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We used the morphological differentiation of southern, sedentary Iberian Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla to distinguish them from migratory Blackcaps during the winter. To do so, we studied three morphometric traits (wing length, wing shape and tail length) of three migratory Iberian populations and two sedentary ones during the breeding season. We obtained a discriminant function which allowed us to differentiate the two population types (>90% correct classifications). We discuss the utility of the method for differentiating between sedentary and migratory Blackcaps in their sympatric wintering areas, as well as the implications of our results for the study and conservation of sedentary, perhaps differentiated Blackcaps in southern Iberia.  相似文献   

In songbirds, territorial songs are key regulators of sexual selection and are learned from conspecifics. The cultural transmission of songs leads to divergence in song characteristics within populations, which can ultimately lead to speciation. Many songbirds also migrate, and individual differences in migratory behaviours can influence population genetic structure and local song differentiation. Blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla, exhibit versatile territorial songs and show diversity in migration behaviours. They therefore comprise a good model for investigating the relationships between migratory patterns, song variation, and genetic diversity. We studied a migratory population (two groups near Paris) and a sedentary population (three groups in Corsica). All of the birds were ringed and blood sampled to investigate genetic relatedness using 17 microsatellite loci. A detailed song analysis showed that this species has a complex repertoire (> 100 syllables), which required the development of a semi‐supervised method to classify different categories of syllables and compare sequences of syllables. Our analysis showed no genetic structuring among populations: individuals belonging to the same group were not genetically closer than those from different groups. However, we found a strong wingsize difference between sedentary and migratory populations. We also showed that geographical variations in songs rely at least on both syllable and sequence content. Unexpectedly, despite a higher turnover of individuals, migratory groups share as many syllables and sequences as sedentary groups, which raises interesting issues on song learning and the maintenance of dialects in migratory birds.  相似文献   

The recent formation of a migratory divide in the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) involves sympatrically breeding birds migrating to different overwintering quarters. Within the last 50 years, a novel migratory strategy has evolved resulting in an increasing proportion of birds now wintering in Britain instead of migrating to the traditional sites in the Mediterranean area. This rapid microevolution has been attributed to allochronic spring arrival of migrants from the respective wintering quarters leading to assortative mating. Moreover, blackcaps wintering in Britain may experience fitness advantages owing to improved local wintering conditions. We used stable hydrogen isotope signatures (δD) to scrutinize the degree of temporal segregation of blackcaps upon spring arrival and to test for carry-over effects in body condition associated with the disparate wintering environments. Although we found that migrants from Britain arrive significantly earlier on German breeding grounds than migrants from the Mediterranean region, we also found a considerable overlap in arrival times. In a resampling model, the mean probability of assortative mating of birds wintering in Britain is ≤28% in both years. These results suggest that allochrony alone is not a strong isolating barrier between the two subpopulations. Migrants from both wintering locations did not differ in terms of body mass, mass-tarsus residuals or mass-tarsus ratio and arrived in a similar reproductive disposition. Thus, blackcaps wintering in Britain do not gain an apparent fitness advantage on spring migration due to carry-over effects in body condition. Future studies should explore additional factors such as differences in song quality and habitat that might contribute to the rapid microevolution of the blackcap.  相似文献   

In many passerines, juveniles have shorter and more rounded wings than adults. Given that (1) long and pointed wings improve endurance in migratory flights, (2) shorter and rounded wings improve manoeuvrability, and (3) juvenile birds are more vulnerable to predators than adults, it has been hypothesised that ontogenetic variation in wing shape results from a greater importance of predation avoidance relative to migration performance during the first year of life. If so, wing shape should not change with age in the absence of migration-related selection for longer and more pointed wings. We test this by studying the variation with respect to age in wing length and wing pointedness of migratory and sedentary Blackcaps wintering in southern Spain. Migratory Blackcaps had longer and more pointed wings than sedentary Blackcaps. Juveniles had shorter wings than adults in migratory populations, but not in sedentary populations. The variation with age in wing pointedness was less pronounced, and was found in migratory females only. These differences between the two traits could be related to a stronger selection for pointed wings than for longer wings with increasing distance of migration, and to an increased migratoriness of females in partially migratory Blackcap populations. We hypothesise that, in migratory Blackcaps, a shorter and more rounded wing in juveniles could be selected for if the decrease in predation rate compensated for the somewhat greater costs of the first migration attempt. On the other hand, there are no costs of migration in sedentary Blackcaps, which hence maintain a similar wing shape, giving high manoeuvrability, both as juveniles and as adults.  相似文献   

Fuel accumulation, mainly as fatty acids, is one of the main characteristics of migratory, birds. Studying to what extent each population or species manages fuel load and how it varies along routes of migration or between seasons (autumn and spring migrations) is crucial to our understanding of bird migration strategies. Our aim here was to analyse whether migratory blackcaps Sylvia atrieapilla passing through northern Iberia differ in their mean fuel loads, rate of fuel accumulation and ' potential' flight ranges between migration seasons. Blackcaps were mist netted for 4 h-periods beginning at dawn from 16 September to 15 November 2003 - 2005, and from 1 March to 30 April 2004 - 2006 in a European Atlantic hedgerow at Loza, northern Iberia. Both fuel load and fuel deposition rate (this latter assessed with difference in body mass of within-season recaptured individuals) were higher in autumn than in spring. Possible hypotheses explaining these results could be seasonal-associated variations in food availability (likely lower during spring than during autumn), the fact that a fraction of the migrants captured in spring could breed close to the study area and different selective pressures for breeding and wintering  相似文献   

When different populations of the same bird species share non‐breeding habitats, competition for food may promote resource partitioning. We studied food choice by resident and migratory Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in sympatric wintering grounds in southern Spain. Resident Blackcaps have a larger bill, which may allow them to feed on a broader range of fruit sizes, and they may know the distribution of food better than do migrants. Based on fruit and bird counts, we transformed both fruit crop and bird abundance to a common energy currency. During two winters with low and high fruit production, available energy from fruit in mid‐January was estimated to be 80 and 1300 times, respectively, the daily requirements of Blackcaps. Furthermore, Blackcap numbers did not track between‐winter changes in fruit abundance during 10 consecutive years of monitoring, further suggesting that fruit food is not limiting. Analysis of food items from 760 samples of 717 individuals showed that migrants and residents fed primarily on fruits of Wild Olive Olea europaea sylvestris, the most energetic fruit resource. There was no evidence that the larger bills of resident Blackcaps provided any foraging benefit. Migratory Blackcaps fed on Wild Olives and invertebrates, two resources with high energetic and structural value, more frequently than did residents. This food choice could be more important for migratory Blackcaps because they have lower body mass to reduce wing load. Our results suggest that the wintering grounds of Blackcaps in Iberia provide abundant food that is used by sympatric migrants and residents without resource partitioning. Slight differences in food choice suggest that migrants might benefit from feeding on more nutritive food than residents to counteract the energetic constraints associated with a smaller body size.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, traits such as orientation and distance are known to have a strong genetic background, and they often exhibit considerable within‐population variation. How this variation relates to evolutionary responses to ongoing selection is unknown because the underlying mechanisms that translate environmental changes into population genetic changes are unclear. We show that within‐population genetic structure in southern German blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) is related to individual differences in migratory behavior. Our 3‐year study revealed a positive correlation between individual migratory origins, denoted via isotope (δ2H) values, and genetic distances. Genetic diversity and admixture differed not only across a recently established migratory polymorphism with NW‐ and SW‐migrating birds but also across δ2H clusters within the same migratory route. Our results suggest assortment based on individual migratory origins which would facilitate evolutionary responses. We scrutinized arrival times and microhabitat choice as potential mechanisms mediating between individual variation in migratory behavior and assortment. We found significant support that microhabitat choice, rather than timing of arrival, is associated with individual variation in migratory origins. Moreover, examining genetic diversity across the migratory divide, we found migrants following the NW route to be genetically more distinct from each other compared with migrants following the traditional SW route. Our study suggests that migratory behavior shapes population genetic structure in blackcaps not only across the migratory divide but also on an individual level independent of the divide. Thus, within‐population variation in migratory behavior might play an important role in translating environmental change into genetic change.  相似文献   

If resource availability shapes population distribution, changes in resource abundance should cause parallel changes in population numbers. However, tracking ability may be disrupted by different environmental and behavioural factors that act at different spatial and temporal scales. Here we analyse the ability of wintering Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla populations to track spatio-temporal variation in fruit availability in southern Spain in two habitats (forests and shrublands) with different population structure. Former studies had shown that forests are equally used by both adult migrant and local Blackcaps, whereas shrublands are nearly monopolized by juvenile migrants. These differences might affect resource tracking: it should be disrupted in forests, as local birds remain over winter in their breeding territories, but not in shrublands where similarly competitive juvenile migrants can freely track the spatial distribution of fruits. We analysed the fruit-tracking ability of Blackcap populations among sites and years in both habitat types using a habitat-matching model, which predicts spatio-temporal changes in population abundance proportional to changes in resource availability. We counted Blackcaps and fruiting shrubs (dominated by Lentiscs Pistacia lentiscus and Wild Olives Olea europaea sylvestris ) during four winters in forest and shrubland patches. The abundance of fruits was always higher in shrublands than in forests. In shrublands, Blackcaps seemed to move freely across fruit-rich habitat patches, tracking changes in fruiting-shrub abundance among sites and years. However, such tracking was not observed in forests. This supports the view that fruit-tracking ability may be constrained by local factors, such as the social structure of populations occurring in different habitat types, which introduces spatio-temporal variation in the way fruit availability shapes the abundance distribution of these birds in their Mediterranean wintering grounds.  相似文献   

The blackcap Sylvia atricapilla shows a complex migratory pattern and is a suitable species for the studies of morphological migratory syndrome, including adaptations of wing shape to different migratory performance. Obligate migrants of this species that breed in northern, central, and Eastern Europe differ by migration distance and some cover shorter distance to the wintering grounds in the southern part of Europe/North Africa or the British Isles, although others migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. Based on ˃40 years of ringing data on blackcaps captured during autumn migration in the Southern Baltic region, we studied age- and sex-related correlations in wing pointedness and wing length of obligate blackcap migrants to understand the differences in migratory behavior of this species. Even though the recoveries of blackcaps were scarce, we reported some evidence that individuals which differ in migration distance differed also in wing length. We found that wing pointedness significantly increased with an increasing wing length of migrating birds, and adults had longer and more pointed wings than juvenile birds. This indicates stronger antipredator adaptation in juvenile blackcaps than selection on flight efficiency, which is particularly important during migration. Moreover, we documented more pronounced differences in wing length between adult and juvenile males and females. Such differences in wing length may enhance a faster speed of adult male blackcaps along the spring migration route and may be adaptive when taking into account climatic effects, which favor earlier arrival from migration to the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine-tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non-moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather-level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform "mass", or "blind" movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that "rare" distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient-bird-feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

Summary Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) that breed in central Europe have usually migrated to Mediterranean or African wintering grounds. In the past several decades, a portion of this breeding population has started migrating to the British Isles to overwinter and this population has increased dramatically. Several factors, including higher annual survivorship (due to supplemental feeding and reduced migratiry distance), assortative mating, and enhanced reproductive success may be involved in this rapid population growth. As part of an intensive, long-term study of this population, we tested the hypothesis that the differences in photoperiod experienced by British-wintering versus Mediterranean-wintering blackcaps might lead to relatively early vernal (i.e., migratory and/or reproductive) physiological condition in members of the former group. We found that birds exposed to photoperiodic conditions that simulated migration to Britain to overwinter generally initiated vernal migratory activity earlier than birds held under conditions simulating migration to traditional wintering areas in central Spain. This difference, coupled with the shorter migratory distance to the British Isles, leads to significantly earlier estimated arrival dates for blackcaps that winter in Britain compared to central Spain. Bimodality in arrival times suggests that assortative mating on central European breeding grounds might occur between members of the different wintering populations. Males exposed to British-winter photoperiods showed significantly earlier testicular development than males kept under Spanish-winter photoperiods. Early arrival on the breeding grounds, coupled with accelerated reproductive condition, should lead to a relatively early reproductive effort, perhaps increasing average reproductive success. In general, these results support the hypothesis that differences in photoperiod on the wintering grounds may play an important role in the dynamic state of this population.  相似文献   

Mediterranean woodlands and associated shrub formations of southern Iberia are key habitats for conservation of migratory birds. In some bird species, migratory and sedentary conspecifics meet in these areas during winter, but our understanding of how each population group is distributed over available habitats and the factors that determine their spatial organization are still unclear. This seriously limits our ability to assess their vulnerability to ongoing environmental changes affecting wintering habitats in this region. We used hydrogen isotopic signatures of feathers (δDf) to shed light on the habitat distribution of seasonally sympatric European Robin Erithacus rubecula populations wintering in Campo de Gibraltar that are currently facing a drastic decline. In contrast to previous studies that used morphological methods to distinguish the migratory behaviour of wintering Robins in this area, our isotopic approach revealed that sedentary Robins were not outcompeted upon the arrival of migrants and remained in the woodlands where they reproduce, which agrees with results obtained in other regions. Interestingly, we also found that migratory Robins with a closer breeding origin (higher δDf values) had a higher probability of occupying woodlands than did migrants coming from further away. Overall, our results suggest that the role of breeding origin in shaping the distribution of Robins during winter in Campo de Gibraltar is more relevant than the effects of sex, age or body size, which might facilitate the evolution of local adaptations for the exploitation of each habitat type.  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine‐tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non‐moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather‐level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform “mass”, or “blind” movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that “rare” distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient‐bird‐feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

In their winter quarters, migrant birds may either remain within a small area (resident strategy) or move frequently over a large area looking for locally abundant food (transient strategy). It has been suggested that both strategies could simultaneously occur in the same population. We used time-since-marking capture–recapture models to infer the coexistence of these two behavioural strategies (transient and resident) among wintering Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla using weekly recapture data over a 7-year period. A related question is whether Blackcaps, if surviving to the next winter, always return to the same wintering area, so we also used this approach to analyse winter site fidelity and to estimate annual survival probabilities. Model selection supported the existence of heterogeneity in survival estimates for both the within-season and the interannual survival probabilities, i.e. there was evidence for the existence of transients. It was estimated that 26% of the Blackcaps were resident during the winter. Mean apparent annual survival probability was 0.46 (se = ±0.11). However, there was some evidence suggesting that not all individuals showed winter site fidelity. The estimated proportion of individuals that, if alive, returned to the wintering area was 28%. This is the first study to show the existence of these two behavioural strategies (residence and transience) among wintering Blackcaps, and the first confirming this pattern using capture–recapture models. These models considering transient and resident dynamics may become an important tool with which to analyse wintering strategies.  相似文献   

During northward migration, blackcaps that arrive to refuel at stopover sites in Israel's Negev Desert have reduced masses of organs that are important in food digestion and assimilation. We tested several predictions from the general hypothesis that smaller organs of digestion (small intestine and pancreas) and nutrient assimilation (liver) bring about a lower capacity to consume food and that the organs must be restored before blackcaps can feed and digest at a high rate. We used a fasting protocol to create a group of blackcaps with reduced intestine and liver mass (reduced by 45% and 36%, respectively) compared with controls fed ad lib. Because most of the small intestine's biochemical digestive capacity reside in enterocytes found on villi, we predicted and found that reduced intestinal mass in fasted blackcaps related mainly to changes in enterocytes rather than other cells and tissues such as nonabsorptive crypt cells or underlying muscle. Because migrating blackcaps that stop over to feed begin to increase in body mass only 2 d after arrival, we predicted and found a similar recovery period in blackcaps that were first fasted but then refed--the organ mass, structure, function, and ability to consume food was restored after 2 d of feeding. Another group of food-restricted blackcaps (fed at one-third ad lib. level) lost similar amounts of body mass as fasted blackcaps but had much greater capacity to consume food than fasted blackcaps, and so we predicted that they would exhibit little or no reduction in alimentary organs relative to controls fed ad lib. A surprising result was that, as in fasted blackcaps, in food-restricted blackcaps, the decreases in masses of small intestine, liver, and pancreas were proportionally greater than the decreases in body mass or in masses of nonalimentary organs (heart, pectoralis). Food restriction, like fasting, caused a decrease in amount of intestinal mucosa and an alteration in the phenotype of enterocytes. These results are thus not consistent with the general hypothesis, and although they can be rationalized by assuming that blackcaps fed ad lib. have excess digestive capacity, it may also be that the physiological process or processes limiting very high feeding rate lie elsewhere than in the digestive system.  相似文献   

Time required for avian embryos to develop is influenced by incubation temperature and the amount of time adults incubate eggs. Experiments on poultry indicate that photoacceleration, the light‐induced stimulation of embryonic development, decreases the length of the incubation period as embryos receive more light. We hypothesized that eggs of wild birds exposed to longer periods of light should also have shorter incubation periods. We tested whether photoacceleration would occur in a species of open‐cup nesting passerine, the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. We artificially incubated blackcap eggs under four different photoperiods, four hours of light (4L) and 20 h of dark (20D), 12L:12D, 20L:4D, and a skeleton photoperiod (1 h light, 2 times per day) that framed a 20 h day. While incubation periods were accelerated with increasing photoperiod length, the differences among photoperiods of 4, 12 and 20L were weak. Embryos exposed to skeleton photoperiods developed as fast as those exposed to 20L and significantly faster than those exposed to 4L and 12L treatments. Skeleton photoperiods may most closely approximate natural patterns of light exposure that embryos experience during dawn and dusk incubation recesses typically associated with adult foraging. If our results from this species also occur in other wild birds, exposure to different day lengths may help explain some of the variation in the observed seasonal and latitudinal trends in avian incubation period.  相似文献   

Range shifts and phenological change are two processes by which organisms respond to environmental warming. Understanding the mechanisms that drive these changes is key for optimal conservation and management. Here we study both processes in the migratory Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) using different methods, analysing nearly 50 years of resighting data (1970–2017). In this period the wintering area of the Bewick's swans shifted eastwards (‘short‐stopping’) at a rate of ~13 km/year, thereby shortening individual migration distance on an average by 353 km. Concurrently, the time spent at the wintering grounds has reduced (‘short‐staying’) by ~38 days since 1989. We show that individuals are consistent in their migratory timing in winter, indicating that the frequency of individuals with different migratory schedules has changed over time (a generational shift). In contrast, for short‐stopping we found evidence for both individual plasticity (individuals decrease their migration distances over their lifetime) and generational shift. Additional analysis of swan resightings with temperature data showed that, throughout the winter, Bewick's swans frequent areas where air temperatures are c. 5.5°C. These areas have also shifted eastwards over time, hinting that climate warming is a contributing factor behind the observed changes in the swans' distribution. The occurrence of winter short‐stopping and short‐staying suggests that this species is to some extent able to adjust to climate warming, but benefits or repercussions at other times of the annual cycle need to be assessed. Furthermore, these phenomena could lead to changes in abundance in certain areas, with resulting monitoring and conservation implications. Understanding the processes and driving mechanisms behind population changes therefore is important for population management, both locally and across the species range.  相似文献   

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