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The flagellar apparatus of an undescribed species of Chrysochromulina Lackey that bears “eyelash” scales is reconstructed. The transitional region consists of two transitional plates each with an axosome, with no stellate pattern between them. Fine osmiophilic rings lie between the flagellar membrane and the outer doublets in the transitional region. The two jagella and the haptonema are inserted in a subapical depression that is lined ventrally by a spine-like projection formed by one of the parietal chloroplasts. The angles of insertion are similar to those of some other Chrysochromulina species in that both the haptonema and the right basal body lie at an extreme angle to the left basal body. The connectives of the apparatus consist of a striated distal band with a dorsal extension to the R1 and a ventral extension overlying the R2, a striated distal accessory band, an auxiliary connective from the right basal body to the adjacent ventral chloroplast, a well-developed intermediate band, two striated proximal bands, and a striated proximal accessory band. Of the microtubular roots in this Chrysochromulina species, three are associated with the left side of the cell (an R1 of 8+3; a small crystalline compound root, the R1C, associated with the R1; an R2 of three micro-tubules), and two are associated with the right basal body (an R3 of 2/2 microtubules with which the single-stranded R4 converges to form a 2/2+1 and then a 2/3 tiered arrangement). Comparisons are drawn with other species in the genus and related genera, particularly Prymne-sium.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A defined medium for an insect trypanosomatid, “Leptomonas pessoai” (probably a member of the genus Herpetomonas) isolated from the reduviid Zelus leucogrammus, allows growth up to 37 C. No marked differences were evident for growth at 37 C. The requirements for amino acids, vitamins, purine, and hemin, and pH range were like those established for Crithidia fasciculata. Again like C. fasciculata, it remains alive at 4 C for at least 3 months in a çlycerolated defined medium.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a rapid increase in knowledge of auxospore formation in diatoms. However, these studies have been limited to centric and raphid pennate diatoms, and there is still very little information for the araphid pennate diatoms. Using LM and SEM, we studied the development of the auxospore and the initial cell of the marine epiphytic diatom Gephyria media Arnott. Auxospores were bipolar and curved in side view, as in many other pennate diatoms. SEM revealed many transverse perizonial bands, all of which were incomplete rings. There was an elongate, sprawling, silicified structure beneath the ventral suture of the transverse perizonial bands. This structure is presumably equivalent to the longitudinal perizonial band in other pennate diatoms, although we could not determine the homologous relationship between the two features. Scales were found both in the inner wall of the perizonium and around the primary perizonial bands. The presence or absence of scales may be of phylogenetic significance in diatoms, only during the final stages of auxospore formation because scales are found in early spherical stages. The distinctive finger‐like structures observed throughout all stage of G. media have not been observed before in the other diatom taxa.  相似文献   

Recent collections of tetrasporangiate “Heterosiphonia” japonica Yendo from Watch Hill to Point Judith, Rhode Island, represent the first report of this nonnative alga in the western Atlantic. Native to the Pacific Ocean, this species was unintentionally introduced into European waters by 1984 and has subsequently invaded the eastern Atlantic Ocean widely from France to Norway and south into the Mediterranean Sea. Thus far, all western Atlantic collections of this species are confined to the outer coast of Rhode Island, and at present are not found in Narragansett Bay or in Long Island Sound along the Connecticut coast. Molecular and morphological studies confirm the identity of this newly introduced invasive species.  相似文献   

Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) were analysed in crustaceans collected on Polarstern cruises ANT XVI/2 (1999) and ANT XXI/2 (2003/04, BENDEX) to the Weddell Sea. Our study provides further evidence for the frequently reported “Cd anomaly” in polar crustaceans, with data ranging from 1.2 (Ceratoserolis trilobitoides) to 6.2 mg Cd kg–1 DW (Notocrangon antarcticus) in 1999 and from 1.2 (Waldeckia obesa) to 20.3 mg Cd kg–1 (Tryphosella murrayi) in 2003. Pb concentrations well below 1 mg kg–1 in most of the samples analysed might serve as a regional or even global background value for comparison in biomonitoring studies. Increasing Cu concentrations from eggs of decapods (e.g., 5 vs. 51 mg kg–1 in N. antarcticus) or juveniles in the brood pouch of an amphipod species to adult females indicate that the enzymatic requirements and haemocyanin component demand for Cu in early life‐history stages is probably not met without a distinct bioaccumulation of this essential element after hatching. Most interestingly, Cd also increases (<0.1 vs. 6.2 mg kg–1 in N. antarcticus). This could be the consequence of efficient uptake mechanisms for Cu that cannot discriminate between this element and Cd. Cu and Zn concentrations in decapods of this study are largely within the range reported worldwide (40–90 mg Cu kg–1 and 40–80 mg Zn kg–1), indicating that these elements are regulated. The enormous heterogeneity of Cd and Zn in many amphipod species investigated (e.g., from 0.6 in Gnathiphimedia mandibularis to 34.4 mg Cd kg–1 in Orchomenopsis acanthura and from 41 in Eusirus antarcticus to 1244 mg Zn kg–1 in Iphimediella bransfieldi) supports the hypothesis of the “Cd anomaly” and suggests that there is probably no consistent metabolic demand for the essential element Zn in this taxonomic group. The heterogeneity of Cu in amphipods is less pronounced. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We use a general additive quantitative genetic model to study the evolution of costly female mate choice by the “handicap” principle. Two necessary conditions must be satisfied for costly preference to evolve. The conditions are (i) biased mutation pressure on viability and (ii) a direct relationship between the degree of expression of the male mating character and viability. These two conditions explain the success and failure of previous models of the “handicap” principle. Our model also applies to other sources of fitness variation like migration and host-parasite coevolution, which cause effects equivalent to biased mutation.  相似文献   

The bacterium Variovorax paradoxus, grown in a minimal medium in which silk fibroin represents the sole source of carbon and nitrogen, produces an extracellular protease that hydrolyzes fibroin as well as casein and, to a smaller extent, collagen and albumin. The optimal pH for activity was found to be in the acid range (optimum pH 5.8–6.4) and the enzyme activity was stimulated by the addition of divalent cations, either manganese or magnesium. Gel permeation chromatography and SDS-PAGE provided evidence that the native enzyme is a monomer with a Mr of ca. 21 kDa.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the phylogenetic relationship among samples of “Chantransia” stage of the Batrachospermales and Thoreales from several regions of the world based on sequences of two genes—the plastid‐encoded RUBISCO LSU gene (rbcL) and the nuclear SSU ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA). All sequences of “Chantransia macrospora” were shown to belong to Batrachospermum macrosporum based on both molecular markers, confirming evidence from previous studies. In contrast, nine species are now associated with “Chantransia pygmaea,” including seven species of the Batrachospermales and two of the Thoreales. Therefore, the presence of “C. macrospora” in a stream can be considered reliable evidence that it belongs to B. macrosporum, whereas the occurrence of “C. pygmaea” does not allow the recognition of any particular species, since it is associated with at least nine species. Affinities of “Chantransia” stages to particular taxa were congruent for 70.5% of the samples comparing the rbcL and SSU analyses, which were associated with the same or closely related species for both markers. Sequence divergences have been reported in the “Chantransia” stage in comparison to the respective gametophyte, and this matter deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas guezennei biovar. tikehau was isolated from a microbial mat on the atoll of Tikehau in French Polynesia, and is able to synthesize medium chain length poly-beta-hydroxyalkanaote copolymers when grown on coprah oil. A two-step cultivation process was used and the biosynthesis of PHAs was followed along 52h by regular culture sampling. The polyester was purified from freeze-dried cells and analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infra red (FTIR), and gas chromatography mass spectrometries. The copolyester produced by P. guezennei biovar. tikehau from coprah oil mainly consisted of saturated monomers, i.e. 3-hydroxyoctanoate (3HO) and 3-hydroxydecanoate (3HD), and the monomeric composition of the polyester did not change during the fermentation process. However, yield of PHAs production varied from 4% of the cellular dry weight (CDW) to 63% obtained after 36h. Scan electron microscopy was used to study the morphology and organization of PHAs granules within the cells and revealed the presence of several granules occupying almost the entire cell volume.  相似文献   

The internally transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of 21 Arthrospira clonal strains from four continents and assigned to four different species (A. platensis, A. maxima, A. fusiformis, A. indica) in the culture collections were determined. Two main clusters, I and II, were differentiated by 49 positions out of 475 nt or 477 nt, respectively. Each cluster was further subdivided into two subclusters. Subclusters I.A and I.B were separated by two substitutions, whereas subclusters II.A and II.B were distinguished by four substitutions. After direct sequencing of the PCR products, three dried samples from Chad aged between 3 months and 35 years yielded a sequence belonging to subcluster I.A, as did a recent commercial product. The strains grown in production plants belonged to the same (sub)clusters as strains from culture collections, mainly I.A and II. PCR primers specific for each cluster and subcluster were designed and tested with crude cell lysates of Arthrospira strains. One dried sample (“dihé” 1) and a herbarium sample from Lake Sonachi (Kenya) only contained I.A sequences, whereas the commercial product was a mixture of the four genotypes and the other two dried samples contained minor polymorphisms characteristic of different clusters. Five clonal Arthrospira strains, thought to be duplicates, showed the simultaneous presence of the two forms of the four diagnostic positions that distinguish subclusters genotype II.A and genotype II.B. This is likely to be caused by multiple copies of the rDNA operon, in a intermediate stage of homogenization between subcluster II.A and subcluster II.B. The high conservation of ITS sequences is in contrast with the assignment to four different species, the great morphological variability of the strains, and their wide geographic distribution.  相似文献   

The colorless, large sulfur bacteria are well known because of their intriguing appearance, size and abundance in sulfidic settings. Since their discovery in 1803 these bacteria have been classified according to their conspicuous morphology. However, in microbiology the use of morphological criteria alone to predict phylogenetic relatedness has frequently proven to be misleading. Recent sequencing of a number of 16S rRNA genes of large sulfur bacteria revealed frequent inconsistencies between the morphologically determined taxonomy of genera and the genetically derived classification. Nevertheless, newly described bacteria were classified based on their morphological properties, leading to polyphyletic taxa. We performed sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, together with detailed morphological analysis of hand-picked individuals of novel non-filamentous as well as known filamentous large sulfur bacteria, including the hitherto only partially sequenced species Thiomargarita namibiensis, Thioploca araucae and Thioploca chileae. Based on 128 nearly full-length 16S rRNA-ITS sequences, we propose the retention of the family Beggiatoaceae for the genera closely related to Beggiatoa, as opposed to the recently suggested fusion of all colorless sulfur bacteria into one family, the Thiotrichaceae. Furthermore, we propose the addition of nine Candidatus species along with seven new Candidatus genera to the family Beggiatoaceae. The extended family Beggiatoaceae thus remains monophyletic and is phylogenetically clearly separated from other related families.  相似文献   

The coccoid glaucophyte genus Glaucocystis is characterized by having a thick cell wall, which has to date prohibited examination of the native ultrastructural features of the protoplast periphery. Recently, however, the three‐dimensional (3‐D) ultrastructure of the protoplast periphery was revealed in two divergent Glaucocystis species, with the world's most powerful ultra‐high voltage electron microscope (UHVEM). The two species exhibit morphological diversity in terms of their 3‐D ultrastructural features. However, these two types do not seem to encompass actual ultrastructural diversity in the genetically diverse genus Glaucocystis. Here, we report a new type of peripheral 3‐D ultrastructure resolved in “G. incrassata” SAG 229‐2 cells by 3‐D modeling based on UHVEM tomography using high‐pressure freezing and freeze‐substitution fixation. The plasma membrane and underlying flattened vesicles in “G. incrassata” SAG 229‐2 exhibited grooves at intervals of 200–600 nm, and the flattened vesicles often overlapped one another at the protoplast periphery. This 3‐D ultrastructure differs from those of the two types previously reported in other species of Glaucocystis. The possibility of classification of Glaucocystis species based on the 3‐D ultrastructure of the protoplast periphery is discussed.  相似文献   

A restudy of the Danish brain weight data published by Pakkenberg and Voigt ('64), using partial correlation techniques, confirms and extends their earlier conclusions regarding a much stronger allometric relationship between height and brain weight than between body weight and brain weight. The relationship is particularly strong in males, and not in females, which is hypothesized to be related to higher fat components in the latter. Comparative data for smaller samples of Pan, Gorilla, Pongo, Macaca, Papio, and Saimiri using body weights, suggest that such relationship also hold more strongly in males than females, although more reliable data are greatly needed. In addition to providing within-species ranges of variability for variously derived neural statistics (e.g., encephalization quotients, “extra neurons,” etc.), for “normal” primates, it is suggested that while allometric trends do exist within species, and particularly males, evolutionary pressures leading to larger brain size were probably very diverse, and that any one homogenistic theory is unlikely.  相似文献   

The Corallinoideae (Corallinaceae) is represented in the northeastern Atlantic by Corallina officinalis L.; Corallina elongata J. Ellis et Sol.; Haliptilon squamatum (L.) H. W. Johans., L. M. Irvine et A. M. Webster; and Jania rubens (L.) J. V. Lamour. The delimitation of these geniculate coralline red algae is based primarily on morphological characters. Molecular analysis based on cox1 and 18S rRNA gene phylogenies supported the division of the Corallinoideae into the tribes Janieae and Corallineae. Within the Janieae, a sequence difference of 46–48 bp (8.6%–8.9%) between specimens of H. squamatum and J. rubens in the cox1 phylogeny leads us to conclude that they are congeneric. J. rubens var. rubens and J. rubens var. corniculata (L.) Yendo clustered together in both phylogenies, suggesting that for those genes, there was no genetic basis for the morphological variation. Within the Corallineae, it appears that in some regions, the name C. elongata has been misapplied. C. officinalis samples formed two clusters that differed by 45–54 bp (8.4%–10.0%), indicating species‐level divergence, and morphological differences were sufficient to define two species. One of these clusters was consistent with the morphology of the type specimen of C. officinalis (LINN 1293.9). The other species cluster is therefore described here as Corallina caespitosa sp. nov. This study has demonstrated that there is a clear need for a revision of the genus Corallina to determine the extent of “pseudocryptic” diversity in this group of red algae.  相似文献   

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