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The effect of acclimation temperature on the concentration of the mitochondrial 'uncoupling' protein (Mr 32000) from brown adipose tissue of mice has been investigated. The uncoupling protein was measured by a specific radioimmunoassay. Between 33 degrees C (thermoneutrality) and -2 degrees C there was a progressive increase with decreasing environmental temperature in the amount of uncoupling protein. For mice at -2 degrees C the mitochondrial concentration of the protein was 9-times higher than at 33 degrees C, while the total amount of the protein in interscapular brown adipose tissue was estimated to be nearly 80-times greater at -2 degrees C compared to 33 degrees C.  相似文献   

1. Stimulation of the Escherichia coli ATPase activity by urea and trypsin shows that the ATPase activity both in the membrane-bound and the solubilized form is partly masked.2. A protein, inhibiting the ATPase activity of Escherichia coli, can be isolated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified ATPase. The inhibitor was identified with the smallest of the subunits of E. coli ATPase.3. The molecular weight of the ATPase inhibitor is about 10 000, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and deduced from the amino acid composition.4. The inhibitory action is independent of pH, ionic strength or the presence of Mg2+ or ATP.5. The ATPase inhibitor is heat-stable, insensitive to urea but very sensitive to trypsin degradation.6. The Escherichia coli ATPase inhibitor does not inhibit the mitochondrial or the chloroplast ATPase.  相似文献   

Hybrid membrane particles from two mutants of Escherichia coli K12, Bv4 and KI1, defective in oxidative phosphorylation, have been prepared, in which ATP-driven membrane energization is restored.

A soluble factor of mutant KI1 was found to have properties similar to parental crude coupling factor, ATPase (EC Membrane particles of this mutant could not be reconstituted by parental coupling factor. Either parental coupling factor, or the soluble factor of mutant KI1 could reconstitute both respiration-driven and ATP-driven energization to membrane particles of mutant BV4 or to parental particles depleted of ATPase. Mutant BV4 was found to be devoid of coupling factor activity, while retaining the ability to hydrolyze ATP. Both mutants possess an ATPase with an altered binding to the membrane.

Mutant KI1 is impaired in respiration-driven amino acid transport, in contrast to mutant BV4.

The three major subunits of parental Escherichia coli ATPase have been isolated and antibodies have been prepared against these subunits. Antibodies against the largestsubunit ( component) or against the intact catalytic subunits ( + β components) inhibit both ATP-Pi exchange in the parent organism as well as ATP hydrolytic activity in parent and mutants. Antibodies against the two other subunits (β or γ components) also inhibit these two reactions, but were found to be less effective. Mutant NI44, which lacks ATPase activity, shows no precipitin lines with anti-, anti-β, anti-γ, or anti-( + β) preparations. In contrast, mutants BV4 and KI1, exhibit cross-reactivity with all of the antisera.  相似文献   

Mikhail A. Galkin 《BBA》2006,1757(3):206-214
An unusual effect of temperature on the ATPase activity of E. coli F1Fo ATP synthase has been investigated. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by the isolated enzyme, previously kept on ice, showed a lag phase when measured at 15 °C, but not at 37 °C. A pre-incubation of the enzyme at room temperature for 5 min completely eliminated the lag phase, and resulted in a higher steady-state rate. Similar results were obtained using the isolated enzyme after incorporation into liposomes. The initial rates of ATP-dependent proton translocation, as measured by 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine (ACMA) fluorescence quenching, at 15 °C also varied according to the pre-incubation temperature. The relationship between this temperature-dependent pattern of enzyme activity, termed thermohysteresis, and pre-incubation with other agents was examined. Pre-incubation of membrane vesicles with azide and Mg2+, without exogenous ADP, resulted in almost complete inhibition of the initial rate of ATPase when assayed at 10 °C, but had little effect at 37 °C. Rates of ATP synthesis following this pre-incubation were not affected at any temperature. Azide inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by the isolated enzyme was reduced when an ATP-regenerating system was used. A gradual reactivation of azide-blocked enzyme was slowed down by the presence of phosphate in the reaction medium. The well-known Mg2+ inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was shown to be greatly enhanced at 15 °C relative to at 37 °C. The results suggest that thermohysteresis is a consequence of an inactive form of the enzyme that is stabilized by the binding of inhibitory Mg-ADP.  相似文献   

1. The effects of varying the ambient oxidation/reduction potential on the redox changes of cytochromes c, cytochromes b and P605 induced by a laser flash in chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata Ala Pho+ have been investigated.2. The appearance and attenuation of the changes with varying ambient redox potential show that, of the cytochromes present, cytochromes c with Em7 = 340 mV and 0 mV, and cytochrome b, Em7 = 60 mV were concerned with photosynthetic electron flow.3. The site of action of antimycin was shown to be between cytochrome b60 and a component, as yet unidentified, called Z.4. The appearance or attenuation of laser-induced changes of cytochromes c0 and b60 on redox titration was dependent on pH, but no effect of pH on the cytochrome c340 titration was observed.5. The dependence on ambient redox potential of the laser-induced bleaching at 605 nm enabled identification of the mid-point potentials of the primary electron donor (Em7 = 440 mV) and acceptor (Em7 = ?25 mV).6. The interrelationship of these electron carriers is discussed with respect to the pathway of cyclic electron flow.  相似文献   

A.P. Singh  P.D. Bragg 《BBA》1976,423(3):450-461
The uptake of proline and glutamine by cytochrome-deficient cells of Escherichia coli SASX76 grown aerobically on glucose or anaerobically on pyruvate was stimulated by these two substrates. Pyruvate could not stimulate transport in the glucose-grown cells. Uptake of these amino acids energized by glucose was inhibited by inhibitors of the Ca2+, Mg2+-stimulated ATPase such as DCCD, pyrophosphate, and azide, and by the uncouplers CCCP and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Glycerol (or glycerol 3-phosphate) in the presence of fumarate stimulated the transport of proline and glutamine under anaerobic conditions in cytochrome-deficient cells but not in membrane vesicles prepared from these cells although glycerol 3-phosphate-fumarate oxidoreductase activity could be demonstrated in the vesicle preparation. In contrast, in vesicles prepared from cytochrome-containing cells of E. coli SASX76 amino acid transport was energized under anaerobic conditions by this system. Inhibitors of the Ca2+, Mg2+-activated ATPase and uncoupling agents inhibited the uptake of proline and glutamine in cytochrome-deficient cells dependent on the glycerol-fumarate oxidoreductase system. Ferricyanide could replace fumarate as an electron acceptor to permit transport of phenylalanine in cytochrome-deficient or cytochrome- containing cells under anaerobic conditions. It is concluded that in cytochrome-deficient cells using glucose, pyruvate, or glycerol in the presence of fumarate, transport of both proline and glutamine under anaerobic conditions is energized by ATP through the Ca2+, Mg2+-activated ATPase. In cytochrome-containing cells under anaerobic conditions electron transfer between glycerol and fumarate can also drive transport of these amino acids.  相似文献   

N-Ethylmaleimide (MalNEt) binds covalently and without specificity to accessible sulfhydryl residues in proteins. In some cases specificity has been imposed on this reaction by manipulating reaction conditions, yielding information concerning both enzyme mechanism and the identity of specific proteins (for example C.F. Fox and E.P. Kennedy (1965) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 54, 891–899) and R.E. McCarty and J. Fagan (1973) Biochemistry 12, 1503–1507). We have examined the effects of MalNEt on the active accumulation of nine amino acids by Escherichia coli strains ML 308-225 and DL 54. Whole cells have been used in order that transport systems both dependent on and independent of periplasmic binding proteins could be studied under various conditions of energy supply for transport. Our results suggest that the systems transporting ornithine, phenylalanine and proline are those most likely to undergo inactivation by direct reaction of MalNEt with the transport apparatus, rather than merely via side effects such as interruption of their energy supply. The inhibition of proline transport is specifically enhanced by the presence of proline, competitive inhibitors of proline transport, or carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone during MalNEt treatment. The other eight systems tested showed no analogous effects.  相似文献   

Leon Bae 《BBA》2009,1787(9):1129-177
Previous work has shown that the essential R210 of subunit a in the Escherichia coli ATP synthase can be switched with a conserved glutamine Q252 with retention of a moderate level of function, that a third mutation P204T enhances this function, and that the arginine Q252R can be replaced by lysine without total loss of activity. In this study, the roles of P204T and R210Q were examined. It was concluded that the threonine in P204T is not directly involved in function since its replacement by alanine did not significantly affect growth properties. Similarly, it was concluded that the glutamine in R210Q is not directly involved with function since replacement by glycine results in significantly enhanced function. Not only did the rate of ATP-driven proton translocation increase, but also the sensitivity of ATP hydrolysis to inhibition by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) rose to more than 50%. Finally, mutations at position E219, a residue near the proton pathway, were used to test whether the Arginine-switched mutant uses the normal proton pathway. In a wild type background, the E219K mutant was confirmed to have greater function than the E219Q mutant, as has been shown previously. This same unusual result was observed in the triple mutant background, P204T/R210Q/Q252R, suggesting that the Arginine-switched mutants are using the normal proton pathway from the periplasm.  相似文献   

A method was devised to measure the number of specific substrate binding sites of lactose permease in membrane preparations derived from mechanically disrupted Escherichia coli.The method consists of incubation with radioactive thiodigalactoside (galactosyl β-d-thiogalactoside, TDG) followed by precipitation with 80% saturated (NH4)2SO4 and washing with the same solution.The measurement gave reproducible results, easy to correct for a moderate nonspecific binding, but active transport, when it occurred, resulted in excess counts.The radioactivity bound to the pellet was shown to depend on the presence of intact lac y gene product.Addition of ascorbate and phenazine methosulfate (PMS) stimulated active transport into the membrane vesicles. This could be inhibited by cyanide and by uncoupling agents and under these conditions the number of available binding sites was strongly diminished, while the inhibitors alone did not bring about a similar decrease.The decrease of available substrate binding sites was reversed by removal of oxygen or by washing out the respiratory substrates.The decrease in available binding sites is interpreted as reflecting one of the energy coupling steps which during in vivo active transport prevents the mobile carrier from being available for outflux, but the detailed interpretation of the reported results raises a number of problems connected with the energy cycle of active transport  相似文献   

The fluorescent properties of 9-aminoacridine were studied in chloroplasts and phospholipid liposomes.

In energized chloroplasts it was found that the percentage of fluorescence quenching was dependent on both the 9-aminoacridine concentration and the chlorophyll concentration. On the other hand, it was independent of the osmolarity of the medium.

In phospholipid liposomes the dependence of the fluorescence quenching on the concentration of 9-aminoacridine was similar to that in chloroplasts. Moreover, the fluorescence quenching depended on the presence of charged compounds in the membrane being larger in negatively charged than in positively charged liposomes.

The fluorescence of both the monoamine 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine and the diamine atebrin is quenched more extensively than that of 9-aminoacridine. Although the percentage of fluorescence quenching of both atebrin and 9-aminoacridine is dependent on the outside pH, the relationship between the fluorescence quenching of the two probes under similar conditions is not pH-dependent.

It is concluded that calculation of ΔpH from the percentage of fluorescence quenching of fluorescent amines is not meaningful, that the osmotic volume of chloroplasts is not involved in the quenching process and, consequently, that the interaction between the acridines and energized membranes is more likely to occur at the level of the membrane proper.  相似文献   

A resting cell of Escherichia coli lacking thiamin kinase incorporated external thiamin with an energy-dependent counterflow efflux (C-efflux). This C-efflux could be separated from an energy-dependent exit by a selective inhibition of exit by 2 · 10?2M NaN3. The extracellular thiamin could be replaced by thiamin diphosphate, resulting in the same rate of C-efflux, but the rate of C-efflux of intracellular thiamin diphosphate against the external thiamin was markedly low. This low rate of C-efflux of thiamin diphosphate could explain the higher accumulation of the compound than that of free thiamin in the thiamin-kinase-defective mutant as well as in its wild-type parent. Basic characteristics of free thiamin uptake and exit in E. coli W mutant were compared with those reported in K 12 mutant: a marked difference existed in the rate of exit. The low rate of exit in E. coli W 70-23-102 was inferred as the reason for the absence of an overshoot phenomenon of thiamin uptake in this strain.  相似文献   

Luit Slooten  Christiaan Sybesma 《BBA》1976,449(3):565-580
Preillumination of Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores with strong, far-red light in the presence of phenazine methosulfate under non-phosphorylation conditions results in a selective, irreversible inactivation (typically about 70%) of photophosphorylation and of uncoupler-stimulated dark ATPase. The time course of the photoinactivation is similar to the light-on kinetics of the light-induced proton uptake in the absence of ADP. Only little photoinactivation occurs when the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone is present or when phenazine methosulfate is absent during the preillumination, indicating that the reaction occurs only when the membrane is energized.

Phosphorylation conditions offer a practically complete protection against the photoinactivation. Inorganic phosphate, Mg2+ or ADP do not provide a significant protection against the photoinactivation, nor does ATP. The pH-dependence of the reaction(s) leading to photoinactivation may indicate that a partial reaction of the photophosphorylation process (perhaps only a conformational change of the coupling factor) precedes the photoinactivation.  相似文献   

Plants and fungi possess an outwardly directed plasma membrane proton pump that may regulate intracellular pH. We provide the first demonstration that amoebae of the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum also possess a similar proton pump. It can be assayed either as an ATPase activity in highly purified plasma membranes or as a proton pump, after solubilization and reconstruction into liposomes. The pump is inhibited by vanadate, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and miconazole but not by azide or ouabain. The proton pump described here may represent the target for the action of DES and miconazole, both of which have previously been shown to induce stalk cell formation during the in vitro development of Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

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