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1. H+ uptake induced by repeated flash excitation approached the full extent of H+ uptake induced by continuous light. At low repetition rates, the H+ uptake was seen to consist of repeated occurrences of rapid H+ uptake.2. The effects of ionophores and uncoupling agents on H+ uptake induced by continuous light could be adequately accounted for in terms of their effects on the flash induced changes. It is concluded that the reaction disclosed by rapid H+ uptake is an integral part of the process observed on continuous illumination, and therefore, in view of the association between rapid H+ uptake and the reduction of a hydrogen-carrying secondary acceptor, that the electron transport system is an integral part of the mechanism of the H+ pump.3. When the frequency of repetition of the flashes was increased, the full extent of H+ uptake or of the carotenoid change was seen only after the first few flashes. Thereafter, the extent decreased, and depended on the dark time between flashes. The full extent of the change could be restored even at high frequencies if uncoupling agents or valinomycin were present.4. It is concluded that the recovery of the extent of H+ uptake or the carotenoid change between flashes reflected the turnover of the electron transport chain, and that the increased recovery in the presence of uncoupling agents or valinomycin reflected the stimulation of electron flow under uncoupled conditions, or on dissipation of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

U.I. Flügge  J. Gerber  H.W. Heldt 《BBA》1983,725(2):229-237
This report describes the influence of ΔpH on the transport of phosphate, triose phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate catalyzed by the phosphate translocator in a reconstituted system. The H+ gradient across the liposome membrane is adjusted by the addition of external buffer solution and maintained for several minutes. The following results are obtained: (1) An inward directed H+ gradient leads to an increase of 3-phosphoglycerate transport and to a decrease of phosphate and triose phosphate transport. (2) An H+ gradient in the opposite direction results in a restriction of 3-phosphoglycerate influx whereas the influx of phosphate and triose phosphate is enhanced. (3) The magnitude of the pH effect depends on the internal substrate. Compared to the homoexchange mode, the effect of applied ΔpH is more pronounced in the heteroexchange mode. (4) Transport of phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate is influenced by ΔpH in a different manner. In the case of phosphate and triose phosphate transport the observed effects are associated with changes in the apparent Km values whereas in the case of 3-phosphoglycerate transport the application of a pH gradient is linked to a change of Vmax. (5) In competition experiments with both substrates in the external medium, ΔpH influences the effect of phosphate as a competitive inhibitor of 3-phosphoglycerate transport whereas the effect of 3-phosphoglycerate on phosphate transport is not affected by a pH gradient. (6) The measured apparent Km and Vmax values under the influence of ΔpH can be used for the calculation of substrate fluxes across the envelope during illumination. It can be demonstrated that the increase of stromal pH in the light gives rise to a considerable change in the ratio of the substrates transported. Under conditions without pH gradient, the species transported out is mainly 3-phosphoglycerate and the species transported in is mainly triose phosphate. These fluxes are reversed when a pH gradient is applied (light conditions).  相似文献   

Extant photosynthetic organisms all appear to use transmembrane H+ fluxes as the coupling agent in the use of light energy in ATP synthesis. In the steady-state there is a large H+ free energy difference across the coupling membrane, and when this is reflected as a light-induced change in pH of the phase (cytosol or stroma) containing the enzymes of carbon assimilation, the H+ transport can have an informational role in activating and inactivating enzymes.The earliest organisms probably lived fermentatively (substrate-level phosphorylation) in an anaerobic environment provided with organic solutes synthesised abiotically. There are good reasons for believing that one of the earliest primary active transport systems (interconverting chemical and electrical/osmotic energy) was an H+ extrusion pump powered by ATP or PPi. Its initial function was extrusion of excess H+ from the fermenting cells, and the support of a number of co-transport processes. The earliest energetic use of light energy is envisaged as being the energization of an alternative H+ extrusion pump, with bacteriorhodopsin or (bacterio-) chlorophyll as the pigment. The former type of cyclic photoredox system (Halobacterium-type) is simpler than the latter: a “pre-respiratory” chemical redox H+ pump may have preceded the (bacterio-) chlorophyll-based process. Any of these H+ pumps could spare the use of fermentative ATP in powering active H+ efflux and would thus have been favoured as fermentative substrates became scarce; eventually the larger ΔμH+ generated by the light-powered H+ pump was used to drive the ATP-powered H+ pump backwards and thus generate ATP with light as the ultimate energy source.Scarcity of suitable reductants for biosynthesis as life proliferated provided a selective impetus for a non-cyclic photoredox system which could use light energy to generate a low-potential reductant at the expense of more readily available higher-potential reductants. The non-cyclic photoredox system is not possible in its simplest form (with all the redox energy coming from excitation energy of one or more photoreactions) in the bacteriorhodopsin line of evolution. Such a simple photoredox system is found in the Chlorobiaceae; even if (as seems likely) the non-cyclic photoredox process generates a ΔμH+ (and thus, potentially, ATP), some of the ATP needed for CO2 fixation and cell growth must be generated by a cyclic photoredox system.In the extant purple bacteria the generation of low-potential reductant involves a non-cyclic photoredox pathway which produces a reductant unable to reduce NAD+; the “energy gap” is spanned by “reverse electron transfer” which uses energy from a ΔμH+. It is not clear if this energetic requirement for the H+ gradient can be quantitatively satisfied from a non-cyclic photoredox H+ transport; it is certain that there is a major requirement for cyclic photoredox H+ pumping in these organisms.The photosynthetic bacteria are today restricted to reducing (low Eh) environments similar to those found in the early, anoxic earth; they are unable to use very weak reductants as donors for non-cyclic photoredox processes. As the sources of even weakly reducing donors (other than H2O) on the primitive earth were depleted the two photoreactions scheme of extant O2-producers evolved by modification of the bacterial photoreaction. This non-cyclic photoredox process is definitely H+-translocating and the role of cyclic photoredox processes in ATP generation in O2-evolvers is smaller than in photosynthetic bacteria.In parallel with the biochemical and biophysical changes in the photosystems there was a morphological evolution, with an increasing tendency for “internalisation” of the photoredox processes (originally present in the plasma membrane, as in extant Chlorobineae) into thylakoids (as in most Rhodospirillineae, Cyanobacteria and in all eukaryotes). With a plasmalemma-located photoredox system, and the constraints of a fixed, alkaline external pH and the cytoplasmic pH of 7–8, the ΔμH+ would be generated largely as an electrical P.D. The presence of a phase (intrathylakoid space) with a “negotiable pH” would permit the generation and use of a ΔμH+ largely present as a pH gradient.In both cases illumination can cause an increase in cytoplasmic (stromal) pH over the dark value; this is an important aspect of the regulation of “phototrophic” and “heterotrophic” enzyme systems in the light and in the dark. However, it is argued that these differences in pH are not absolutely light-dependent unless they depend upon some more uniquely light-dependent signal, probably based on a redox component only generated in the light.  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate was used to covalently label the gastric (H+ + K+)-ATPase. FITC treatment of the enzyme inhibited the ATPase activity while largely sparing partial reactions such as the associated p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity. ATP protected against inhibition suggesting the ligand binds at or near an ATP binding site. At 100% inhibition the stoichiometry of binding was 1.5 nmol FITC per mg Lowry protein a value corresponding to maximal phosphoenzyme formation. Binding occurred largely to a peptide of 6.2 isoelectric point, although minor labelling of a peptide of pI 5.6 was also noted. Fluorescence was quenched by K+, Rb+ and Tl+ in a dose-dependent manner, and the K0.5 values of 0.28, 0.83 and 0.025 mM correspond rather well to the values required for dephosphorylation at a luminal site. Vanadate, a known inhibitor of the gastric ATPase produced a slow Mg2+-dependent fluorescent quench. Ca2+ reversed the K+-dependent loss of fluorescence and inhibited it when added prior to K+. This may relate to the slow phosphorylation in the presence of ATP found when Ca2+ was substituted for Mg2+ and the absence of K+-dependent dephosphorylation. The results with FITC-modified gastric ATPase provide evidence for a conformational change with K+ binding to the enzyme.  相似文献   

(H+ + K+)-ATPase-enriched membranes were prepared from hog gastric mucosa by sucrose gradient centrifugation. These membranes contained Mg2+-ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities (68 ± 9 μmol Pi and 2.9 ± 0.6 μmol p-nitrophenol/mg protein per h) which were insensitive to ouabain and markedly stimulated by 20 mM KCl (respectively, 2.2- and 14.8-fold). Furthermore, the membranes autophosphorylated in the absence of K+ (up to 0.69 ± 0.09 nmol Pi incorporated/mg protein) and dephosphorylated by 85% in the presence of this ion. Membrane proteins were extracted by 1–2% (w/v) n-octylglucoside into a soluble form, i.e., which did not sediment in a 100 000 × g × 1 h centrifugation. This soluble form precipitated upon further dilution in detergent-free buffer. Extracted ATPase represented 32% (soluble form) and 68% (precipitated) of native enzyme and it displayed the same characteristic properties in terms of K+-stimulated ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities and K+-sensitive phosphorylation: Mg2+-ATPase (μmol Pi/mg protein per h) 32 ± 9 (basal) and 86 ± 20 (K+-stimulated); Mg2+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase (μmol p-nitrophenol/mg protein per h) 2.6 ± 0.5 (basal) and 22.2 ± 3.2 (K+-stimulated); Mg2+-phosphorylation (nmol Pi/mg protein) 0.214 ± 0.041 (basal) and 0.057 ± 0.004 (in the presence of K+). In glycerol gradient centrifugation, extracted enzyme equilibrated as a single peak corresponding to an apparent 390 000 molecular weight. These findings provide the first evidence for the solubilization of (H+ + K+)-ATPase in a still active structure.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of gastric-type H+−K+-ATPase were investigated in the rat colon using a monoclonal antibody raised against hog gastric H+−K+-ATPase. Rat stomach was used as positive control. Rat kidney and ileum, in both of which H+−K+-ATPase has been reported in the past, were also studied. In stomach, very strong staining was found confined to the parietal cells, and a strong band atM r∼94 kDa on the immunoblots. In colon a moderate staining was found in the supranuclear region of the epithelial cells, with similar intensity and distribution of staining of the surface and deep mucosa of the crypts, throughout the length of the colon. Another monoclonal antibody, specific to the 31 kDa subunit of H+-ATPase, used as a negative control, or omission of the primary antibody, resulted in lack of any staining in either colon or stomach. On immunoblots of homogenates of colonic mucosa, no specific band could be identified, either due to very low expression of the H+−K+-ATPase or loss of antigenicity of the epitope during the processing steps. No positive staining was observed in rat kidney and ileum, suggesting that they contain isoforms that are structurally different.  相似文献   

植物液泡膜Na /H 反向运输体可将细胞质中的Na 转运到液泡内储存,以减少胞内Na 的毒性.但木本植物如杨树是否有同样的机制目前还不清楚.以欧洲山杨的愈伤组织为材料,捣碎破碎愈伤组织细胞,经过差速离心和不连续蔗糖梯度离心得到纯化的欧洲山杨液泡微囊.通过液泡V-ATPase建立质子梯度,该液泡能够利用此梯度调控Na 的转运,表明液泡膜上存在Na /H 反向运输体活性(表观米氏常数Km是11.4mmol/L).Na /H 反向运输体的抑制剂——氨氯吡嗪咪能明显抑制转运体的活性.该Na /H 反向运输体也可以转运K ,但亲和能力比Na 低30%.该结果首次证明木本植物的液泡膜上存在Na /H 反向运输体.初步功能研究表明,愈伤组织在盐胁迫条件下,Na /H 反向运输体活性明显下降,提示该机制可能与山杨不耐盐有关.  相似文献   

Amiloride and harmaline were tested as inhibitors of proton movements in brush-border membrane vesicles from rat kidney cortex. Transmembrane pH differences were visualized using acridine orange. Fluorescence quenching due to Na+ gradient-driven intravesicular acidification was inhibited by amiloride and harmaline. However, a similar inhibition was observed for the Na+ gradient-driven electrogenic proton movements in the presence of gramicidin. Moreover, amiloride and harmaline decreased the fluorescence signal of electrogenic proton movements driven by a K+ gradient in the presence of valinomycin. The degree of inhibition of intravesicular acidification by both drugs was concentration dependent. Half-maximal inhibition (I50) of Na+/H+ exchange and K+ gradient-driven proton movements occurred at 0.21 and 0.6 amiloride, respectively. The I50 for harmaline was 0.21 mM in both cases. Amiloride also decreased the initial quenching of acridine orange fluorescence due to a preset pH gradient without affecting the rate of dissipation of the pH gradient. This effect was independent of the buffer capacity. In contrast, harmaline seemed to dissipate pH gradient in the same way as a permeant buffer. Amiloride and harmaline led to a concentration-dependent fluorescence decrease even in aqueous solution. The results suggest an interaction of amiloride and harmaline with acridine orange which overlaps a possible specific inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange by these drugs.  相似文献   

为研究长叶红砂(Reaumuria trigyna)离子转运分子机制,利用RT-PCR和RACE技术,克隆到其液泡膜Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因(NHX1)的全长cDNA片段,命名为RtNHX1(NCBI序列号为KR919802)。结果表明:RtNHX1的cDNA片段全长2 622bp,开放阅读框1 662bp,5′非编码区509bp,3′非编码区451bp,编码553个氨基酸,推测分子量为60.91kD。该蛋白含有12个跨膜结构域,为疏水蛋白,与其他植物液泡膜Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白NHX1的亲缘关系较近。实时荧光定量PCR对其在NaCl胁迫下的表达检测显示,不同时间和不同浓度NaCl胁迫下,RtNHX1表达量变化均呈先升高后降低趋势,在100mmol/L NaCl胁迫6h和200mmol/L NaCl胁迫后达到最高,表达量分别超过或约是对照的3倍,一定程度反应出RtNHX1参与长叶红砂的盐胁迫应答,是该植物离子转运体系的重要元件。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the factors affecting the H+-K+ exchange catalyzed by rat liver mitochondria depleted of endogenous Mg2+ by treatment with the ionophore A23187. The exchange has been monitored as the rate of K+ efflux following addition of A23187 in low-K+ media. (1) The H+-K+ exchange is abolished by uncouplers and respiratory inhibitors. The inhibition is not related to the depression of ΔpH, whereas a dependence is found on the magnitude of the transmembrane electrical potential, Δψ. Maximal rate of K+ efflux is observed at 180–190 mV, whereas K+ efflux is inhibited below 140–150 mV. (2) Activation of H+-K+ exchange leads to depression of ΔpH but not of Δψ. Respiration is only slightly stimulated by the onset of H+-K+ exchange in the absence of valinomycin. These findings indicate that the exchange is electroneutral, and that the Δψ control presumably involves conformational changes of the carrier. (3) Incubation in hypotonic media at pH 7.4 or in isotonic media at alkaline pH results in a marked activation of the rate of H+-K+ exchange, while leaving unaffected the level of Mg2+ depletion. This type of activation results in partial ‘uncoupling’ from the Δψ control, suggesting that membrane stretching and alkaline pH induce conformational changes on the exchange carrier equivalent to those induced by high Δψ. (4) The available evidence suggests that the activity of the H+-K+ exchanger is modulated by the electrical field across the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

采用同源克隆技术分离了西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica)质膜Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因NsSOS1,并对其在不同胁迫条件下的表达特性进行了分析。NsSOS1包含3 516bp开放阅读框(ORF),编码1 171个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为128.34kD。生物信息学分析显示,NsSOS1包含12个跨膜结构域,具有植物SOS1蛋白的保守结构域。系统发育分析表明,NsSOS1与其他植物质膜Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白处于同一个次级分化群,与锦葵科海滨锦葵KvSOS1亲缘关系较近。实时荧光定量RT-PCR分析显示,NsSOS1基因在西伯利亚白刺的根和叶中表达量较高;其表达受到非生物胁迫(NaCl、低温、干旱)和外源激素(MeJA和GA)的诱导,表明NsSOS1基因在西伯利亚白刺抵御逆境胁迫过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Na+/H+ antiporters have a crucial role in pH and Na+ homeostasis in cells. The crystal structure of NhaA, the main antiporter of Escherichia coli, has provided general insights into antiporter mechanisms and revealed a previously unknown structural fold, which has since been identified in several secondary active transporters. This unique structural fold is very delicately electrostatically balanced. Asp133 and Lys 300 have been ascribed essential roles in this balance and, more generally, in the structure and function of the antiporter. In this work, we show the multiple roles of Asp133 in NhaA: (i) The residue's negative charge is critical for the stability of the NhaA structure. (ii) Its main chain is part of the active site. (iii) Its side chain functions as an alkaline-pH-dependent gate, changing the protein's conformation from an inward-facing conformation at acidic pH to an outward-open conformation at alkaline pH, opening the periplasm funnel. On the basis of the experimental data, we propose a tentative mechanism integrating the structural and functional roles of Asp133.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR、RACE方法从超旱生、耐盐植物梭梭中扩增出Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因的开放阅读框架,其核苷酸序列长1 683bp,推测的氨基酸序列全长为560个氨基酸残基。含有多个物种Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因的高度保守序列氨氯砒嗪脒的结合位点(LFFIYLIPPI)。序列一致性分析结果显示,该cDNA片段与同科植物NHX基因的一致性为70%~80%,但与不同科植物的一致性较低,仅为60%,表明该基因在进化上存在多样性,但它们都具有氨氯砒嗪脒结合位点,对Na+具有高度专一性,对植物的耐盐性起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll ab light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

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