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不同植被类型的滩涂湿地土壤线虫群落特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对江苏盐城湿地保护区内不同植被带土壤线虫的群落结构特征进行了研究.结果表明:调查共鉴定出20科39属,优势属和常见属的数量占总个体数的90%以上;不同植被类型的滩涂湿地土壤线虫总数存在明显差异性,线虫数量范围为每100 g干土79~449条,小麦地显著高于其他植被带,光滩地数量最少.线虫群落生态指数对植被带有不同的响应,土壤线虫群落多样性指数H、均匀度指数J在不同植被带的分布依次为:苇草带>盐蒿带>小麦地>米草带>光滩带,而优势度指数λ的分布为:光滩带>米草带>小麦地>盐蒿带>苇草带,表明光滩带的线虫群落多样性和稳定性小于其他植被带,土壤线虫群落趋于单一化;成熟度指数MI表现为保护区内未开垦植被带高于已开垦的小麦地,说明农田受外界干扰明显.不同植被带间的线虫群落结构存在显著差异,各植被带的最大贡献物种各不相同.土壤理化性状与线虫数量、营养类群、生态指数存在明显的相关关系.表明线虫群落的变化能很好地反映植被带生境的多样性,土壤线虫可作为湿地生态系统中一个重要的生物指示因子.  相似文献   

Global warming has begun to have a major impact on the species composition and functioning of plant and soil communities. However, long‐term community and ecosystem responses to increased temperature are still poorly understood. In this study, we used a well‐established elevational gradient in northern Sweden to elucidate how plant, microbial and nematode communities shift with elevation and associated changes in temperature in three highly contrasting vegetation types (i.e. heath, meadow and Salix vegetation). We found that responses of both the abundance and composition of microbial and nematode communities to elevation differed greatly among the vegetation types. Within vegetation types, changes with elevation of plant, microbial and nematode communities were mostly linked at fine levels of taxonomic resolution, but this pattern disappeared when coarser functional group levels were considered. Further, nematode communities shifted towards more conservative nutrient cycling strategies with increasing elevation in heath and meadow vegetation. Conversely, in Salix vegetation microbial communities with conservative strategies were most pronounced at the mid‐elevation. These results provide limited support for increasing conservative nutrient cycling strategies at higher elevation (i.e. with a harsher climate). Our findings indicate that climate‐induced changes in plant community composition may greatly modify or counteract the impact of climate change on soil communities. Therefore, to better understand and predict ecosystem responses to climate change, it will be crucial to consider vegetation type and its specific interactions with soil communities.  相似文献   

Climate warming affects soil carbon (C) dynamics, with possible serious consequences for soil C stocks and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, the mechanisms underlying changes in soil C storage are not well understood, hampering long‐term predictions of climate C‐feedbacks. The activity of the extracellular enzymes ligninase and cellulase can be used to track changes in the predominant C sources of soil microbes and can thus provide mechanistic insights into soil C loss pathways. Here we show, using meta‐analysis, that reductions in soil C stocks with warming are associated with increased ratios of ligninase to cellulase activity. Furthermore, whereas long‐term (≥5 years) warming reduced the soil recalcitrant C pool by 14%, short‐term warming had no significant effect. Together, these results suggest that warming stimulates microbial utilization of recalcitrant C pools, possibly exacerbating long‐term climate‐C feedbacks.  相似文献   

H. Staaf 《Oecologia》1987,72(1):58-64
Summary Leaf litter decomposition, levels of accumulated litter as well as the abundance and biomass of earthworms were measured in three mature beech forests in southern Sweden: one mor site, one poor mull site, and one rich mull site. The disappearance rate of beech litter, measured with litter bags, increased with increasing soil fertility. On the rich mull site, the disappearance rate was much higher than in the two other forests, due to the combined effects of higher earthworm activity, more favouable soil moisture conditions, and higher litter quality. Incubating the litter in finely meshed bags (1-mm mesh) to exclude macrofauna had a great effect on litter mass loss in the rich mull site, but it had only a minor effect in the other sites. Simultaneous incubations of local and transplanted leaf litter on the three study sites showed that the substrate quality of the litter increased in the order: mor site — poor mull site — rich mull site. Lignin, N, and P concentrations of the leaf litter failed to explain the observed differences in decomposition rates, and acid/base properties are suggested to be more important. Earthworm numbers per m2 were 2.5 (1 species) in the mor, 40 (6 species) in the poor mull and 220 (9 species) in the rich mull forest. Soil chemical conditions, notably pH, were suggested as the main factors determining the inter-site differences in abundance and species composition of earthworms. The role of litter decomposition and earthworm activity in the accumulation of organic matter in the forest floor in different types of beech woodlands are discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding how declining soil fertility in the prolonged absence of major disturbance drives ecological processes, or ‘ecosystem retrogression’. However, there are few well characterized study systems for exploring this phenomenon in the tropics, despite tropics occupying over 40% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. We studied two types of montane rain forest in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica that represent distinct stages in ecosystem development, i.e. an earlier stage with shallow organic matter and a late stage with deep organic matter (hereafter ‘mull’ and ‘mor’ stages). We characterized responses of soil fertility and plant, soil microbial and nematode communities to the transition from mull to mor and whether these responses were coupled. For soil abiotic properties, we found this transition led to lower amounts of both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and an enhanced N to P ratio. This led to shorter‐statured and less diverse forest, and convergence of tree species composition among plots. At the whole community (but not individual species) level foliar and litter N and P diminished from mull to mor, while foliar N to P and resorption efficiency of P relative to N increased, indicating increasing P relative to N limitation. We also found impairment of soil microbes (but not nematodes) and an increasing role of fungi relative to bacteria during the transition. Our results show that retrogression phenomena involving increasing nutrient (notably P) limitation can be important drivers in tropical systems, and are likely to involve aboveground–belowground feedbacks whereby plants produce litter of diminishing quality, impairing soil microbial processes and thus reducing the supply of nutrients from the soil for plant growth. Such feedbacks between plants and the soil, mediated by plant litter and organic matter quality, may serve as major though often overlooked drivers of long term environmental change.  相似文献   

Carbon‐based quantum dots (C‐QDs) were synthesized through microwave‐assisted carbonization of an aqueous starch suspension mediated by sulphuric and phosphoric acids. The as‐prepared C‐QDs showed blue, green and yellow luminescence without the addition of any surface‐passivating agent. The C‐QDs were further analyzed by UV?vis spectroscopy to measure the optical response of the organic compound. The energy gaps revealed narrow sizing of C‐QDs in the semiconductor range. The optical refractive index and dielectric constant were investigated. The C‐QDs size distribution was characterized. The results suggested an easy route to the large scale production of C‐QDs materials.  相似文献   

Vegetation canopy structure is a fundamental characteristic of terrestrial ecosystems that defines vegetation types and drives ecosystem functioning. We use the multivariate structural trait composition of vegetation canopies to classify ecosystems within a global canopy structure spectrum. Across the temperate forest sub‐set of this spectrum, we assess gradients in canopy structural traits, characterise canopy structural types (CST) and evaluate drivers and functional consequences of canopy structural variation. We derive CSTs from multivariate canopy structure data, illustrating variation along three primary structural axes and resolution into six largely distinct and functionally relevant CSTs. Our results illustrate that within‐ecosystem successional processes and disturbance legacies can produce variation in canopy structure similar to that associated with sub‐continental variation in forest types and eco‐climatic zones. The potential to classify ecosystems into CSTs based on suites of structural traits represents an important advance in understanding and modelling structure–function relationships in vegetated ecosystems.  相似文献   

Global climate change may increase invasions of exotic plant species by directly promoting the success of invasive/exotic species or by reducing the competitive abilities of native species. Changes in plant chemistry, leading to altered susceptibility to stress, could mediate these effects. Grasses are hyper‐accumulators of silicon, which play a crucial function in the alleviation of diverse biotic and abiotic stresses. It is unknown how predicted increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and air temperature affect silicon accumulation in grasses, especially in relation to primary and secondary metabolites. We tested how elevated CO2 (eCO2) (+240 ppm) and temperature (eT) (+4°C) affected chemical composition (silicon, phenolics, carbon and nitrogen) and plant growth in eight grass species, either native or exotic to Australia. eCO2 increased phenolic concentrations by 11%, but caused silicon accumulation to decline by 12%. Moreover, declines in silicon occurred mainly in native species (?19%), but remained largely unchanged in exotic species. Conversely, eT increased silicon accumulation in native species (+19%) but decreased silicon accumulation in exotic species (?10%). Silicon and phenolic concentrations were negatively correlated with each other, potentially reflecting a defensive trade‐off. Moreover, both defences were negatively correlated with plant mass, compatible with a growth‐defence trade‐off. Grasses responded in a species‐specific manner, suggesting that the relative susceptibility of different species may differ under future climates compared to current species rankings of resource quality. For example, the native Microlaena stipoides was less well defended under eCO2 in terms of both phenolics and silicon, and thus could suffer greater vulnerability to herbivores. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the impacts of eCO2 and eT on silicon accumulation in grasses. We speculate that the greater plasticity in silicon uptake shown by Australian native grasses may be partly a consequence of evolving in a low nutrient and seasonally arid environment.  相似文献   

Soil conditioning occurs when plants alter features of their soil environment. When these alterations affect subsequent plant growth, it is a plant soil feedback. Plant–soil feedbacks are an important and understudied aspect of aboveground–belowground linkages in plant ecology that influence plant coexistence, invasion and restoration. Here, we examine plant–soil feedback dynamics of seven co‐occurring native and non‐native grass species to address the questions of how plants modify their soil environment, do those modifications inhibit or favor their own species relative to other species, and do non‐natives exhibit different plant–soil feedback dynamics than natives. We used a two‐phase design, wherein a first generation of plants was grown to induce species‐specific changes in the soil and a second generation of plants was used as a bioassay to determine the effects of those changes. We also used path‐analysis to examine the potential chain of effects of the first generation on soil nutrients and soil microbial composition and on bioassay plant performance. Our findings show species‐specific (rather than consistent within groups of natives and non‐natives) soil conditioning effects on both soil nutrients and the soil microbial community by plants. Additionally, native species produced plant–soil feedback types that benefit other species more than themselves and non‐native invasive species tended to produce plant–soil feedback types that benefit themselves more than other species. These results, coupled with previous field observations, support hypotheses that plant–soil feedbacks may be a mechanism by which some non‐native species increase their invasive potential and plant–soil feedbacks may influence the vulnerability of a site to invasion.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Due to long-term weathering of land surfaces, aeolian nutrient contributions can become essential to maintain ecosystem fertility and avoid retrogression. However, studies that consider the qualitative and quantitative effects of dust deposition on ecosystem development are rare. We addressed this knowledge gap by studying an active Holocene dust flux gradient along a 6,500 year old dune ridge and a nearby chronosequence outside the influence of dust deposition in a super-humid, high leaching environment, on the west coast of the South Island in New Zealand.


Along both sequences we measured foliar nutrients of two main tree species (Dacrydium cupressinum, Prumnopitys ferruginea) and analysed vegetation communities in survey plots.


Along the dust gradient, foliar phosphorus (P) concentrations increased up to 50 % with increasing dust flux. Across the nearby chronosequence a rapid decline of up to 50 % in foliar [P] occurred within the first 2,000 years after which it plateaued. At the highest dust flux rate, closest to the dust source, foliar [P] matched those of surfaces that are 5,702 to 6,098 years younger than the 6,500 year old dune. Vegetation communities along the dust gradient showed increasing relative abundance of species typical for successional communities on immature soils (Entisols, Inceptisols), while canopy cover and basal area (total, angiosperms, conifers) did not respond to increasing dust deposition. Tree fern basal area, however, positively responded to the dust flux.


We conclude that naturally occurring dust deposition can fertilise ecosystems significantly, creating a foliar nutrient status normally found on land surfaces that are up to 94 % younger and vegetation communities that are typical for successional stages on young soils (Entisols, Inceptisols). We suspect that these observations mainly reflect more plant-available P in the ecosystem as a result of dust fertilisation. Thus, dust deposition can be an important mechanism to avoid or retard the development of an ecosystem toward natural retrogression. This is the first study to directly quantify the fertilising capacity of natural dust deposition by calibrating its rejuvenating effect against a well-dated successional vegetation sequence.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that geographic and climatic clines drive the patterns of plant defence allocation and defensive strategies. We quantified early growth rate and both constitutive and inducible chemical defences of 18 Pinaceae species in a common greenhouse environment and assessed their defensive allocation with respect to each species' range across climatic gradients spanning 31o latitude and 2300 m elevation. Constitutive defences traded‐off with induced defences, and these defensive strategies were associated with growth rate such that slow‐growing species invested more in constitutive defence, whereas fast‐growing species invested more in inducible defence. The position of each pine species along this trade‐off axis was in turn associated with geography; moving poleward and to higher elevations, growth rate and inducible defences decreased, while constitutive defence increased. These geographic patterns in plant defence were most strongly associated with variation in temperature. Climatic and geographical clines thus act as drivers of defence profiles by mediating the constraints imposed by trade‐offs, and this dynamic underlays global patterns of defence allocation.  相似文献   

Arctic ecosystems are characterized by a wide range of soil moisture conditions and thermal regimes and contribute differently to the net methane (CH4) budget. Yet, it is unclear how climate change will affect the capacity of those systems to act as a net source or sink of CH4. Here, we present results of in situ CH4 flux measurements made during the growing season 2014 on Disko Island (west Greenland) and quantify the contribution of contrasting soil and landscape types to the net CH4 budget and responses to summer warming. We compared gas flux measurements from a bare soil and a dry heath, at ambient conditions and increased air temperature, using open‐top chambers (OTCs). Throughout the growing season, bare soil consumed 0.22 ± 0.03 g CH4‐C m?2 (8.1 ± 1.2 g CO2‐eq m?2) at ambient conditions, while the dry heath consumed 0.10 ± 0.02 g CH4‐C m?2 (3.9 ± 0.6 g CO2‐eq m?2). These uptake rates were subsequently scaled to the entire study area of 0.15 km2, a landscape also consisting of wetlands with a seasonally integrated methane release of 0.10 ± 0.01 g CH4‐C m?2 (3.7 ± 1.2 g CO2‐eq m?2). The result was a net landscape sink of 12.71 kg CH4‐C (0.48 tonne CO2‐eq) during the growing season. A nonsignificant trend was noticed in seasonal CH4 uptake rates with experimental warming, corresponding to a 2% reduction at the bare soil, and 33% increase at the dry heath. This was due to the indirect effect of OTCs on soil moisture, which exerted the main control on CH4 fluxes. Overall, the net landscape sink of CH4 tended to increase by 20% with OTCs. Bare and dry tundra ecosystems should be considered in the net CH4 budget of the Arctic due to their potential role in counterbalancing CH4 emissions from wetlands – not the least when taking the future climatic scenarios of the Arctic into account.  相似文献   

The effect of applied vegetation science on society has the potential to increase by adopting an evidence‐based approach. However, this would require a shift in focus towards effect size and results suitable for meta‐analyses, a focus on practitioners as potential readers, more emphasis on practical problems rather than mechanism, and an acceptance of all well‐executed experimental studies, even if confirmatory. Thus, the prevailing editorial policies need to be reconsidered, as well as the methods of analysing, reporting and evaluating research, for our research efforts to be of better use within society.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Acromyrmex and Atta forage vegetation for incorporation into their mutualistic fungal gardens. However, the presence of certain endophytic fungi in this predominantly leaf-based material could affect the fungal garden and thus the choice of material by the ants. The present study was conducted to document the endophytic fungal communities occurring in the vegetation being transported by workers of Atta laevigata into their nests and to compare this community structure with that of the vegetative material subsequently rejected from the nests. We found considerable diversity in the fungi isolated. Acremonium, Cylindrocladium, Drechslera, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Trichoderma, Ulocladium and two unidentified morphospecies were significantly more common in rejected compared with foraged material, and some of these genera include mycoparasites, which could represent a threat to the fungal gardens. Conversely, Colletotrichum, Pestalotiopsis, Phomopsis, Xylaria and an unidentified morphospecies were more common in carried compared with rejected material. The possibility that ants have a ‘quality-control’ mechanism based on the presence of antagonistic fungal endophytes is discussed, as is the potential use of these fungi as biocontrol agents against Attini pests.  相似文献   

1. The plant–herbivore arms race has been postulated to be a major driver for generating biological and biochemical diversity on Earth. Herbivore feeding is reduced by the production of chemical and physical barriers, but increases plant resistance against subsequent attack. Accordingly, specialisation is predicted to be an outcome of herbivores being able to circumvent plant‐induced defences. 2. Using a specialised plant–herbivore system, in which adult chrysomelid beetles (Chrysochus auratus) feed on leaves and larvae feed on roots of dogbane (Apocynum spp.), this study investigated whether root latex and cardenolides are effective against the soil‐dwelling larvae, and whether such defences could be circumvented by the herbivore. 3. Across two Apocynum species, C. auratus larvae were not affected by latex production or cardenolide amounts and diversity. By contrast, cardenolide apolarity was detrimental to larval growth. Yet larval feeding decreased average root cardenolide apolarity in A. cannabinum and larvae performed better on those plants. Finally, above‐ground induction rendered the plants more toxic by increasing root cardenolide apolarity and maintaining it, even during subsequent larval herbivory. 4. Therefore, the intimate relationship and interaction between Chrysochus and Apocynum are maintained by a delicate balance of herbivore manipulation and plant chemical induction.  相似文献   

Extracellular enzymes catalyze rate‐limiting steps in soil organic matter decomposition, and their activities (EEAs) play a key role in determining soil respiration (SR). Both EEAs and SR are highly sensitive to temperature, but their responses to climate warming remain poorly understood. Here, we present a meta‐analysis on the response of soil cellulase and ligninase activities and SR to warming, synthesizing data from 56 studies. We found that warming significantly enhanced ligninase activity by 21.4% but had no effect on cellulase activity. Increases in ligninase activity were positively correlated with changes in SR, while no such relationship was found for cellulase. The warming response of ligninase activity was more closely related to the responses of SR than a wide range of environmental and experimental methodological factors. Furthermore, warming effects on ligninase activity increased with experiment duration. These results suggest that soil microorganisms sustain long‐term increases in SR with warming by gradually increasing the degradation of the recalcitrant carbon pool.  相似文献   

The selection consequences of competition in plants have been traditionally interpreted based on a “size‐advantage” hypothesis – that is, under intense crowding/competition from neighbors, natural selection generally favors capacity for a relatively large plant body size. However, this conflicts with abundant data, showing that resident species body size distributions are usually strongly right‐skewed at virtually all scales within vegetation. Using surveys within sample plots and a neighbor‐removal experiment, we tested: (1) whether resident species that have a larger maximum potential body size (MAX) generally have more successful local individual recruitment, and thus greater local abundance/density (as predicted by the traditional size‐advantage hypothesis); and (2) whether there is a general between‐species trade‐off relationship between MAX and capacity to produce offspring when body size is severely suppressed by crowding/competition – that is, whether resident species with a larger MAX generally also need to reach a larger minimum reproductive threshold size (MIN) before they can reproduce at all. The results showed that MIN had a positive relationship with MAX across resident species, and local density – as well as local density of just reproductive individuals – was generally greater for species with smaller MIN (and hence smaller MAX). In addition, the cleared neighborhoods of larger target species (which had relatively large MIN) generally had – in the following growing season – a lower ratio of conspecific recruitment within these neighborhoods relative to recruitment of other (i.e., smaller) species (which had generally smaller MIN). These data are consistent with an alternative hypothesis based on a ‘reproductive‐economy‐advantage’ – that is, superior fitness under competition in plants generally requires not larger potential body size, but rather superior capacity to recruit offspring that are in turn capable of producing grand‐offspring – and hence transmitting genes to future generations – despite intense and persistent (cross‐generational) crowding/competition from near neighbors. Selection for the latter is expected to favor relatively small minimum reproductive threshold size and hence – as a tradeoff – relatively small (not large) potential body size.  相似文献   

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