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Ammodendrine, together with seven other known lupin alkaloids, was isolated from Thermopsis lupinoides. (+)-Lupanine (+)-17-oxolupanine occurred together with (?)anagyrine, (?)-baptifoline, (?)-cytisine, (?)-N-methylcytisine (?)N-formylcytisine. These alkaloids have the opposite stereochemistry to that of (+)-lupanine and (+)-17-oxolupanine. The distribution of alkaloids in fresh flowers, leaves, stems roots of this plant was also examined.  相似文献   

The structure of a new peptide alkaloid, crenatine A isolated from Discaria crenata, has been elucidated.  相似文献   

Seeds of Crotalaria globifera from two separate locations in South Africa yielded different pyrrolizidine alkaloids. One batch gave trichodesmine and grantaline, while the other afforded grantianine and a new pyrrolizidine alkaloid, globiferine.  相似文献   

Recent screening of South African Conium species for alkaloids as part of taxonomic studies has yielded γ-coniceine, coniine, methylconiine, conhydrine and a new alkaloid N-methylpseudoconhydrine. The relative stereochemistry of N-methylpseudoconhydrine was ascertained by 1H NMR decoupling experiments. This latter alkaloid was found in significant amounts in the leaf and stem of some plants investigated and was the major alkaloid along with conhydrine in the leaf and stem of one group of high altitude plants. These plants also contained significant amounts of volatile oil, the major monoterpene being myrcene.  相似文献   

The flowers of Erythrina brucei afforded, in addition to known compounds, a new erythrina alkaloid, 8-oxoerythrinine. Its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic investigations as well as by chemical transformations.  相似文献   

Alkaloidal profiles of 21 Lupinus species indigenous to North and South America have been determined. Nineteen quinolizidine alkaloids were identified, including aphyllidine and N-methylcytisine, which have not previously been found in the genus. Two dipiperidine alkaloids were also detected. The pattern of alkaloidal distribution is related to a taxonomic classification of the genus.  相似文献   

Five indole alkaloids have been isolated from the aerial parts of Vinca major. Four of these have been identified as reserpinine (pubescine), vincamajoreine, majoridine and 10-methoxyvellosimine. The fifth base, a new indole alkaloid lochvinerine, has been assigned the depicted structure.  相似文献   

A novel alkaloid isolated from the roots of Adhatoda vasica has been characterized as 1,2,3,4,9,11 hexahydro pyrrolo (2,1-b) quinazolin-3,11 diol by chemical and spectroscopic methods. Vasicinone has also been isolated from the roots of this plant.  相似文献   

The structure of 3-hydroxyvoachalotine, a new indole alkaloid isolated from the root bark of Voacanga chalotiana, has been determined by spectroscopic analysis and by chemical correlation with voachalotine.  相似文献   

Lectins from seeds of nine species of Erythrina have been purified by affinity chromatography on columns of lactose coupled to Sepharose and their properties compared with those of the lectin from Erythrina cristagalli. All lectins are glycoproteins of M, ca 60 000 composed of two identical or nearly identical subunits. They contain between 3–10% carbohydrates comprised of N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, fucose and xylose. The amino acid composition of all Erythrina lectins is very similar. The N-terminal amino acid is valine, with the exception of the lectin from E. flabelliformis in which it is alanine. To the extent tested, identities or near identities have been found in the N-terminal sequences (up to 15 residues in some cases) of the lectins. Hapten inhibition experiments of agglutination have shown that the lectins are specific for N-acetyllactosamine, this disaccharide being 10–30 times more inhibitory than D-galactose and 10–20 times more than N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. All lectins agglutinate human erythrocytes equally well, irrespective of blood type, at minimal concentrations of 5–20 μg/ml. Six of the lectins are also very effective in agglutinating rabbit erythrocytes and are mitogenic for human peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas three of them are considerably weaker hemagglutinins for rabbit erythrocytes, and two of these are also very weak mitogens. Our results, while demonstrating striking similarities in the molecular properties and sugar specificity of all Erythrina lectins studied, suggest the existence of differences at or close to the carbohydrate-binding site.  相似文献   

A new lupin alkaloid, N-(3,-oxobutyl)cytisine, was isolated from the aerial parts of Echinosophora koreensis. Its structure was determined by s  相似文献   

A new non-protein amino acid, tetrahydrolathyrine (2(S)-3(2-amino-1,4,5,6- tetrahydropyrimidin-4-yl)alanine), has been isolated from seeds of Lonchocarpus costaricensis.  相似文献   

From the hydrolysed glycoalkaloid fraction from bulbs of mature Fritillaria camtschatcensis in addition to already reported alkaloids a new solanidanine alkaloid, 22 R,25 S-solanid-5-ene-3β,27-diol (camtschatcanidine), was isolated and its structure elucidated by spectral analysis and its conversion to solanidine. Also veralkamine was identified from the same plant.  相似文献   

A new alkaloid, shown by spectroscopic and degradative means to be 6β-propanoyloxy-3α-tigloyloxytropane has been isolated from Datura innoxia r  相似文献   

A new indolosesquiterpene alkaloid, polyavolinamide, has been identified in the stem of Polyathia suaveolens accompanied by the three previously isolated indolosesquiterpene alkaloids, polyavolensin, polyavolensinol, polyavolensinone, as well as an unidentified triterpene and an aporhine alkaloids. Polyavolinamide was also the major component of the root bark. Its structure was assigned on the basis of 11H and 13C NMR, and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Studies on the alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus have resulted in the isolation of a new alkaloid, to which the structure of 16-epi-19-S-vindolinine has been assigned.  相似文献   

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