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While it is generally recognized that noncontiguous (long‐distance) dispersal of small numbers of individuals is important for range expansion over large geographic areas, it is often assumed that colonization on more local scales proceeds by population expansion and diffusion dispersal (larger numbers of individuals colonizing adjacent sites). There are few empirical studies of dispersal modes at the front of expanding ranges, and very little information is available on dispersal dynamics at smaller geographic scales where we expect contiguous (diffusion) dispersal to be prevalent. We used highly polymorphic genetic markers to characterize dispersal modes at a local geographic scale for populations at the edge of the range of a newly invasive grass species (Brachypodium sylvaticum) that is undergoing rapid range expansion in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Comparisons of Bayesian clustering of populations, patterns of genetic diversity, and gametic disequilibrium indicate that new populations are colonized ahead of the invasion front by noncontiguous dispersal from source populations, with admixture occurring as populations age. This pattern of noncontiguous colonization was maintained even at a local scale. Absence of evidence for dispersal among adjacent pioneer sites at the edge of the expanding range of this species suggests that pioneer populations undergo an establishment phase during which they do not contribute emigrants for colonization of neighbouring sites. Our data indicate that dispersal modes change as the invasion matures: initial colonization processes appear to be dominated by noncontiguous dispersal from only a few sources, while contiguous dispersal may play a greater role once populations become established.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Neotropical black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) is expanding poleward into temperate salt marsh along Atlantic Florida, USA, with field evidence of trait shifts consistent with...  相似文献   

Aim Local‐scale processes at species distribution margins can affect larger‐scale distribution dynamics, but are rarely studied. The objective of this research was to elucidate the nature of distribution limits by studying the comparative structure, dynamics and environmental associations of breeding bird populations at their distribution margin. We hypothesized that climate is principally responsible for setting distribution limits, whereas biotic habitat features are more strongly associated with distribution patterns within the range. Location Southern California, USA. Methods During 2005–2007 we studied the distribution patterns of breeding birds in three study areas, each spanning a low‐elevation (200–1800 m) desert scrub‐to‐chaparral gradient. We used logistic regression with hierarchical partitioning to assess the independent effects of environmental variables (e.g. climate versus habitat) on distributions. We tested for shifts in the relative importance of these environmental variables in determining distribution limits versus within‐range patterns, and we also compared higher‐ and lower‐elevation groups of species. Results Distribution patterns were highly variable among species, but were remarkably static over the three study areas and 3‐year study period. Across species, habitat floristic variables performed relatively well at explaining distribution patterns. For higher‐elevation species (chaparral birds), climate was relatively important in setting their lower distribution limits, and there was a shift to a greater importance of biotic habitat (mainly habitat structural variables) for determining within‐range patterns. Relationships were more mixed for lower‐elevation species (desert scrub birds), but with respect to distribution limits, biotic habitat variables tended to be more important relative to climate than we observed for chaparral birds. Main conclusions Along this warm, arid elevational gradient, higher‐elevation chaparral birds are more limited by climate at their lower margin than are lower‐elevation desert birds at their upper margin, suggesting that climate plays a strong role (relative to other values) in excluding non‐desert birds from desert. However, given the strong differences among species, predictive distribution models will need to be individually tailored, and for most species biotic habitat variables were of greater importance than climate in determining limits. This research highlights the usefulness of studying environmental relationships at distribution margins and the importance of considering biotic relationships in forecasting distribution shifts under changing climates.  相似文献   

The effect of dispersal on population size and stability is explored for a population that disperses passively between two discrete habitat patches. Two basic models are considered. In the first model, a single population experiences density-dependent growth in both patches. A graphical construction is presented which allows one to determine the spatial pattern of abundance at equilibrium for most reasonable growth models and rates of dispersal. It is shown under rather general conditions that this equilibrium is unique and globally stable. In the second model, the dispersing population is a food-limited predator that occurs in both a source habitat (which contains a prey population) and a sink habitat (which does not). Passive dispersal between source and sink habitats can stabilize an otherwise unstable predator-prey interaction. The conditions allowing this are explored in some detail. The theory of optimal habitat selection predicts the evolutionarily stable distribution of a population, given that individuals can freely move among habitats so as to maximize individual fitness. This theory is used to develop a heuristic argument for why passive dispersal should always be selectively disadvantageous (ignoring kin effects) in a spatially heterogeneous but temporally constant environment. For both the models considered here, passive dispersal may lead to a greater number of individuals in both habitats combined than if there were no dispersal. This implies that the evolution of an optimal habitat distribution may lead to a reduction in population size; in the case of the predator-prey model, it may have the additional effect of destabilizing the interaction. The paper concludes with a discussion of the disparate effects habitat selection might have on the geographical range occupied by a species.  相似文献   

BARLOW, S. L. & FERRY, B. W., 1989. Population dynamics of lichenicolous mites at Dungeness . A quantitative and, to a degree qualitative, assessment of mite populations was made on seven lichen species of the late succession communities at Dungeness.
No specific mite numbers/lichen species association was found, but a cyclic, bi-modal response curve was obtained for general mite numbers on all seven lichen species samples (F = 25.01, P <0.001).
A range of climatic parameters were assessed in relation to the mite population on lichens. Only temperature was shown to be correlated (negatively) with mite numbers (F = 6.3, P <0.05), whilst rainfall and humidity were not significantly correlated (F = 3.99, P £0.05, and F = 0.52, P £0.4 respectively).  相似文献   

Summary Although mussel beds are common in many intertidal habitats, the ecological significance of the aggregated distribution of mussels has not been examined. The ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, is found in dense aggregations on the seaward margin of many salt marshes in New England. Here, we examine the population structure of G. demissa in a New England salt marsh and investigate experimentally the costs and benefits of aggregation.Size, growth rate, and settlement rates of mussels decrease with increasing tidal height, whereas survivorship and longevity increase with increasing tidal height. Winter ice dislodges mussels from the substratum, resulting in mortality over all size classes, whereas crab predation results in the mortality of smaller mussels. The intensity of each of these mortality agents decreases with increasing tidal height. Effects of intraspecific competition on individual growth and mortality also decrease with increasing tidal height.At high densities, individual growth rates were reduced, with depression of growth rates most pronounced on smaller individuals. Mortality from sources other than intraspecific crowding, however, was reduced at high mussel densities, including mortality due to winter ice and crab predators. As a result, our data suggest that the mussel population at our study site would be reduced by 90% in only five years and no juveniles would survive through their second year without an aggregated distribution.Juveniles settle gregariously with or without adults present. The aggregated distribution of settlers and the postsettlement movement of smaller mussels to favorable microhabitats result in size and age class segregation within the population. This probably reduces intraspecific competition for food, while maintaining the survivorship advantages of an aggregated distribution.  相似文献   

西花蓟马是近年来在我国局部地区暴发成灾的重要外来入侵害虫,有关西花蓟马入侵对本地蓟马种群动态、空间分布及优势种影响的报道较少。对云南省昆明市近郊蔬菜花期的蓟马种群动态和空间分布研究表明,蔬菜上的蓟马种类主要是西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)、花蓟马F.intonsa(Trybom)、棕榈蓟马T.palmi(Karny)和端大蓟马Megalurothrips distalis(Karny);不同蔬菜上的蓟马优势种存在一定差异,其中辣椒和茼蒿上的蓟马优势种为西花蓟马;韭菜、茄子和四季豆上的蓟马优势种分别为花蓟马、棕榈蓟马和端大蓟马。各蔬菜上的蓟马种群数量以花期为多,盛花期达最大值,其中茄子花上的蓟马成虫平均虫口密度最高,为14.93头/朵。利用聚集度指标进行空间分布检测表明,不同蔬菜上蓟马成虫的空间分布型均为聚集分布,且聚集程度随密度的增加而增大。本研究可为深入探讨西花蓟马对本地蓟马的竞争取代机制积累资料,同时为西花蓟马的综合治理奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Population dynamics of bacterioplankton in an oligotrophic lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The population ecology of bacterioplankton was studied overa 3 year period in Mirror Lake, an oligotrophic lake in thenortheastern USA. Bacterial population density, biomass, andrates of biomass production in the epilimnion and hypolimnionwere examined for their relationship with several environmentalparameters. Bacterioplankton density fluctuated between 0.5and 7 x l0 bacteria ml–1, with highest values in the anoxichypolimnion. At all depths there was a trend towards a higherdensity of bacteria from spring to midsummer, followed by adecline in late summer to early autumn. Cocci tended to dominatebacterial cell shapes from winter to midsummer, after whichrod-shaped cells became most abundant. Rod-shaped cells contributedthe most to bacterioplankton biomass at all depths and timesof year. The mean annual biovolume of all bacterioplankton was0.12 µ cell–1. The mean annual areal bacterioplanktonbiomass was 11–12 mmol C m–2. The percentage ofbacterial to phytoplankton biomass per volume in summertimewas 27% in the epilimnion and 11% in the hypolimnion. Averageannual and summertime bacterial production estimated using the[3H]thymidine method was similar to previous estimates of bacterialproduction measured in Mirror Lake using other methods. Theaverage ratio of bacterial to net phytoplankton production pervolume was 0.34 in the epilimnion, and between 0.65 and 1 1.depending on depth, in the hypolimnion during summer. Of severalvariables considered in regression analyses, only temperatureexplained >50% of the variance in bacterial production inboth the hypolimnion and epilimnion. Above 14°C, however,bacterial production and growth rate in the epilimnion werenot clearly related to temperature. During the period of midsummerhypolimnetic anoxia, despite colder temperatures in the hypolimnion,bacterial production was up to 10 times greater than in theepilimnion.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of small mammals at Mlawula, Swaziland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population density, biomass and composition of a small mammal community in an Acacia nigrescens savanna were studied over 12 months from August 2000. The community consisted of Mus minutoides (A. Smith 1834), Mastomys natalensis (A. Smith 1834), Lemniscomys rosalia (Thomas 1904), Crocidura hirta (Peters 1952), Steatomys pratensis (Peters 1846); and on one occasion, Graphiurus murinus (Desmarest 1822) was caught. M. minutoides was the dominant species in the site. Species richness was found to vary significantly with the time of the year. The density of M. minutoides was significantly high in winter and low in the other seasons, the ratio of males to females was found to be equal, and pregnant females were caught from November to May. The biomass of small mammals in the area (also density and numbers) was generally low (mean biomass 212 g ha?1). The occurrence of new individuals in catches remained high throughout the study, suggesting a high mortality or emigration rate or a combination of the two.  相似文献   

向日葵螟成虫种群消长动态和空间分布型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了科学指导应用播期避害、性诱剂诱捕成虫和田间释放天敌昆虫-赤眼蜂防治向日葵螟,确定最佳防治时期和选择最佳防治方法,2009—2011年,在内蒙古巴彦淖尔市利用向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum(Denis et Schiffermüller)性诱剂进行了向日葵螟田间种群动态和空间分布型的研究。结果表明,向日葵螟成虫每年5月中旬始见,直到9月底,一年有两个明显的成虫蛾峰期,第1个蛾峰期出现在6月下旬至7月上旬,第2个蛾峰期在7月下旬至8月中旬,当地向日葵1年受到两代幼虫的危害,而且开花期与向日葵螟两个蛾峰期吻合度越高,向日葵受葵螟幼虫的危害越重;通过应用5种聚集度指数测定和Blackith种群聚集均数λ分析,向日葵螟成虫在田间呈聚集分布,聚集主要由向日葵螟自身行为及环境因素引起。根据成虫动态和空间分布型,可以科学指导应用播期避害、性诱剂诱捕器和释放天敌昆虫的最佳时期及方式。  相似文献   

2007-2009年对黑龙江大豆蚜田间种群动态的调查结果表明,6月中旬大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura开始在田间出现,3~5周后田间有蚜株率达到100%。7月未至8月初蚜量达到高峰期,9月中下旬在田间逐渐消失。大豆蚜有翅蚜与无翅蚜的发生动态基本一致,有翅蚜高峰期有时会稍有提前。2007年大豆蚜发生时期早、基数大、增长周期长导致高峰期蚜量显著高于2008年和2009年。大豆蚜田间分布聚集度指标I﹥0、m*/m﹥1、Ca﹥0、C﹥1,整个生长季种群都表现为聚集分布。建立的Iwao回归关系方程(m*=7.14758+1.11200m)表明种群分布的基本成分为个体群,个体之间表现为相互吸引。  相似文献   

为研究和分析黄淮海玉米区玉米蓟马种群动态,掌握其发生规律,同时为玉米田蓟马发生的预测预报及防治提供一定依据。在玉米田间蓟马发生时期采用5点取样,调查记录蓟马发生种类及数量,分析玉米田蓟马种群动态及空间分布型。结果表明玉米田间蓟马种类主要为黄呆蓟马Anaphothrips obscurus Müller、禾花蓟马Franklinielle tenuicornis Uzel和稻单管蓟马Haplothrips aculeatus Fabriecius;不同时期优势种不同,春玉米上禾花蓟马在苗期所占比例为67.8%,是玉米苗期蓟马优势种,为主要防治对象;6月下旬至7月上旬,黄呆蓟马和稻管单蓟马占总蓟马数比例为47.7%和42.7%,二者为优势种;7月中旬,稻单管蓟马所占为61.1%,为优势种,在夏玉米上有相似趋势。种群消长动态呈随时间上升到达高峰期然后下降的斜坡形,在春玉米上蓟马发生高峰在6月下旬,在夏玉米上发生高峰期在8月中旬。通过多种聚集度指标分析判定了玉米蓟马各时期田间分布型均属于一般负二项型聚集分布,其聚集原因是由蓟马生物学特性所致。  相似文献   

Among passerine birds (order Passeriformes), tribe- to family-level clades with five or fewer species are more frequent than one would expect from a homogeneous speciation and extinction process. Previous analyses also suggested that small clades tend to be marginal geographically and/or ecologically. In this study, I use principal component (PC) scores based on eight log-transformed measurements of the wing, tail, leg, and beak to test the hypothesis that small clades (相似文献   

花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire以幼虫寄生松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus等天牛类害虫,掌握其幼虫时空动态和空间分布格局,有助于制定花绒寄甲的生物防治利用策略。通过对江西马尾松林花绒寄甲幼虫种群数量的调查,应用聚集度指标和回归分析等,对林间花绒寄甲幼虫种群动态、水平分布和垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,林间花绒寄甲幼虫种群动态呈现极明显的波动性,全年数量动态有2个高峰期,其中主高峰期是4月份,占全年幼虫总数量的30%左右,是幼虫的主要寄生期,次高峰期是8月份。花绒寄甲幼虫水平空间分布为聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,聚集的原因可能是花绒寄甲自身习性或与寄主天牛、环境因素共同作用所致。不同时间段,花绒寄甲幼虫的垂直分布情况不同,3-7月,花绒寄甲幼虫主要分布在枯死木的中上部,其中上段幼虫数占总数的50%以上,而在8-12月,花绒寄甲幼虫主要分布在枯死木的中段,占总数的50%左右。另外,调查显示,花绒寄甲幼虫寄生数量在释放过该天敌的松林要远高于未释放过的松林,特别是在马尾松纯林,其幼虫种群数量更高,这说明通过人工释放(江西在3月释放成虫),能增加林间天敌花绒寄甲种群数量、降低松褐天牛种群数量,有助于松材线虫病的控制。花绒寄甲幼虫种群时空、水平、垂直三维空间分布结果可为该天敌的保护、人工释放和有效利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Human activities provide food resources for animals that are predictable in space and/or time. These resources, sometimes referred to as predictable anthropogenic food subsidies (PAFS), can be either the result of human‐generated waste or provided intentionally, sometimes as a conservation measure. Some PAFS, including landfills, are used by common species. However, little information exists about the effects that these feeding points have on rarer species that feed there, some of which are of conservation concern. This study focuses on the influence of PAFS and their spatial location on the distribution of territories of the endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. We analysed a population in the NE Iberian Peninsula that has in recent decades expanded its range. We used both null model and linear model analyses to ascertain the effect of PAFS and other covariates on the occupancy of territories by the study species. PAFS appeared to play an important role in territory selection by Egyptian Vultures, as occupied territories were nearer landfills than expected by chance. Furthermore, the distance from PAFS (landfills and vulture feeding stations, or ‘restaurants’) played an important role in the probability of territory occupancy by Egyptian Vultures, in addition to other environmental variables such as surface areas of rocky south‐facing slopes, human settlement and the proximity of conspecifics. However, recent EU legislation aims to phase out open‐air landfills to reduce the negative environmental effects of these facilities. This could have an undesired impact on the endangered species that use these feeding points. We recommend management measures that can control abundant pest species but, in the long term, other measures as supplementary feeding should be considered to counteract the probable negative effect of the disappearance of landfills on endangered species.  相似文献   

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