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David B. Knaff  Richard Malkin 《BBA》1974,347(3):395-403
The primary reaction of Photosystem II has been studied over the temperature range from −196 to −20 °C. The photooxidation of the reaction-center chlorophyll (P680) was followed by the free-radical electron paramagnetic resonance signal of P680+, and the photoreduction of the Photosystem II primary electron acceptor was monitored by the C-550 absorbance change.

At temperatures below −100 °C, the primary reaction of Photosystem II is irreversible. However, at temperatures between −100 and −20 °C a back reaction that is insensitive to 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1′-dimethylurea (DCMU) occurs between P680+ and the reduced acceptor.

The amount of reduced acceptor and P680+ present under steady-state illumination at temperatures between −100 and −20 °C is small unless high light intensity is used to overcome the competing back reaction. The amount of reduced acceptor present at low light intensity can be increased by adjusting the oxidation-reduction potential so that P680+ is reduced by a secondary electron donor (cytochrome b559) before P680+ can reoxidize the reduced primary acceptor. The photooxidation of cytochrome b559 and the accompanying photoreduction of C-550 are inhibited by DCMU. The inhibition of C-550 photoreduction by DCMU, the dependence of P680 photooxidation and C-550 photoreduction on light intensity, and the effect of the availability of reduced cytochrome b559 on C-550 photoreduction are unique to the temperature range where the Photosystem II primary reaction is reversible and are not observed at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

P-700, plastocyanin and cytochrome f redox kinetics were measured after one flash, using dark-adapted Chlorella in the presence of hydroxylamine and 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Plastocyanin becomes increasingly oxidized with a half-time of 70 μs, then undergoes reduction with a half-time of 7 ms. Cytochrome f oxidation has a sigmoidal time-course and a half-time of 100 μs. Its reduction exhibits a half-time of 4 ms. These results are interpreted in a linear scheme:
An equilibrium constant of 2 between cytochrome f and plastocyanin (PC), which contrasts with the large equilibrium constant between PC and P-700 is computed.The presence of cytochrome b6 in a cyclic path around Photosystem I is confirmed under these conditions.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes are reported associated with Photosystem II and showing a periodicity of two and four as a function of flash number.

The absorbance changes showing a periodicity of two were found to occur in the presence of artificial electron donors as well and are presumably caused by the secondary electron acceptor R of Photosystem II. The absorbance difference spectra suggest that R is a plastoquinone molecule, which is reduced to its semiquinone anion after an uneven number of flashes. After an even number of flashes, the semiquinone is reoxidized. The absorbance changes showing a periodicity of four are tentatively ascribed to the charge accumulating donor complex of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the photoreduction of C-550, the photooxidation of cytochrome b559 and the fluorescence yield changes during irradiation of chloroplasts at ?196 °C were measured and compared. The photoreduction of C-550 proceeded more rapidly than the photooxidation of cytochrome b559 and the fluorescence yield increase followed the cytochrome b559 oxidation. These results suggest that fluorescence yield under these conditions indicates the dark reduction of the primary electron donor to Photosystem II, P680+, by cytochrome b559 rather than the photoreduction of the primary electron acceptor.The photoreduction of C-550 showed little if any temperature dependence over the range of ?196 to ?100 °C. The amount of cytochrome b559 photooxidized was sensitive to temperature decreasing from the maximal change at temperatures between ?196 to ?160 °C to no change at ?100 °C. To the extent that the reaction occurred at temperatures between ?160 and ?100 °C the rate was largely independent of temperature. The rate of the fluorescence increase was dependent on temperature over this range being 3–4 times more rapid at ?100 than at ?160 °C. At ?100 °C the light-induced fluorescence increase and the photoreduction of C-550 show similar kinetics. The temperature dependence of the fluorescence induction curve is attributed to the temperature dependence of the dark reduction of P680+.The intensity dependence of the photoreduction of C-550 and of the photooxidation of cytochrome b559 are linear at low intensities (below 200 μW/cm2) but fall off at higher intensities. The failure of reciprocity in the photoreduction of C-550 at the higher intensities is not explained by the simple model proposed for the Photosystem II reaction centers.  相似文献   

J. Whitmarsh  W.A. Cramer 《BBA》1977,460(2):280-289
The kinetics of the photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 and plastoquinone were measured using well-coupled spinach chloroplasts. High potential (i.e. hydroquinone reducible) cytochrome b-559 was oxidized with low intensity far-red light in the presence of N-methyl phenazonium methosulfate or after preillumination with high intensity light. Using long flashes of red light, the half-reduction time of cytochrome b-559 was found to be 100±10 ms, compared to 6–10 ms for the photoreduction of the plastoquinone pool. Light saturation of the photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 occurred at a light intensity less than one-third of the intensity necessary for the saturation of ferricyanide reduction under identical illumination conditions. The photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 was accelerated in the presence of dibromothymoquinone with a t12 = 25–35 ms. The addition of uncouplers, which caused a stimulatory effect on ferricyanide reduction under the same experimental conditions, resulted in a decrease in the rate of cytochrome b-559 reduction. The relatively slow photoreduction rate of cytochrome b-559 compared to the plastoquinone pool implies that electrons can be transferred efficiently from Photosystem II to plastoquinone without the involvement of cytochrome b-559 as an intermediate. These results indicate that it is unlikely that high potential cytochrome b-559 functions as an obligatory redox component in the main electron transport chain joining the two photosystems.  相似文献   

S. Izawa  Donald R. Ort 《BBA》1974,357(1):127-143
NH2OH-treated, non-water oxidizing chloroplasts are shown to be capable of oxidizing ferrocyanide and I? via Photosystem II at appreciable rates (? 200 μequiv/h per mg chlorophyll). Using methylviologen as electron acceptor, ferrocyanide oxidation can be measured as O2 uptake, as ferricyanide formation, or as H+ consumption (2 Fe2+ + 2H+ + O2 → 2 Fe3+ + H2O2). I? oxidation can be measured as methylviologen-mediated O2 uptake, or spectrophotometrically, using ferricyanide as electron acceptor. The oxidation product I2 is re-reduced, as it is formed, by unknown reducing substances in the reaction system.The rate-saturating concentrations of these donors are very high: 30 mM with ferricyanide and 15 mM with I?. Relatively lipophilic Photosystem II donors such as catechol, benzidine and p-aminophenol saturate the photooxidation rate at much lower concentrations (< 0.5 mM). It thus seems that the oxidation of hydrophilic reductants such as ferricyanide and I? is limited by permeability barriers. Very likely the site of Photosystem II oxidation is embedded in the thylakoid membrane or is situated on the inner surface of the membrane.The efficiency of phosphorylation (P/e2) is 0.5 to 0.6 with ferrocyanide and about 0.5 with I?. In contrast the P/e2 ratio is 1.0 to 1.2 when water, catechol, p-aminophenol or benzidine serves as electron donor. These differences imply that only one of two phosphorylation sites operate when ferrocyanide and I? are oxidized. Ferrocyanide and I? are also chemically distinct from other Photosystem II donors in that their oxidation does not involve proton release. It is suggested that the mechanism of energy conservation associated with Photosystem II may be only operative when the removal of electrons from the donor results in release of protons (i.e. with water, hydroquinones, phenylamines, etc.).  相似文献   

Chloroplast material active in photosynthetic electron transport has been isolated from Scenedesmus acutus (strain 270/3a). During homogenization, part of cytochrome 553 was solubilized, and part of it remained firmly bound to the membrane. A direct correlation between membrane cytochrome 553 and electron transport rates could not be found. Sonification removes plastocyanin, but leaves bound cytochrome 553 in the membrane. Photooxidation of the latter is dependent on added plastocyanin. In contrast to higher plant chloroplasts, added soluble cytochrome 553 was photooxidized by 707 nm light without plastocyanin present. Reduced plastocyanin or cytochrome 553 stimulated electron transport by Photosystem I when supplied together or separately. These reactions and cytochrome 553 photooxidation were not sensitive to preincubation of chloroplasts with KCN, indicating that both redox proteins can donate their electrons directly to the Photosystem I reaction center. Scenedesmus cytochrome 553 was about as active as plastocyanin from the same alga, whereas the corresponding protein from the alga Bumilleriopsis was without effect on electron transport rates.

It is suggested that besides the reaction sequence cytochrome 553 → plastocyanin → Photosystem I reaction center, a second pathway cytochrome 553 → Photosystem I reaction center may operate additionally.  相似文献   

J. Barber  G.F.W. Searle  C.J. Tredwell 《BBA》1978,501(2):174-182
The MgCl2-induced chlorophyll fluorescence yield changes in broken chloroplasts, suspended in a cation-free medium, treated with 3,-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and pre-illuminated, has been investigated on a picosecond time scale. Chloroplasts in the low fluorescing state showed a fluorescence decay law of the form exp ?At12, where A was found to be 0.052 ps?12, and may be attributed to the rate of spillover from Photosystem II to Photosystem I. Addition of 10 mM MgCl2 produced a 50% increase in the steady-state fluorescence quantum yield and caused a marked decrease in the decay rate. The fluorescence decay law was found to be predominantly exponential with a 1/e lifetime of 1.6 ns. These results support the hypothesis that cation-induced changes in the fluorescence yield of chlorophyll are related to the variations in the rate of energy transfer from Photosystem II to Photosystem I, rather than to changes in the partitioning of absorbed quanta between the two systems.  相似文献   

B.R. Velthuys 《BBA》1975,396(3):392-401
Experiments are described on flash-induced luminescence of isolated spinach chloroplasts after addition of NH4Cl. The results indicate a binding of NH3, presumably in competition with water, in the oxidation states S2 and S3, i.e. the states reached upon illumination of dark-adapted material with one and two flashes, respectively. In the initial state S1, no binding of NH3 occurs. In state S2 the binding of ammonia is rapid (half-time about 0.5 s) and rapidly reversible; in state S3 the binding is slower (half-time about 10 s) and slowly reversible. NH3 bound to S4 prevents the oxidation of water. NH3 bound to S2 decreases the rate of the back reaction of reduced primary acceptor (Q), indicating a charge stabilization, i.e. a decrease in the redox potential of S2 due to interaction with ammonia. In Tris-washed chloroplasts, the stability of the positive charge generated in a flash is much smaller than in normal chloroplasts and not increased by NH3. On the basis of these observations it is postulated that, in the absence of NH3, states S2 and S3 are stabilized by manganese-coordinated, bound water.  相似文献   

Yuichiro Nishizaki 《BBA》1973,314(3):312-319
The relationship between the kinetics of ATP formation and proton release in chloroplast suspensions by acid-base transition were studied by means of a stopped-flow spectrophotometer. The time course of ATP synthesis shows two-phase kinetics, fast and slow, corresponding to the two-phase efflux of protons from the chloroplasts. Under certain conditions of the experiments, about 50% of the H+ gradient is constantly utilized for ATP formation in both phases. However, the ratio of ATP formed to the amount of protons leaked out, changes depending on the rate constants of proton efflux.  相似文献   

W. Kaiser  W. Urbach 《BBA》1976,423(1):91-102
1. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate in concentrations ? 2.5 mM completely inhibits CO2-dependent O2 evolution in isolated intact spinach chloroplasts. This inhibition is reversed by the addition of equimolar concentrations of Pi, but not by addition of 3-phosphoglycerate. In the absence of Pi, 3-phosphoglycerate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate, only about 20% of the 14C-labelled intermediates are found in the supernatant, whereas in the presence of each of these substances the percentage of labelled intermediates in the supernatant is increased up to 70–95%. Based on these results the mechanism of the inhibition of O2 evolution by dihydroxyacetone phosphate is discussed with respect to the function of the known phosphate translocator in the envelope of intact chloroplasts.2. Although O2 evolution is completely suppressed by dihydroxyacetone phosphate, CO2 fixation takes place in air with rates of up to 65μ mol · mg?1 chlorophyll · h?1. As non-cyclic electron transport apparently does not occur under these conditions, these rates must be due to endogenous pseudocyclic and/or cyclic photophosphorylation.3. Under anaerobic conditions, the rates of CO2 fixation in presence of dihydroxyacetone phosphate are low (2.5–7 μmol · mg?1 chlorophyll · h?1), but they are strongly stimulated by addition of dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea (e.g. 2 · 10?7 M) reaching values of up to 60 μmol · mg?1 chlorophyll · h?1. As under these conditions the ATP necessary for CO2 fixation can be formed by an endogenous cyclic photophosphorylation, the capacity of this process seems to be relatively high, so it might contribute significantly to the energy supply of the chloroplast. As dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea stimulates CO2 fixation in presence of dihydroxyacetone phosphate under anaerobic but not under aerobic conditions, it is concluded that only under anaerobic conditions an “overreduction” of the cyclic electron transport system takes place, which is removed by dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea in suitable concentrations. At concentrations above 5 · 10?7 M dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea inhibits dihydroxyacetone phosphate-dependent CO2 fixation under anaerobic as well as under aerobic conditions in a similar way as normal CO2 fixation. Therefore, we assume that a properly poised redox state of the electron transport chain is necessary for an optimal occurrence of endogenous cyclic photophosphorylation.4. The inhibition of dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea-stimulated CO2 fixation in presence of dihydroxyacetone phosphate by dibromothymoquinone under anaerobic conditions indicates that plastoquinone is an indispensible component of the endogenous cyclic electron pathway.  相似文献   

J.A. Van Best  L.N.M. Duysens 《BBA》1975,408(2):154-163
The kinetics of the fluorescence yield Ф of chlorophyll a in Chlorella pyrenoidosa were studied under anaerobic conditions in the time range from 50 μs to several minutes after short (t12 = 30 ns or 5 μs) saturating flashes. The fluorescence yield “in the dark” increased from Ф = 1 at the beginning to Ф ≈ 5 in about 3 h when single flashes separated by dark intervals of about 3 min were given.After one saturating flash, Ф increased to a maximum value (4–5) at 50 μs, then Ф decreased to about 3 with a half time of about 10 ms and to the initial value with a half time of about 2 s. When two flashes separated by 0.2 s were given, the first phase of the decrease after the second flash occurred within 2 ms. After one flash given at high initial fluorescence yield, the 10-ms decay was followed by a 10 s increase to the initial value. After the two flashes 0.2 s apart, the rapid decay was not follewed by a slow increase.These and other experiments provided additional evidence for and extend an earlier hypothesis concerning the acceptor complex of Photosystem II (Bouges-Bocquet, B. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 314, 250–256; Velthuys, B. R. and Amesz, J. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 333, 85–94): reaction center 2 contains an acceptor complex QR consisting of an electron-transferring primary acceptor molecule Q, and a secondary electron acceptor R, which can accept two electrons in succession, but transfers two electrons simultaneously to a molecule of the tertiary acceptor pool, containing plastoquinone (A). Furthermore, the kinetics indicate that 2 reactions centers of System I, excited by a short flash, cooperate directly or indirectly in oxidizing a plastohydroquinone molecule (A2?). If initially all components between photoreaction 1 and 2 are in the reduced state the following sequence of reactions occurs after a flash has oxidised A2? via System I: Q?R2? + A → Q?R + A2? → QR? + A2?. During anaerobiosis two slow reactions manifest themselves: the reduction of R (and A) within 1 s, presumably by an endogenous electron donor D1, and the reduction of Q in about 10 s when R is in the state R? and A in the state A2?. An endogenous electron donor, D2, and Q? compete in reducing the photooxidized donor complex of System II in reactions with half times of the order of 1 s.  相似文献   

Shigeru Itoh  Mitsuo Nishimura 《BBA》1977,460(3):381-392
Changes in the rates of dark oxidation and reduction of the primary electron acceptor of System II by added oxidant and reductant were investigated by measuring the induction of chlorophyll fluorescence under moderate actinic light in 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-inhibited chloroplasts at pH values between 3.6 and 9.5. It was found that:

1. (1) The rate of dark oxidation of photoreduced primary acceptor was very slow at all the pH values tested without added electron acceptor.

2. (2) The rate was accelerated by the addition of ferricyanide in the whole pH range. It was dependent approximately on the 0.8th power of the ferricyanide concentration.

3. (3) The rate constant for the oxidation of the primary acceptor by ferricyanide was pH-dependent and became high at low pH. The value at pH 3.6 was more than 100 times that at pH 7.8.

4. (4) The pH-dependent change in the rate constant was almost reversible when the chloroplasts were suspended at the original pH after a large pH change (acid treatment).

5. (5) An addition of carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or heavy metal chelators had little effect on the rate of dark oxidation of the primary acceptor by ferricyanide.

6. (6) The dark reduction of the primary acceptor by sodium dithionite also became faster at low pH.

From these results it is concluded that at low pH the primary acceptor of System II becomes accessible to the added hydrophilic reagents even in the presence of 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea.  相似文献   

B.R. Velthuys  J. Amesz 《BBA》1975,376(1):162-168
Delayed fluorescence (luminescence) from spinach chloroplasts, induced by short saturating flashes, was studied in the temperature region between 0 and ?40 °C. At these temperatures, in contrast to what is observed at room temperature, luminescence at 40 ms after a flash was strongly dependent, with period four, on the number of preilluminating flashes (given at room temperature, before cooling). At ?35 °C luminescence of chloroplasts preilluminated with two flashes (the optimal preillumination) was about 15 times larger than that of dark-adapted chloroplasts. The intensity of luminescence obtained with preilluminated chloroplasts increased steeply below ?10 °C, presumably partly due to accumulation of reduced acceptor (Q?), and reached a maximum at ?35 °C.In the presence of 50 mM NH4Cl the temperature optimum was at ?15 °C; at this temperature luminescence was increased by NH4Cl; at temperatures below ?20 °C luminescence at 40 ms was decreased by NH4Cl. At room temperature a strongly enhanced 40-ms luminescence was observed after the third and following flashes. The results indicate that both the S2 to S3 and the S3 to S4 conversion are affected by NlH4Cl.Inhibitors of Q? reoxidation, like 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1- dimethylurea, did only slightly affect the preillumination dependence of luminescence at sub-zero temperatures if they were added after the preillumination. This indicates that these substances by themselves do not accelerate the deactivation of S2 and S3.  相似文献   

David B. Knaff 《BBA》1973,325(2):284-296
1. Cytochrome f (λmax = 554 nm, Em = +0.35 V) and cytochrome b558 (λmax = 558 nm, Em = +0.35 V) were photooxidized by Photosystem I and photoreduced by Photosystem II in a cell-free preparation from the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum. The steady-state oxidation levels of both cytochromes were affected by noncyclic electron acceptors and by inhibitors of noncyclic electron transport. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanism of NADP reduction by water involves a Photosystem II and a Photosystem I light reaction operating in series and linked by a chain of electron carriers that includes cytochrome f and cytochrome b558.2. Phosphorylation cofactors shifted the steady-state of cytochrome f to a more reduced level under conditions of noncyclic electron transport but had no effect on cytochrome b558. These observations suggest that the noncyclic phosphorylation site lies before cytochrome f (on the Photosystem II side) and that cytochrome f is closer to this site than is cytochrome b558.3. A Photosystem II photoreduction of C550 at 77 °K was observed, suggesting that in blue-green algae, as in other plants, C550 is closely associated with the primary electron acceptor for Photosystem II. A Photosystem I photooxidation of P700 at 77 °K was observed, consistent with P700 serving as the primary electron donor of Photosystem I.  相似文献   

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