating skew. In this study, I show that sexual selection and the resultant mating skew may increase parasite load in the hosts. An IBM (individual‐based model), which included host–parasite interactions and sexual selection among hosts, demonstrates that mating skew influenced parasite infection in the hosts under various conditions. Moreover, the IBM showed that the mating skew evolves easily in cases of male–male competition and female mate choice, even though it imposes an increased risk of parasite infection on the hosts. These findings indicated that whether the RQH favored sexual reproduction depended on the condition of mating skew. That is, consideration of the host mating system would provide further understanding of conditions in which the RQH favors sexual reproduction in real organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract. Here I present a deterministic model of the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immunity of their hosts, a system in which coevolutionary oscillations can be maintained. These dynamics can confer an advantage to sexual reproduction within the parasite population, but the effect is not strong enough to outweigh the twofold cost of sex. The advantage arises primarily because sexual reproduction impedes the response to fluctuating epistasis and not because it facilitates the response to directional selection—in fact, sexual reproduction often slows the response to directional selection. Where the cost of sexual reproduction is small, a polymorphism can be maintained between the sexuals and the asexuals. A polymorphism is maintained in which the advantage gained due to recombination is balanced by the cost of sex. At much higher costs of sex, a polymorphism between the asexual and sexual populations can still be maintained if the asexuals do not have a full complement of genotypes available to them, because the asexuals only outcompete those sexuals with which they share the same selected alleles. However, over time we might expect the asexuals to amass the full array of genotypes, thus permanently eliminating sexuals from the population. The sexuals may avoid this fate if the parasite population is finite. Although the model presented here describes the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immune responses of their hosts, it can be compared with other host-parasite models that have more traditionally been used to investigate Red Queen theories of the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

One version of the Red Queen hypothesis suggests that sexual reproduction may be an advantage in a coevolutionary arms race. Antagonistic biotic interactions, especially those between parasite and host, are thought to represent a sufficient evolutionary force to counterbalance the supposed inefficiency of sexual reproduction. Recent experimental studies demonstrate negative frequency-dependent selection, increased parasite load in parthenogenetic races relative to sympatric sexual conspecifics and correlations between recombination rate and frequency of parasitic chromosomes. These studies provide strong empirical evidence that there is an important role for parasites in maintaining sex.  相似文献   

A popular theory explaining the maintenance of genetic recombination (sex) is the Red Queen Theory. This theory revolves around the idea that time‐lagged negative frequency‐dependent selection by parasites favors rare host genotypes generated through recombination. Although the Red Queen has been studied for decades, one of its key assumptions has remained unsupported. The signature host‐parasite specificity underlying the Red Queen, where infection depends on a match between host and parasite genotypes, relies on epistasis between linked resistance loci for which no empirical evidence exists. We performed 13 genetic crosses and tested over 7000 Daphnia magna genotypes for resistance to two strains of the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa. Results reveal the presence of strong epistasis between three closely linked resistance loci. One locus masks the expression of the other two, while these two interact to produce a single resistance phenotype. Changing a single allele on one of these interacting loci can reverse resistance against the tested parasites. Such a genetic mechanism is consistent with host and parasite specificity assumed by the Red Queen Theory. These results thus provide evidence for a fundamental assumption of this theory and provide a genetic basis for understanding the Red Queen dynamics in the Daphnia–Pasteuria system.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites is known to affect selection on recombination in hosts. The Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) posits that genetic shuffling is beneficial for hosts because it quickly creates resistant genotypes. Indeed, a large body of theoretical studies have shown that for many models of the genetic interaction between host and parasite, the coevolutionary dynamics of hosts and parasites generate selection for recombination or sexual reproduction. Here we investigate models in which the effect of the host on the parasite (and vice versa) depend approximately multiplicatively on the number of matched alleles. Contrary to expectation, these models generate a dynamical behavior that strongly selects against recombination/sex. We investigate this atypical behavior analytically and numerically. Specifically we show that two complementary equilibria are responsible for generating strong linkage disequilibria of opposite sign, which in turn causes strong selection against sex. The biological relevance of this finding stems from the fact that these phenomena can also be observed if hosts are attacked by two parasites that affect host fitness independently. Hence the role of the Red Queen Hypothesis in natural host parasite systems where infection by multiple parasites is the rule rather than the exception needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

One explanation for the widespread abundance of sexual reproduction is the advantage that genetically diverse sexual lineages have under strong pressure from virulent coevolving parasites. Such parasites are believed to track common asexual host genotypes, resulting in negative frequency‐dependent selection that counterbalances the population growth‐rate advantage of asexuals in comparison with sexuals. In the face of genetically diverse asexual lineages, this advantage of sexual reproduction might be eroded, and instead sexual populations would be replaced by diverse assemblages of clonal lineages. We investigated whether parasite‐mediated selection promotes clonal diversity in 22 natural populations of the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata. We found that infection prevalence explains the observed variation in the clonal diversity of M. tuberculata populations, whereas no such relationship was found between infection prevalence and male frequency. Clonal diversity and male frequency were independent of snail population density. Incorporating ecological factors such as presence/absence of fish, habitat geography and habitat type did not improve the predictive power of regression models. Approximately 11% of the clonal snail genotypes were shared among 2–4 populations, creating a web of 17 interconnected populations. Taken together, our study suggests that parasite‐mediated selection coupled with host dispersal ecology promotes clonal diversity. This, in return, may erode the advantage of sexual reproduction in M. tuberculata populations.  相似文献   



One of the big remaining challenges in evolutionary biology is to understand the evolution and maintenance of meiotic recombination. As recombination breaks down successful genotypes, it should be selected for only under very limited conditions. Yet, recombination is very common and phylogenetically widespread. The Red Queen Hypothesis is one of the most prominent hypotheses for the adaptive value of recombination and sexual reproduction. The Red Queen Hypothesis predicts an advantage of recombination for hosts that are coevolving with their parasites. We tested predictions of the hypothesis with experimental coevolution using the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and its microsporidian parasite, Nosema whitei.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of sexual reproduction remains as an unsolved problem in evolutionary biology. One promising hypothesis is that frequency‐dependent selection by parasites selects for sexual reproduction in hosts, but it is unclear whether such selection on hosts would feed back to select for sexual reproduction in parasites. Here we used individual‐based computer simulations to explore this possibility. Specifically, we tracked the dynamics of asexual parasites following their introduction into sexual parasite populations for different combinations of parasite virulence and transmission. Our results suggest that coevolutionary interactions with hosts would generally lead to a stable coexistence between sexual parasites and a single parasite clone. However, if multiple mutations to asexual reproduction were allowed, we found that the interaction led to the accumulation of clonal diversity in the asexual parasite population, which led to the eventual extinction of the sexual parasites. Thus, coevolution with sexual hosts may not be generally sufficient to select for sex in parasites. We then allowed for the stochastic accumulation of mutations in the finite parasite populations (Muller's Ratchet). We found that, for higher levels of parasite virulence and transmission, the population bottlenecks resulting from host–parasite coevolution led to the rapid accumulation of mutations in the clonal parasites and their elimination from the population. This result may explain the observation that sexual reproduction is more common in parasitic animals than in their free‐living relatives.  相似文献   

Ever since existence of sexuality in plants was accepted in around 1700, questions centred about the role and maintenance of sexual reproduction in general, leading to a number of hypotheses like the Vicar of Bray, the Ratchet or the Hitch-hiker theory. Bell (The masterpiece of nature. The evolution and genetics of sexuality. University of California Press, Berkeley, LA, 1982) formulated the Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) which explains the persistence of sexual reproduction as an outcome of a coevolutionary arms race between hosts and parasites. By sexual recombination and genetic diversification hosts minimize the risk of pathogen infection. Since virulence of pathogens is genetically determined and often species specific, parasites are mostly adapted to common host genotypes, whereas rare and divergent genotypes are less infected and therefore have a selective advantage. Employing Dawkins (The extended phenotype. The long reach of the gene, 1999) central theorem of the extended phenotype to the RQH, mating systems in hosts might be a result of the long reach of the parasites genes. Here now the hypothesis is proposed, that evolution by hybridisation and polyploidy in host plants is an extended phenotype of parasites, a response of hosts triggered by the parasites genes to slow down the effects of the Red Queen strategy of plants. Thus, hybridisation and polyploidy might have evolved by parasite pressure and not by host strategy. This hypothesis is called the “hybridisation-of-the-host-hypothesis”.  相似文献   

Asexual lineages can grow at a faster rate than sexual lineages. Why then is sexual reproduction so widespread? Much empirical evidence supports the Red Queen hypothesis. Under this hypothesis, coevolving parasites favour sexual reproduction by adapting to infect common asexual clones and driving them down in frequency. One limitation, however, seems to challenge the generality of the Red Queen: in theoretical models, parasites must be very virulent to maintain sex. Moreover, experiments show virulence to be unstable, readily shifting in response to environmental conditions. Does variation in virulence further limit the ability of coevolving parasites to maintain sex? To address this question, we simulated temporal variation in virulence and evaluated the outcome of competition between sexual and asexual females. We found that variation in virulence did not limit the ability of coevolving parasites to maintain sex. In fact, relatively high variation in virulence promoted parasite‐mediated maintenance of sex. With sufficient variation, sexual females persisted even when mean virulence fell well below the threshold virulence required to maintain sex under constant conditions. We conclude that natural variation in virulence does not limit the relevance of the Red Queen hypothesis for natural populations; on the contrary, it could expand the range of conditions over which coevolving parasites can maintain sex.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis (RQH) predicts that parasite‐mediated selection will maintain sexual individuals in the face of competition from asexual lineages. The prediction is that sexual individuals will be difficult targets for coevolving parasites if they give rise to more genetically diverse offspring than asexual lineages. However, increasing host genetic diversity is known to suppress parasite spread, which could provide a short‐term advantage to clonal lineages and lead to the extinction of sex. We test these ideas using a stochastic individual‐based model. We find that if parasites are readily transmissible, then sex is most likely to be maintained when host diversity is high, in agreement with the RQH. If transmission rates are lower, however, we find that sexual populations are most likely to persist for intermediate levels of diversity. Our findings thus highlight the importance of genetic diversity and its impact on epidemiological dynamics for the maintenance of sex by parasites.  相似文献   

Under the Red Queen hypothesis, host-parasite coevolution selects against common host genotypes. Although this mechanism might underlie the persistence of sexual reproduction, it might also maintain high clonal diversity. Alternatively, clonal diversity might be maintained by multiple origins of parthenogens from conspecific sexuals, a feature in many animal groups. Herein, we addressed the maintenance of overall genetic diversity by coevolving parasites, as predicted by the Red Queen hypothesis. We specifically examined the contribution of parasites to host clonal diversity and the frequency of sexually reproducing individuals in natural stream populations of Potamopyrgus antipodarum snails. We also tested the alternative hypothesis that clonal diversity is maintained by the input of clones by mutation from sympatric sexuals. Clonal diversity and the frequency of sexual individuals were both positively related to infection frequency. Surprisingly, although clones are derived by mutation from sexual snails, parasites explained more of the genotypic variation among parthenogenetic subpopulations. Our findings thus highlight the importance of parasites as drivers of clonal diversity, as well as sex.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis posits a promising way to explain the widespread existence of sexual reproduction despite the cost of producing males. The essence of the hypothesis is that coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites select for the genetic diversification of offspring via cross‐fertilization. Here, I relax a common assumption of many Red Queen models that each host is exposed to one parasite. Instead, I assume that the number of propagules encountered by each host depends on the number of infected hosts in the previous generation, which leads to additional complexities. The results suggest that epidemiological feedbacks, combined with frequency‐dependent selection, could lead to the long‐term persistence of sex under biologically reasonable conditions.  相似文献   

An increase in biological diversity leads to a greater stability of ecosystem properties. For host–parasite interactions, this is illustrated by the ‘dilution effect’: a negative correlation between host biodiversity and disease risk. We show that a similar mechanism might stabilise host–parasite dynamics at a lower level of diversity, i.e. at the level of genetic diversity within host species. A long‐term time shift experiment, based on a historical reconstruction of a Daphnia–parasite coevolution, reveals infectivity cycles with more stable amplitude in experienced than in naive hosts. Coevolutionary models incorporating an increase in host allelic diversity over time explain the detected asymmetry. The accumulation of resistance alleles creates an opportunity for the host to stabilise Red Queen dynamics. It leads to a larger arsenal enhancing the host performance in its coevolution with the parasite in which ‘it takes all the running both antagonists can do to keep in the same place’.  相似文献   

In theory, parasites can create time-lagged, frequency-dependent selection in their hosts, resulting in oscillatory gene-frequency dynamics in both the host and the parasite (the Red Queen hypothesis). However, oscillatory dynamics have not been observed in natural populations. In the present study, we evaluated the dynamics of asexual clones of a New Zealand snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, and its trematode parasites over a five-year period. During the summer of each year, we determined host-clone frequencies in random samples of the snail to track genetic changes in the snail population. Similarly, we monitored changes in the parasite population, focusing on the dominant parasite, Microphallus sp., by calculating the frequency of clones in samples of infected individuals from the same collections. We then compared these results to the results of a computer model that was designed to examine clone frequency dynamics for various levels of parasite virulence. Consistent with these simulations and with ideas regarding dynamic coevolution, parasites responded to common clones in a time-lagged fashion. Finally, in a laboratory experiment, we found that clones that had been rare during the previous five years were significantly less infectible by Microphallus when compared to the common clones. Taken together, these results confirm that rare host genotypes are more likely to escape infection by parasites; they also show that host-parasite interactions produce, in a natural population, some of the dynamics anticipated by the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

Kayla C. King  Curtis M. Lively 《Oikos》2009,118(9):1416-1420
The Red Queen hypothesis predicts that sexual reproduction should be favoured in locations where the risk of infection by virulent parasites is consistently high. When hosts are exposed to multiple parasites over their geographic range, the coevolving parasite species may vary among host populations. We surveyed 26 streams on the South Island of New Zealand to determine whether the frequency of snails ( Potamopyrgus antipodarum ) infected by various sterilizing trematode parasite species was correlated with the frequency of sexual individuals. We compared the results with a survey conducted over 20 years ago to determine whether the associations were consistent. We also evaluated different measures of parasite-mediated selection among populations, including prevalence of the most common local parasite (MCLP) species and parasite diversity to assess the best predictor of sexual reproduction among stream populations. The results showed that the relationship between male frequency and parasite infection is more geographically widespread than previously recorded. Additionally, we found that the prevalence of the MCLP was the best predictor of sex in habitats where hosts populations are infected with multiple parasites (approximately 15 trematode species). This study provides evidence that sexual snails occur more often in environments with high infection levels, and that the pattern of parasite-imposed selection is geographically variable. Support for the Red Queen may be strengthened by focussing on the MCLP, which may vary among host populations.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual reproduction promotes disease invasion by increasing the evolutionary potential of the parasite, whereas asexual reproduction tends to enhance establishment success and population growth rate. Gyrodactylid monogeneans are ubiquitous ectoparasites of teleost fish, and the evolutionary success of the specious Gyrodactylus genus is thought to be partly due to their use of various modes of reproduction. Gyrodactylus turnbulli is a natural parasite of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a small, tropical fish used as a model for behavioural, ecological and evolutionary studies. Using experimental infections and a recently developed microsatellite marker, we conclusively show that monogenean parasites reproduce sexually. Conservatively, we estimate that sexual recombination occurs and that between 3.7-10.9% of the parasites in our experimental crosses are hybrid genotypes with ancestors from different laboratory strains of G. turnbulli. We also provide evidence of hybrid vigour and/or inter-strain competition, which appeared to lead to a higher maximum parasite load in mixed infections. Finally, we demonstrate inbreeding avoidance for the first time in platyhelminths which may influence the distribution of parasites within a host and their subsequent exposure to the host's localized immune response. Combined reproductive modes and inbreeding avoidance may explain the extreme evolutionary diversification success of parasites such as Gyrodactylus, where host-parasite coevolution is punctuated by relatively frequent host switching.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in sexual and clonal lineages of a freshwater snail   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sexual reproduction within natural populations of most plants and animals continues to remain an enigma in evolutionary biology. That the enigma persists is not for lack of testable hypotheses but rather because of the lack of suitable study systems in which sexual and asexual females coexist. Here we review our studies on one such organism, the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray). We also present new data that bear on hypotheses for the maintenance of sex and its relationship to clonal diversity. We have found that sexual populations of the snail are composed of diploid females and males, while clonal populations are composed of a high diversity of triploid apomictic females. Sexual and asexual individuals coexist in stable frequencies in many ‘mixed’ populations; genetic data indicate that clones from these mixed populations originated from the local population of sexual individuals without interspecific hybridization. Field data show that clonal and sexual snails have completely overlapping life histories, but individual clonal genotypes are less variable than individuals from the sympatric sexual population. Field data also show segregation of clones among depth‐specific habitat zones within a lake, but clonal diversity remains high even within habitats. A new laboratory experiment revealed extensive clonal variation in reproductive rate, a result which suggests that clonal diversity would be low in nature without some form of frequency‐dependent selection. New results from a long‐term field study of a natural, asexual population reveal that clonal diversity remained nearly constant over a 10‐year period. Nonetheless, clonal turnover occurs, and it occurs in a manner that is consistent with parasite‐mediated, frequency‐dependent selection. Reciprocal cross‐infection experiments have further shown that parasites are more infective to sympatric host snails than to allopatric snails, and that they are also more infective to common clones than rare clones within asexual host populations. Hence we suggest that sexual reproduction in these snails may be maintained, at least in part, by locally adapted parasites. Parasite‐mediated selection possibly also contributes to the maintenance of local clonal diversity within habitats, while clonal selection may be responsible for the distribution of clones among habitats. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 79 , 165–181.  相似文献   

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