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Integrin‐mediated cell adhesion and signaling are critical for many physiological processes. The dynamic turnover of integrins and their associated adhesion complexes through endocytic and recycling pathways has emerged as an important mechanism for controlling cell migration and invasion in cancer. Thus, the regulation of integrin trafficking and how this may be altered by disease‐specific molecular mechanisms has generated considerable interest. However, current tools available to study integrin trafficking may cause artifacts and/or do not provide adequate kinetic information. Here, we report the generation of a functionally neutral and monovalent single chain antibody to quantitatively and qualitatively measure β1 integrin trafficking in cells. Our novel probe can be used in a variety of assays and allows for the biochemical characterization of rapid recycling of endogenous integrins. We also demonstrate its potential utility in live cell imaging, providing proof of principle to guide future integrin probe design.  相似文献   

The bidirectional communication between integrin αvβ3 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors acts to integrate and coordinate endothelial cell (EC) activity during angiogenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in this signaling crosstalk are only partially revealed. We have found that protein kinase D1 (PKD1) was activated by VEGF‐A, but not by other angiogenic factors, and associated with αvβ3 integrin. Moreover, knockdown of PKD1 increased endocytosis of αvβ3 and reduced its return from endosomes to the plasma membrane leading to accumulation of the integrin in Rab5‐ and Rab4‐positive endosomes. Consistent with this, PKD1 knockdown caused defects in focal complex formation and reduced EC migration in response to VEGF‐A. Moreover, knockdown of PKD1 reduced EC motility on vitronectin, whereas migration on collagen I was not PKD1 dependent. These results suggest that PKD1‐regulated αvβ3 trafficking contributes to the angiogenesis process by integrating VEGF‐A signaling with extracellular matrix interactions.  相似文献   

Laminins, a family of heterotrimeric proteins with cell adhesive/signaling properties, are characteristic components of basement membranes of vasculature and tissues. In the present study, permeabilized platelets were found to react with a monoclonal antibody to laminin γ1 chain by immunofluorescence. In Western blot analysis of platelet lysates, several monoclonal antibodies to γ1 and β1 laminin chains recognized 220- to 230-kDa polypeptides, under reducing conditions, and a structure with much slower electrophoretic mobility under nonreducing conditions. Immunoaffinity purification on a laminin β1 antibody–Sepharose column yielded polypeptides of 230, 220, 200, and 180 kDa from platelet lysates. In the purified material, mAbs to β1 and γ1 reacted with the two larger polypeptides, while affinity-purified rabbit antibodies to laminin α4 chain recognized the smallest polypeptide. Identity of the polypeptides was confirmed by microsequencing. One million platelets contained on average 1 ng of laminin (approximately 700 molecules per cell), of which 20–35% was secreted within minutes after stimulation with either thrombin or phorbol ester. Platelets adhered to plastic surfaces coated with the purified platelet laminin, and this process was largely inhibited by antibodies to β1 and α6 integrin chains. We conclude that platelets contain and, following activation, secrete laminin-8 (α4β1γ1) and that the cells adhere to the protein by using α6β1 integrin.  相似文献   

During tissue morphogenesis and tumor invasion, epithelial cells must undergo intercellular rearrangement in which cells are repositioned with respect to one another and the surrounding mesenchymal extracellular matrix. Using three-dimensional aggregates of squamous epithelial cells, we show that such intercellular rearrangements can be triggered by activation of β1 integrins after their ligation with extracellular matrices. On nonadherent substrates, multicellular aggregates (MCAs) formed rapidly via E-cadherin junctional complexes and over time became compacted spheroids exhibiting a more epithelial phenotype. After MCAs were replated on culture substrates, the spheroids collapsed to yield tightly arranged cell monolayers. Cell–cell contact induced rapid elevation in E-cadherin levels, which was due to an increase in the metabolic stability of junctional receptors. During MCA remodeling of cell–cell adhesions, and monolayer formation, their E-cadherin levels fell rapidly. Similar behavior was obtained regardless of which ECM ligand—collagen type I, fibronectin, or laminin 1—MCAs were seeded on. In contrast, when seeded onto a matrix elaborated by squamous epithelial cells, cells in the MCA attached, spread, lost cell–cell junctions, and dispersed. Analysis identified laminin 5 as the active ECM ligand in this matrix, and MCA dispersion required functional β1 integrin and specifically α3β1. Furthermore, substrate-immobilized anti-integrin antibody effectively reproduced the epithelial–mesenchymal-like transition induced by the laminin 5 matrix. During the early stages of aggregate rearrangement and collapse, cells on laminin 5 substrates, but not those on collagen I substrates, exhibited intense cortical arrays of F-actin, microspikes, and fascin accumulation at their peripheral surfaces. These results suggest that engagement of specific integrin–ligand pairs regulates cadherin junctional adhesions during events common to epithelial morphogenesis and tumor invasion.  相似文献   

β‐arrestin 1 and 2 (also known as arrestin 2 and 3) are homologous adaptor proteins that regulate seven‐transmembrane receptor trafficking and signalling. Other proteins with predicted ‘arrestin‐like’ structural domains but lacking sequence homology have been indicated to function like β‐arrestin in receptor regulation. We demonstrate that β‐arrestin2 is the primary adaptor that rapidly binds agonist‐activated β2 adrenergic receptors (β2ARs) and promotes clathrin‐dependent internalization, E3 ligase Nedd4 recruitment and ubiquitin‐dependent lysosomal degradation of the receptor. The arrestin‐domain‐containing (ARRDC) proteins 2, 3 and 4 are secondary adaptors recruited to internalized β2AR–Nedd4 complexes on endosomes and do not affect the adaptor roles of β‐arrestin2. Rather, the role of ARRDC proteins is to traffic Nedd4–β2AR complexes to a subpopulation of early endosomes.  相似文献   

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterized by thrombosis and the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) that directly recognizes plasma β2‐glycoprotein I (β2GPI). Tissue factor (TF), the major initiator of the extrinsic coagulation system, is induced on monocytes by aPL in vitro, explaining in part the pathophysiology in APS. We previously reported that the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway plays an important role in aPL‐induced TF expression on monocytes. In this study, we identified plasma gelsolin as a protein associated with β2GPI by using immunoaffinity chromatography and mass spectrometric analysis. An in vivo binding assay showed that endogenous β2GPI interacts with plasma gelsolin, which binds to integrin a5β1 through fibronectin. The tethering of β2GPI to monoclonal anti‐β2GPI autoantibody on the cell surface was enhanced in the presence of plasma gelsolin. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that p38 MAPK protein was phosphorylated by monoclonal anti‐β2GPI antibody treatment, and its phosphorylation was attenuated in the presence of anti‐integrin a5β1 antibody. Furthermore, focal adhesion kinase, a downstream molecule of the fibronectin‐integrin signalling pathway, was phosphorylated by anti‐β2GPI antibody treatment. These results indicate that molecules including gelsolin and integrin are involved in the anti‐β2GPI antibody‐induced MAPK pathway on monocytes and that integrin is a possible therapeutic target to modify a prothrombotic state in patients with APS.  相似文献   

Cyclic strain has been shown to modulate endothelial cell (EC) morphology, proliferation, and function. We have recently reported that the focal adhesion proteins focal adhesion kinase (pp125FAK) and paxillin, are tyrosine phosphorylated in EC exposed to strain and these events regulate the morphological change and migration induced by cyclic strain. Integrins are also localized on focal adhesion sites and have been reported to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK under a variety of stimuli. To study the involvement of different integrins in signaling induced by cyclic strain, we first observed the redistribution of α and β integrins in EC subjected to 4 h cyclic strain. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) seeded on either fibronectin or collagen surfaces were subjected to 10% average strain at a frequency 60 cycles/min. Confocal microscopy revealed that β1 integrin reorganized in a linear pattern parallel with the long axis of the elongated cells creating a fusion of focal adhesion plaques in EC plated on either fibronectin (a ligand for α5β1) or collagen (a ligand for α2β1) coated plates after 4 h exposure to cyclic strain. β3 integrin, which is a vitronectin receptor, did not redistribute in EC exposed to cyclic strain. Cyclic strain also led to a reorganization of α5 and α2 integrins in a linear pattern in HUVEC seeded on fibronectin or collagen, respectively. The expression of integrins α5, α2, and β1 did not change even after 24 h exposure to strain when assessed by immunoprecipitation of these integrins. Cyclic strain-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK occurred concomitant with the reorganization of β1 integrin. We concluded that α5β1 and α2β1 integrins play an important role in transducing mechanical stimuli into intracellular signals. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:505–513. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of the p85/ p110α and hVPS34 phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3′-kinases in cellular signaling using inhibitory isoform-specific antibodies. We raised anti-hVPS34 and anti-p110α antibodies that specifically inhibit recombinant hVPS34 and p110α, respectively, in vitro. We used the antibodies to study cellular processes that are sensitive to low-dose wortmannin. The antibodies had distinct effects on the actin cytoskeleton; microinjection of anti-p110α antibodies blocked insulin-stimulated ruffling, whereas anti-hVPS34 antibodies had no effect. The antibodies also had different effects on vesicular trafficking. Microinjection of inhibitory anti-hVPS34 antibodies, but not anti-p110α antibodies, blocked the transit of internalized PDGF receptors to a perinuclear compartment, and disrupted the localization of the early endosomal protein EEA1. Microinjection of anti-p110α antibodies, and to a lesser extent anti-hVPS34 antibodies, reduced the rate of transferrin recycling in CHO cells. Surprisingly, both antibodies inhibited insulin-stimulated DNA synthesis by 80%. Injection of cells with antisense oligonucleotides derived from the hVPS34 sequence also blocked insulin-stimulated DNA synthesis, whereas scrambled oligonucleotides had no effect. Interestingly, the requirement for p110α and hVPS34 occurred at different times during the G1–S transition. Our data suggest that different PI 3′-kinases play distinct regulatory roles in the cell, and document an unexpected role for hVPS34 during insulin-stimulated mitogenesis.  相似文献   

There is a critical need for compounds that target cell surface integrin receptors for applications in cancer therapy and diagnosis. We used directed evolution to engineer the Ecballium elaterium trypsin inhibitor (EETI‐II), a knottin peptide from the squash family of protease inhibitors, as a new class of integrin‐binding agents. We generated yeast‐displayed libraries of EETI‐II by substituting its 6‐amino acid trypsin binding loop with 11‐amino acid loops containing the Arg‐Gly‐Asp integrin binding motif and randomized flanking residues. These libraries were screened in a high‐throughput manner by fluorescence‐activated cell sorting to identify mutants that bound to αvβ3 integrin. Select peptides were synthesized and were shown to compete for natural ligand binding to integrin receptors expressed on the surface of U87MG glioblastoma cells with half‐maximal inhibitory concentration values of 10–30 nM. Receptor specificity assays demonstrated that engineered knottin peptides bind to both αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins with high affinity. Interestingly, we also discovered a peptide that binds with high affinity to αvβ3, αvβ5, and α5β1 integrins. This finding has important clinical implications because all three of these receptors can be coexpressed on tumors. In addition, we showed that engineered knottin peptides inhibit tumor cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein vitronectin, and in some cases fibronectin, depending on their integrin binding specificity. Collectively, these data validate EETI‐II as a scaffold for protein engineering, and highlight the development of unique integrin‐binding peptides with potential for translational applications in cancer. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report here an analysis of the expression and function of the α chain of human VLA-4 in stable mouse L cell transfectants and the requirement for the β chain in these processes. L cells were transfected with human α4 cDNA or α4 and human β1 cDNA. Unexpectedly, human α4 cDNA, when transfected alone, could induce de novo surface expression of host β7 and increased expression of host β1. Induction of mouse β7 and β1 surface expression was not due to de novo gene activation, but instead represented α4/β intracellular subunit association and transport to the cell surface. Transfection with human β1 prevented surface expression of mouse β integrins. Whereas human α4 and human β1 subunits associated very tightly in anti-α4 immunoprecipitates, human α4 and mouse β subunits were only partially associated. Furthermore, binding of human/mouse chimeric receptors to recombinant VCAM, a major ligand for α4β7 and α4β1, was very poor, whereas human α4/human β1 receptors bound strongly to VCAM. One α4 transfectant, which exhibited a tight human α4/mouse β1 association, could be induced, but only after PMA activation, to bind strongly to VCAM. These results indicate that α4 subunits have specific affinity for β7 and β1 integrins and require β subunits for surface expression as well as high affinity ligand binding activity. Our results indicate that a tight association between the α4 and β subunit appears to be critical for ligand binding, consistent with a direct as well as regulatory role for the β subunit in ligand binding. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that expression of foreign recombinant proteins can alter host cell protein expression resulting in de novo surface protein expression. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors are pentameric ligand‐gated ion channels that mediate inhibitory fast synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Consistent with recent pentameric ligand‐gated ion channels structures, sequence analysis predicts an α‐helix near the N‐terminus of each GABAA receptor subunit. Preceding each α‐helix are 8–36 additional residues, which we term the N‐terminal extension. In homomeric GABAC receptors and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, the N‐terminal α‐helix is functionally essential. Here, we determined the role of the N‐terminal extension and putative α‐helix in heteromeric α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors. This role was most prominent in the α1 subunit, with deletion of the N‐terminal extension or further deletion of the putative α‐helix both dramatically reduced the number of functional receptors at the cell surface. Conversely, deletion of the β2 or γ2 N‐terminal extension had little effect on the number of functional cell surface receptors. Additional deletion of the putative α‐helix in the β2 or γ2 subunits did, however, decrease both functional cell surface receptors and incorporation of the γ2 subunit into mature receptors. In the β2 subunit only, α‐helix deletions affected GABA sensitivity and desensitization. Our findings demonstrate that N‐terminal extensions and α‐helices make key subunit‐specific contributions to assembly, consistent with both regions being involved in inter‐subunit interactions.


There is increasing evidence that a fine-tuned integrin cross talk can generate a high degree of specificity in cell adhesion, suggesting that spatially and temporally coordinated expression and activation of integrins are more important for regulated cell adhesive functions than the intrinsic specificity of individual receptors. However, little is known concerning the molecular mechanisms of integrin cross talk. With the use of beta(1)-null GD25 cells ectopically expressing the beta(1)A integrin subunit, we provide evidence for the existence of a cross talk between beta(1) and alpha(V) integrins that affects the ratio of alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) integrin cell surface levels. In particular, we demonstrate that a down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) and an up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) occur as a consequence of beta(1)A expression. Moreover, with the use of GD25 cells expressing the integrin isoforms beta(1)B and beta(1)D, as well as two beta(1) cytoplasmic domain deletion mutants lacking either the entire cytoplasmic domain (beta(1)TR) or only its "variable" region (beta(1)COM), we show that the effects of beta(1) over alpha(V) integrins take place irrespective of the type of beta(1) isoform, but require the presence of the "common" region of the beta(1) cytoplasmic domain. In an attempt to establish the regulatory mechanism(s) whereby beta(1) integrins exert their trans-acting functions, we have found that the down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) is due to a decreased beta(3) subunit mRNA stability, whereas the up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) is mainly due to translational or posttranslational events. These findings provide the first evidence for an integrin cross talk based on the regulation of mRNA stability.  相似文献   

The maturation of connective tissue involves the organization of collagen fibres by resident fibroblasts. Fibroblast attachment to collagen has been demonstrated to involve cell surface receptors, integrins of the β1 family. Integrins are associated with cytoplasmic actin of microfilaments either directly or through focal adhesions. The major actin isoform of fibroblast microfilaments is β actin and to a lesser extent α smooth muscle (α SM) actin. Cultured human dermal fibroblasts derived from adult dermis, newborn foreskin or keloid scar were grown on either uncoated or collagen-coated surfaces. The expression and synthesis of both α2β1 integrin and α SM actin were followed by immunohistology and immunoprecipitation. Fibroblasts on uncoated surfaces expressed little α2β1 integrin on their surface, while 20 per cent of them demonstrated α SM actin within microfilaments. Fibroblasts grown on a collagen-coated surface minimally expressed α SM actin in microfilament structures and a majority of the cells were positive for α2β1 integrin on their membranes. Using [35S]-methionine incorporation and immunoprecipitation, it was shown that fibroblasts grown in uncoated dishes synthesized more α SM actin than fibroblasts grown on collagen-coated dishes. In contrast, fibroblasts grown on collagen coated dishes synthesized more α2β1 integrin compared to the same cells grown on uncoated dishes. Fibroblasts maintained on a type I collagen upregulate the expression and synthesis of α2β1 integrin, and downregulate the expression and synthesis of α SM actin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integrin α4β1 is involved in mediating exfiltration of leukocytes from the vasculature. It interacts with a number of proteins up-regulated during the inflammatory response including VCAM-1 and the CS-1 alternatively spliced region of fibronectin. In addition it binds the multifunctional protein osteopontin (OPN), which can act as both a cytokine and an extracellular matrix molecule. Here we map the region of human OPN that supports cell adhesion via α4β1 using GST fusion proteins. We show that α4β1 expressed in J6 cells interacts with intact OPN when the integrin is in a high activation state, and by deletion mapping that the α4β1 binding region in OPN lies between amino acid residues 125 and 168 (aa125–168). This region contains the central RGD motif of OPN, which also interacts with integrins αvβ3, αvβ5, αvβ1, α8β1, and α5β1. Mutating the RGD motif to RAD had no effect on the interaction with α4β1. To define the binding site the region incorporating aa125–168 was divided into 5 overlapping peptides expressed as GST fusion proteins. Two peptides supported adhesion via α4β1, aa132–146, and aa153–168; of these only a synthetic peptide, SVVYGLR (aa162–168), derived from aa153–168 was able to inhibit α4β1 binding to CS-1. These data identify the motif SVVYGLR as a novel peptide inhibitor of α4β1, and the primary α4β1 binding site within OPN.  相似文献   

The interaction between the integrin α6β4 and plectin is essential for the assembly and stability of hemidesmosomes, which are junctional adhesion complexes that anchor epithelial cells to the basement membrane. We describe the crystal structure at 2.75 Å resolution of the primary α6β4–plectin complex, formed by the first pair of fibronectin type III domains and the N‐terminal region of the connecting segment of β4 and the actin‐binding domain of plectin. Two missense mutations in β4 (R1225H and R1281W) linked to nonlethal forms of epidermolysis bullosa prevent essential intermolecular contacts. We also present two structures at 1.75 and 2.05 Å resolution of the β4 moiety in the absence of plectin, which reveal a major rearrangement of the connecting segment of β4 on binding to plectin. This conformational switch is correlated with the way α6β4 promotes stable adhesion or cell migration and suggests an allosteric control of the integrin.  相似文献   

Integrins can exist in different functional states with low or high binding capacity for particular ligands. We previously provided evidence that the integrin α6β1, on mouse eggs and on α6-transfected cells, interacted with the disintegrin domain of the sperm surface protein ADAM 2 (fertilin β). In the present study we tested the hypothesis that different states of α6β1 interact with fertilin and laminin, an extracellular matrix ligand for α6β1. Using α6-transfected cells we found that treatments (e.g., with phorbol myristate acetate or MnCl2) that increased adhesion to laminin inhibited sperm binding. Conversely, treatments that inhibited laminin adhesion increased sperm binding. Next, we compared the ability of fluorescent beads coated with either fertilin β or with the laminin E8 fragment to bind to eggs. In Ca2+-containing media, fertilin β beads bound to eggs via an interaction mediated by the disintegrin loop of fertilin β and by the α6 integrin subunit. In Ca2+-containing media, laminin E8 beads did not bind to eggs. Treatment of eggs with phorbol myristate acetate or with the actin disrupting agent, latrunculin A, inhibited fertilin bead binding, but did not induce laminin E8 bead binding. Treatment of eggs with Mn2+ dramatically increased laminin E8 bead binding, and inhibited fertilin bead binding. Our results provide the first evidence that different states of an integrin (α6β1) can interact with an extracellular matrix ligand (laminin) or a membrane-anchored cell surface ligand (ADAM 2).  相似文献   

Heterodimeric integrin adhesion receptors regulate cell migration, survival and differentiation in metazoa by communicating signals bi‐directionally across the plasma membrane. Protein engineering and mutagenesis studies have suggested that the dissociation of a complex formed by the single‐pass transmembrane (TM) segments of the α and β subunits is central to these signalling events. Here, we report the structure of the integrin αIIbβ3 TM complex, structure‐based site‐directed mutagenesis and lipid embedding estimates to reveal the structural event that underlies the transition from associated to dissociated states, that is, TM signalling. The complex is stabilized by glycine‐packing mediated TM helix crossing within the extracellular membrane leaflet, and by unique hydrophobic and electrostatic bridges in the intracellular leaflet that mediate an unusual, asymmetric association of the 24‐ and 29‐residue αIIb and β3 TM helices. The structurally unique, highly conserved integrin αIIbβ3 TM complex rationalizes bi‐directional signalling and represents the first structure of a heterodimeric TM receptor complex.  相似文献   

Syndecan-1-expressing Raji lymphoid cells (Raji-S1 cells) bind and spread rapidly when attaching to matrix ligands that contain heparan sulfate-binding domains. However, these ligands also contain binding sites for integrins, which are widely known to signal, raising the question of whether the proteoglycan core protein participates in generation of the signal for spreading. To address this question, the spreading of the Raji-S1 cells is examined on ligands specific for either β1 integrins, known to be present on the Raji cells, or the syndecan-1 core protein. The cells adhere and spread on invasin, a ligand that activates β1 integrins, the IIICS fragment of fibronectin, which is a specific ligand for the α4β1 integrin, or mAb281.2, an antibody specific for the syndecan-1 core protein. The signaling resulting from adhesion to the syndecan-specific antibody appears integrin independent as (i) the morphology of the cells spreading on the antibody is distinct from spreading initiated by the integrins alone; (ii) spreading on the syndecan or integrin ligands is affected differently by the kinase inhibitors tyrphostin 25, genistein, and staurosporine; and (iii) spreading on the syndecan-specific antibody is not disrupted by blocking β1 integrin activation with mAb13, a β1 inhibitory antibody. These data demonstrate that ligation of syndecan-1 initiates intracellular signaling and suggest that this signaling occurs when cells expressing syndecan-1 adhere to matrix ligands containing heparan sulfate-binding domains.  相似文献   

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